Red pill me on cancer. Is there a cute? Is it being hidden by the jews so they can keep us in debt our whole lives seeking treatment ?
Red pill me on cancer. Is there a cute...
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dude weed lmao
There are many different kinds. Some we can treat, others not.
cancer is basically going to happen to everyone if they live long enough. It is an error in genetic coding that results in unlimited cell growth that once it spread across the body unchecked will cause growths that will damage internal tissue leading to death.
it doesn't seem like cancer always affected us though
> error
And yet rich people and other elites live for 100+ years and either don't get it or get it and successfully cure it with no problems.
explain methylatino and demethylation of DNA and RNA in neoplastic brain cells
protip if you have to google it youre a fucking nigger faggot kill yourself
>Is there a cute?
But steve jobs died earlier than expected.
He's an elite in some way.
But yeah, I think some other elites have more frequent visits to doctors to get full body checkups to get those shit checked and prevented in an early stage.
I doubt there is a cure and I don't think we will have one for a very long time.
Because people used to die of other shit before they were old enough to get cancer.
>tfw born too early for nanobots
Cancer, not AIDS
Theirs no cure, their never will be. It doesn't work like that.
It's essentially DNA damage that forces uncontrolled mitosis. The cell just divides and divides forming a tumor. It's especially dangerous if the cancer originates in a very vascular region as it will spread to other parts of the body.
You "cure" it by both speeding up apoptosis and damaging the target cells ability to divide.
A safe(ish) way of doing this is to remove all dairy down to 0, eat fish, drink water. Essentially anything that could effect your hormones in any way. Do this on top of the doctors treatment will help.
Some cancers though, you are fucked.
There is no cure for cancer man. I talked to one of my officemate who just went to a chemo session for a stage 2 lung cancer. He always say he's just temporarily cured.
When the results came in he's actually relieved that it didn't had remission.
What's good thing to some cancer is that it's easily treatable if you remove the tumor if it's in the early stage of its growth. But of course the survivall rate is still alarming.
Don´t die cuz of internet advice. But check the Hunza Kuts and their apricot seeds which allegedly murder cancer cells. And Gerson who did something similar with juicing and fasting and being a hippy.
Then if you survive the cancer, change your whole fucking lifestyle. Breathe cleaner, sleep better, eat much less processed foods & tons of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whatnot.
Yes I know a lot of them are basically factory made, still better than white bread & sugarstuff.
Immunotherapy looks nice, even though it doesn't always work. A refined CRISPER will definitely help albeit in a distant future.
>relieved that it didn't had remission.
Wat. Remission means all trace of the cancer is gone. But yes, you're never 100% certain that you're cured. 5 year survival rates can tell you a lot about the treatability though.
>Rockefeller 102 yrs old
>Jimmy Carter 93 yrs old, cured of metatstatic cancer in 2015
>Gerald Ford 93 yrs old
>Reagan 93 yrs old, cured of metatstatic cancers (colon, prostate, skin) in 1985
>George Bush 93 yrs old
>Henry Kissinger 93 yrs old
>Charles W. Robinson 95 yrs old
>Robert S. Ingersoll 96 yrs old
>Andrew Marshall 95 yrs old
>Prince Philip 95 yrs old
>Zbigniew Brzezinski 90 yrs old
only Bush, Reagan, Carter, Hitler, Ford, Soros, Kissinger, Heffner deserve to be cured of cancer and artificially extended to 93 years of age
everyone else should be sacrificed to moloch via the radiation chamber
oh I'm sorry. I made a wrong choice of word there. I meant to use recurrence.
He said his survival rate is around 70% after his treatment. crossing fingers he lives long enough.
>Is there a cute?
what is abscopal effect, cures even metastatic
usually achieved with ablation+immunotherapy
cryoimmunotherapy is where its at
but there are
phentformin, Methylglyoxal, Bromopyruvate...
abscopal effect induced by ablation+immunotherapy followed by antiangiogenics
Ids their a cute?
the western industrial lifestyle promotes diseases
Cortisol, Suppressed Immune Function, and Cancer
So after all this discussion about the suppression of immune-system function due to stress, who do you think gets sick most often? What demographic group, among all others, suffers from the highest incidence of stress-related disease?
Wealthy investment bankers? No.
Stressed-out college students? No.
Single mothers working two jobs and driving beat-up 1985 Ford Escorts? Yes!
The most widely cited reason for the global increase in cancer is the “Westernization” of the developing world. The term encompasses generally desirable changes (socioeconomic improvements that increase life expectancy and allow women reproductive control) as well as the adoption of less desirable habits (dietary changes, decreased exercise), all of which could increase cancer risk. In affluent Western countries, women have relatively high social status, tend to delay childbearing, have relatively few children and, until recently, commonly used hormone-replacement therapy (HRT). Some such behavioral factors — delayed childbearing, lower parity, and reduced breast-feeding — are becoming more prevalent in lower-income countries. The challenge is understanding how these reproductive risk factors, which are primarily associated with an increased risk of cancer, relate to incidence and mortality in lower-income countries, where rates of cancer are much lower than in Western countries. The cancers apparently causing the most deaths in lower-income countries may not be those influenced by such factors; more data are needed to clarify their true effect in poorer countries.
Error does not exist.
It can happen, but it would not be an error, cancer is literally a part of your being.
Don't cure the cancer, but change it instead.
don't forget that the world we live in today is first driven by financial reasons. These are the reasons that lead to wars, etc. that are a reality of today. Today, every large company has employees specifically allocated to perform lobby and make sure the regulations are in line with their (financial) needs. In this context, I do not expect a general acceptance of anti-cancer solutions such as 3BP or Salinomycin on short term. Or in other words, I do not expect a top-down acceptance. Instead, I expect that the process will be bottom-up, starting with discussions on Cancer Compass or similar as we are having here, and with awareness more and more patients will adopt this (either going to specialized clinics such as Dayspring or administrated themselves at home). And this takes time, I think. Fortunately, we have the internet that will accelerate the process :)
1 gram of cannabis oil (extract) made from cannabis with as close to a 1:1 ratio of THC/CBD as possible, orally, per day, for two months. That's the cure. True story.
January 2016 marked the 45th anniversary of President Richard Nixon’s State of the Union Address (January 22, 1971) when he officially declared war on cancer.
He promised Americans that he would begin “an extensive campaign to find a cure for cancer.” He said, “The time has come in America when the same kind of concentrated effort that split the atom and took man to the moon should be turned toward conquering this dreaded disease.”
It sounded great. After all, just a couple years earlier we had put a man on the moon. The computer language BASIC and the first handheld pocket calculator were introduced. The vaccines for polio and mumps were developed. The first human-to-human heart transplant was successfully performed. In 1971, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was invented and genetic modification of organisms was introduced. It seemed reasonable that, if we really focused on curing cancer, it could be accomplished. But it didn’t happen.
Forty-five years later, the primary treatments for cancer remain surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
I can tell you from personal experience that it’s almost impossible for a cancer researcher who thinks outside the box to receive government funding. It can take years and a small army of individuals constantly completing mountains of paperwork to receive funding.
Nature-based therapies practically have no chance. And to have any hope of receiving funds, a researcher all but has to prove – before getting the funding – that his or her efforts will be successful. As such, the research continues to focus on minor variations and/or tweaks of the same types of treatments that have been used for decades.
Sadly, it appears that many in the conventional medical community now feel that living with cancer is the new normal. Rather than focus on curing it, they think it should be managed with the use of drugs, radiation, and other therapies.
There's no money to be made in a cure.
Millions of dollars won't be donated yearly to breast cancer if they had a cure.
My Mom's side of the tree all lived well into their 90s mostly and they're dirt poor southerners.