Post images of liberals virtue signalling each other.
The most ridiculous, the better.
Post images of liberals virtue signalling each other.
The most ridiculous, the better.
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is she talking about herself or the person behind her? what is a consent educator?
I don't get this. Why do they take pics of them holding signs ? Why not just type as a caption or whatever?
They're abusing visual imagery which suggests they're victims of silencing.
Got a whopper for ya, straight from the Database Of Things That Definitely Happened.
big foreheads
I need feminism because it is magic and can overcome logic.
>Why not just type as a caption or whatever?
Every whore can take a picture of herself but very few can add text to an image.
We need a better meme word than virtue signaling
Like cuck works well for passive white numales
What the fuck is a consent educator?
The fact that you have to ask that question is why we need more consent educators.
>literal meaning of the word vulnerability is weakness
>nope, dictionaries are oppressive
They are not smart enough for that.
wtf, have literally had sex with this girl, about eight years ago at college
lol what's the story behind this one
Kek, this is fairly accurate though, apparently accurate statements are bad.
I didn't give my consent for that you fucking bigot.
Just call em a cunt
valid point to be honest with you my close family.
That wonderful semen demon Allison Brie in a scene from that show she was on.
>a person that is inadequate in certain sexual characteristics has difficulty being categorized as ideal
Hmm...really fires my neurons.
- t. user
>you're better off with the don senora dark retard factory.
Honestly how can Trump even say words. I am so triggered by every single thing he has ever said ever, worse than murdering 12 million jews to be perfectly honest
That's the famous actor from "Community" tv series, so that's probably from an episode of it.
Not wrong.
You're biologically failing if you consider a woman without child bearing hips and a decent pair of tits as a 10.
>that pic
Not a problem!
She clearly ate all the children's food. Somebody stop this thieving nigger. She steals from cripples.
That wasn't sex Carl, it was rape. Did you ask permission before you kiss me? Did you ask permission before you made me penetrate your anus with a silicone dildo? The statute of limitations is 10 years. I didn't forget, Carl.
Kek. Much better.
I actually prefer small breasts. Wide hips are great, but small breasts > big breasts.
How bad does her vagina smell?
Oy vey! You shouldn't joke about the 18 million Jews murdered by Trump!
user was so bad in the sack he made a feminist.
why does she care
shes a 6 at best
fucking liberals need to stop with the jealousy
>so delusional she thinks anyone would want to go near her
Not even a group of angry refugees would rape her on new year's eve.
Would she call a dude with a 4in dick a 10 when she is shambling around with her roastie friends on a friday night?
this thread has lots of potential
it was consensual at the time...i wonder if she tells it now as a story about the time her life was over and she felt so violated and she didn't want her body anymore and she collapsed in the shower and cried and cried
I'm not saying they can't be small.
Just that a flat chest is abhorrent and you might as well be a pedo
Don't always trust the warranty on the box
Hey don't make jokes shitlord. On November 9th I was at Walmart and a Trump supporter walked up to me and ripped off my sandnigger towel and raped me inside Walmart while white males gangraped me. It's trumps fault I was gangraped in Walmart.
as if we weren't 100% aware she's a money-worshipping whore, her wall art made is abundantly clear
half right...was terrible sex, but she was a feminist then too
lol I always got a kick out of this
8 yr olds are parroting the stuff their parents say to them; oh wow how insightful, children are so innocent and above all the petty stuff that led people to vote for a sexist, racist, facsist demagogue like trump!
why is it always eight?
normal desu
was never the unhygienic type of feminist
Don't want to die?
Roll yourself to the sidewalk.
I love how there are four different answers to Ann's question and each one is different and valid.
So this is basically your fault.
>my sandnigger towel
You Muslim anti-semite mashugana! We all remember how your people killed 24 million Jews while opposing the peaceful creation of Israel.
I'm actually Trump, I ordered the gangrape and was just wearing a White Male suit to fool you into thinking I wasn't present
This one always gets me
>omg my trip to London was amazing
A bunch of selfies and Maybe 1 or 2 shots of them posing cute at a landmark followed by selfies
Both of these are true, but Trump didn't say it was "impossible" just "hard" for someone with small tits to be a 10
but for me personally, I prefer A cup tits. A 10 for me is someone with small tits, almost flat chest. How many women out there can say the same in regards to a small penis? In fact, get into an argument that gets heated enough, and that's exactly what a women or white knight will insult, is your "small" penis even if it's not that small. Not surprising considering how hypocritical women and liberals are. How many women can honestly say their perfect 10 could have an average penis, let alone a small one?
They can't. Because women are vile vain creatures while men are actually the ones with loving hearts.
t. man with small penis (4.5inch)
Saw comments on the one time I decided to go to r/Sup Forums where everybody talked about how Donald Trump was an evil guy for wanting to build a wall, and how enforcing the border was "never going to happen" due to it being "unethical" and going against human rights. They kept forcefully using the word "fag" in all their sentences in a way to emulate "those wacky 4channers" and would down vote all dissenting comments to oblivion, making fruitful debates impossible.
I wasn't prepared for how cucked reddit truly was.
This one is just plain selfish.
Highly doubt that
This shit, how can you even make statements like this
You should try /r/srs. It's so ridiculous that it's hard to say what's real and what's just some Sup Forumsack trolling.
Same applies to dick size
what the fuck is she talking about?
I'm never going back to that crypto-communist website, but thanks for the suggestion.
i hope she gets raped
Who would have fucked Sally Cohn and why would that ever have been a good idea?
>roll her over
>I wasn't looking, officer
Who has the one where Donal Trumps name is removed and it just says "Bimbo".
>when you have no marketable skills so you invent something so you can "teach" people about it
fucking hell, it's brilliant
Because SJW's are terrible liars?
Bet that nigger swings a baby carrot. He'd be showing it otherwise.
What's Tyrone trying to tell us?
That quote can't be right.
Fucked up spelling. This is the real quote.
>don't roll her over
>"OMG did you just look at me? RAAAAAPEEEEE!!!!!!"
>roll her over
>she rolls over
I am triggered by this. Please respect my pronouns by calling me God from now on.
My 8 year old sister asked me today "what rough beast slouches toward Washington to be born?"
>We need a better meme word than virtue signaling
No, we don't, you cuck.
What? The? Fuck?
sexual preferences are sexist I agree.
How did everything go so right
My 8 year old hasn't said shit. She watches Netflix and plays minecraft on ps4. Her parents and grandparents are conservative college educated. Only liberals can be this much of a pussy. Rock on Snowflakes!
But, hillary called bill's accusers "bimbos."
The reality is that its impossible to be a 10 and be flat chested. He is being nice and just saying "its hard". Trump has a heart of gold. Always spreading hope.