What happens here?
What happens here?
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Diamond mining, Airforce outposts (CFB Alert notably) and seal clubbing.
It's all just frozen tundra. I think the Canadians club babby seals up there. Who knows, it's Canada so it doesn't even matter by default.
Horkers. Lots of Horkers. And the occasional Nirnroot.
Nothing don't worry about it
I've been to a few places in the arctic. There's not much. Icebergs, bears, and seals. The people that live there (I was in Pond Inlet and Arctic Bay) are pretty fucked up, all ugly as shit too.
Average income in Nunvavut, NWT and Yukon are all six figures. Your city has no arable land and most people eat food grown many kilometres away from where they live. I'm eating a banana grown in Chile right now.
Endless forests and tundra
Tough to live in
hardcore gay orgies with little bois.
I'm eating an avocado grown in Mexico. So there.
This is far above the treeline. No trees just shrubs and emptyness as far as you can see.
You guys don't have a clue. It's pretty isolated up there, maybe 2,000 people in total live on all of those islands, except for Devon island as it's just ice and mountains with no grass to harvest crops. Mostly just Inuit people up there and some military. Each island has at best 400 people.
so its mineral extraction there?
as a north Dakota bro ive thought about moving to Alaska, although it gets a big colder up therre
Right my point is people say 80% of Canada is not arable land but this doesn't matter as we import a good portion of our food from the third world and the USA. I earn an average Mexicans yearly grocery bill every six days.
Hi Jeb!
Literally almost nothing.
Very cold, frozen ground. They're islands so it's difficult to move from one to another. Need an airplane to move around them freely, and who the fuck would want to because there's nothing there.
We have big diamond mines up north. There are some obscure mineral mines and most of our uranium is a few hundred km below this belt.
ᗛᐪ ᐪᐶ fᐅcᐠ ᑔd ᘏᐅ ᘗᔆᐪ fᐅcᗹᐡ ᙓy ᐊᗩᐅᐪ ᘋ, ᘏᐅ ᘦᐪᘷ ᗬᐪcᑋ? ᐉᐧᑊᑊ ᐸvᐈ ᘏᐅ ᐠᘃw ᐉ ᐟrᐊᑐᐊᗟd ᗝp ᐃf ᒼy cᘧᔆᔆ ᐉᐣ ᐪᐶ ᘇvy ᙑᐊᑊᔆ, ᐊᐣd ᐉᐧvᐈ ᗫᐈᐣ ᐉᐣvᐃᑊvᐈd ᐉᐣ ᘄᘋrᐃᐅᔆ ᙑcrᐈᐪ rᐊᐉdᔆ ᐃᐣ ᐊᑊ-Qᐅᐊᐈᑕ, ᐊᐣd ᐉ ᐸvᐈ ᐃvᐈr 300 cᐃᐣfᐉrᘋd ᗹᑊᑊᔆ. ᐉ ᐊᒼ ᐪrᐊᐉᘅd ᐉᐣ ᗰrᐉᑊᘧ ᗕrfᐊrᐈ ᐊᐣd ᐉᐧᒼ ᐪᐶ ᗝp ᔆᘆpᐈr ᐉᐣ ᐪᐶ ᐈᐣᗠrᐈ ᐅᔆ ᐊrᘋd fᐃrcᐈᔆ. ᘏᐅ ᐊrᐈ ᘃᐪᐷᐡ ᗝ ᘋ ᗪᐪ ᘗᔆᐪ ᐊᘃᐪᐶr ᗡrᗲᐪ. ᐉ ᗔᑊᑊ ᗔpᐈ ᘏᐅ ᐪᐶ fᐅcᐠ ᐃᐅᐪ ᗔᐪᑋ prᐈcᐉᙒᐃᐣ ᐪᐶ ᘦᗸᔆ ᐃf ᗚcᑋ ᐸᔆ ᘅvᐈr ᗫᐈᐣ ᙑᐈᐣ ᗫfᐃrᐈ ᐃᐣ ᐪᐷᔆ ᐈᐊrᐪᑋ, ᘍrᐠ ᒼy fᐅcᗹᐡ ᗑrdᔆ. ᘏᐅ ᐪᐷᐣᐠ ᘏᐅ cᐊᐣ ᗲᐪ ᐊᗕy ᗔᐪᑋ ᙓᘒᐡ ᐪᐸᐪ ᙘᐪ ᗝ ᘋ ᐃvᐈr ᐪᐶ ᐉᐣᗟrᘅᐪ? ᐪᐷᐣᐠ ᐊᗴᐉᐣ, fᐅcᗸr. ᐊᔆ ᗓ ᔆpᐈᐊᐠ ᐉ ᐊᒼ cᐃᐣᗡcᗠᐡ ᒼy ᙑcrᐈᐪ ᘅᐪᗑrᐠ ᐃf ᔆpᐉᐈᔆ Cᐃrpᔆ ᐊᐣd ᐉ ᗔᑊᑊ ᐅᙑ ᐉᐪ ᗝ ᐉᐪᔆ fᐅᑊᑊ ᐈxᗟᐣᐪ ᗝ ᗔpᐈ ᘏᐅr ᘌᙑrᐊᗮᘥ ᐊᔆᔆ ᐃff ᐪᐶ fᐊcᐈ ᐃf ᐪᐶ cᐃᐣᗠᘅᐣᐪ, ᘏᐅ ᘦᐪᘷ ᙘᐪ. ᐉf ᐃᐣᑊy ᘏᐅ cᐃᐅᑊd ᐸvᐈ ᐠᘃwᐣ ᗛᐪ ᐅᐣᐱᑊy rᐈᐪrᐉᗪᗠᐃᐣ ᘏᐅr ᘦᐪᘷ “cᘥvᐈr” cᐃᒼᘋᐣᐪ ᗕᔆ ᐊᗩᐅᐪ ᗝ ᗮrᐉᐡ ᑎwᐣ ᐅpᐃᐣ ᘏᐅ, ᘍyᗫ ᘏᐅ ᗑᐅᑊd ᐸvᐈ ᐶᑊd ᘏᐅr fᐅcᗹᐡ ᗝᐡᐅᐈ. ᗪᐪ ᘏᐅ cᐃᐅᑊdᐣᐧᐪ, ᘏᐅ ᑔdᐣᐧᐪ, ᐊᐣd ᘃw ᘏᐅᐧrᐈ pᐊᘒᐡ ᐪᐶ prᐉcᐈ, ᘏᐅ ᗰdᑕᒼᐣ ᐉᑔᐃᐪ. ᐉ ᗔᑊᑊ ᙘᐪ fᐅry ᐊᑊᑊ ᐃvᐈr ᘏᐅ ᐊᐣd ᘏᐅ ᗔᑊᑊ drᐃwᐣ ᐉᐣ ᐉᐪ. ᘏᐅᐧrᐈ fᐅcᗹᐡ ᑓᐊd, ᗹdᑎ.
Don't fucking worry about it man.
I wanna go there to find my uncorrupted waifu
Ayy lmao.
It's either phd scientists, military, or ugly brown leatherskinned snow abos.
They are still a fucking leaf
The largest uninterrupted vertical rock on earth
Nothing, there are literally no roads or railways that lead there, everything has to be either air lifter or transported by sea once every year.
Having a high average income means nothing when everything is so goddamn expensive. Pic related.
It's from a mock website. Google the picture. Nobody buys bottled water in the north.
How come?
It's the location of much of the nuclear early warning system, as well as the location of the base that intercepts the near totality of all global radio broadcasts, which is then sent to Ottawa, Langley, London, Canberra and Wellington.
Come home paleface
The income isn't that high, government workers are just heavily subsidized because living in that place is literally torture.
because their wages haven't been lowered by mexican immigration
it's like the northrend of this world. shit ton of bears and wildlife and some tundras and shieeet
shut the fuck up dipshit this is the richest community by far in the area
Supply and demand. Truckers make $60/hr in the Yukon.
my waifu
That city is almost 1000km away from this picture.
ships disappear
How do we know for sure that there isn't a vast Russian army being staged there?
So the (((Lich King))) lives up there?
Maybe he's the one pulling the strings.
that is the richest town in all of Yukon territory
That's in the fucking yukon. Using that as an argument is like using the price of gas in montana as an argument about new mexico,
Not even remotely close.
7/8 of these communities have six figure average incomes. Yukon is our poorest territory look at NWT (diamond mining) and Nunavut.
Cancucks are so cute when they try to justify their existance
Dumping more expensive Canadian food
Why did canadians make up a ayy lmao sign language for their inuits instead of learning them Latin like we did?
You literally picked the poorest city in the north and the one furthest away from this island belt. Even still it's far richer than the USA.
So what? The better the orgy, the more public.
61% of Americans work and of the Americans that do work more than half make less than $30k/yr.
looks like perfect place for refugees
what is stopping them from buying a shit ton of beans and rice in the south and hoarding ice bux for a few years and moving out of that shit hole?
Omfg if only Native women were this attractive looking and wanted me. :'(
unprepared white people go there to die while the natives point and laugh
Intelligence mostly.
bringing it back. You have very restrictive weight capacities when you get on tiny planes no bigger than a rollercoaster car
>Intelligence mostly
We do not pay 13 dollars for a slab of watermelon. The dollar is at its most valuable as of now; furthermore we're the most stable currency which makes it that more valuable.
It's where all the snow niggers hide
>ywn serve the One True King
just kill me already senpai
You're forgetting that most people in these areas live in work camps or on native reserves. We don't even know if these pictures are..
a) real
or b) some rickety native owned corner store outside a military base
Any way I can sail there and build a small house to leave alone for the rest of my days?
I guess no one would search for illegal immigrants there, right folks?
that is household income with a liter of eskipoors in an igloo all combining their seal clubbing Canadian monopoly money
individuals make 60K a year which sucks gigantic cock when you look at the price of goods and living conditions
Meanwhile civilized cucknadians are sucking on every brown or black or any colored cock down in the civilized cucknadian lands
Supply and demand. If you're tired of camp food there is someone willing to sell you the good stuff, for a price. It's the same reason packs of smokes go for $30 in the oil camps.
Natives are dumb as shit. They lack the foresight to be able to plan ahead long enough to move out of there.
>Diamond mining
As someone who lives in Yellowknife, 400km north of here is basically where the majority of the mining is. Once you go further, there's not much more. There are no industrial suppliers in Nunavut.
Those islands are basically barren minus a military presence. Those people are either hunting and trapping and travelling literally by dogsled or paying 30 bucks for a pack of smokes or a bag of fruit. Having lived in Rankin Inlet it is not a good place to be.
Does Amazon do two day delivery?
The majority working in this area work in camps obviously. Look at the provincial numbers. More than 2x the USA and almost 3x in NWT.
The pictures are real, unless multiple canadian news sites reporting the food protests in Nunavut are all lying.
You can do this in Northern Ontario or Quebec even. Sudbury is where all the Quebec french criminals go to hide out in the bush.
Three things, its where leafs get their sand oil, syrup rains from the heavens and hockey superstars just pop out of the ground
Oh okay, I gotcha. I thought you meant like white people who work up there.
I already said it's the same reason packs of smokes go for $30 in the oil camps. Supply and demand. If you're tired of camp food there is someone willing to sell you the good stuff, for a price.
Google the image you posted it's from a Quebec work camp.
It would probably be easier to just pretend you're gay and get in as a refugee.
No, Cambridge Bay, one of the bigger Nunavut settlements only has 2 companies that fly planes to them,
It would cost hundreds of dollars to have an amazon package shipped to you, if at all.
>Truckers make $60/hr
They make more than that in the oil camps.
looks comfy
Nearly none of that land is livable. thats why they call it Nunavut
Is that why you Cancucks raid our superior milk supply?
you would be buttfucked by heating costs pale face
We have the wealthiest middle class in the world and have had this since the early 2000's. Largely thanks to shit good paying jobs like these.
All the images I posted are from the 2012 Nunavut food price protests.
We have supply management for dairy and eggs. We also don't have 15,000,000 illegal immigrants and when I worked on a farm as a kid I made $15/hr. 10 years ago.
because they realize that bagged milk is for commies.
>these shitholes are actually growing
Why is demand so high?
all of them are pajeets that waste milk giving to their elephant god
You posted pictures from one store. We don't have price caps in Canada if someone wants to sell a slab of watermelon to a camp rat that makes twice the average American wage in just four months then so be it. As I said before the overwhelming majority of the people in these areas live in work camps, on a reserve, or in a military camp. This is the same reason a pack of smoke is $30 in an oil camp or $100 in some prisons. Supply and demand faggot.
>Only Standard shipping is available when the shipping address is a remote location. Please allow an additional 2-5 days for delivery to these locations.
Nope, life is hell. In order to get something shipped here next day, from Edmonton, we need to use a local air transport company called Buffalo Air.
Don't even get me fucking STARTED on internet. Northwestel is a garbage fucking company, but we don't have the people up here to justify implementing better infrastructure. Half the fucking city doesn't even have DSL, my house still has cable internet. And this is the biggest population centre in the north by a long shot, aside from Whitehorse. Everywhere else is even worse.