Baby = Trump

baby = Trump
tablecloth = America
globe = the world
splatters of feces on the baby's hands = Trump's antics
feces ridden diaper = source of Trump's antics
splatters of feces around the baby's mouth = indication that the baby loves and enjoys his feces and thinks it's good

really clonked my bonkers..

really makes me think

>rope attached to glode prevents it from falling

Really, activated my neural almonds. Thanks for explaining, (and showing us your shitty art)

At least their aren't a billion labels and captions

really gets me noggin joggin

i dig

Thanks Malaysia

>power cord with just enough slack to sent it tumbling over the edge



This happened 50 years ago lmao




What do you mean? Are we not in control anymore?

Truly, I was impelled to consideration.


Thank you for that breakdown

caused me to burst out laughing unexpectedly.
one of the funniest "really makes you think" variations

do you feel in control?


>indication that the baby loves and enjoys his feces and thinks it's good

No surprises there, Trump is of German origin after all.


Hey, what do you think about this beautiful piece of Trumpcuck bait I created a while ago:

Is Trump nigger scum? Think about it

>5 kids from 3 different women
>treats women like objects
>prone to sexual assault
>likes to show off his bling
>brags all the time
>is inarticulate
>neglects his kids (pimped his own daughter to Jews)
>hasn't seen his father in DECADES

Inconvertible proof that Trump is an albino nigger.

OP = Faggot

This is deep
>Tfw to intelegent for the other 15 year olds

>hey I have no idea how Trump will perform as president, but I don't like him so he is a baby covered in feces
Neck yourself

This really made me contemplate things.


dog = your life
pool = Sup Forums

>has a job

not a nigger

Well Obama has a job. Does that mean he's not a nigger?

Didn't think so. Next!

that's a deer you inbred downie.

Did it die?

Obama gets money from government, he is a wellfare queen

trump earns his own money and he dont wanna get paid from the government.

Obamba = welfare nigger
Trump = emperor of mankind


On the other hand, Obama never sold one of his daughters to the Jews.

Advantage: Obama

Triggered? :^)

Friendly reminder that

rhymes with
>cum dump

You're welcome.

Obama is a welfare nigger == gets paid by the jews

hook, line and sinker you took the bait

triggered :^)

good political cartoons don't need to be described with a paragraph of text

Oh SHIT, he took the bait and failed to defund the (((Ivanka Trump))) Jew cum dump allegations!

lmao he walked right into the trap, that's gotta sting :^)

this is (at least) the second time you give us this pasta Achmed

Well, I trolled you good - to bad you are just a autist - good night CTR shill always funny to read your low quality, low energy posts.

lmao they took the bait AGAIN!

Triggered? :^)

why yes, i am fucking furious

I don't know, some of those analogies are comedy gold. Real Naked Gun style stuff.

Relax you talk to a CTR virgin or autist or maybe a bot.

Atleast we know that it is not really intelligent

that's a meme you outbred normie

Oh look another one of those things liberals make that tells you more about the person who made it than the person it is about.

Artist loves poo porn.

>trump baby represents modern nationalism in its infancy
>america tablecloth draped over table representing jewish machinations, supporting the rest of the world
>trump taking america back in spite of globalism structure
looks good to me OP

>didnt mention the feces

its just sleeping. sleep tight doggo

Feces is neglected America.

kids from 3 different women
his kids are from 3 different women at different times
women are not fertile forever
hes redpilled as fuck

Stop kinkshaming coprophilia.

What's antics

>globe = the world

what do you mean by this burger ?


rhymes with
>War criminal