You might be a nu-male if

You might be a nu-male if...

you pick the cuck owl archer.

you're from canada

What's wrong with being a nu-male? Is there something wrong with women controlling their bodies? Is there something wrong with me wanting to support and raise up the proletariat females? Women have been oppressed forever it's time for use to get rid of testosterone and walk in their shoes. All this machoism needs to go and we should all be equal. If I want to cry to a love movie why can't I? If my wife wants to sleep with other men why shouldn't she? Hillary should of won, all I've learned is this country is racist and hates women and minorities.

you play sun and moon poketman

The other option is a tranny seal or a faggot cat. Just don't play Sun and Moon.

You hold your mug with 2 hands

you wear glasses and have a beard

You're just jealous I can afford to support my wife and her son.

youre over the age of 12 and still play pokemon

... you have this haircut.

wew lad

You stop masturbating

>The entire game's quality is determined by the starters


Look at this cute! How can you not pick tranny seal when your other options are barabait tiger and edgelord owl?

God, that faggot should be so, so embarrassed

if you don't shave your head
if you have a beard and/or a mustache
if you can't do pullups and pushups
if you play video games
if you don't plan to have any kids

Limp wrist
Plaid sweater over buttondown
Enjoy wine
Defend feminism in any way shape or form

you don't understand this Jeff Foxworthy reference.

Your entire wardrobe and accessories came from Hot Topic

This is pretty widespread in the military and you see it frequently in the special forces. Guess because of the practical reason while still looking somewhat stylish.

You dress like a lumberjack and have never used an axe or chainsaw in your entire existence.

>He doesn't enjoy the ironic popularity of the Hitler Youth among libs

If you hold leftist beliefs.

if you identify more with pepe than wojak

Jex foxworthy is trash. Voted for gay marriage and supports the liberal front. Fuck him and the other "blue collar" (((Comedians))). Jeff dunham is more redpilled then him and even he's not that funny.

Your tats cost more than a new automobile or a small home but you still think the government should support you.

you program video games for a living.

Part of me feels like you earnestly believe this despite memeing

Your girlfriend weighs more than you do.

so visually impaired people should not wear glasses? are you also a nu male if you brush your teeth or get braces?
>loling at your life

You like either of these two "people"

Clearly you don't live in the rural South.

>beards are for nu-male fags
Ok, buddy.

Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer are your dreamgirls

You gave a beard and cant bench press 200 lbs.

Not in the military are you

I don't trust men who are serious about drinking wine

I really can't tell the difference between satire and liberal cuckery anymore. We've sunk that low.


I like this

I do.

I actually am, and a reservist of another country's army.

>1 post by this ID

These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.

Do not fall for them.

You are a nu-male if you do not stand by your friends.
You are a nu-male if you are dishonest.

>Anonymous (ID: bQAwYP0u) 12/11/16(Sun)20:56:24 No.102486659▶
> (OP)
post by this ID

Glad someone said this.

>you wear wide brim/no brim glasses and have a beard.
fixed that for you.

you use Facebook

>1 post by this ID

These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.

Do not fall for them.

when exactly was gay marriage ever voted on?


..there is a (You) behind the post number this post is a reply to.

>wine is for numales

pleb high estrogen manboob owner detected.
Wine is the high test alcohol par excellence and patrician as fuck.
Weird overpriced beer is the mark of the numale in the alcohol department.

Correct answer and checked

If you don't go to the gym