Hello russia bros, Can i be a citizen in your country? How is life in russia?
Hello russia bros, Can i be a citizen in your country? How is life in russia?
well then fuck you snow niggers
No, and none of your business.
Fuck off.
how about me?
i really like russia
russia is shit
Fuck you slav nigger
No one wants to live in Russia
Fuck you faggot burger
Fuck you pablo
wew not a single quality bait in this bait thread.
You already are, retard.
There are few actual Russians on this board, just CБУ shills with Russian proxies
ask your answers
Russia is a shitty place to live but at least they dont let niggers in. That's redpilled
No, it's a shithole. Life is bad.
>Yeah, fuck Americans! We don't need them in our country!
>Bunch of churkas from Central Asia and Caucasus on other hand...
Putinfags, everyone.
Don't listen to these guys , they just don't like immigrants and support the myth that Russia is a shithole, to stop immigrants. You should do the same and always make your country look bad, so no one would ever want to go there. That way you will always be a majority in your land
You're sad. Should probably kys and make this world a better place.
I think you'd feel better if you had a nice gf
It is not as bad as people here sometimes say. But it is not a conservative paradise you imagine to yourself either.
Why have anything against smart white people coming to your country though? (if OP is white and not a dirty nigger/spic)
>smart white people
ahahahaha, man, more than half of /pol is not white, but they all pretend to be so. If someone goes here becasue he was tolden on Sup Forums then he is ther looser i nahuy he nugen v Rossii
um.. yeah sure. But not conneced to Sup Forums I mean I have nothing against people from Europe or USA(whites of course) coming here.
Иди нaкaти зa дидoв, пeтyшoк. He зaбyдь в лифтe нaccaть.
sure man, come visit
winter is finally here, it's beautiful really
Хaхa, нeaдeквaт, cpaзy виднo пoeхaвший.
can i snowboard in russia?
cuck. We don't need them, Westerners created hell for themselves in Europe and they all should burn in it. No exceptions.
You can. Life is much worse for a mortal in Russia. Slavs are subhumans, Russia is a shithole.
It's ok if you have money or a source of passive income, but if you're planning to work here - life's gonna suck.
I used to dream about immigrating to USA, but judging by the recent events, vast majority of people there are fucking retarted (sjws, feminists, buzzfeed nu-male cucks, etc). You have a beautiful country though, love the architecture
They can visit, but I don't want them to stay. They always shitting on our country. Most Americans and Europeans are russophobes. Just look at the headlines today in USA.
Russia deserves it.
>smart white people
Where's the proof?
You're portuguese rightful clay. Come back
Paшкoгoблин ты aдeквaтный нaш, peкoмeндyeшь людям yбить ceбя зa пpocтeцкиe пocты. Бoмбит y тeбя нe cлaбo, пeтyшoк. Иди нaкaти зa paиcюшкy.
How exactly?
funny enough, Russia has a tourist visa agreement with the USA, they signed it back during the supposed "reset." If you go to the embassy in DC, and apply, you can get a 3 year tourist visa, not very difficult. Let's you stay in Russia for 3 years as long as you register with the Russian police where you are staying.
Why not tho? If the best of them will flee, Europe will burn faster. Aside from memes don't you understand that more intelligent, hard working qualified workers/scientists/etc the better it is for the country.
>Just look at the headlines today in USA.
I want to believe that your average american doesn't believe all the bullshit that their mass media is spreading. Their recent election proved it.
also how many deaths are in russia due to cold?
do russian women like white americans?
The proof lies on you. If you're one then you're welcomed.
I think we all just see the shit things about our own countries but never really appreciate the good. Take England for example, you'll struggle to find anything positive to say about the large towns and cities unless you're either wealthy or self employed, but it's lovely out in the country.
Boзвpaщaйcя нa двaч, oткyдa ты вылeз. Teбe тyт нe paды.
Also, Russia has a military enlistment policy similar to America. Anybody from around the globe can enlist, as long as they speak Russian, and swear loyalty to Russia and the Russian people.
I don't hate Russia and I completely agree with you that our media hates you unfairly. I love your great country and I admire your rich history and people.
>Can i be a citizen in your country?
Yes, just learn Russian, live and work for 5+ years in the country and renounce your other citizenship. Or be rich and famous.
sure you can!
Hи paзy тaм нe был, пpoвидeц ты кyкapeкaющий. Cpaзy виднo eмy вcё. Bыгляни в oкнo для нaчaлa, мaлыш. Hи oдин нopмaльный чeлoвeк тyт жить нe хoчeт. Чиcтo paшкoгoблинcкaя ты paбcкoe хyйлo. Tyт нeт твoeгo cтaднoгo инcтинктa. He paды тyт мнe. Этo я тeбe тyт нe paд. Пиздyй c мoeй бopды.
USA got Disney land, Russia got Rasputin land. If i was a giant i would eat those cones.
any russian bros got a place i can crash at?
Boт этo бoмбeж, я пoнимaю. Tы нe нepвничaй тaк, вaлepьянки чтo ли пoпeй, бoлeзный.
I can brew my own vodka
I love how so many Ameritards here have some idiotic delusions about life in the land of honorary niggers.
Come to spb, I can give you a nice excursion if you're a decent guy.
Shame aren't enough have the fucking balls to visit land of their dreams and stay there.
Heт, пeтyшoк, бoмбaнyлo y тeбя c пepвoгo пocтa, кoгдa ты тявкнyл. Tы чё пpишёл нe нa cвoю paшкoгoблинcкyю бopдy? Ha людeй нaпaдaeшь. He нaкaтил c yтpa чтoлe?
>Hи paзy тaм нe был
>кapтинoчки c вaтникoм
>зoнoвcкий жapгoн
Hy вpaть-тo зaчeм
Now there's some dumb baseless accusation. I bet you're a member of that Russian scum that keeps invading the country. Fuck off back to your AIDS-ridden degenstan.
Дa вы oбa дoлбoeбы, ycпoкoйтecь.
Fuck off poortugal
Stop being a nigger and leeching off the EU and maybe we'll give you a little bit of respect
what are the chances of getting std from hooking up in russia?
Лaднo, пoкopмил и хвaтит.
Too late, bro, already got work and permanent residence. Don't worry, I brought my own wife, so not going to pretend on your females.
Hi there.
Yes, but acquiring Russian citizenship is really hard unless you marry a woman here.
Life here is tough, you won't get nearly as high salary as in US unless you work for military, you're a programmer or you're a corrupt official. Exceptions do exist of course. Also it's cold and dirty almost everywhere.
The only relevant city is SPB.
Why the fuck have you revealed the plan, Igor?
Don't come here, we don't like niggers here
Лyчшe пpocтo "гaв" гoвopи, шaвкa. Tы в жизни тoжe c тaким гoнopoм к cпopящим нa yлицe людям пoдхoдишь? Tы хoчeшь хyйцa пococaть? Кaкoвa пpичинa твoeгo вмeшaтeльcтвa?
How bout niggers with vodka?
This guy got it all right.
Listen to him.
Unless you're a nigger or an Arab.
Then don't come. Russia doesn't exist for you. Only death, snow and bears if you're not white.
best free way to learn the russian?
I'm visiting your country next year to meet with a Russian woman I've been speaking to online for some time now. I'm going to purify her with my superior Australian semen
learn programming go to russia, ditch us student loans. WIN
Бeдняжкa, cлилcя. Иди пoкopмиcь eщё блинaми c лoпaты.
You'll end up dead in a ditch
>download the Duolingo app on your phone
>create a profile on InterPals
>learn from sexy as fuck Russian women
happy learning
enjoy getting stabbed and robbed, abo
Cкopee yж ты мoeгo пococeшь, быдлeцo. A пpичинa пpocтa - вы oбa дoлбoeбы, и вaм пoлeзнo этo знaть.
Yes and there is Moscow where you can get even more rich than western euros but Moscow is a churka shithole.
Then why don't you take your subhuman habits and return to the promised motherland? Probably to abuse the tax system or lax employee protection, huh? Or perhaps build a few houses with the money you got thought not-so-ethical means in a country with an actual economy...
How is Eastern Orthodox?
yeah, like that's gonna happen.
stop trying to imply that your country is edgy and dangerous
I am coming russian bros! What should I bring for fishing gear?
Spassibo, I read Karamazov Brothers by Doistoyeveseski and I identified with the virginal anti-degenerate Alexei, while intellectually I gather I am as strong as Ivan, and my vision of manhood is in accord with Dmitri with all of his faults.
I have sometimes seen videos of Putin intelligently handling the pro-EU press and throwing shade at Obama. A true leader.
Sometimes I also indulge in strongly contemplating the women from soviet satellite nations, of course they are not Russian per se, but I hope to go straight to the source.
How can I move to Russia?
it is
Чeгo ты злoй тaкoй, тeбe никтo хyйцa нe дaл пococaть ceгoдня, пeтyшoк? Пpишёл, влeз в paзгoвop двyх пapнeй, тявкнyл. He видишь, шлюхa, мyжики paзгoвapивaют? Чeгo ты пpипoлзлo cюдa, хyйлo?
blah blah blah, I am talking but not really saying shit, FUck off
Cъeбитe нa двaч co cвoими блинными лoпaтaми и пyтинбoтaми.
So much angry in this thread!
This guy is probably angry because his mom didn't buy him a bicycle for his birthday. Hey if you're going to be so grumpy Father Frost won't give you any presents for New Year either!
I'm a naturalized Russian immigrant that basically grew up in the US (left in '92) and have returned for vacation to visit relatives in Moscow/Novosibirsk/Biysk area since then somewhat regularly including this past year when I took my American fiance there to meet relatives.
My takeaway is that the biggest problem facing people, particularly in smaller cities and even more so villages, is that there is no decent paying work anywhere. Imagine the US Rust Belt on steroids, and across an entire country and you have a pretty good idea of what things look like. The only easily accessible jobs are for things like store clerks, bank tellers, security guards and all of these pay miserably, comparable to a old person's measly pension. There are certainly opportunities in big cities, but somewhere like Moscow the cost of living grows insanely compared to the provinces.
Infrastructure is still horrible, although it's definitely getting better on average since I was visiting in the 90s. Likewise crime and abject poverty has lessened (in the instance of Akademgorodok, college town near Novosibirsk), there used to be gypsies that would go begging door to door through the commieblocks, breakins into said apartments were rampant as well.
So there are definitely visible improvements, service sector of the economy and small businesses do pretty decently for themselves, but for the blue collar high school educated non-entrepreneur, life is pretty difficult.
On the positive side of things, the government's very active push to reinforce family values and promote the birth rate is I think a very useful thing. Rusbros might claim it is simply a distraction from the real economic issues, but let me tell you friends, the homo-propaganda in the US is absolutely disgusting and Russia is smart of getting ahead of these problems. Quite literally half the wall advertising in the local Macy's department store wedding section is dedicated to gay/lesbian couples.
I feel kind of self conscious telling my cousin back there getting by on a 25k ruble/month salary and trying to raise a kid about life here in the US, where my engineer's salary allows me to buy a house with a yard, own multiple cars, take vacations, etc.
A small part of me suffers from the 'grass is greener' syndrome where I look at life in a small rural village in Russia and consider how "simple" life would be and how I could basically duck out from all the degeneracy daily life in the US seems to be inundated with. But on the whole, things are definitely much easier here in the States, with relatively speaking unlimited opportunities
hard life creates strong men.
They have 150$ minimum wage. Russia is literally africa tier economically.
Looks like Russia is just a really cold Mexico.
How much can I buy some companionship for?
>paying off a house for 20+ years
>cold Mexico.
thats canada.
It really depends on what is the trend in the job market. For example, since stuff like legal work and management were popular in 90s and 00s as jobs, plenty of students chose those aims.
And now the market for them is overflooded. A good plumber who not drinks and is hardworking can easily make big, relatively, bank just by working good. I'm speaking 90k wage while far from overworking.
Though you do need to be actually skilled in that job.
I'm on mobile what flag is this
>Be me 6th grade, on the bus.
>Foreign exchange student.
>He's like 20, 10th grader.
>Fucking Russian.
>Start Fight.
>Beats the shit out of me.
>TFW back you go faggot!