Since leftists apparently rather support ISIS than teaming up with Putin or Assad...

Since leftists apparently rather support ISIS than teaming up with Putin or Assad, wouldn't it be the next logical step for them to accept the ISIS caliphate as a souvereign state and doing trade with them?

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leftists support ISIS?

They dont know that the "moderate rebels" are ISIS.

yes they do

I 've never believed there were any moderate rebels

or moderate nazis in ukraine

They support what they're told to support. And the people telling them what to support also happen to fund ISIS.

Isn't it convenient how ISIS gives us an excuse to stay in the Middle East?


Every. Single. Time.

>Guys, we have to trade with them. Contact is the only way to teach them. If we expose them to our common humanity they will stop blowing people up. Plus, if you trade Shlomo can make good money off cheap labor.

>They support what they're told to support.
you're thinking of wingnuts

cia and saudis funded isis, not liberals

Trade would actually destroy ISIS much faster than bombs do. Imagine the jews exploiting the shit out of those poor goat fuckers.

isis is mostly just mercenaries, they'll shoot anyone for a paycheck.

they'd be pro-life republicans if they lived in the us


Syria is a quagmire. There's nobody to support. The only bad guys are ISIS. The rest, just let themselves kill each other, who cares.

But leftists claim Assad and Putin are worse than ISIS.

Nah they don't, I'm actually a moderate lefty. You can't group together a bunch of different people with differing opinions, that's like calling Sup Forums one person.

This is why we should let the Syrian conflict go on forever. How many terrorist attacks have been avoided because the low-hanging fruit is in Syria?

Never interrupt an enemy when he is making a mistake.

it's funny, for decades it was the right that was warning us all to be afraid of the commies.
they left weren't that impressed.
suddenly I see the left yammering on about the evil commie dictator putin and the right are telling them to get over it

The left hates Putin because he's not a commie. The funny thing is that the former communist countries in eastern europe are the only ones which weren't infected with the freudomarxist ideology of white genocide.

they should do this again.I think it would be the 3rd one and the numbers keep slipping for the west

I don't like putin because he's an authoritarian
otherwise he's no different from other right wing leaders

Obama has been in office 8 years M8. They're his responsibility.

Also keep in mind that the Saudi's are a client state of ours. That means they need us more than we need them. They'll do what we say, in many matters.

I don't think you'll ever get open liberal democracies by pointing nukes at them

that trump will stop all these wars?
I don't think they need trump all that much

>than* trump will stop all these wars?

Obama’s Last Stand Against War on Syria

ultimately he didn't get dragged in