>Sup Forums says blacks are stupid
>world's smartest man is black
inb4 neckbeards say he's just an exception
>Sup Forums says blacks are stupid
>world's smartest man is black
inb4 neckbeards say he's just an exception
Other urls found in this thread:
>public scientists
KEK. Next thing you'll say is Bill Nye is intelligent.
>inb4 neckbeards say he's just an exception
Guarantee you nobody was going to say that. Most here would refute your total bullshit claim that Space Nigger is the world's smartest man.
>world's smartest man
On who's authority exactly?
but mah global warming... is it climate change these days, i forget.
>I fucking love science bro XD
Because Albert Einstein wasn't just an exception
>invents modern day airplane
>not intelligent
have fun on your horse wagon pal
Einstein doubted his theories through out his life. The negro above believes everything the pops into his tiny little brain.
Nerd nigger lol. Would totally pants this nerd and bag tag him if I ever saw him lol
I can't tell, are we being raided by /sci/?
Do those fags like Black Science Man?
>tfw much smarter than Neil deGrasse Tyson
He's a brainlet compared to me
>worlds smartest shill is black
What's he actually done though.
>world's smartest man is black
>tfw too smart to make a believable bait
He's just some mixed race niglet that Carl (((Sagan))) used to touch up and rode his coat tails to public lime light. He's done literally nothing of his own in contribution to the sciences
he is a fucking tour guide
Post made by someone who's highest point in education is Cinemasins, or was it the other one this nigger frequented? What's it called again? Idk, I have better things to do.
>tfw to smart too reply to this thread
>Bill Nye invented the modern airplane
Do people actually believe this?
Did that slimy soulless kike somehow fool innocent children into thinking he's responsible for airplanes?!
Kikes will do anything for dollar I guess.
Pic related is from the movie Hidden Figures, the true story of the African-American women at NASA who helped the US win the space race.
These black women were geniuses who should have won the Nobel prize for their accomplishments in computing.
> The only scientists who are intelligent are Nazi eugenicists and Exxon© Climate Scientists
This guy really is a diamond in the rough. My friends always bring him up when i say niggers are all below iq. Problem is i dont really know how smart he his.
>world's smartest man is black
Whahahahah, yeah, he does look like smartest man in the world.
He is not a nigger, he is a mulatto
>world's smartest man
> Neil Famefag Tyson
I pray for you that this is a goof post
He's far up there thingkenwise, but the top belongs to this miraculous mathematician
>>world's smartest man is black
he might be the world's smartest BLACK (though there is a LOT of cream in that cup of coffee) man.
But far from being the world's smartest man.
NdGT is probably at the above average level for white intelligence.
Not a genius by white standards.
Blacks have a habit of considering mildly intelligent blacks intellectual heroes, despite all evidence to the contrary.
NdGT is a smart man. Thomas Sowell is probably a bona fide genius. I will happily listen to either speak. Especially Dr Sowell. There are a few others (including, of all people. my High School principal - a smart and moral elderly Black man).
But most Black men should learn to shut their idiotic mouths.
Pic related.
>falling for celebrity scientists
I need something better than hes a mulatto.
Like his career kind of a joke?
Affirmative action?
Is his position attainable by an average smart white guy?
I need something because saying hes mulattao sounds like im grasping for straws
>that quote
What a gay
Did he actually say this?
>50,000 atoms.
No one is that stupid.
>smartest man in the world
>not even in the top ten
>1 post by this ID
This is why the board is failing. A thread made in 5 seconds with an obvious mistake gets front page every time. I'd bet half of you don't even know what a sage is
If he did then he doesn't know how to do arithmetic because he forgot to add in the atoms of the bullet, the gun, and the noble man who fires it.
John and Hank haven't been the same since the election.
They are sad and grumpy cat looking.
I don't really know, he just seems like an half nigger that got lucky , primarily because he is charismatic and beats out stereotypes. I don't imagine he actually does stand out in the scientific community highly
All you need to do is retort with "how many african philosophers can you name" if someone uses this guy as an example
Wrong thread faggot
I dont reply to bait threads often but im genuinely curios how smart he reallly. Just checking whether or not any polsters dug info on him
topkek bruh
gud thread
>falling so hard for such obvious b8
*he really is
Phone fag
If you're a phonefag, then how did you get your file name to not be image.jpg?
Tyson is a great entertainer but he makes sure that his image stays intact. He never curses although he starts the presentation with a powerpoint slide "let's science the shit out of it"
Crowd goes mental, he doesn't read it out loud. Making sure there are no samples of him saying shit.
Is always an agnostic in interviews, doesn't want to piss of all people of faith. pfff
It was the right thread, asshole, until the person I replied to yanked his Green post.
Now go shit in your hand.
This. Nobody in his right mind ever claimed this, despite liking him or not.
>world's smartest man
>go shit in your hand
cringe tier insult
>>Sup Forums says blacks are stupid
>>world's smartest man is black
He's not even the smartest man in his own field, yet alone the world
bait 3/10. I posted
lmao, have you been on tumblr?, cuz thats total bullshit
>world's smartest man
>inb4 neckbeards say he's just an exception
is it an attempt at shielding you from why youre wrong ?
anyway this guy isnt even close to be the smarter guy alive
He's not even black, he's mulatto.
I went to research and, surprise surprise
He is an absolute mutt
His mother is a spic and his dad a mestizo
>black science man is the smartest
>Sup Forums baits
Why is that? These women were human computers. HUMAN COMPUTERS. Not even Einstein was that good at math and he invented E=MC2.
"was not that good at math" I mean
You're obviously too dumb to understand the meaning of that Richard Darwin quote. Fuck off, you're outta your league.
Not smart, simply hipster tier BS pseudo science quotations to be a poster boy for muh combatting systemic prejudices montra. Also for 1 genius nigger we always have 10,000 jiggaboo monkeys that speak for them as a species.
Those women SAVED NASA! With their instantaneous negro math knowledge.
Genius negresses.
Saved SPACE itself.
Wernher von Braun must have been in awe of the non-Aryan genius.
>Or maybe it is all Hollywood bullshit to placate the sub-humans.
le reddit black scientist is my favorite meme
So I would assume you live in Detroit, then, since it's composed of the most intelligent people in the world?
Danish tosh is normie tier garbage
Go back to plebbit if you think stand up comedy is good
God stop jerking off Black Science Man, what the fuck has he published that was a major breakthrough in astrophysics? Or even just a minor breakthrough?
Nothing, he's a public entertainer with a science background.
>Neil Grassman Tyson
>world's smartest man
Yeah, no. In fairness, he's certainly intelligent, but in no way the smartest man alive. More than anything, he's just a Bill Nye-level science educator and a lackey to men who've done more to advance our knowledge of science.
>lumping Richard Dawkins in with Space Nigger and TV kike
not fair pham
literally retarded
user. these women made the calculations to get us into space and did it accurately. the nazis couldn't even aim a v-2 straight in world war.
they did this all without calculators. they were the calculators! And they weren't recognized at all. i know black education is bad now but what happened?! i can barely add multi digit numbers up in my head and these women were crunching numbers as far as space.
>Nigg De Science Tyrone
>Smartest man alive
Also, yes he is an exception since he doesn't fall near the mean for his fellow Trybones
>1 post by this id
They are all fine pop educators and all giant faggots. Selfish Gene was great though, everyone should read it.
>Mixed race
>Basically a figurehead, barely innovates and does almost nothing but shill for dems
>Worlds smartest man
B8, saged BTW
>tricking millions of teens that he's le wise scientist
>giving them easy fun quotes and 'humor' to retweet to feel smart which also spreads his name
>more and more people become aware of him and watch his shitty videos and tv shows and buy his books and merch
>maximum profits
Just because he's not Einstein doesn't mean he's an idiot. He knows damn well what he's doing, and hes very good at it.
>NDT is the world's smartest man
Really sad that people took this bait
Underage saged
Don't know that Sowell is a genius, has he had any original ideas?
I admire the man and he is probably a lot smarter than I am but a genius?
I do love me some black science man
>5 atoms
>american education
He's not the worlds smartest man but he's very smart. He also worked for George W. Bush.
Have to agree with the Swede on this one. Sowell is smart but let's not be too easy with the word genius.
you DO realize that you cannot sage on this board, n'est-ce pas?
NDT is pretty cool. But name another one.
>tfw I'm the one that made that screencap and posted it first
Glad people actually fucking saved it. Emily Youcis is deliciously smug
>sucking dog dicks
>Norwegian morality
I agree, the only reason I didn't download that pic desu
Praise Science for Black Science Man
Why is Dawkins such a dick? How can he not understand that you need to be diplomatic about encouraging people to question things they grew up being taught since childhood and are a deep part of their personal identity? That just shitting on them will piss them off and turn them away?
Smart till you're stupid I guess.
>Stephen Hawking isn't smartest man
>what has this nigger done?
>no one knows of any of his accomplishments except for he was on a tv here and there
>niggers saving NASA
>who the fuck is Margaret Hamilton
Is it just me, or is every first
or smartest black person to ever do
anything really light
skinned for a nigger?
It is almost as if they have to
use half whites
to achieve anything for
blacks lol
oh no its the affirmative action science man.
>not smartest man
>mulatto, not full SSA
>may have white man y-chromosome
Your computer couldn't handle it anyway Hugh