You can only post in this thread if your country has nukes
You can only post in this thread if your country has nukes
Nukelets BTFO
kek, this is a joke, right?
putem sa trimitem cateva in Ungaria?
No. there has been a massive coverup from us and america not to angry russia but it's true.
But user, nukes are a hoax
Watch your mouth fatass if you don't wanna taste some bombs!
Memeing or real? We really have them
Taci in pula mea de fatalau
>Americans place their nukes in Gypsyland
>mongol angry we could turn them into ash
Tell me about it
>nervous laughter
Get ready to get nuked in your hairy ass fagg
Yea if you're not Russian or American you stand no chance in a nuclear war.
Hai sa le tinem cativa ani pentru cateva miliarde bune de verzisori pe an, cum luau gandacii.
Dar dupa cum ne stim, o sa o facem moca.
Thanks for the nukes man
They aren't yours though, gypsy
Now they are fat lard
Cannot confirm nor deny.
What's with that fucking elephant?
Your mother in a costume
compensating for something gypsie?
Well africans have bigger dicks yeah
Trumplandia reporting in
>muh dick
That penis size is from all the blacks in your country.
>Gypsies showing off American nuclear gibs they don't even own.
You deserve it. Think of it as an early Christmas present from Papa America.
I can't wait until some gyspy tries to steal some nukes thinking they are made of copper and then blows half Romania up. Would be top kek
Niggers have the biggest dicks. What's you point, Akhmed?
>implying you're not too poor to own anythinf
i actually laffed
lasa asta, ia zi cu cat se vinde materialu din care este facute rachetele astea, mancatas familia ta de elefant atomic? are fer? huraniu' ala cu cat se vinde bos?
micro dicks beliving in the BBC myth
gtfothere are aroudn 7 nigger pornstars that are in all BC movies and they all have scar tissue'ed dicks because of the sicklecell anemia, that sickness only niggers have
Duten pula mea de tigan borat prost tata o zis ca tigani is prosti si au culoarea ca cacatu ala
Dude, you're not from the right country to joke about poverty
Yep but we were shit. Complete shit. And from eating ground we became to have nukes and power! You on the other hand, were an empire...and now you only grow smaller and poorer!
It's not about porn you stupid roach. Check the stats.
Eat shit jamal
whats with the jew star on your post
> 7 nigger pornstars that are in all BC movies and they all have scar tissue'ed dicks because of the sicklecell anemia, that sickness only niggers have
Wow, you really know a lot about nigger dicks.
you get for curbstomping a romanian gypsie like OP for example
Gypsies are gypsies everywhere in europe, copper is in their genes.
>we have nukes
From that article:
>“It’s not easy to move 20+ nukes,” said the source, on conditions of anonymity.
Dude, a couple of dozens of someone else's nukes =/= nukes and power.
Don't be jelly fagg if you're not gay we will not hurt you
This thread is a joke, don't know why russians take is so seriously. Do you actually feel threatened ?
Turkey is just not safe anymore. Let's move them to Romania. Kekus Maximus
America knows whats up
Safer than Deutschstan
Guess you could say Turkey got gypped
I will nuke your mom in the ass
Not really, we know the reason is Erdogan being a dick, but we also know why did Americans need to place their nukes in Europe in the first place.
Hello Romania how are you
Best Korea show yourself!
I already nuked yours in the pussy:)))
Good and you?
Romania > Western Europe
Das rite
I Am well, also those are our nukes in your country, not yours.
Russia doesn't have nukes
Does nuclear radioactive people count...
Now they are ours
Only if you can explode
*teleports behind you*
Ok but don't do anything too drastic like start a nuclear holocaust
Rare and very hidden nuclear power in the thread. Ask your answers
No Hans. I'm pretty well endowed, not even close to that map created by a Bulgarian faggot - and I'm in my 40s.
Still, I could never fuck those ham beasts you call mothers and sisters. I had to work with plenty of natives from the New Turkistan, and all of them were spineless cucks afraid of their own shadow.
I'm looking forward to see niggers raping your women on the streets on New Years Eve and you coming to Sup Forums to cry
At least you got that half-right. BBC is a myth. The map you just posted is just a weird study based on self-reported data, on top of which the said Bulgarian faggot took the liberty to move few points around.
Why aren't we nuking Turkey right this minute?
Bunicule ce dracu faci aici
Hi grandpa
Bullshit, there's no internet in Uzbekistan.
>stupid spic can't read there has been a massive cover up
We got as many nukes as Romania backed up by just as many correct articles
So I guess we can post :3
Our nukes are more sophisticated than the commie ones
We need proof.
>The option to continue development of weapons was abandoned in 1966, and Sweden's subsequent signing of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1968 began the wind-down of the program, which finally concluded in 1972.
I'm sure you have bombs with arab dick in them tho!
Uzbek from Belgium
How is it in Uzbekistan?
Do you want me to take our nukes back?
Not bad. Really? Are you a refugee or smth?