Why do the young people today drink the monster energies?
Why do the young people today drink the monster energies?
Good question
Pls be my xD so random gf
Incredibly effective advertising campaigns to impressionable minds.
Kind of like al the propoganda on Sup Forums that's making them all into trannies
Everything about that picture, from her choice of liquid jew poison to her hair to the stupid fucking face she's pulling, just screams attack it with fire... lots and lots of fucking cleansing fire. Just start over
>second post with monster in the catalog
Nice try shill
It works.
I don't if it helps OP. I'm really sensitive to caffeine, hate the taste, and after maybe 20 mins of being hyper just get irritable and sometimes headaches. I avoid all energy drinks.
(((Good marketing)))
Used to drink a lot of it. Energy drinks are seriously bad for you. Either stick to coffee or just don't take caffeine
When have you ever seen advertising for Monster energy?
I like the taste. Although I haven't drank in years cuz both bad for you and not worth the shekels.
its healthy for you
(((clasped hands)))
because its basically soda but isnt associated with fat fucks
Because Battery isn't cool and hip anymore.
shit makes me sleepy
Free estrogen treatments to help thier MtF transition.
Because coffee is for faggots who have time to drink scalding hot mud water.
I do it
its because it feels good and gives energy
The lipstick is the line for me. Is this part of the anti-coffee campaign thats been sweeping the pages of Sup Forums?
Nos is better... unfortunately Monster is owned by jews.. and Monster bought Nos...
>how you know you failed as a parent, exhibit A
Most rock concerts, extreme sports venues, places with high amounts of teenagers...
I do.
They are tasty as fuck and helps me when i'm studying or playing a game where i need to focus.
I pick the blue btw the other ones have to much fucking sugar.
Why do women do this to their hair ?
I'm more of a nos, guy. My main problem is that i go to work at 4am and dunkin isn't open yet, and gas station coffee is poop, otherwise I'd drink coffee.
Yes I realize energy drinks are quite bad for me health.
>What is tea
I actually like the taste of Monster "Doctor".
Dont drink it verry often. Usually as a treat from time to time and not because its an energy drink.
I got coffee for that
Sup Forums onlu consumes the finest red pilled energy drink RockStar
That's the 1000mg of taurine in it that kicks in after a few hours. Try taking that same dose by itself; someone could tell you that Trump crashed his car into your dog and both were killed instantly but you'd be too comfy to give a fuck
Because I work 8 hours a day and lift when I come home.
Give me an alternative, faggot.
The combination of sugar and caffeine is really addictive. The mix is also mildly psychoactive. It also causes a hard crash that can only be curbed by more caffeine and sugar. People also think its trendy, like a can of brown sugar juice with stimulants is an accessory.
I think thats only you user
Tea is the overall preference here
>all these plebs who don't drink monster
ex drank bout 4-6 energy drinks per day from age 14 to cca 20 and now she cant since she has liver problems etc. all things in moderation.
Because they are either too stupid to know how to brew a good cup of black coffee, too used to sugar to enjoy a cup of black coffee, or think that nasty ass starbucks burnt shit coffee is the gold standard for black coffee.
In regards to caffeine, energy drinks still fall behind the standard cup of joe by a massive amount.
y do u fags care? go out of the basement and find out, there;s a RAINBOW of possibility, seriously who sees a girl and wants to show her to a Trump/Tranny board
A plant with high amounts of fluoride in it.
Stop drinking the chinky jew
I have no clue what that is.
They used to have teams of people outside my old apartment at least ever couple weeks. I did live in a commercial area with lots of college kids and yuppies. Too bad the niggers drove me out.
Because they nigger lovers
i dont think i would give a fuck even without the taurine overdose
>mud water
you are not doing it right, cletus.
>4-6 a day
Holy fuck. I can hardly drink one without feeling weird from all the caffeine, even during a really busy work day.
God, how I envy you. If I could get happy feelings like that from a simple energy drink, life would be wonderful. Unfortunately it would take a decent amount of heroin for me to feel that way, so I just wake up and hate everything instead.
I drink an energy drink anywhere from 0-3 times per month. I get them because I enjoy having a treat every once in a while. I drink coffee almost every day because the routine of getting out of bed to start my coffee and wake up reading shit threads like this helps keep my sleeping schedule on track which is great for staying healthy and mentally stable. That being said I don't always make coffee or have time so I'll occasionally pick up a monster while I'm getting gas, again just as a little treat which helps keep my routine interesting and also to prevent any caffeine headache I might get, which only happens if I don't have caffeine for about 2-3 days.
Monster is ass. Red Bull or nothing.
Natural hair color will always be the most attractive and does not ruin your hair with chemicals, i told my girlfriend the same thing, if you have anger issues i suggest you get out more.
I will only mix Monster with cheap vodka.
Marketing, availability, sugar addiction.
jup.. i aint shitposting. there were days she drank even more or she had that syrup taurine shit that she mixed with water.. potent stuff. tho she didnt drink it for energy but just the taste. like said before it fuckedup her liver and other stuff. in all fairness she was one of them snowboarder/vans/shaun white admirers in other words typical skater/snowboarder teenager.
At first I did it to be c00l but I've developed a liking for them so I drink them for the flavor
Why not just quit caffeine all together?
I can wake up early in the morning no problem and feel awake only a few minutes after getting out of bed
Back when I was into coffee I had bad sleeping schedules and was always dreadful in the morning
Tried two or three flavors... it doesn't taste good at all, way too much of sugar. I have since then convinced my little brother and his friends to stop drinking these shit drinks.
They just don't understand that they are drinking Moloch's blood.
wtf i love energy drink now
People really have no idea how much these little shits (10-15years old) here in Finland drink these energy drinks
Little kids here drink like liters of the stuff erryday, I always wondered do they cause fucking cancer
when I was younger, I always thought that energy drinks were for older people, like beers, so I never tried them.
Now I drink them every once in a while, but shit kills my throat and never drink them completely.
it was my replace for soda, and now I'm just sticking to coffee and water.
Had a Monster and started shaking uncontrollably like I was possessed by some demonic force. My friend said I kept saying "cuck" over and over for 5 minutes straight. They gave me a Red Bull and I felt normal again.
Have fun with your ruined bowels when youve grown up.
>a leaf
why am I not surprised?
you weak af
it's obvious that the finns have influenced our generation
we must make it clear to them, that we will treat cultural attacks the same way we treat military attacks
because of the feeling the first sip gives
I drink redbulls on long drives if I'm falling asleep and regular coffee just isn't gonna do it, but I stay away from monster and rockstar.
Some friends of mine drink that shit all the time and wonder why they're fat.
>But muh 0 calories!!!
you dont know anything about losing weight if you think there is more to it than consuming less calories than you expend. drinking a zero calorie drink with added caffeine is better than drinking any other kind of drink aside from water. drink up faggot
This is me, blood when I whip.
Your alternative is not relying on a stimulant to get through the day. You're a junky.
I don't drink it frequently but I think it just tastes good.
Is it possible to be immune to the effects of caffeine?
Neither Energy Drinks nor Coffee do anything to keep me awake.
dunno m8 but i always viewed energy drinks as status symbol per se in skater teenager groups. drink for lil posers imo. nothing wrong with it tho if you drink it if you lack energy etc. but i always preferred turkish coffee from Ä‘ezva
Tuarine is just an amino acid, you fucking autist. It's not a stimulant. It does not alter heart rate or anything.
how many have you drank at once friend?
>so I just wake up and hate everything instead.
Maybe you should stop whining and fix your life instead.
red bull is better.
>drink that shit all the time and wonder why they're fat.
they're fat because they're eating sugars and fats at the same time. the human body will run on the sugar and tell itself to store the fat.
if they stop eating sugar directly, then their body will begin releasing fat and converting it to sugars that it can use.
caffeine has virtually nothing to do with this.
I drank alot of the tea ones. I switched to caffeine and l-thiamine pills because they were much cheaper.
Are you retarded?
Caffine doesn't help weight loss in the slightest, it assists your body by making your body not using the sugars you have stored to give you energy instead.
>t. Non tranny /fit/
3 Monster after each other and usually 2 coffee each morning in a span of 2h.
>tfw first sip of the day
It doesn't usually help you stay awake unless you have a fair amount of caffeine, probably over 200mg.
I remember when I was a dumb kid, one night I drank over a gram of caffeine's worth of energy drinks. My heart was beating at probably over 250 bpm and I thought I was going to die.
I want to take rainbow brite there and smear tha makeup all over my penis
Nah, you're not immune, you just have a huge tolerance for caffeine. It's not good on your heart man, you should cut back.
>why do all young people do x
I drink roughly 4-6 a day after the military, smoke a pack and a half a day then usually stay awake 3-4 nights and sleep a day, probably gonna die as a result of my habits developed.
That's like 10 euros everyday. You're spending hundreds of Euros every month on fucking energy drinks?
Some young people do. Most don't.
Why is this a thread on Sup Forums?
Give me opinions on mountain dew
>Rock concerts
only if you listen to faggoty ass bands like five finger death punch or something.
>Caffine doesn't help weight loss in the slightest, it assists your body by making your body not using the sugars you have stored to give you energy instead.
were you dropped in a vat of chromosomes as a baby? caffeine raises the bodies metabolism for a short period of time after consumption so therefore drinking a zero calorie energy drink with a meal is more beneficial to weight loss than drinking water.
tea-drinking is for grandmotherly women who knit and garden
black coffee > tea > frappie whatever sugar and cream > energy drinks
Energy drinks fuck with your metabolism. That's what I meant.
People i work with drink several of these a day. It's amazing. Literally no water either.
It's disgusting to go into the bathroom and see neon yellow piss in the urinal all the time.
I'm surprised these fuckers aren't dead.
drink it slower to allow your body to adjust to the rising levels of caffeine. drink it in sips
The content on this board is becoming about as original as Sup Forums's.
because its marketing is optimized for edgy teens
because its pumped with sugar and makes you addicted
because coffein
because its pretty expensive for sugar and water and kids think its something of value
Yeah it's stupid.
If he wanted that much caffeine, he could make what I call a super instant coffee. Put in about 10 tsp. of instant coffee into a cup and make one. It'd probably only cost you around a euro to make one and you'd get around 700-800 mg of caffeine out of it.
Don't forget to put in an equal amount of sugar or it'll be awful.
I don't like coffee or tea. I need the caffeine to study, so I get a monster or red bull or something instead. Now I'm addicted to the caffeine so I have to drink like 1 a day or I get a huge headache
They gonna get kidney stones