Is Singapore best country among South Asia?
Is Singapore best country among South Asia?
My gf is from there, it's pretty anti degenerate but very sheltered
It's population seems to almost brainwashed and there are a few other flaws, but still, seems like an excellent nation
its easy to have strict smart policy if your country is a small like Ancient Greek city.
>South Asia
Looks like terrorist blew up your school.
Singapore is the best country, period.
No. Singapore is in Southeast Asia.
>cant even open Sup Forums because that's a public paddlin'
>best country
>basically North Korea with money
When was the last time you saw a sing post here?
No doubt. Only retards believe in 'muh freedom' issue in Singapore. 3 out of 10 Singaporeans are millionaires. Its high time for us to dissolve the meme of freedom = comfy. Its basic hierarchy of a society that to have growth and stability, you must attain peace and order first and Singapore is very good at keeping those two.
Gimme a cap
yeah singapore is a fantastic country. Strict rules but follow them and you will have a great time.
You can access Sup Forums in Singapore
Link me to a post with the flag.
Look here, an expert. Ever visited or spent years in that place? Nope right? So fuck off cos i did nigger.
>Philippines calling people niggers
Now thats rich.
It's 2am in Singapore now
Just come here when it's their afternoon
>Commenting on something without having to experience it personally
Go kys. At least i'm rich irl having to visit and spend years on other countries.
I've seen some HKs post here just fine around 17:00 EST but never a Sing desu fampai.
Ragnarok Online money is not a real currency.
It's fucking 2am you retard
Muslim communist shithole.
No sense in arguing with you. Come back if you have a company.
gg farm some arguments instead kek.
Too many Indians.
See, now shut up you arab retard
Nice, how is it going for you?
I went last year to your whore district while working on a cargo ship.
How prohibited is the government in terms of porn, is it something that they kinda overlook?
You kept on asking the brit for screenshots and i gave you one. I speak through experience and not some meme about Singapore too.
Pretty wealthy
But uh...
Single-party rule, so they have control over everything
Their "freedom of speech" thing is bullshit
Yeah sure, and I was telling you to farm some arguments on Singapore instead of flaunting your "e-fortune".
It's fine i guess, nth interesting happening around here.
They just kinda blocked a few websites but you can easily get around with a proxy
But it's 75% ethnic chinese
>implying i didnt contribute to OP's topic
Read the thread again retard.
in what way?
Please don't associate us with China. Most of us hate the Chinese attitude too.
Our relationshop with them aren't going well either ->
Daily reminders to follow the law like not loitering? Maybe that is what his qualification for brainwashing.
So what about that old wired article about it being basically disneyland with the death penalty?
Is it still valid?
Not an argument.
Very much yes. Though the number of executions has been falling
Why would i put up an argument? I shared my viewpoint about Singapore having to spend 2 years there and let other Sup Forums weigh about it. About how people online perpetuates the meme that Singapore is shit because the government is strict. Singapore will experience a radical change soon. When the generations are getting farther from the inception of the country. They'll take the success for granted, have less emotional attachment to the hardship of their country before what it is now. They'll be less nationalistic, more liberal. That's why you can see some Sings posting dissent about their country and coincidentally most of the posts come from youngsters.
Thats kinda surreal.
Maybe singapore, but probably those 2 "countries" that are part of southern china, but not really
Ok thats an argument, dont worry man I was just baiting you all along IDGAF tb.h.
Its natural for that to happen. Humans tend to fight against change early on. Your old men fought a good war against drugs and corruption in a consistent basis that now, less stragglers are inside your society. That's basically what's happening to my country now. First 3 months, many died against the drug menace, now its miniscule and more are just resorting to surrender
I see, good bantz by the way.
>Ragnarok Online
Singapore is fairly common here, colombro.