>bbbut, you are gypsy, me are blondes
>muh civilaizaishoon
>we wuz nordiks and mediteroinids you gypsy
That feeling when Romania is a better country then most Western Europe shitholes
Other urls found in this thread:
western europe has all your gypsies now
lol like u
>mid year 2016
Maybe the gypsies wake up and act like the criminals they are in the other half?
this is a fact that many western europeans either choose to ignore, or simply are not aware of.
and it's true. MY gf which moved from Sweden to live here with me, tells me that she feels safer on the streets, after 8-9pm than she feels in her hometown of Gothenburg, or whatever the fuck you call it.
>Belarus has less crime than Germany, Sweden, France, the UK and Norway
fucking embarrassing
>hehee le gypoland xDDD
Thank you for taking them, we got rid of them by not killing a soul. Meanwhile Romania is like Elf-land now.
Ha, that is because gypsies don't believe in laws.
I live in brasov and its incredibly peaceful here. I have never in my life seen or heard a gunshot or even seen or heard of a knife fight. I might be lucky enough though
Hard to commit a crime when there's nothing to steal.
Kek, our prisons are filled to the brim with Poles and """Romanians"""
>it's the foult off all those dirty poles and romanians
We norwegians are peacefull loving peoplez, everybody knows this.
They would rather live in Norwegian prisons than Romania.
just take a look at the "safety index" column at the right...
and i dont know 1 westerner who would leave his country voluntary to live in romania.
on the other hand there are quite a few romanians in western countries (where they arent able to compete and need government hand outs which are worth more than a month of full time work in romania)
also sage hide and ignore shill threads like this
The times has changed Ahmed.
Romania accepts only future kings and royalty to move to her precious lands. Scum like you have permanent ban. Meanwhile you are welcome take their gypsies.
Some crimes in Europe aren't crimes for Romania standards, therefore they aren't ciminalized as in other places.
Because everybody is dying in Romania and everybody flees from Romania, and there are almost no criminals left. We have a similar situation in Poland
>citing the criminal study/statistic/article from my 12 year old salty ass.
Well, to be fair, you can be executed in Belarus. In Sweden you'll get 12 years in a luxury cell with a PS4
>Because everybody is dying in Romania and everybody flees from Romania, and there are almost no criminals left
Only decent explanation. They've clearly all moved to my hometown though...
>tfw my state abolished the death penalty
There is nothing you can steal in your shithole of country
Wrong. Young Romanians are chasing the dollar, thus low crime rate among youngsters.
Meanwhile their gypsy minority where unintentionally outsourced to western Europe where they can steal in peace and be the parasites that they always were.
>Hahaha Roma-nia third world gypsyland
The democratic governor of my state (PA) has put a stop on the death penalty for the "foreseeable future" since other states were executing people wrong, kek
I actually looked it up and Colorado does have the death penalty, but Hickenlooper says he'll never allow it to happen while he's Governor. So it's bad but not that bad.
Can you post link i wand to search my country
You guys didn't even kill the aurora shooter and you haven't sentences anyone to the death penalty in fucking decades, just abolish it already
Yeah, guess why our crime index is so hi?
Because you're coming here to steal, while we're obviously not going to your shithole to steal because there's nothing of value there.
French here. Moved to Timisoara, in love with Sinaia. I'll never regret my choice.
Good bye forever, shitskinland.
>tfw France is now nearly 30% muslim
care mai e treaba fa
My brother!
am venti aici sa fac reclama la chanon punct si sa le urez redditorilor un sincer HAHA A IESIT PSD
I have been to bucarest , some neighbours are fucking sharia for gipsy , you can t enter there if you are not gipsy . Safest cities i guess are thise in the west
Why? It's just laying dormant for when the Republicans finally take back the state. Which will surely happen. Eventually.
Romanians are cool.
Now get off the proxy you fucking gypsy.
Italofag you have a couple of welding companies here that do major league tax evasion ... s.i.m corp , beta , irem are just a few examples , i'm talking about millions of euros in tax evasion! You fags are stealing here among other nations , usa , germany , finland , austria and so on.
Welcome to Timisoara, Capital of Banat, enjoy your life
>This section is based on surveys from visitors of this website. Questions for this surveys are similar to many similar scientific and government surveys.
>"stats" literally based on what people on the internet say
nice meme
Eastern Europe will be the last stone standing when the West will get fucking destroyed. Let's cherish our country, and the traditions it still has.
Make belief Luigi, make belief.
I have this from the same website
Why is Norway such a hellhole?
pft your loss.
I for one enjoy the cultural benefits we get from your brown skinned countrymen :D
you're never getting them back muahahah!
Thank you. I'm here since August, and I've never had to complain a single time. Life goes easy and taking walks at night is a pleasure.
baga niste poze cu tine...
Just remember we never bow down to communists, if we have to kill them again we will do it all over again, waiting on election-results
No, sorry. I was one of the more openly extremist traditionalist fucker when in France, can't run the risk of being doxxed and "politically corrected".
Yeah, it's a jewish conspiracy Ivan. We all know Western Europe and Russia have 0 social problems right now.
Next time come with a recent statistic that disputes mine.
lol wtf, bro its k, send them back and we will drown them in the black sea
Fuck off liar!
Communism is a blight upon the Earth. Seeing all the beautiful cities disfigured by their godawful buildings makes my heart bleed.
Ok you Danish gipsy
Yes, Timisoara Old Town is pretty comfy
I've been to the Christmas market in front of the opera both week-ends since it opened, it's absolutely wonderful.
I'm going to spend my first real Christmas here since 15 fucking years.
Had my last vacantion in novara ...
niggers here , niggers there , niggers on the beach , niggers in the stores , niggers everywhere.
That is not true , only if you looked like the kid that got shot in murica. Even romanians won't let you in.
You are 4th in gypsy power world wide brown brother. How do I know you are not one?
Tell me again you retard
You just discovered that there are Gypsy in Romania. Tillykke!
use google maps and point out where you were oppresed kek
I live just a couple of bloks away , just on the other side named rahova .
Do it fag and i'll tell you anything you need to know
Ferentari does not compare to Italy's slums my friend!
Probably because of this.
Yes because Romania actually treats the gypsies like the filthy trash they are so they don't have the balls to do anything. Romanian prisons are russian tier and the gypsy camps get raided by citizens and police on a regular basis. Over there the gypsies know their place.
Here in Germany almost nothing happens to them if they rape and steal and our prisons come close to 2-star hotels.
Because nobody reports cime in 3rd world shitholes like romania.
>bozgor damage control
There are multiple shootings and deaths every fucking day in Copenhagen, how the hell can Denmark be safe if that liberal hellhole keeps existing?
>not even in top10
Nothing to see here.
Look what I found here about you slant eye friend. Why where you hiding this from us?
>Preemptive physical removal
Choose one
I dont really support what he did but we live in fucking crazy times, it's no wonder people are driven to extremes
Praise kek!
You're not even living in your own country, dirty immigrant.
Somebody has to fuck your women!
Shit son!
But don't worry, I'll leave after I finish with the perfect tens and that should not take long judging from what I see around.
>This section is based on surveys from visitors of this website.
Daco roman / US alliance when?
>people still push the gypsy meme when daco romans oppose them heavily
so much for being redpilled
Same story salty cunt
Why tho? Any statistics to help me understand why Romanians are so peaceful?
Homogeneity and cops who enforce the law across the board
No shitskins/niggers!
Because slowly but surely the "gypsy question" is being solved by them leaving to western Europe and continue their parasitic life leaving behind a more homogeneous society. This plus the continuous economic development that happens right now in the country.
At least post a valid link, retard. I'm not salty, I just don't found your numbers credible.
This is not to say that all Romanian diaspora is gypsy. You will can spot the gypsy very easy actually.
the commie buildings is more they hiring le corbusier for all their shit than general commyism
See some stalinist buildings etc
How can Serbia be so low?
Loved that place and going back this winter. Reminds me of Interlaken in Switzerland, but doesn't cost an arm and a leg to stay in.
Funny enough Gustav, back in my vacation in Bordeaux I overheard several discussions of old people who will sell their houses in France and move to Romania because they can't keep up with the draconian property taxes the government imposed.
tl;dr: you are a lazy faggot who doesn't google
Auf wiedersehen.
As I suspected. Not the same "story" at all. Norway has the least total crime in Scandinavia by those stats. Also per capita.
Romania:19,760,000 population ; 292.682 crimes committed in 2010
Norway: 5,252,166 pop. ; 270.656 crimes committed in 2010
Are you you trying to fool someone or are you just plain stupid?
Who the fuck cares if you are lowest in Scandinavia since you are all sucking Somali dick?
I don't care how you report crimes down in your corrupt and poor shithole m80.
I took issue with how we scored against countries I actually care about.