European and European descended peoples' unity thread: No pan-European nationalist cucks allowed

European and European descended peoples' unity thread: No pan-European nationalist cucks allowed

Reminder to ignore and sage all
>x European people aren't "white"
>are x white?
>post containing: nordcucks, cucks skins, olive niggers, moorish rape babies, turkish rape babies, etc
These are all active attempts to divide Europeans and European descended people and cause infighting on this board, just like the recent surge of "civic nationalists".

Other urls found in this thread:

Hello my fellow white friends. What white activity shall we partake on this fine morning?

If you're at least over 90% European DNA you're welcome to partake. If you're not then I'd move along if I were you.

>tfw no country for white men

Send help

>European descent
Pick one pls

>Be New Yorker
>Europeans move to your village
>Europeans act like condescending pricks
>Reek of cigarettes
>Can't understand a word that comes out of their chickenshit mouth

Tell me why Non-Anglo Europeans are worth my time

99.7% European and 96% North Western European. Go ahead and meme though.

Most Americucks have 100% Euro DNA. The ones who have been here for >5 generations may have like 1-3% nonwhite genes - usually Native or black if their ancestors were slave owners. But very rarely is this actually the case.

Americucks that are non-hispanic white that is. Obviously the 40% that aren't white don't have as much European blood in them, then again I don't consider people who aren't white to really be Americans since this country was founded as a European colony and as a white European nation for free born whites of good character.

>founded as a European colony and as a white European nation for free born whites of good character.
This is why I consider myself ethnically American

I assumed this was already implied. But you're right, America has always been a white country with a black and native minority living separately in their designated zones.

[citation needed]
Given that America has been a multiracial country for centuries the burden of proof lies on you to demonstrate that the African admixture in the "white" population of the US is negligible.

Same. We may be a "melting pot" but a melting pot of WHITE EUROPEANS, and for most of our history North Western European whites. Anything else and you're not an American, you're just the occupants of this country.
>inb4 hurr radix
Everything is cited in the article, I'm too lazy to pull it up individually.

The black minority was outdated farm equipment bought by a wealthy elite from Jewish slave traders in order to devalue white physical labor. We never benefited from slavery. we were victims of it as much as blacks were. As for natives, that's it's own thing but they're such a tiny minority (and have been really since independence) that they're hardly worth mentioning.

>shitposts not allowed
>first reply by OP is a literal shitpost
Calm down

>The melting pot meme
Don't even give it credibility; it's a tool used by Leftists to guilt us into accepting non-Westerners. Best approach is to reject it along with hyphenism.

I have slave-owning ancestors from Virginia; I'm 99% White American 1% West African. Pretty negligible if you ask me

>Don't even give it credibility; it's a tool used by Leftists to guilt us into accepting non-Westerners. Best approach is to reject it along with hyphenism.
Yeah I know, it was tongue in cheek. Not just by
But by
Thank you (((Israel Zangwill)))






I wonder if those threads which laugh at the problems of other countries are by divide and conquer shills too. I for one don't find it amusing when I see bad things happen in countries such as Germany or Sweden.


In light of the fact that Nords consider us "niggers", I have decided to ally with the mediterraneans against them.

t. brown eyed anglo man


Same. The only time I meme is if someone says something that goes with a meme, like if a Swedish flag says something like
>lol race doesn't matter it's culture
Or whatever. Otherwise I just get angry or disgusted. I mean there's a level of banter and then there's divide and conquer kikery

Die in a fire

Absolutely, in a way I kind of hope it is shills who mainly post those kinds of things instead of genuine people. It would be a shame if people unironically enjoy the fall of their fellow white countries.

>Anythng to do with Europe

failed project

Don't fall for their tactics, Sup Forums
The European man wants to destroy us!

If America and white American interests were secured I'd go over and fight for the sovereignty and preservation of pretty much any European nation and people in a heart beat. The only exception is Portugal.

>such a failed project that even before WWII it rivaled all the European powers

Dat Tom Cruise


How can the hair look decent but everything else about the image on the right look like shit?

>sweden calling others non-white


strong but dumb... thats not european style




>Slovakia calling anyone else dumb
Wew. Stop the divide and conquer bullshit

Who is this Finnish qt?



>brown hair
>hazel eyes

Am I allowed in here?

you are not european

>it's evening in EVROPA
Impostor spotted.

Tim Wise isn't crypto, "Wise" is just "Weiss"but Anglicized. L2 Ellis Island

I am Darius, the great king, the king of kings
The king of many countries and many people
The king of this expansive land,
The son of Wishtaspa of Achaemenid,
Persian, the son of a Persian,
'Aryan', from the Aryan race
"From the Darius the Great's Inscription in Naqshe-e-Rostam"

I'm the desendent of Europeans who moved to a cultural, ethnically, and religiously European colony. Is Russia not European because most of it is outside of Europe?


You mean the asian girl? Tzuyu.

>Asian girl
Yeah, the Finn



the sun never sets on the swiss empire



Are we honorary Europeans? Or are we too much of a mutt to be one?

White Nationalism is an American Concept to erode Ethnic Culture and Ethnic races.

Don't buy the "we all white". Remember that America was Anglo-Saxon up until the 1890s and even the 1950s in most parts that weren't invaded by other whites. Now America is only 7% Anglo-Saxon, White Nationalism is only there to allow shit tier whites into great countries.

White Nationalism Is a form of Globalisation. The only true Nationalism is ethnic nationalism.

Americans reject Ethnic Nationalism because it reminds them how they genocided their own people and invaded in hoards.



This guy gets it. Fuck off you mutt amerishits, you invented the term ''white'' because you are unable to process the many ethnicities of Europe.

Also read the fucking OP
>European and European descended peoples' unity thread: No pan-European nationalist cucks allowed
> No pan-European nationalist cucks allowed
Just because we agree to work together doesn't mean we intend to erase national sovereignty and ethnic culture

I know.

I try to explain to American that Nationalism in Europe is not white Nationalism, it is ethjic Nationalism.

I.e. Britain for the British Only.

I love whites ao long as they stay in their own country and do their own thing l. Being "White" doesn't give you the right to come to my country.

Why do we need to work together? I don't care what your country does. Just because you're a mixed country doesn't mean I have to help you. My country is English and that's all I care about.

>That pic
Ironic how you post that pic. Hitler wasn't a white Nationalist, he was an Ethnic Nationalist (Germany for the Germans only). If you read Mein Kampf you'd know how he talks about his harred for foreign races, he then states the foreign races are other white countries that aren't German.

Real one

>I try to explain to American that Nationalism in Europe is not white Nationalism, it is ethjic Nationalism.
You realize we understand that, right? You're intentionally confusing the issue in order to make your point and "win" the argument. I'm all for ethnic nationalism, it's just that you do have this broader spectrum of Europe and European descended people that you are better off working with than against. I'm not suggesting you flood your countries with non-British, I'm saying that the best bet for ethnic nationalism in Britain in the current year is to also be support of ethnic nationalism in other European countries and her former colonies. I don't understand why you faggots have a problem computing this.
>I love whites ao long as they stay in their own country and do their own thing l. Being "White" doesn't give you the right to come to my country.
And again if you read the OP like I told you to you stupid inbred fuck you'd realize I'm not advocating, and neither is anyone else, for what you're trying to strawman in.
>Why do we need to work together? I don't care what your country does. Just because you're a mixed country doesn't mean I have to help you. My country is English and that's all I care about.
If you think you're going to get rid of millions of non-British on your own you're delusional.
>Ironic how you post that pic. Hitler wasn't a white Nationalist, he was an Ethnic Nationalist (Germany for the Germans only). If you read Mein Kampf you'd know how he talks about his harred for foreign races, he then states the foreign races are other white countries that aren't German.
But user, that pic has little to do with Hitler. Also you're largely wrong about Hitler. Obviously he was a German ethnic nationalist and not a pan-European nationalist but that doesn't mean that he had a "hatred for foreign races" he had a hatred for them when they were in his country. He wrote quite a bit about his time in Vienna like that.


>Americans invented the term ''white''
No, I'm pretty sure Jews did that, in Europe, before there was even an "America"

The term originated in Europe, in countries with the first colonies. Spain had the first example of the modern usage, followed by Britain.


My word, look at all those women and children.

t. Jew

>not posting the real one

That's noice

It's so sad, right? They're just fleeing from danger and need our help!

Hiw do you care about ethnic Nationalism when your Countries only true ethnciity has been ethnically cleansed by other whites?

If you read Mein Kampf you know he speaks of his hatred of Slavs and does not once say he "hates other non-Germans but only when they're in Germany/Austria". He speaks of Multiculturalism being wrong, that is any form of non-Germans mixing with Germans. Also, he clearly states how he hates the non-Germans. I'm looking up my quotes if have Highligted.

What's wrong with civic nationalism? You do know ethnic nationalism has been the source of a shit ton of civil wars, right?

>Reminder to ignore and sage all:
That's not how sage works, it's not a downvote


>Civic Nationalism

Almost as bad as White Nationalsim. And also another form of Nationalism pushed by the Yanks.

>Muh Negroes are American just as much as an anglo-Saxon

Yes, Newfag. It means when you comment in the thread to inform orf rule breaking or call out the shit post, to sage so you don't bump.

>germs move in and claim it's germ land now
that's ok

>muslims move in and claim it's muslim land now


Saging posts that violate the rules, since those posts aren't meant to be conducive to discussion and are meant as bait is literally the point

>Mooslems are just as british as we are

>id: 0yy
Woah what

>only other ethnicity
You cant be talking about the featherheads, can you? Thats just silly
Or the, "anglo america?"

Spotted the Achmed

America was founded by Anglo-Saxons, your Culture is Anglo-Saxon, your language is Anglo-Saxon. Anglo-Saxoms are the createors and only true ethnicity of America.

Germans and Irish only moved much later, there was some but they were an extreme minority. In history books America refers to itself as Anglo-American up until around the 1880s whem they started being ethnically cleansed by Irish and Germans on aassive scale.

>much later

Get over here bros, I love every single one of you, yes even you Sweden

>It's another 'swarthy southern european spicniggers and their ''''''''white'''''''' american descendants are once again buttmad about being subhuman shitskins' thread
oh well

Get out colony nigger.


Much, much later.

Germans were non existent basically up until a great deal later, even the ones that came at the Start adopted the Anglo Culture.

Tell me of all the Great German Forefathers and Great German names of the early America? Face it, America is Anglo and Irish And Germans ruined it.

>Face it, America is Anglo and Irish And Germans ruined it.
>mfw my last name is Irish as fuck and most of my ancestors were Irish and German
>I look indistinguishable from your average Anglo except I have better teeth.

I'm immune to love from this board. The countless cuck posting has made me weary. I think it's about time for send off. Dags att ta fram repet.

>tfw just got my 23andme results
What do I do now?

you have to go back