Why does the media and establishment hate him so much?
Actual answers. Not just "because he's based and they are cucks"
Why does the media and establishment hate him so much?
Actual answers. Not just "because he's based and they are cucks"
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Boomers. Nothing they stand for makes any sense. We just have to hang in there and do what we can to stop them until they're all dead
maybe he doesnt want to play along
Fake Intelligence.
Because they are right to an extent, Russia is no friend of anyone.
>Le based saviour of le white race face
No, not really. I can see why Russia has influenced elections though, it can't get allies the normal way because all our leaders are cunting cucks, so it has to do it le sneaky sneak way.
There's no arguing this so save your responses for someone else. Thank you and have a nice die.
because he beat them
Him and his squad are independently wealthy from owning Russia main resources, because of this he cant be brought by the Jew like western politicians.
Trump is a lesser version of him, where he doesn't need anyone else money so does as he pleases, the world would be a better place if it was a requirement for any politician to be independently wealthy.
also because Boomers were subverted by LSD and burned out professors with half-baked political ideologies. American politics and your average normie have been subverted through generations of social engineering and conditioning and many of our higher their universities and thinly veiled Zionist institutions. That's why college kids are so insulated and oblivious to the real world for all practical reasons and couldn't spot an enemy country in a game of risk. Its blatant brainwashing on their not even trying to hide it anymore. I hope the price of college sky rockets and the government doesn't pay a dime under trump. People will be forced to take MOOKs. Maybe some communities will wise up, rent out a building, and have the neighborhood attend MOOKs. it would be cheaper, build social skills and community values as well as subvert the decades of brainwashing.
We can dream. MAGA
To hammer this point out, look at Bernie and Jill.. they ran on the platform of "one of us" and no to big money in politics, but when the money was flashed in front of them they bent the knee to their masters.
Because civilization is still a competition.
The problem is that the retards in charge choose to challenge Russia while preaching world peace to the middle east.
>Putin payed off most Russian national debt and has massive gold reserves
>Putin has contained the expansion of the Neocons war path (was against the Iraq war while in the UN. Was against the bombing of Libya and Syria and manged to rescue Syria, and prevented Ukraine from joining NATO)
>banned GMO foods in Russia which pissed of the Corporate media
>Is against LGBTQP rights bullshit
I'm sure there is more
He's an authoritarian strongman that Sup Forums has come to worship.
It took him less than 4 years to bring the media to heel, change the election laws to suit him, and then turn the entire state of Russia into a welfare state for his oil billionaires while feeding huge impoverished population scraps of nationalism and social conservatism.
Talk to actual Russians. In particular the Russian youth. The ones I know left there because they felt they had no future. They can't afford property, it's difficult getting married, and there's little in the actual way of STEM jobs or stable careers.
Instead of fixing fundamental problems of the state, Putin has externalized all of Russia's problems to the Baltics and the former Soviet Bloc states.
No wonder the communists are the second largest party in Russia. If Putin didn't rig the polls in his country, they'd be back in power again.
Because he is independent not interdependent, unlike what the EU wants
The establishment loved him until 2014 because he started making trouble for foreign policy.
Before that, the massive corruption in Russia was putting billions in the pockets of western bankers.
Russian stocks associated with Putin's govt. like Gazprom were well performing and considered a safe investment with good returns.
About $300 billion is stolen from Russian govt and state-run corporations per year and most of it is laundered and eventually ends up in accounts in Western banks, real estate, stock market etc.
>The establishment loved him until 2014 because he started making trouble for foreign policy.
This is fundamentally not true. Everyone since Bush Jr. tried to hit the reset button with Russia and ultimately soured after having to deal with him in person.
>In particular the Russian youth
If they are anything like American youth who wanted Bernie and Hillary I'm not impressed.
Nobody cared about Putin until he stole Kiev, which he got away with because Europe is all massive vaginas. After Trump is sworn in he can probably take Warsaw too and nobody will bat an eye.
because he's based and they are cucks
The Russian youth didn't like Hillary that much. They didn't like Putin either. They felt they shouldn't take the collective blame for a government that doesn't represent them is doing.
Because it is Russia, and he isn't acting like a good little media whore.
There's Ukrainian and defense contractor money behind the Clintons to antagonize Russia. Can't be arsed to find the article right now.
Syria also caused a big rift.
Funny how we had a healthy relationship with them up until Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State.
>Funny how we had a healthy relationship with them up until Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State.
You're irredeemably stupid.
>Russia threatened to place short-range nuclear missiles on its borders with NATO, if the United States went ahead with plans to deploy 10 interceptor missiles in Poland and a radar in the Czech Republic.[10][11] In April 2007, then-President Putin warned of a new Cold War if the Americans deployed the shield in Central Europe.[12] Putin also said that Russia was prepared to abandon its obligations under the Nuclear Forces Treaty of 1987 with the United States.[13][14]
But he is based.
And they are cucks.
How is that not a valid answer? What are you, a cuck?
Any way, msm is probably mad cos he has been killing all those mudslimes the left seems to love so fucking much.
>Russia threatens to put military hardware in its own country if the united states places military hardware in countries that aren't fucking american
They're racist
No, I am correct. Clinton's financial ties intensified this conflict. NATO has been moving East ever since the fall of the Berlin Wall, despite guarantees not to. This was spurned, again, by defense contractors looking to profit from Poland and the like. Relatively speaking though, the conflict was much healthier and more contained than it was under Clinton, who accelerated tensions.
Obama and Putin never got along. But we were never closer to war than we were when Clinton came on the scene.
Russia keeps fucking with NWO plans.
In response to
>Funny how we had a healthy relationship with them up until Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State.
Czech Republic and Poland are members of NATO. Reagan put Pershing IIs in Germany in response to the Russians lining the entire eastern border with SS-20s.
Nice try moving goalposts though.
I'm glad that I'm dealing people with the memory of goldfish who can't remember a single thing that was said or done under Dubya somehow. You should kill yourself for being this stupid.
It's not just the boomers, look at Sup Forums ffs
full of 10-30 year olds arguing over shitty arguments
Because Russia is one of the last proud European countries that haven't been dominated and controlled by feminist progressive politicians.
>Obama and Putin never got along. But we were never closer to war than we were when Clinton came on the scene.
Also easily disprovable by the same article!
>On March 26, 2012, there occurred a microphone gaffe between President Obama and President Medvedev. Obama said that he would have "more flexibility" to deal with controversial issues such as missile defense. He was heard telling Medvedev, "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it's important for him to give me space." Medvedev told the president in English, "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…" and President Obama continued his statement, "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility." Medvedev responded saying, again in English, "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir."[32]
>Prime Minister Putin said it was a "correct and brave" move. The main reason for President Barack Obama's decision was "Russia's uncompromising position on the issue," according to Russian foreign policy expert Mikhail Margelov, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Federation Council of Russia.[44]
As I said before, both Dubya and Obama tried hitting the reset button with Putin when he came into office.
I'm sorry you're this dumb. Your parents must be ashamed.
Do you know how fucking tired everyone is of you east bloc shitholes crying about USSR?
Russia is not the USSR anymore and nobody wants to invade your 3rd world shithole.
Funny how Russia NEVER starts crying about some bootleg wars you might have had with them a century ago, when justifying it's army movements.
I don't understand your point. This supports what I said.
>look at Sup Forums ffs
its an Anime paper folding Taiwanese image board for social recluses you fucking philistine. U.S foreign policy is a running joke and the emphasis of the media on the 'alt-right' and a cartoon frog is proof of the graveyard spiral of brainwashing and degeneracy the developed world has been subjected to over the generations
it is easier to have ONE enemy, instead of sjw, jews, mudslims, saudis, iranians, isis, best korea, chinese, illuminati etc etc
this way, they just say RUSSIA, PUTIN, and it must be true
also Russians (SSSR) were best enemy in the best US period 1950.-1970.
This makes me wish Reagan were around to get elected.
He would've put that little shit manlet in his place, and not behaves like insecure little cowards on this board who are constantly insecure about their own immasculinity.
Native Russians told me Putin tries really hard not to sound like a fag when speaking his native tongue, but fails at it.
sour grapes
remember, none of the news stories you had heard in the past month would exist if Hillary had won. No recount, no russians, no electoral college, no whatever the fuck excuse of the day there is. It's funny that liberals can actually believe this stuff, but I see right through them, like a knife.
they need a boogeymonster to justify the immorality they do
Because they want to go to war with a nation that has one of the largest white christian populations on earth.
It's both terrifying and Humbling that a bunch of autistic spergs on Sup Forums are considered the most formidable enemy to the Judea schemes, and the last vanguard of Humanities freedom.
>Do you know how fucking tired everyone is of you east bloc shitholes crying about USSR?
Yes criticism only implies if you haven't been occupied by the totalitarian Russians. Just shut the fuck and talk to people who had to live under them instead of jacking off on a corner on the internet playing "he's a cuck amirite XDDDD"
The Russians were horrible to the Kazakhs, Lithuanians, Estonians, Czechs, Polish, Hungarians, Ukrainians, and everyone else who had to deal with their rule
moot 2.0 should sell fourchan pins, for the day that this place finally shuts down and the war/apocalypse begins. Even though we all have to go do real world things, we could always recognize each other in the wild by the little green pin. Could even be a russian you are shooting at.
Because Eastern Europeans have had to deal with a strong Russia before and it is not pleasant.
Becuase your establishment needs an artifical external threat to advocate their dumbfuckish decisions and fails.
Our establishment does the same here.
But you didn't live under the Russians. You lived under commies. Czech commies let me add.
Reading comprehension is difficult for you. I know that already. Before saying anything further, go read articles on foreign policy of the late Bush-early Obama years and get back to me.
> the russians were horrible to kazakhs, lithuanians, etc
Let me correct you again.
The COMMIES were horrible.
And in case you forgot, ethnic Russians were the most persecuted group in the USSR, no matter how many stories your grandma told you, little bitchboy.
>But you didn't live under the Russians. You lived under commies. Czech commies let me add.
Putin himself says you're wrong
>During a state visit to Prague, on 1 March 2006, Vladimir Putin said that the Russian Federation bore moral responsibility for the invasion, referring to his predecessor Boris Yeltsin's description of 1968 as an act of aggression:
>"When President Yeltsin visited the Czech Republic in 1993 he was not speaking just for himself, he was speaking for the Russian Federation and for the Russian people. Today, not only do we respect all agreements signed previously – we also share all the evaluations that were made at the beginning of the 1990s...I must tell you with absolute frankness – we do not, of course, bear any legal responsibility. But the moral responsibility is there, of course."[86]
Literally KYS you Vichy Kraut, you'd be greeting them at the border with a Russian flag when they rolled in with tanks.
>for the day that this place finally shuts down
>people think if Sup Forums goes then so will user
Do you know how many *chans have existed since 2ch? Plenty. It won't go anywhere, we'll just move on to a new place to hangout.
mollymeme made a video about this, wont bother finding it right now though
basically russia is a rising capitalist, christian nation and the jewmerican elites are desperate to destroy it for that reason
I said nothing that was wrong. The things you quoted contradicted nothing I said. You just have blind hatred for Putin.
If a war or Apocalypse begins, I will be much too busy to funpost on here.
I will definitely be greeting the Russians with a flag, because they seem to have the right idea about the hypocrite scum that lives in East Europe.
You think that in the 90s, when all your hardcore commie politicians turned nationalist overnight and pretended they never liked communism anyways, everything suddenly became perfect?
I wouldn't even bother giving any kind of apologies to you faggots, what the fuck do you want an apology for?
For the hippie students that were paid off by americans to "protest" some random bullshit and then got shot?
You think you're some kind of special snowflake country and you did NOT have a "color revolution" that had NOTHING to do with the czech people, but everything to do with geo-politics?
Give me a break.
You were a part of the east bloc. The fervor with which you try to push the blame on RUSSIANS specifically, shows guilt more than anything.
I could go and start looking up CZECH commie politicians, but I actually couldn't give any less of a fuck about your irrelevant history.
>You were a part of the east bloc.
We were MADE a part of this bloc after WWI. In 1968 we tried to at least return some of our dignity, and we were stomped by the fucking MILITARY INVASION.
You seem to like quoting Putin, here's a video of what he thinks about you sycophant apology-beggars
> thumbnail
based Putin
Le stop le using le le before le every le word
It's great and all that you're trying and failing miserably to tell me the history of my own country.
Alright, you know what you fucking retard? Renounce your Austrian citizenship. Go live in Russia. See what it's actually like. Otherwise, you're just a coward incapable of seeing perspective outside your own very strict nationalist tendencies.
Are you blind?
You know, you Austrians were at a few words on a treaty distance from having to deal with russkies yourself.
Oh, we don't want a fucking apology. We just know better than to trust Russians, because they are at their heart an imperial nation and look down on all others. You just need to listen for Russian TV to understand that they really think about you and us. Hint: the words "weak gaylords".
> 60% white american worshiping country that has gonne from 90% to 72% russian in 25 years
go figure
le triggered serb
because when gommunizm failed both sides of the political divide had an interest in Russia being treated like an enemy anyway.
Weak-minded liberals have a secret love for communism so it suited them to pretend Russia was the enemy all along instead of the USSR and rich conservatives have shares in Lockheed Martin so it suited them to have an excuse to MAEK MOAR PLAENZ
Everyone, including the older citizens of your own country, have a very specific opinion in regards to young permavirgins who seem to have this idea they are master historians, whilst whitewashing everything they can get their hands on.
Besides, stop shouting around about "muh history". You're talking about ONE event specifically, just refer to it directly, instead of trying to make it seem like you're in an argument of epic proportions.
Just say, that
> I'm a retard and I actually think that the students who were protesting in 68 were not agitators, whose sole goal was to build unrest in one of USSR's client states
Not an argument
>fingolian degenerate gook telling others how it should be
>Russia is no friend of anyone
You say that like it makes Russia an outlier, as if "normal" nations have "friends". Pic related.
And it's in the interest of Russia to see that EU and US are weak and divided, because it will allow it to project it's power once more.
Because he's a NWO holdout. Russia also has very little debt so he don't owe anyone and they have more gold than they have rubles circulating so Putin can back the ruble with gold if he wanted to. This would cause a sell off of the US dollar and crash the US economy. That's the only realistic way anyone can take down the US.
>Everyone, including the older citizens of your own country, have a very specific opinion in regards to young permavirgins who seem to have this idea they are master historians, whilst whitewashing everything they can get their hands on.
Funny coming from a guy who takes his news from a 24/7 Russian propaganda source
>Besides, stop shouting around about "muh history". You're talking about ONE event specifically, just refer to it directly, instead of trying to make it seem like you're in an argument of epic proportions.
My parents and grandparents lived under Soviet occupation dipshit. They didn't need shills going around to tell them to dislike the perfidious Slavs.
Your NATO privilege is gonna be checked real hard when Trump wrecks it to pieces.
Because he hasn't sold his soul and country out to the NWO. The minute you see the media stop shilling against Russia start worrying.
This is absolutely fucking great.
A fucking czechistani is CRYING about the crimes of the USSR for half the thread, whilst DEFENDING THE EUSSR which he currently lives in.
Just brilliant.
Oh yeah, and let's not forget about the whole "blame russians" angle, but seriously it doesn't really compare to the EPIC shitbucket of IRONY, of an ex-commie state, hating on communism, whilst embracing nu-communism.
> post redpill facts and data
> burger gets triggered
>Why does the media and establishment hate him so much?
It's a crazy guy with nukes who actually starts wars all over the place and atacks peaceful neighbors all the time.
Well informed people understand how dangerous his aggressive politics is while his economy is collapsing.
You are fucking delusional. Not by one word I ever protected EU. But some sort of military alliance IS needed against Russia, because otherwise without nuclear weapons, you are going to taste 1968 by yourself very, very quick.
>of an ex-commie state
We were made one after WWII, you dumbfuck, just as East Germany was. It wasn't ever our wish, and when we tried to made things our way, we were invaded and butt-fucked.
>whilst embracing nu-communism
I wonder which kind of drugs you use. I really want some.
Plus he signed the gas deal with China and priced it all in rubles not dollars. This was in May 2014. Then look what happened to oil prices at exactly the same time. In March teh EU agitated in Ukraine to provoke Russia. Then MH17 in July. Then sanctions.
Because he stands in the way of legalizing pedophilia
My dear millenial friend.
Your time has come to an end
No jobs you have.
No jobs you'll get.
A slave you are to a student debt
You earned your place in history
The Ones Who Sold Out Privacy
A generation of weakling NEETS
Your triggers gave away free speech
And now the children at your feet
have come to eat.
Older now, you'll grow.
Get used to hearing folks say "no"
The ones above, do not love you
Nor do the ones below.
No ribbons for you here, my friend
has come to an end.
What are we naming the current under 20 generation?
Russia is the capitol of kiddie pr0nz.
because he is redpilled about (((them)))
Yeah yeah, all this coming from the guy apologyposting about "muh czech wishes" and "much czech dignity" does look absolutely fucking hilarious, considering the FACT that czech interests don't even make it on the list of priorities getting discussed once the European Commission goes in session.
They call East Europe, "political prostitutes" for a reason.
Cause they're supposed to. Think about it this way, Obama was a wolf in sheeps clothing. Now we got a Wolf in Wolves clothing. This whole time we had all these problems under the Obama administration, and we never blamed him at all for any of it. Now we got Trump which face it, most of the liberals hate him, but at least they got someone to direct their blame on. American's are supposed to criticize everything our government does, and its about time we get back to that.
Because (((they))) want a war between USA and Russia. What do you think all of this shit going on in the middle east has been about and the missiles installed along Russia's border? Everything has been leading up to a forced conflict with Russia. The cold war never ended in (((their))) minds.
I don't hate him. I just don't give a shit who will control Russian oil and gas: Putin & criminals or the USA, neither will change my life. I make my life better only by moving to the first world country.
The US created most of the problems in the Middle East since the 1950's. Shit is getting old.
>A fucking czechistani is CRYING about the crimes of the USSR for half the thread, whilst DEFENDING THE EUSSR which he currently lives in.
The commies in our country are against NATO and the EU. Are you sure you're not a commie?
>Why does the media and establishment hate him so much?
Who else should they hate? Putin is the perfect hate-target and he plays along nicely, so why should they bother with building up someone else as their dedicated boogeyman?
Real question: why does fourplusfourchan hate him?
>They can't afford property, it's difficult getting married, and there's little in the actual way of STEM jobs or stable careers.
Seems exactly the same as the problems western youth has.
The shit he's trying to pull in Ukraine, and the shit he previously pulled in Georgia.
He is a safe scapegoat. They can't talk shit about someone like China or Iran, because it can cause some real respond. Putin himself is actually glad to play in this game, anti-American rhetoric is his favourite subject. Nevertheless, he is not based at all, just another corrupted fag, who gladly sells out his country to muslims and jewish oligarchs.
Because he represents tons of military power and--most importantly--control of petroleum extraction on the Asian continent...and the Jews can't control him.
>But some sort of military alliance IS needed against Russia
You have NATO, you just need to build up enough capability to challenge the US for dominance.
>without nuclear weapons, you are going to taste 1968 by yourself very, very quick.
France and UK have nukes and they are, guess what, NATO members.
>Why does the media and establishment hate him so much?
jews are scared of czars and nationalism
Pretty sure Russia is friends with Serbia.
Think I just said this, but differently... Trump is a perfect Scapegoat, and he isn't a pussy about it either. So I would say the MSM can hate on Trump all they want, they do need to dial it down though cause they already lost 99% of their credibility.
>The Russians were horrible to the Kazakhs, Lithuanians, Estonians, Czechs, Polish, Hungarians, Ukrainians, and everyone else who had to deal with their rule
As you came into existence, not horrible enough, that's for sure.
The West hates him because of residual feelings of the Cold War (which still dictate global foreign policy) and not playing along with the globalist game.
Some Russians are unhappy with him because he's basically a dictator who gives his friends all the jobs and steals money for private businesses who oppose him.