How much time before Sup Forums realizes it got played and ended up with Bush Jr 2.0. ?
This destroys brainlet leftycucks tbqh
Not relevant.
Also not leftist, just intelectually honest about the situation.
Don't pretend you wanted GS at the treasury and Exxon Mobile at the diplomacy when you supported Trump.
It's unpleasant to the echo chamber, so Sup Forums will just avoid talking about it.
The alternative was Hillary, though. It's going to be Goldman Sachs and ExxonMobil either way.
That's a nice rationalization tactic here... and utter bullshit,
Do you still have contacts with a business you left well over a decade ago?
So you want to do this again?
Ok, just remember you asked for it.
Trump said he'd drain the swamp. To see how full the swamp is, let's look at how many Goldman Sachs employees are in the white house payroll, right now.
Goldman Sachs Personnel in the Barack Obama White House
Lael Brainard: Brainard is the United States Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs in the administration of Obama.
Gregory Craig: Former White House Counsel, Recently hired by Goldman Sachs.
Thomas Donilon: Deputy National Security Adviser (despite having a career that is mostly involved with domestic politics). Donilon was a lawyer at O’Melveny and Myers and made almost $4 million representing meltdown clients including Penny Pritzker (of Chicago) and Goldman Sachs.
William C. Dudley: President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, partner and managing director at Goldman Sachs and was the firm’s chief U.S. economist for a decade.
Douglas Elmendorf: Obama Director of the Congressional Budget Office in January 2009, replaced Furman as Director of the Hamilton Project (Note that the Hamilton Project was funded by Robert Rubin and Goldman Sachs).
Rahm Emanuel: Obama Chief of Staff, on the payroll of Goldman Sachs receiving $3,000 per month from the firm to “introduce us to people", in the words of one Goldman Sachs partner at the time.
Dianna Farrell: Obama Administration: Deputy Director, National Economic Council. Former Goldman Sachs Title: Financial Analyst.
Stephen Friedman: Obama Administration: Chairman, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Former Goldman Sachs Title: Board Member (Chairman 1990-94; Director 2005).
Michael Frohman: Robert Rubin’s Chief of Staff while Rubin served as Secretary of the Treasury and an Obama “head hunter” according to “Rubin Proteges Change Their Tune as They Join Obama’s Team” in the New York Times.
Anne Fudge: Appointed to Obama budget deficit reduction committee. Fudge has been the PR craftsman for some of America’s largest corporations. She sits, according to the Washington Post, as a Trustee of the Brookings Institution within which the Hamilton Project is embedded.
Jason Furman: Directed economic policy for the Obama Presidential Campaign, served as the second Director of the Hamilton Project after Peter Orszag’s departure for the Obama administration.
Mark Gallogly: Sits on the Hamilton Project’s advisory council. He is also, according to Wikipedia, currently a member of President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board.
Timothy Geithner: Secretary of the Treasury, former President of the New York Fed. a former managing director of Goldman Sachs.
Gary Gensler: Obama Administration: Commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Former Goldman Sachs Title: Partner and Co-head of Finance.
Michael Greenstone: The 4th Director of the Hamilton Project. Just as attorney Craig went from advising Obama to defending Goldman Sachs against the SEC complaint, Greenstone has used the revolving door to go from an Obama economic adviser position to one of the Goldman Sachs outlets - in this case its think tank embedded in the Brookings Institution and funded by Goldman Sachs and Robert Rubin. All 3 previous Directors of the Hamilton Project work in the Obama administration.
Robert Hormats: Obama Administration: Undersecretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs, State Department. Former Goldman Sachs Title: Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs Group.
Neel Kashkari: Served under Treasury Secretary Paulson (a former Goldman Sachs CEO) and was kept on by Obama after his inauguration for a limited period to work on TARP oversight. Former Vice President of Goldman Sachs in San Francisco where he led Goldman’s Information Technology Security Investment Banking practice.
Karen Kornbluh: (Sometimes called "Obama’s brain") Obama Ambassador to the OECD. Was Deputy Chief of Staff to 'Mr. Goldman Sachs', Robert Rubin.
Jacob "Jack" Lew: The United States Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources. According to Wikipedia, Lew sits on the Brookings-Rubin funded Hamilton Project Advisory Board. He also served with Robert Rubin in Bill Clinton’s cabinet as Director of OMB.
David Lipton: Now on Obama’s National Economic Council and the National Security Council. Lipton worked with Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner on the US response to the Asian financial crisis of the 1990’s. MergeFoundations reports that Lipton worked closely with Robert Rubin.
Emil Michael: White House Fellow. Former investment banker with Goldman Sachs.
Eric Mindich: Former chief strategy officer of New York-based Goldman Sachs, started Eton Park in 2004 with $3.5 billion, at the time one of the biggest hedge-fund launches ever. .....Hank Paulson Tipped Off The Goldman-Led "Plunge Protection Team" About Fannie Bankruptcy 7 Weeks In Advance (2007): Goldman operative Eric Mindich in the hierarchy of the Asset Managers' committee of the President's Working Group on Capital Markets, better known of course as the PPT (in 2009).
Philip Murphy: Obama Administration: Ambassador to Germany. Former Goldman Sachs Title: Head of Goldman Sachs, Frankfurt.
Of course they have, how gullible are you.
Google about Barroso Peter Sutherland, José Manuel Barroso, Mario Monti, Dragi or Mario Monti.
Goldman Sachs controls the international financial system and they will just keep doing it under Trump.
Mark of a Reddit shill. Your topic may have taken off without him.
you and your shillfriends are just mad, really mad. now you try to find the issue with some appointments, before it was racism, sexism or something else, you just are a little kid who hates Trump because of your brainwashing, let me tell you we all think the jewish / zionist influence is bad, but everyone knew about this even months before trump got even on stage, Trump is just a small silver lining, but enough to support him, now go and fuck your muslim gf fucking cuck, oh wait you have none, you are busy self hating your own identity and culture, well done bro
Barack Obama: Obama owes his career to Goldman Sachs which was not only his biggest financial contributor when he ran for the Presidency, but was also his biggest contributor when he ran for the US Senate.
Peter Orszag: Obama Budget Director. Founding director of the Hamilton Project, funded by Goldman Sachs and Robert Rubin. Wikipedia indicates that Robert Rubin, Goldman’s ex-CEO, was one of Orszag’s mentors.
Mark Patterson: Obama Administration: Chief of Staff to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geitner. Former Goldman Sachs Title: Lobbyist 2005-2008; Vice President for Government Relations.
Mark Peterson: Chief of staff to Timothy Geithner. Goldman Sachs Vice President and lobbyist.
Steve Ratner: The shady billionaire financier who Obama appointed as his “car czar” and who resigned after it was revealed that his company, the Quadrangle Group, was apparently involved in “pay to play” for a billion dollars or so of New York State pension funds, and was under possible indictment by the New York AG and the SEC. Sits on the Advisory Council of the Goldman funded Hamilton Project.
Robert Reischauer: A member of the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission from 2000-2009 and was its Vice Chair from 2001-2008. He too sits on the Hamilton Project’s advisory board.
Alice Rivlin: Obama named Alice Rivlin to his so-called Deficit Reduction Commission.
James Rubin: Son of Robert Rubin. Served as a 'headhunter' for Obama per the New York Times article, "Rubin Proteges Change Their Tune as They Join Obama’s Team".
Gene Sperling: Advisor to Timothy Geithner on bailouts. Sperling paid by Goldman Sachs for one year of consulting work.
You fucking slayed him.
Jesus christ dude, he's dead already
Adam Storch: Obama Managing Executive of the Security and Exchange Commission’s Division of Enforcement. Former Vice President in the Goldman Sachs Business Intelligence Group.
Larry Summers: Obama chief economic adviser and head of the National Economic Counsel. Worked under Robert Rubin at Goldman Sachs.
John Thain: Obama Administration: Advisor to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. Former Goldman Sachs Title: President and Chief Operating Officer (1999-2003).
So Obama has over thirty members of Goldman Sachs in his cabinet.
Trump has two. Trump promised to fill his cabinet with successful business men, not lobbyists. SURPRISE SURPRISE that's exactly what he's doing. I don't live all his picks, but he's kept his word. He isn't hiring lobbyists, like everyone before him.
So go suck a Muslims dick Hans, trump isn't anything like Bush.
>So you want to do this again?
Doing what ?
I couldn't care less how many GS employees Obongo had, his mandate is over, it doesn't matter anymore, it's not a fucking competition to know who sucked more (((them))), it is about ousting the globalist filth out of the White House.
You have been slayed.
Sure pal, and did you know your fuhrer is alive an well in Antarctica? Yeah, the aliens are keeping him alive in a bacta tank.
Fire for effect means I empty the magazine. Reloading now.
I'm not done, I'll kill this thread and most like it today. MSM is feeding people lies and those idiots come here to parrot what the news told them.
I'll fuck them all up with facts.
Fuck off nu/pol/, go back on the_Donald if you can't handle legit discussion.
>So Obama has over thirty members of Goldman Sachs in his cabinet.
Because you think the staff of Mnuchin will not be filled with his ex-colleagues ? Who will he hire ? Hollywood producers ?
Do it, burger warrior! I send my turul blessing upon you!
That's what you don't understand, strudel. It is about how many Bush had, how many obummer had.
TRUMP IS DRAINING THE SWAMP. To see if this is a true statement, you have to look at how full the swamp is. If you want the Bush Goldman Sachs employees, I'll make another six posts with them listed, just ask.
So now that we have established how full the swamp is, we can see if trump is keeping his word. Let's see 2>30, so trump is keeping his word. I'll even give you a free one with the (unconfirmed) Exxon one, so three compared to thirty. Ten percent, meaning ninety percent of the swamp is drained.
Come at me, I'll fuck you up all day long.
oh look,another lib bringing up bush
still a better president then obama,the only thing your nigger king did for america was give us some shitty handout that his welfare abusing supporters can benefit from
Am I reading different alternate realities between the OP and the replies or did the cognitive dissonance just made half of the board insane... I d-don't know anymore, I think Sup Forums finally gave me autism.
> do what?
You are repeating baseless lies told to you by the Lugenpresse. You know nothing of what you speak, and you just want an argument to post this crap, ignorantly, here.
I am here to slay your lies and misconceptions with facts. So keep posting your lies and we will do this dance until you're tired of it.
>mnuchins staff
I'm sure he will hire familiar people. I doubt his secretary counts as part of the global elite you are so terrified of. The comment tells of desperation, and you are grasping at straws now.
Regroup, I've got 8 rounds in me. Your not winning round 1.
This is why this board is the most retarded.
Nice one.
Is all you're going to get from them. They have Trumps dick too far up their ass to realize they've been jewed yet again.
>the puppet controlled by Cheney and the (((neocons))) who fucked up ME and triggered the migrant crisis all for glorious Israël
>not the worst president in history
Trump didn't even pick 10% of the posts in your list, it's like saying a 8 yo house has more rats inside by comparing it with one in construction while the workers are bringing cages with a bunch of them in it.
You can post a 100 pages list, that doesn't change the fact he is picking globalists at 2 of the most 3 important positions with the SoS and SoT.
Please read, those are obamas goldman sachs cabinet members.
I listed not one of trumps picks, I clearly stated he picked two Goldman Sachs members for his cabinet.
Not an argument. Want to talk about jewing? Your PM just spent $5000 on coat hooks to remodel his office.
then he's going to give every refugee family, twice what average Canadians make, in welfare.
You should worry about how fucked you are, m8.
Aww shit, your right. Fuck coat hooks they should throw their coats on the ground like fucking animals so they can save a beyond miniscule amount of money.
Also, I take it you've never looked at what past prime ministers have spent money on.
It's /r/the_donald that is fucking retarded
I can get coat hooks at the hardware store for a buck. He spent $90 on each coat hook. Your economy is in free fall, jobs are drying up, housing is soaring on the east side of Canada, and he wants to bring in 25,000 more refugees ASAP, according to your state news.
Your fucked m8
>taking neoliberal capitalist kike economists seriously
>falling for the left-right wing spectrum meme
>stil defendig Trump and accusing critics off him for being lefties even after Trump has shown his true colors
i hate /r/the_donald so much
>Economy is in freefall
>Jobs are drying up
Wew lad, those 5000 dollerinos sure would have made a difference! Imagine all the jobs that would have bought!
>Housing bubble
I STILL have no idea why people attribute this to Trudeau. Do you have any idea what you're talking about?
Trudeau government spent $416K to renovate new office building
Reading must be hard for you. Keep working at it, you will get there. He spent $5000 on coat hooks. Trudeau government spent $416K to renovate new office building
Yes. You let people BUY citizenships, so wealthy people from all over the globe come and inflate the housing prices.
Normally not a problem, but canadians have a short construction cycle due to cold winters.
No new houses are being built so the ones available go for higher prices. More rich peole move in, more housing goes up because you can't make it fast enough to keep up with all the people you import.
Most candians can't afford houses in your eastern Providences, according to your state news.
>Legit discussion
>Sup Forums
Go back to LeReddit cunt
>Specificly mention coat hooks
>Get butblastted when I call you on it
Stay mad eh?
You've still yet to explain why him spending this much money on renovating the headquarters for the Finance and Treasury Board.
Absolutely that's what's causing it, but you didn't answer my question: How is Trudeau at fault for it? And do you think that the 450K would have made any difference in fixing it?
*renovating the headquarters for the Finance and Treasury Board is BAD.
My bad.
>Getting so BTFO you just act stupid
I'd love to beat the shit out of you, you dumb fucking kraut.
this 100%, liberals prove again to be true goyim
Shills BTFO
What people also don't understand is that GS, JPMorgan, etc. are huge. It's not always a small secret club on the same agenda. There are several 'clans' inside, and they fight each other off.
They have over tens of thousands of employees. If you think all of them are aligned on the same thing, you're insane. It's impossible.
Hell, even I almost worked for them.
i mean look at the shoes he has to fill!! poor guy!! just like obama, feel soo bad!!! walking into a disaster...cant blame trump at all!! last president is to blame!!!
Steve Bannon in the White House.
To say nothing of the absurdity in saying someone like Mnuchin is a Goldman Sachs shill because he worked there 12 years ago.
>Trump said he'd drain the swamp.
I think you guys misunderstood what he meant by the "swamp."
I understood it as entrenched corruption in the IRS, EPA, Justice Department, FBI, etc.
You guys seem to think it's a hiring ban against well connected financial experts with inside knowledge of how the current system works.
The coat hooks are the icing on the cake. I don't think you know what butt blasted is, maple nigger.
It's all those things put together. Your economy sucks, your prime minister says "oh well it will fix itself" and then procededs to spend half a million on renovations to a two year old building.
You are living with a government cess pool, and should be more concerned about things you might actually affect. You won't change America, or even anyone's opinion here, no matter how much you prattle on about Trump. We all know candians are useful idiots here.
How is he at fault for the housing crisis???? Fuck you are dumb. he's doing nothing to fix it. He ignores the problem by saying the economy will fix itself. That's just like ignoring the broken window in your house saying it will fix itself. He could slow immigration, or better distribute new arrivals so one are of canda isn't so fucking taxed for resources. He could offer construction loans at a lesser rate to stimulate building and easing the housing market before it comes crashing down. Instead of doing any of this, he spends his days picking out new wall paper for a finance ministry that is utterly failing to do it's job.
I know more about economics than your PM, or you, obviously. I work with my hands for a living and appear to have a better education than most Canadians.
>How is he at fault for the housing crisis????
If you're talking about obama, as a community organizer, he sued the banks into loaning money for housing to people who couldn't pay back the loans. He had more to do with the bubble than bush, who merely stated that people should own their own homes a few times.
nope. im fucking with canuck and turd-o.
Thanks for the imput
The jews are concerning.
>Goldman Sachs: "OY VEY! The financial market is over-regulated. We need freedom!"
>giant merchant profits from the unregulated market they asked so much
>Goldman Sachs: "OY VEY! We need money or it'll be literally the apocalypse!"
>get money and go back to their jewish ways
>donate to every politician, including Hillary
>Trump appears saying he's different
>get a Goldman Sachs guy to work in the government
>Sup Forums defends the jewish Wall Street banker
How does orange dick taste like?
"All the best people for running the country are running businesses, not for office" - Trump
We've had some 12-16 years of the US being run by lawyers, lets try businessmen.
And, why not keep your enemies closest.
The bubble bursted in 2007-2008. How is the nigger responsible for that when he became president in 2009?
They are already making the dumbest excuses for it. Pic related is just one of Daily Shows strawmen, but you can literally find the same excuses here in Sup Forums
Kay, pointing out the obvious hypocrisy in the rally promises of Trump means OP is suggesting communism or socialism...
Well fuck-o, I don't have orange dick in my mouth so you'd be better qualified to answer that one.
All I did was point out that he's actually keeping his word about draining the swamp. The housing crisis was a manufactured emergency that took way more players than Goldman to pull off. I think guccifer pointed this out in the DNC leaks when the correlation between what banks got had a mathematical relation to what they gave to the DNC.
Hows that orange crow dick taste?
That is true, but Hillary never said stuff like drain the swamp etc like Trump. She also presented an economy plan that didn't suck as much Wall Street dick like Trumps does
I'm honestly laughing right now, thanks for that.
>I know more about economics than your PM, or you, obviously
This is either extremely ironic, or you REALLY haven't been following Canadian politics lately. The one thing you can say about this year's and next year's federal budget is that it seeks to directly address the the economic downturn. Selling our gold reserves and running a deficit in order to invest in infrastructure and job programs. The housing situation is still being decided on when it comes to a solution. I;d like to hear your opinion for a solution though, seeing as your so good with economic, when China is our third highest trading partner (probably second soon) and faith in US globalism is failing lately.
and before you go all
>Buh-Buh Canadian Deficit!
Times of economic downturn EXACTLY when you run a deficit. You'd think an economic genius like yourself would know that, but I'll just take it as you having a slow weekend and forgetting.
fuck you, I remember talking to people on Sup Forums on why they were nationalists and they all answered they wanted to fight back at the international globalist elite clique, but now you faggots are running their errands instead
Shit man, all those typos. I'ma move to my PC to type from now on, just for you JWWR/+2H :)
I don't blame people who voted for Trump, the other candidate was Hillary and he promised to do somethign different. But it's ridiculous to see people here defending the jewish banker because "it's ok when our guy does it".
Nah, I've met Tillerson a few times in private, he's a good guy. Smart as shit too, has an engineer's background so what he says is often just the surface of what he's thinking. Tillerson could do quite a bit to improve commerce between nations, XOM has been doing it for over 100 years going back to Standard of NJ and NY.
>I'm honestly laughing
At things I didn't say? You're twisting my words. Quote exact or fuck off.
I read your news more than you do, obviously. I'm up to date on what's assumed to be done sometime in the future.
I've given you the first few soultions already. All new tanned candians revolve around your east coast. The cities, the jobs. Turdo shouldn't have let the oil sands be burnt to the ground, first. A big step to having people in other areas of your sparsely populated west coast is jobs. When you let one of the major employers burn to the ground because "muh mulitkultural firefighters" who were a complete waste of money (again, thanks to turdo) the business is forced to rebuild to be able to operate at peak efficiency.
never once did I mention that, so go fuck yourself. I said your economy is shit. You cashed out all our gold reserves, and are running a deficit because your prime minister needed more time on twitter than actually doing his job.
Do people not realize Goldman Sachs is the dream job of every smart non pre-med kid in the USA? It's $100k a year at 22-years-old. It's elite and prestigious; it's basically like the NBA draft for nerds.
I'm starting to realize just about now.
What Sup Forums needs to do is quit cucking for Trump and hold his feet to the fire you stupid faggots.
*all your gold reserves
my bad
Let's get past this election bs about the russians, then I'm happy to help with that.
The only reason I know so much about this, is I don't trust him so I'm measuring what he says with what he does closely. I don't trust the media, so I do my own fact finding.
Hmmmm...it's almost as if it's necessary to appoint people that know how to get shit done if you don't want to become "The Republican Jimmy Carter".
No wait, fuck that shit, Trump should've just appointed David Duke as Secretary of State, Milo as Secretary of the Treasury and Alex Jones as Vice Preisdent
Not all of the goldman sachs Obama appointees are lobbyists, and no one will dispute that the current admin. packs in the goldman pretty hard.
Whose to say that Trump won't be picking more Goldman Sachs members who are also lobbyists?
He has 4000 positions to fill
You are comparing a full roster versus one that is still forming.
I haven't lost all hope yet. But then next half dozen picks he makes will cement it for me. I'm not hopeful, just haven't lost it all yet.
I just want to say to my fellow Americans there is nothing like entering into a thread to see our offensive lineman already blasting holes in the defense for easy yardage from the running back. These shills aren't bringing their A game.
Alright, So let's pull out your claims here:
>Turdo shouldn't have let the oil sands be burnt to the ground, first.
It's becoming increasingly clear you have no idea what you're talking about. While he's no Harper, Trudeau has been pushing for the oil sands, and oil in general, pretty hard. I'm really not sure what you're talking about here. They only pipeline he really shot down was the one exporting to asia, and he's been fighting for the remainder.
>When you let one of the major employers burn to the ground because "muh mulitkultural firefighters" who were a complete waste of money
Lol, you honestly think they actually had any impact on anything? That was political points, 100%. The only thing more people than was already there would have done was end up with a ton of people standing around doing nothing, which is why they ended up refusing international help.
>Deficit stuff
I really thought that's where you were going. Well then, you agree that the deficit and selling gold where the better course of action for the Canadian economy then?
He loves the poorly educated, fantastic people, would believe anything. Huge China, make murica shit again!
Not as bad as it currently is. What part about the CEO of Exxon Mobil and and the President of Goldman Sachs having Cabinet level positions in our government don't you understand?
I'm with you. He's doing what he said we would as far as cabinet. I'm watching an investigations as much as life allows. I'm on the fence, but I'll defend him against the MSM lies and the shills here.
I'm done. it's pointless to continue to talk to you if you don't know how much the oil sands suffered in the giant fucking fire you had.
Ya, I get what you mean. The PM really should have used his Fire Bending powers to make the fire go out faster. It's really selfish of him not too.
Well to conservatives it goes like this: you promise all these renovations n everything will become great while not financing anything, like with taxes. You won't spend any money on coat hooks, they will just trickle down on to your walls. Surplus expected n all.
In addition to that he seems to be behind a lot with those, especially if he wants to get any shit done quickly from the get go. He'll likely run the US into the ground and I'll sit here n chuckle at the trumpkins being gullible imbeciles.