Knowledge Bomb. How to bring down the Left & Feminism

Want to critically damage the Left/Feminism with in 1-2 years? This is how you do it.

Bringing down the Left:

1) Get the Left to fight against each other. (They are there own worst enemies & infighting is a wonderful way of destroying them)

2) Promote Euthanasia as a solution & get it legal in the West. (The Left wants to die/be killed, might aswell offer a solution that doesn't bring down the world around them)

Bringing down Feminism:

1) Start a campaign/psy-op of a "Sterilize yourself to fight the Patriarchy!"(This will be VERY effective if you get it going)

2) Exploit there intolerance of men, by making them target the Gay & Trans communities(Much like the Left as a whole, infighting is a wonderful way to bring them down.)

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/#

PAST THREADS TO DIG INTO(Ignore the impersonators): bomb/username/anonymous5/#

Got plenty of topics to hopefully cover, so this one should be important in general.

Sup Forums weaponize your autism and pull this shit off, and you will be glad how crippled the Left/Feminism will be.

You are based. Keep making these threads

Will do.

I hope Sup Forums has been paying attention to my threads.

I try to get information out to you guys.

I hate you because namefagging, but I agree with your suggestions. D&C-ing the left in this manner will encourage the coming democratic party offshoot to be more masculine (and likely to value 1&2 amendments). This would fuck up the protocols for one generation at least. Have a bump.

The Dem Party is going to start imploding real soon.

Its way too unstable.

Hey Anon5 what in the fuck is going on with the CIA and the Russian hacking narrative?

The fuck is the CIA's problem?

A recycled narrative that is backfiring on them.

That's it. Expose it and its toast(once again).

>The fuck is the CIA's problem?

The CIA has become highly politicized under Obama. It will need to be purged after the inauguration.

I think so too. Republican implosion of 2008 resulted in the rise of the libertarian party and now (however forced) the alt-right. I wonder if we can expect the dust to settle similarly with the Dems' implosion.


So triggered.


hey op, will obama have 3rd term?

It definitely needs a clean up.

The Dems are having a power structure civil war as we speak.

Fascinating stuff.

I never really trusted that you're real but I'll ask this anyway
How serious is this recount/Russian infiltration shit going to be? Does it have a chance of overthrowing Trump? Might we see a military coup?

No. 2 terms was enough for him & his family.

Appreciate it.

Is there anything to the Russians messing with the election, or is it just the left pissing itself?

My instinct is to say it's a psyop, but I wouldn't doubt that Russia would try to fuck with the election, mostly because Hillary all but said she wanted to attack them.

What the fuck is going on?

Second American civil war will happen if they bypass the election and installs Clinton
It will start out with republicans having armed non violent protests similar to the ones we saw in Oregon during the land ownership problems
Someone will fire a shot, be it the protesters, the police or the """"protesters"""", which will trigger firefights that will spiral out of control, and evolve into a civil war

1) It's a recycled narrative.

2) Trump Won

3) No Coup.

Why should I trust a thread that has that New Age fucking pyramid as the main image?

Your LARPING as anon5 has hit rock bottom with this dumb fucking thread.
>Your OP ideas sound like a 'redpilled' 17year old from Hartford.

Fuqqoutta here with your bad larp.
You played yourself.

>Not larping
>You 'guys' always discredit my threads
>ignore impersonlarpers
>dig into my past larps

You're fucking dumb dude.
Here's your fucking (((you))).

what is pope going to do in 2017?

Fuck off sperg

The Left pissing itself & is trying to recycle narratives.

PAST THREADS TO DIG INTO(Ignore the impersonators): bomb/username/anonymous5/#

Track Record.......

Cry more Shill.

Seems like you took a few weeks off since I last saw you in my threads.

And yes I keep track of you guys.

Why do the celebs want to keep the blood between themselves? Do they breed for a special purpose besides the Truman show?

even if it did originate from russia, all state actors from china to iran to the good ole usa make cyber attacks appear to originate in russia. its nothing

Do you want to destroy the Left/Feminism or not?

Pope has a target on his back. ISIS infiltration in Europe is something interesting.

Sterilizing is a pretty cool idea.

I wish you finally told the truth about your background once your job here is done.

>steralize to fight the patriarchy
That's a great idea. They have already accepted the idea of "western babies consume lots of resources and global warming will kill us all" so that is definitely exploitable.

On another note, what's your thoughts on gematria? Do the global power groups use it to code messages in news headlines, names, narratives and timings of events?

Why not sterilizing """vaccines""" sold to other contries?

Its not just Celebs, you have to consider politicians and such aswell that fuck around in Hollywood.

In which countries?

Feminists already hate the gender is subjective trans movement. How can you have pussy power when a big burly hairy man can have a beard and a gut and dress as a hetero male and say I want to be identified as female because that's what I feel inside? Anyone can just decide to be female now. That sucks if you're a man hating militant lesbian and proponent of the divine vagina will rule the world bullshit.

You want the Feminists to do it to themselves.

"Sterilize yourself to fight/end the patriarchy" is the best psy-op you can do/promote to Feminists.

Because you can literally make them wipe themselves out genetically.

US & Europe primarily.

Which is why if you turn the Left against itself, it will end itself real quick.

they don't want to give birth to children anyway. What if they want to adopt though?

Bump for based fivebro

Will there be an financial crisis in summer?
Insiders are claiming they will crash it to blame it on trump and make nationalism a taboo topic forever.

Hey Knowledgebombanon
Know anything about off the books human experimentation in africa? 61-65?
Off topic, but I want to know if you know

Triggered lmao

also bump

Hey user 5
1)Stephen Colbert went damage control on pizzagate, despite him and many media outlets avoid to mention Podesta's paintings and the Comesta pedo logo now removed. Colbert is pissing me off, anything on him?

2)Anything on the holocaust? you said SS was guilty. is it real or just over exaggerated? Also, was Hitler good?

3)For Hollywood's swinger clubs, are their names also pedo hints? One is named "Little Joy"... Not many on here focus on the swinger clubs, plus, it's much harder to crack them.

4)Merkel's chance of wining in 2017? Can we expect her to fraud the vote if she's losing? AFD seems to be considered nazi party, and many krauts are being tricked by the german media.

Something about "I refuse to have white/male children" as well?

The muslims will keep breeding though, this will only help whipe out caucasians

Are artificial wombs real?

when Sunday law will go in effect?

Europe is in a more financial concerning situation then the US.

And I don't think they will try to crash things on Trump, it will backfire on them & you have to consider Globalists have investments in world Markets that would get impacted.

No idea on that stuff, but I do know that Africa has had some bio-weapons tested in it.

do you have any insight about Trump's priorities? Will wall be real? How much of Obamacare can he roll back? Seems like economically he's exactly like previous republicans, do you agree?

Also cool hydewars ID

What does the future hold for China?

Hey anon5. Good work. I've read all your threads. great introductory, beginner material. A good jump off point for starters just starting to open an eye.

You in the verge of getting to the point where you can start to scratch the surface.

Keep digging.

Hey A5, I have two questions for you:

1. are you religious?

2. what do you think of trans people?

Instant good mood when I saw your thread. Coincidence????

You've been right all along:

OP is a fucking impostor

1) He's involved in a group thats connected.

2) SS did it(not as many Jews died as what they have claimed), Hitler was framed as a way to say that nationalism/populism is bad & a way to punish white people. (History is really interesting)

3) Start digging into them, once you expose that network you can find links to pedo networks.

4) Consider the EU Army.

Its all part of social engineering & demographic replacement.

It's perfect timing now that a straight white male won the presidency.

"I refuse to raise children in this patriarchy #NotMyChild"


You sir are that, and its not working.

Trump is going to get alot done.

Regional power plays and when it comes to the Korea's a possible peace maker.

1) Neutral.

2) Abit odd, seems like they don't know what they want.

I told ya.


PAST THREADS TO DIG INTO(Ignore the impersonators): bomb/username/anonymous5/#

Homosexuality is a dead end in evolution, and also heavily promoted in the Western world.

So we simply need to dig and find proof that this 'evidence' is nothing but bullshit, then post it so normies know?

Not just promoted, but being done intentionally.


Also look back to when the "its the Russians" & the "various intelligence services said X about trump" narratives were used in the Election.

Piece of shit shill peddling race, gender war

Right, so do you have any suggestions as to where we might start digging? We need to get his crap out of the way fast, because if we don't, then it actually could do some damage to Trump's standing as POTUS

Hello anon5

Are the CIA and related groups making a concentrated power play to deny Trump the presidency?

Is the GOP going to win big league in 2018 based on your estimation?

thank you, user.

But transsexuals are already having a form of castration. Isn't that beneficial to your plan?

hey anon5

things seem to have settled down A LOT under trump, as if the Force is being filtered or something. everyone who's fucked up this year keeps trying to double down with no benefit.

Europe seems to be the next hot point. Is there any sort of playbook to anticipate? If the beehive thing doesn't go off, will London still become a caliphate?

I'm anxious about this: to be honest though, i think the majority of americans are absolutely fed up with hillary and the election and are satisfied trump is managing well.

just seeing if you agree have anything else to focus on related.

isn't the "illuminati" just a version of the borg?

I just told you, the Election narratives.

They were laying the foundation abit. (CIA,MSM, "Russians", Various intelligence agencies say X about Trump....)

"Gender War"?

Do you know how many times thats happened in Human History inorder to get Human Civilization back on track?

When the men win, Human Civilization continues

When the women win, that Human Civilization ends.

You know what pisses me off? The CIA secret report headline on facebook yesterday.

The headline: The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in order to help Donald Trump win the presidency.

The following media headlines: CIA PROVES 100% RUSSIA HACKED THE ELECTION.

The actual text of the article: There is no specific intelligence the Russians hacked the election.

Yet, look at the media run with it. Will the electoral college members be smart enough to read the body of the story and conclude that is complete horse shit?

>1) Start a campaign/psy-op of a "Sterilize yourself to fight the Patriarchy!"(This will be VERY effective if you get it going)

Yeah, no. I'm not convincing white women to sterilize themselves, even if they're cucks.

Most Jewish idea I've ever heard. Get the fuck out of here shlomo, we aren't your personal shabbosgoy army.

Its backfiring on them if they are.

But for the most part its a recycled narrative.

GOP is going to do well, the Dems are going to implode.

My Plan is to bring down the Left/Feminism as I said in the OP.


>1) Start a campaign/psy-op of a "Sterilize yourself to fight the Patriarchy!"(This will be VERY effective if you get it going)

Will do. Just gotta reach into the deepest portions of my autism.

Fuck off kike.

We know you want white men and women to hate each other.

Anons, most white women are actually very nice. Talk to them. Do not spend your time convincing them to sterilize themselves for the Jew.

Jesus Christ.

tell us about the giant creatures found in antarctica
when do we get to see them?

Don't fall for it. The Jews want to sterilize whites.

The OP is a fucking kike trying to harness our autism and our worship of kek for their own kikery.

>shill who adopted the most dramatic of Sup Forums lingo

1) Europe = EU Army, ISIS, Civil Wars, etc (So many scenarios).

2) The "Illuminati" was a old group, now its just a meme name.

Let me drill this into your head.

The West breeding stock is contaminated. You need to clean it out if you want to start fixing things.

The narrative is complete bullshit, and its backfiring on them.

Even the CIA itself knows its bullshit.

The leftist media is clinging to anything they can find in order to prevent Trump from being elected, but it's not being called a conspiracy theory because (((EXPERTS))).

And then there's guys like Harry Reid claiming the CIA covered up the 'evidence' that Trump was helped by Russia. To be honest, it looks a little like the cucks are digging their own graves here

just call them tinfoil conspiracy theorists *giggle*

Samefag kike with a proxy. There are several obvious proxys being used here to shill this idea.

Good thing Sup Forums is too smart to fall for this shit.

If you think convincing whites to sterilize themselves is progress, you're a fucking kike.

The kikes want nothing more than to drive a wedge between white men and women, and to forcefully genocide us any way possible.

Hello Anon5, and thank you for your work.

I have a question. What does Milo know? In a recent appearance he talked about how he was going to speak about pizzagate and received several phone-calls from Washington DC being told "not yet". I don't believe that part.

However, he also mentioned how he would prefer to solve problems in the middle east by nuking mecca.

Coincidence & lies, or does that faggot know something?


when did anon5 suggest white women?
how often are leftist feminists white?

If you can't see the West's breeding stock is contaminated, then you deserve to have all this social engineering & Demographic replacement going on.

Do you want to save White people as a genetic code? Then you must end the Feminists genetic lines.

Also I'm not Jewish & I've been posting these threads TO HELP you guys. (PS: Jews don't infact control the world, thats a psy-op that was pushed so you wouldn't look at all the other elite groups).

Ok, but. How to stimulate the normal people to have normal families?
It's on a deeper level than just removing your ovaries.

Colbert is a Jesuit, if I remember correctly.
The Jesuits are the gay socialists of the Catholic Church and have a history of political action & casuistry. Most (if not all) of the child abuse was from Jesuits I think.
Are the Catholics completely compromised, or are there parties within the church that are fighting back?

>white women are very nice

No, they aren't?

>The West breeding stock is contaminated. You need to clean it out if you want to start fixing things.

Contaminated with what, shlomo? Pure Aryan genetics?

Listen to this kike try to convince us that the very DNA of our women is corrupted and must be sterilized.

Probably the same kikes behind the push for the fucking half asian ethnostate in the Alt-Right.

>good goy, hate the white woman, her DNA is ruined by my plans! take a nice submissive chink wife instead!

The doubling down just makes the backfiring even more hilarious to witness.

Milo might know a few things.

In the West?

Most of them? Are you fucking blind?

Gays secretly hate all women. That's why their fashion designers aim to provoke bulimia in women. They are also the people behind the glass ceiling, because they practice cronyism with their male lovers.

yeah bro... that's not how genetics works

you could dive deep and counter vapid consumerist society.

if creation and life are more important than destruction and consumption things might change.

Is religion just an excuse to chain humanity to Earth so that first contact between extraterrestrial species will never happen?

You don't get it, yet.

We're talking about the concept of a gender war, not a race war.

If having kids is what you/anyone want, you need to find someone who has not been fucked up by birth control and psych meds. There are plenty out there. You might just have to pretend to be religious to find one. My grandpa did it. Genius atheist doctor. Married a good christian girl and went to church every sunday for the 50+ years they were married. Had a big family. Most of us are just fine.

Regarding the gender war, there are women who are complete nutcases who shouldn't breed anyway. If they and their kind outbreed normal people, our society will end.

>Also I'm not Jewish & I've been posting these threads TO HELP you guys. (PS: Jews don't infact control the world, thats a psy-op that was pushed so you wouldn't look at all the other elite groups).

Completely unmasked yourself Burgerstein.

Fucking LOOK at this kike try to blame, what, reptilians?

>noooo goyim you don't understand we're the good guys! it's all lies about us!

Get the FUCK out of here.

There is NO SCIENTIFIC BASIS for the idea that someone's belief system "ruins their DNA".

I have MANY friends who were leftists and saw the light eventually.

You need to be gassed. And you will, mark my words.

I wonder if brietbart writers have info that their founder left behind after he died years ago
brietbart called out podesta years ago