>this is normal in america
This is normal in america
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Yeah. I sleep every day.
>Angry single woman cries herself to sleep because she can't get a "good man", forgets to take her shoes off in the hysteria.
Usually it's muddy boots from a hard day's work.
>A private company is taxing air to skin contact on the foot plants
Thanks capitalism
>mfw no burgers on the floor
That's not normal anywhere except for in unrealistic depictions of dedication in advertisements. Go put some furniture together with an Allen wrench or make a sandwich for the Muslim who is fucking your wife or whatever stupid shit you godless Europeans do with your time.
>this is normal in Asia
really stimulates the thought process
It's probably an advertisement for running shoes. See her position, it's as if she's running. She's so into running that "she even runs in her sleep"
This. I'll sleep full uniform no blanket boots on and everything.
Dude you must be a tourist. Never let the Burger touch the floor in America. The natives consider it a grave insult.
Do Americans really wear their shoes inside?
Aren't they worried about tracking mud and whatever else throughout there house? Or do they have indoor shoes and outdoor shoes?
My Mexican housekeeper cleans that shit up, idgaf
While this is obvious bait. Ill give you a little tidbit in young American culture.
At a house party if you pass out (from drinking) before midnight OR pass out with your shoes on, the other parties are entitled to draw penises on your face.
Sleeping on my bed with my shoes after a quick bite at the local Micky Dee's is just normal for me.
It's my house, I can do whatever I want.
how do you take your clothes off without taking your shoes off?
We take them off, and then put the shoes back on, you dumb leaf.
no us americans have so many burgers on our tables, counter tops, cabinets, fridges, chairs, night stands, etc. that we have to store our night time burgers on the floor near our bed when we sleep.
>Taking your clothes off before going to sleep
What's wrong with you?
The only time you should be getting naked is for whoopie and bathing.
i did this sometimes cause I was exhausted from working all day but i tried to avoid putting my gross ass shoes on the bed
we taker everything off over our head, pants included
generally i dfind the poorer they are, the more likely they are to wear shoes in the house, its gross as fuck.
Why does the rest of the world wear weird clogs?
unlike the People's Republic of Canada my city streets are cleaned regularly
Those shoes have clearly never been worn outside, so its ok
when you go barefoot in the house don't you get metal slivers in your feet occasionally?
Look how many (you)s OP got. This is some next level shitpost.
pls kys you border hoppers
the brit is spot on A burger touching the floor is akin to the flag touching the floor; it must be ceremoniously burned while saluted.
Wait a sec. Europeans take their shoes off to sleep? Next you're going to tell me you guys take your shoes off in the house too.
this is normal in the usa
>finns too poor to afford sleeping shoes
Can't say I'm surprised
Very carefully.
Euros are just butthurt because Tyrone and Abdul stole their shoes.
>isn't fat
>isn't black
my bitch threw a jar at me and it shattered into a million pieces, been walking on glass bits for months now. But where the fuck do you live where there's metal slivers everywhere, a fucking machine shop?
i have a lathe in my living room.
You have to think about the salt, sand, and snow. For 4 months of the year here, everything outside is basically caked in salt, and if it's not, there's snow and ice. Another month and a half after winter, it's muddy as fuck outside. In summer it's OK but then I have to worry about stepping on goose shit. I'm in a small town and geese are where I walk. Sometimes you can't avoid a minefield with 100 goose shits within a 20 foot radius. Then when fall comes, there's dead grass and dead plants everywhere, which means you'd track in more mud and some dead plants, pine needles, leaves, etc.
Doesn't it make more sense for rich people to wear shoes in the house? I mean the ones with huge mansions that throw parties a lot.
That answers that.
This. I have slept in my full motorbike gear. Boot and helmet, the lot. Really comfy after 12 hours on the road.
>listening to a fucking gook talk about america
lol we used your country for 15 years to test chemical weapons
lel does that guy even have a weapon? id just act like giving something to him and punch him in that big fat ugly face
no, burgers are aplenty
we don't worship burgers, they just happen to be everywhere and very good
i don't, but others do i guess
When I visited Texas I was suprised at how many fucking mattress stores there were. It makes sense though, they wear out quickly when you sleep with your shoes on
So? It's a lot easier to leave your shoes on instead of take them off fifteen times a day
I'm 6'5" (with a 9 inch cock) so my feet hang off the bed a bit when I sleep- doesn't matter if I have shoes on.
he was british not european
It won't stop us from eating it, tho. Some sins can be forgiven.
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
They're trying to distract us.
Stay focused.
single-wide trailer.
my living room also has a 12 ton press and a 30 gallon air compressor.
needless to say, I live alone.
>I'm 5'8" (with a 3.5 inch cock)
I don't... it isn't comfy at all. If you need to wear slippers.
Or "insidey foot houses" as the brits call them.
I'm 5'6 with a nine inch cock. Yours must look tiny on you.
Same here. I dont think yurocucks realize how common this is here for white guys. EVERYONE in my family is tall and has a huge cock.
If ourshoes are muddy? No.
If our shoes aren't muddy and the floorisn't carpet? Yes.
If our shoes aren't muddy and the floor is carpet? Maybe. Our outside "hard flooring" (roads, sidewalks, etc) is pretty dang clean. Depends on the home owner. The etiquette isif they have a spot for shoes, or if the home owner takes his off, take yours off. If not, it's up to you.
>inside shoes
They are called slippers, but aren't really shoes
Whenever you claim penis size on the internet, you're gonna have to post pics
i sleep fully clothed incase i die in my sleep and i need my clothes or whatevers in my pockets
good thing you're defending the sanctity of our collective meme-sewer
no... i can't do it even in jest.
That moose knuckle is hideous...
Don't you have beds in finland?
>posting porn
Meet the New iShoes.
I'm actually this height. I just recently bought a cal.king mattress and my feet no longer hang off if I stretch all the way out. Feels good man.jpg
probably whatever is closest to her.
I sleep fully clothed as well, without socks and without shoes though.
i was in this thread the first time around.
Where are you footfags at?
Pffft, you guys need to learn superior canned-burger technology.