Hofer lost, but can this man win?

Hofer lost, but can this man win?

2016 British Referendum - Victory
2016 American Presidential Election - Victory
2016 Austrian Presidential Election - FAILURE
2016 Italian Referendum - Victory

--- The Populist Rise ends here ---

PVV will not win in the Netherlands. Le Pen will lose in France. AfD will lose in Germany. MS5 will lose in Italy.

Oh absolutely, but honestly I don't know if a small nation like ours is strong enough to demand the change he wants to bring.

let's pray he does.

I don't even understand why the austrian election mattered that position has basically no power.

The best thing about the Netherlands is they passed that referendum law, so that fucks over the EU HARD, no matter what the outcome is.

That zionist fuck can suck my dick. The guy is literally paid by israel and american jew politicians.

The EU is all but done for britbong. To say "the populist rise ends here" is the stupidest thing I've read today.

i'd say the presidential of austria didn't count
president of US has much more power than the president in austria

36 out of 150 seats is not enough to bring about real change in a democratically stuck country as my old homeland. They'll probably be fucked out of forming a government anyway.

He absolutely will.

To be honest the referendum law only allows 'advice giving' Referenda

Though, the way the VVD has been treating the Ukraine Referendum result is helping Wilders enormously.

Pic related latest polls

Doesn't matter. So long as it keeps the EU from functioning effectively I'm content.

Not to mention his conviction for 'hate speach'.

Honestly ? Not really

>a racist weirdo with bad hair who everyone dismissed is going to became a national leader of major western nation

huh weird

>paid by israel and american jew politicians.
Yes, keeping the conditions here just ok enough for their kin to be safe, no more no less. He's not going to restore anything Dutch except our classical liberal cultureless 'tradition' that brought us in this mess in the first place.

Yet it is the only non-violent and democratic way out we have at this moment, I am not holding my breath for a Dutch version of Trump.

He's a poor replacement for Pim, but he's the best we've got sadly

>honestly I don't know if a small nation like ours is strong enough to fight of the french,brits, some german states and norway all at once.

His conviction and the upcoming appeal will give him free media attention all the way to the elections. Good chance he'll win. He won't get to govern though because of the cordon sanitaire.

It doesn't matter how many votes he gets now. If he can't form a coalition he's not going to win. Unless one or more other parties want to work together with him and form 76 out of 150 seats, he will never be MP.

The dutch system works against him as most other politicians care more about winning the next election than the fate of the people. They'd rather forgo any kind of integrity and work together with parties they don't care about than to let Geert win.

It's going to be another government in which absolutely jack shit happens unless somebody can do something about this broken system.

This. For an example look no further than our current government. In 2012 lefties voted on PvdA (labour, socdem) strategically to prevent VVD ("right-wing" libs) from winning. Right voted VVD to prevent PvdA from winning. Then we get a VVD-PvdA coalition because why the fuck not.

they always say they'll never work with him, but with enough votes all the other parties will struggle to get in on the act, their wet panties around their ankles.
Dutch politicians are nothing if not power hungry whores

There seems to be a proper divide this time though. I agree we usually get shit like I outlined in but I really don't see the PVV forming a coalition. They'd need VVD, CDA and change (VNL, some other right wing splinter) and I just don't see it happening.

the more they keep him out the more discontent we get, they'd just be digging themselves an ever deeper political grave

Yup. It's amusing to watch from the sidelines. Taking your voterbase for granted will only work for so long.

Also what's Sup Forums's view on GeenPeil?
>Make new party
>Have online vote for party members on every vote in parliament
>Any elected MPs will vote as members did

just another useless meme party, I'm sure they'll get two seats in this climate