Why did our ancestors fail in their quest to eliminate all shitskins?
Why did our ancestors fail in their quest to eliminate all shitskins?
Youre one to talk. You brought darkies here by the boatfull
Our ancestors never would have thought that their descendants would betray their own tribes AND refuse to reproduce.
Hell, just 70 years or less ago, whites becoming a minority in their own countries was unthinkable. Why worry about the unthinkable?
No one before now would have ever expected such betrayal.
It's because we're the only race with real compassion.
It's what makes us superior, and it also our Achilles heel.
Fortunately, time and time again history has proven that when the white race feels threatened (or is just angry), we have the ability to turn off that compassion temporarily to push back the barbarians with savage vengeance.
It's coming again soon.
Whites have been on top with a lot to lose, and they keep nipping at our heels.
White men have become disenfranchised by the marxist state across the West, and it is sowing the seeds of extremely violent revolution.
Join us.
Apparently Lincoln was going to send them to South America had he not been assassinated.
I hope that's a boy
Because they were Germans. And you know GERMANS ALWAYS FAIL.
then you'll be dissapointed
They never wanted to, they wanted to civilize them AKA white mans burden.
Our ancestors didn't fail, we did
They were too busy fighting themselves
I would also like the source for....ahem.....reasons.
>medkit degeneracy
Because they were way too weak for it.
>South American tribes and jungles were way too hardcore for euroshitters, even though they had way more advanced weapons and military tactics.
>Arabs were way too strong and smart for the puny white man.
>Implying weak euroshits were ever anywhere near the strength of any asian culture.
Whites are an inferior race and the only good thing to come out of Europe is ancient greek and german philosophy.
They're also too dumb to look for sauce.
oh that's kati3kat believe.
Chile I see. Enjoy your miserable life in a 3rd world non-country.
t. assblasted shitskin forever in the 3rd world
Do you have the sauce Texas? Give us the sauce.
Why would I want to reproduce? I'd rather have holidays and a nice car
Sauce us please.
Lana Rain
>I want to be the most worthless and selfish person I can possibly be
consider your bait successful, since nobody could ever be this worthy of death naturally, not even a leftist
Because you guys just want a handout and I'm obviously susceptible to white guilt
>Lana Rain - Pink Haired Pirate
>Not one of the most selfish thing to do.
>history has proven that when the white race feels threatened (or is just angry), we have the ability to turn off that compassion temporarily to push back the barbarians with savage vengeance.
When was that? You are dreaming. We are fucked beacuse 99% of whites have proven themselves to be nothing but jewish drones. Headless chickens. The alt right is't really white is't something else: The alt.whites
It only is if you are a shitskin in some undeveloped nation
Holy shit, i want that core.
Yeah, but we brought them here as farm implements. We never intended for them learn to act like humans and participate in our society.
what kind of mental gymnastics are you pulling out of your ass to formulate that utterly pants on head retarded verbal diarrhea
Reproducing is quite literally the least selfish thing you can do, as you are bringing a new life into the world and spending your time and resources on them and your wife instead of purely yourself
>undevelopped nation
Go back to tumblr you queer, Sup Forums stand for political incorrectness, go use your PC goyspeak elsewhere.
What a gentleman. You may have heard the saying give a man a fish he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish yadda yadda. Reveal your secrets user.
why are there so few bitches in cosplay doing ahegao faces?
on top of that, literally ZERO creampie material, all just boring dildoshit
Empathy. We felt bad for them.
Our mistake.
You didn't listen.
>wanting to see dicks
can't see the dick if it is ballsdeep in the cunt
Not even joking but this is a guy.
Its not, I have the source and i can assure you its a girl
I can't post it because of copyright though
Assuming bait
And we're not gonna be like jews when we're a minority, we're gonna be like fucking niggers or spics or abbos or redskins
>jews hold very strong anti-european sentiments
>jews start coming to america from eastern euro
>jews don't assimilate/embrace murrican values
>jews bring zealous support for far left policies
>jews conclude diversity will secure their safety
various reasons behind that one, all of which you should be able to guess pretty damn easily
tl;dr jews
not even joking you are a braindead retard I've seen the video
You'll never be rid of us gringo
into the trash it goes.
EW gross. She has no muscle definition.
We were going to ship them to Liberia, a country founded by freed American slaves.
Then some faggot shot Lincoln in the head.
Mine didn't.
Yeah, and she don't even have balls or a penis.
Only faggots would tap that.
Because they never intended to?
Yeah, who could ever anticipate such a thing? How could a parasitic race of subhumans penetrate the US and UK so deeply that they would turn on their own white brothers and fight the war against them?
Shuffling the Jews around clearly doesn't work. We need to deport them all to Israel, now that they have a land. Every mischling with 51%+ Jewish ancestry needs to be sent to Israel, and the country then repeatedly hit with nuclear bombs and chemical weapons until nothing can live there for the next 10,000 years.
Maybe they just enjoy masturbating with an audience for money, and don't actually want to be literal whores?
>Maybe they just enjoy masturbating with an audience for money
>not a whore
indeed you are right
it's a whore who you pay and then never get anything from it
kill yourself
found it on yandex. lana rain. dont know about that vid though.
Lana Rain is a stupid cunt who fucked the admins so they would allow her to post her ugly manface on their site
The only way I would jerk off to her is if it was a snuff film
Stupid ugly fake weeb cunt
>mfw we killed shitskins
>ugly manface
you some kinda jealous woman?
Into the trash it goes
So you can't tell us where we can find the video?
I saw it before but when I went back to find it, it was removed.
The real villain of the modern world.
The new life never asked to be alive. You are literally just a selfish faggot.
Our empathy is one of our greatest virtues as well as one of our biggest weaknesses.
What the fuck are you on about, of course not, and I'm not going to have a kid just to make him suffer, that is your shitty implication. If you are not a shithead you are going to to raise your child to know joy and not be a useless defeatist fag like you. If you are in angst about being born go neck yourself.
i'd say it depends on your reasons. If you literally are having kids because you want kids and think it would fucking awesome, then you're good to go. not selfish.
however, if you're having kids to save a marriage, or just to have someone to take care of your ass when you get old, then yes. you're a selfish fuck who should just get divorced and take care of yourself.
tfw japan is almost black.
A video found in a /t/ thread.
Still have the video.
I haven't been learning japanese for more than a year for nothing, m8
because the SJWs fought hard
Roidgut. Take lots of steroids to achieve the same result.
It was on pornhub but i can't find it anymore
no that's lana rain