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That would be like Obama sending a nuclear submarine into the Gulf of Mexico to send a message to Russia.
Sage this shit.

Voids war with russia, ends up fighting china..


>when you want a communist revolution so you nuke what you consider your own country

omg im so scared, no wait they have been doing that shit for a year now and the burgers drive their destroyes close to their shitty island

No. It's normal for China to deliberately provoke new presidents to see how they react and test their espionage. Normally they wait until they're in office first. But maybe Trump taking the taiwan call got them moving faster.

It's a real chance to move to the UK as a refugee.

I'll take "what is a surface-to-air missile" for $500, Alfred.

Not scared, China can't do shit. It has literally trillions in loans out to us.

Styx predicted this. They won't do shit.

Go in and sell opium.
You can keep Hong Kong, but MUST take care of New Amsterdam.

>flies just outside their own territory
>sending a message

China can't do shit to us you dumb fucks. Their economy would collapse if we suddenly stopped buying their shit. And they import tons of food and fuel.

>chinese show of force: deploy a cold war tech bomber
>us show of force: deploy a carrier strike group

fak u we bomb u, chink dick strongg



>teleport to cockpit
>"Open your eyes gooks"
>whip out my big American dong
>Chinese open their eyes past 1cm in surprise
>"Hory shit... dat big!"
>smash the muthafuggin detonate button
>teleport away
>"Nothing personnel, ch-chinks..."
>China gets nuked by own bomb


You are very dumb and naive. Germany said the same shit about the US in the last world war.

China is fully capable of becoming an isolationist manufacturing Super entity. It has all the rare earth minerals to mine and can refuse to sell them to us.

Just because it's profiting off us in peace time does not mean it is unable or unwilling to enter a state of total war if it needs to.

You are retarded.

If Chinas nukes were made in china they probably don't even work

China's last true show of force was shooting down a spy satellite in High Earth Orbit.

The US does not have the capability to do the same.

Press enter. Do captcha whatever
In 5 years cant find a job cause of this comment.

>late 2017
>conventional war between America and China breaks out over SCS
>America bombs China's industry to shit
>America blockades food and oil imports and starves China to death
>China surrenders by 2018
>Taiwan internationally recognized as a state
>Hong Kong becomes independent
>Tibet freed
>minor global recession as production of cheap goods bottoms out
>southeast asia and central america pick up the slack
>US industry can now compete globally and manufacturing jobs during the war are retained
>Global boom as Trump cruises to re-election in 2020

Sounds good to me.


Holy Shit, they flew 1 bomber over the ocean near another land mass?

Shit they must be ttly srsly peed about something, they wouldn't normally send 1 single aircraft to fly over nowhere then return. May as well suicide because we're all obviously going to die

ITT: the media being retarded

It's a nuclear "POWERED" bomber, not a bomber with NUCLEAR BOMBS as it seems to imply. There's nothing really scary about a single nuclear powered bomber that could be taken out easily by ground to air missiles. Same deal with nuclear "POWERED" submarines which are often reported as if they carried nuclear weapons when in fact they just have better autonomy over regular submarines.

>China attacks the US
>Default on all the money we owe them
>Literally just giving us a trillion big ones
Please do this

China does not follow the MAD philosophy. They are willing to engage in nuclear war and have the philosophy of:
1. Strike first.
2. Turtle.
3. Strike again.

You are delusional if you think war with China is anything but suicide.

Both China and the U.S. could become isolationist supereconomies.
China would just lose a sizeable part of the population due to starvation to do it.

You can stay with me in you bring vodka
No cheeki breeki after eight though

Which historically they have been very okay with doing.

Well Drumpfkins you've really screwed the pooch this time.
China wanted status quo and peace but your nutjob of a leader has no interest in anything except total and pointless war over some irrelevant island.
Bravo gentlemen, well played.

Not really. We need them more than they need us. Yes, the US is their biggest buyer of their shit, but China already owns Africa, South America and parts of ME. They'll do just fine without us/US.

Just like the computer/phone you're poasting from doesn't work?

I thought China didn't have a first strike policy following their "people's republic" reform unless I'm mistaken

This kind of reminded me of this: mediaite.com/online/tabloid-makes-embarrassing-error-after-misunderstanding-military-terminology/

>A British tabloid made an embarrassing error Friday, writing a hysterical piece that incorrectly reported the Defence Ministry had paid hundreds of millions of pounds to buy a five-inch-long gun.

>“We just blew £183m on a five inch gun, but it’s ‘a good value for taxpayers,'” read the outraged headline from The Daily Star. The subheadline also reinforced that the author believed the gun was literally five inches, calling it “the length of a toothbrush.”

>The only problem? Five-inch guns are named after their caliber, not their length. They shoot munitions that are five inches in diameter, meaning the guns themselves are necessarily huge.

>The piece quickly attracted the mockery of those who were more familiar with military terminology.

Honestly the bigger problem is that they have a lot of integrated entities in the country.

>The US does not have the capability to do the same.

What. All it takes is a reprogrammed ICBM. The US just doesn't want to shit up the orbit with even more debris for dickwaving.

>Historically okay with their war time population dying from starvation >IN a war with the US


First strike is a pipe dream. They have built ghost cities so that when city x is nuked ghost city can be populated. They have spent decades preparing to handle nukes being dropped.

So they don't believe they'd be destroyed. They do not follow MAD philosophy, which invalidates its usefulness.

China is terrifying and already curb stomped us in Korea.

China powering a bomber with a nuclear reactor? Not possible, there were experiments done by the USAF but ultimately nuclear reactors at current technology can't power aircraft.

China has a considerably smaller amount of nukes than Russia or the USA and we can probably beat them in a land/island war

>all it takes
It's easy to claim you can do something you've never done and armchair coach about how easy it 'would be'.

China has actually done it.


The problem china runs into, they can't turtle.

They still aren't even food self-sufficient (without any specter of war looming over them)

Someone call up Russia, can't wait to serve alongside you guys in the coming war. We'll force those fucking heathens out.

China has considerably more fuel to make nukes than the US or Russia and would buy them from Russia.

nigger that was laughed off because the US did literally the same thing decades earlier but elected not to continually test their anti-satellite weapons because of the metric ass tonne of debris in unpredictable orbits that causes. Next you're going to tell me China's "carrier killer" missile is ground breaking tech.

>Oh no, I'm literally shaking.

Better INSTALL Hillary just to be safe.

>All it takes is a reprogrammed ICBM
I'm not sure if you're trolling or serious.

>It's another USA vs Chyna thread

They have similar land mass to the US and grow more food than any other nation on earth including the US.

It's true that they sell their food and buy ours, but that's for profit and not out of need.

The US sent multiple people to the moon over 40 years ago and routinely sends probes all over the system.

I don't need to tell you, but all such targets are much more difficult to hit than some satellite in HEO.

There's no nuclear powered plane in service anywhere on the world

Interesting. I was led to believe they had nuclear powered aircrafts by now, I do know that the media often mistakes nuclear powered submarines by nuclear submarines with nuclear weapons. Maybe its just me being retarded this time then.

Russia does not and would not sell nukes to China, the Sino Soviet split was literally yesterday and there is a reason that Russia has a militarized border guard with Tanks and APC's and trained infantry that rivals their army.

Russia has the most advanced warheads and delivery systems in the world, including road mobiles, and China to them is friendly competitor to potential enemy tier

>US vs China
>While 80% of US industry in China itself

Actually a tiny US spy satellite in high earth orbit is a much harder target than the moon and the US can't do it.

It's true we've done lots of cool stuff in space but taking out enemy spy satellites with projectiles is not one of them and it's one China can do to us.

We can shoot down LEO satellites to. In fact we have.


It's hard to follow MAD when it's not mutual, obviously. Having a few nukes doesn't compare to the vast chambers full that Russia and the US have.

So no shit they don't follow MAD. And your hilarious shilling for China in this thread is very apparent.

I bet they do that all the time, just shitlibs creating a narrative again.

Let me guess, Xian H-6? A copy of old soviet Tu-16? Chinks are fucking worthless, can't even make a new strategic bomber

Low Earth Orbit != High Earth Orbit

It is a very big difference in difficulty.

Yep. They've got us over a barrel. Because US trade policy was drafted by traitors whose real loyalties lie with multinational corporations.

Let's do it.

>this is just a viral marketing campaign to get American companies to move back

they build those citys to keep their retarted goverment alive by reinjecting money over and over again the fact they can use them as backup is just a nice side effect

Nice teeth mate

hahahaha now are nukes even real nigga like shut down the atoms ayyy

Will a nuclear war be painful? I don't care about dying. I just don't want it to hurt

Even beyond that
>Truck the people in from the nuked city
>nuked city

uh, what people?

China won't exist in four years. Trump has the intelligence and the means to erase them from existence without firing a single shot or dropping a single bomb. You will all see, and be amazed.

What we know as Taiwan will be in charge over there.

Very true but my point stands.

> china flies bomber over "south china sea"
> chunk of ocean they have been trying to claim for years
> taiwan is in EAST china sea (also known as The Pacific Ocean)
> plane didnt fly anywhere near taiwan
> credible show of force

nigga please

so much this.

>Trump has the intelligence and the means to erase them from existence without firing a single shot or dropping a single bomb.
China has the same on the US though.

Nobody cares, China. This is about as intimidating as North Korea threatening to nuke us every other day. Try it, faggots, and see what happens.

>unironically thinks no one survived in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Substantially less than half the population were killed.

Lol I'd give China two weeks in a conventional war with the US/Allies. People saying they would become a self sustaining war economy are overestimating their ability to hold out that long.

>the most basic of bombs designed simply as a show of force compares to what exists now


China didnt do this as a provocation, US media is just reporting it that way.


There will be a cia led chinese civil war before any shooting war with us. China is too populous and caste divided. It would be easy to foment. Unless i am overestimating our country and its ability to do this to a country that has 1.1b people of which 99% are poor and hungry.

This isn't supposed to happen til 2077 dammit.

The fundamental way a nuke works is the same as 60 years ago. The laws of physics did not magically change in that timespan.

they don't have enough oil though

Doesn't matter, the precision which we use for the calculations is far above that, with all the those probes that have enough DeltaV to go around the system, hitting a single satellite is easy, it's just a matter of adjusting your orbit enough.

If you didn't notice they have been rendezvousing with the ISS for decades, and putting satellites in precise orbits for even longer.

Comparing that to doing multiple slingshots around the system in the same mission? Pfft.

It's literally not, they're entirely different warheads now. H bombs are not the atomic nukes dropped on the Nips.

also china has about 5 times the population density of the USA

Why the fuck haven't these commies collapsed under it's own system yet?

Communism is doomed to fail, these damn commies are still alive after a hundred years.

Just google Hisashi Ouchi, that's what will happen to you, only slower and more painful.

And the message being..?

I'm pretty sure the South China Sea, being the South China Sea and a region of intense Chinese military investment and interest, regularly sees Chinese bombers flying over it.

At first, but you beat them back as the war progressed.

kek this

I don't get it. Why can't they just send the letter by email, whatsapp or letter?

actually completely wrong. All nukes today are fusion devices, or H-bombs. The hiroshima bomb was a fission device, or A-bomb.

the hiroshima bomb was a 50,000 ton bomb. The average nuke today is at least 200,000 going up to about 1,200,000. And they are only that small because they prefer to send lots smaller bombs to bomb a city rather than a few small ones because it's more effective.

Nuclear attacks to day would be very very different to the hiroshima bombing.

it will happen once their economy stagnate, might take a long though

chinese missiles cant even hit hawaii alaska or the west coast

US missiles can hit every inch of china

china starting a nuclear exchange is not "MAD", it would be insane

the chinks know this, they are not cray cray like the fat little anal wart currently running Best Korea

china doesnt want war, they want talk, but Daddy Trump isnt in a mood to negotiate with treacherous liars

> strike first
ha ha ah aha ha ha
with what? their shitty slow low altitude "bombers" which cant cross the pacific and can be taken down by thrown rocks?

or the bottle rockets they call missiles that can barely reach japan?

> turtle
how you gonna "turtle" from mushroom clouds?

> strike again
in 300 years when your mutated radioactive descendants finally re-invent the dugout canoe and paddle east?

They actually started privatizing things after Mao died and they realized the rest of them were about to starve. So basically it's back to an oligarchy like you'd see in a feudal system.

>nuclear capable bomber

You mean the bomber they have been doing the same drills with for years?

No they didn't