Hey Sup Forums can you prove this wrong ?
This should be easy for you, show me some arguments.
Hey Sup Forums can you prove this wrong ?
The entire foundation that their bullshit is built on states that whites have no culture.
They are wrong and full of shit.
Whites are hated and judged that way so they should be able to take pride that way.
What about German Pride?
Easy. American white is an academically recognized co-culture with defined traits. libcucks btfo
Also if they honestly believe that black, mexican and muslim pride are not built off skin color they again are wrong and full of shit.
Would you say that white culture is more open to other races ?
second last one covers that
Yeah I hate their hipocrisy, trere is "la raza" and I am sure there is some black supremacist group, the only racial group who doesnt celebrate their race are the Asians.
Unfortunately yes.
Asians sure as hell celebrate but it a different way, they think being Asian means they are better than non-Asians.
>it's not african pride, it's black pride!
>it's not white pride, it's ipoor pride!
Really made me thing...
>Mexican is a race
>Muslims are a race
>Lumping all asians together when they hate eachother
>Asian pride = Culture and Heritage
Which culture and heritage? Japanese? Chinese? Korean?
Same goes with the argument about blacks, also whats with muslims being treated like a race as of recent? Its a god damn religion you fucks.
Libcucks might say that white culture was impose to the other races because slavery and racism, the problem is, there are a lot of people that willingly decided to follow the norms and practices of a white community, dont you think ?
>being a proud german is ok
last time I checked being proud of my country and heritage makes me literally hitler
also, if black pride is ok since blacks are ethnically african, how come white pride is bad even though whites are ethnically european?
Is he implying that Africa, and Asia are just one country?
also Islam is not a race
White culture is the appropriate catch-all for post-enlightenment European society, since with the imperialist colonization and spreading of the European peoples across the globes, especially in to America, it is most appropriate to refer to the broader conglomeration of international and domestic European peoples.
If we used European pride instead of White pride, as it essentially interchangeably is, then the argument falls flat on its face. There are unifying factors that can be applied to the greater whole of the European peoples, which is in truth what he is suggesting doesn't exist. If he cared about its existence, he would make this distinction, but he chooses only to attack *White* Europeans.
by that logic, wouldn't saying black or asian pride imply you are proud to not be white?
you can't lump all the other races into broad categories (i.e. Koreans and Chinese being Asian pride together) and say its about culture, and then say whites can't do the same
Ah, yes, the glorious united country of Africa
>White = European Culture & Heritage, Christian Culture & Heritage
There, I proved this wrong.
>There are whites outside of Europe and Whites that are not from Christian descent!
We'll see about that in the race war
Logically fallacy
> all Muslims are the same
Ever heard of the suni vs sheite Muslims? They have been at war since Mohammad died. Each sect thinks the other is wrong, and they constantly wage war. They used to send assassins after each other's iman. Look up the origins of assassin, it's Muslim from hashsasin.
> be proud of being German, or Irish...
So blacks can just be black, and proud. Whites can't do that? Blacks are Afrikaans, Zuni, Nigerian, but you can group and generalize all those people. If you do that to whites, you are bad.
I could go on, but I'm sick of explaining how a seventh grade post on Facebook lacks common sense and generalized every color of skin and culture for likes on Facebook.
I'm a mutt mix of Irish, German, and Scandinavian. My physical features, dialect, family traditions, dress, and diet are not indigenous to any of my countries of descent. The only way to describe my culture and heritage is to say that I am a white American. Am I just not allowed to be proud?
black = skin tone
Also Africa is an entire continent of many different cultures and heritages, just like the predominantly white western world.
asian = race
Same problem as black, it's not celebrating a culture. Asia is like Africa an entire continent of vastly different cultures. So it could only refer to the celebration of the "asian race".
>white pride = celebration of skin tone = racism
Western civilization was build by white people and Mediterraneans (also considered white?). Being proud of being white does not mean you celebrate your skin tone, it means you celebrate western civilization and the primary culture of your western country.
Go on, I am actually interested in hear more opinion about, I am not white but I hate this thing that white cant be proud, even if i find the whole thing about being proud of your race dumb.
That's a piss poor argument since by your own admission you are american and thus would participate in american pride.
>black = african culture (lol) and heritage
why wouldn't white = european culture and heritage?
I'm an american. My black ancestors been over here longer than my white boyfriend's ancestors.
So why do white people have to be proud of only one of their nationalities but blacks get their entire continent?
>also, if black pride is ok since blacks are ethnically african, how come white pride is bad even though whites are ethnically european?
Because most black people in America are the descendants of uneducated slaves who weren't allowed to read or write. They literally don't know their heritage more specifically than "African." More recent African immigrants do celebrate their country of origin.
But then "blacks" and "asians" are also racist since you can divide them into subsections too.
So you should celebrate white culture with us
Nah senpai in America we haven't surrendered our history to the reigning liberal party unlike Leafistan, so all of those listed groups can and do celebrate their differences, and I by extension should be able to as well
>Asian pride is about Asian culture and heritage
This is most analogous to whites. Different Asian groups have pretty significant cultural differences. If you want to make the same argument with whites, you have to tell Asians to specify which kind of Asian pride they are about.
How can blacks be proud of their heritage when they don't know where they even come from in Africa?
they can do research, cant they ?
Ñero, deje de ser tan morenazi.
>I do not associate with X in any way therefore I am proud of being part of X!11
You are american through and through.
"African pride". Implying Africa is homogeneous and not a collection of very distinctive countries with very distinctive cultures. Hypocrisy at its finest.
Also being pride of all of the African culture means being proud of massive rape culture and warlords. No wonder blacks are subhumans
Heritage is Waring tribes, being cucked, by the British, more Waring tribes, being cucked by religious groups and the Chinese.
But i dont care about my race, i care about my country.
Egyptians aren't black
kek if i start a French Pride, i'm going to get mobbed by a bunch of mudslimes and the media will say that i deserved it because i was a fucking white male.
Just look at the Estaban-Clément Meric case in France.
A bunch of retarded antifa jumped on a guy that they identified as "nazi". He manage to knock out one of them that hit his head on a lightpost while falling. He died because he was a fucking manlet trying to fuck up someone bigger than him with his friend.
The whole media was like "clement dindu nuffin wrong, he was a good goy"
and the guy defending himself got jail time.
More recently, a bar owner noticed that someone have been sawing off the metallic bars on his windows.
The day after, he stay in front of the window with a gun.
A fucking mudshit break into his bar.
Guy shoot him dead.
Owner is sentenced to 10 years of prison.
Just cuck us up. We have no right.
>leafs in charge of reading comprehension, or anything not invoving photosynthesis
I said that I can't identify with one specific nationality, not that I don't associate myself with the general mix of European cultures that constitute my ancestry
When I was in school some jewesses started an anticulture club. They basically just hated white culture. Never attacked other cultures though.
Good point OP, but this doesn't justify killing non whites.
I'm not proud of my skin color because I'm not black or Arab, I'm proud of what my skin color represents and that I'm part of an extended European family from all over Europe.
This person thinks that skin color is just something you're born with have while culture is whatever you're born in, it's not.
A black person in the Netherlands isn't a Dutch person and will never fully be considered as such, I have a long European history spanning thousands of years up to the point where we as a colective entity.
Besides nobody is fully Dutch, German, Fin, Swede or any of the Slavic European subgroups, Icelanders have a huge Scottish ancestry, Fins have Slavic genes, Germans have a lot of Polis genes, it doesn't matter because we're all Europeans connected together by common and divided history.
Africans have that history too and they celebrate their history, culture and skin in a different country.
Africans in my country celebrate the history of my peoples, but that doesn't mean they have any connection to that history besides the fact that they benefit from my history.
And we're not celebrating our white skin tone, we're celebrating the fact that we've largely build Western civilization and and then celebrate our personal history within that civilization as a country.
i really need to proofread, this is ridiculous.