How do we fix this lads? Should we import loads of east asians and produce a mixed breed irish-east asian master race?
/eirepol/ - Low IQ edition
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Get better data. Av Irish IQ is 92.
Funny, and true.
delet this
Tell the politians to stop wasting time trying to not be Britain, invest more in education instead of fucking around with EU-tax banter, elect someone that isn't so far up the left's collective blacked asshole, promote an Irish Identity that isn't "WE'RE SO NICE AND FRIENDLY AND LOVELY" and give people a reason to stay instead of leaving the country.
Ireland's biggest exports are whiskey and useful white people.
Sort your shit out, and then hopefully someone up here will do the same.
t. Ulster Republican forced to vote Unionist because SF are cucks
I should add:
Remember that without Britain you'd still be rolling in bogs.
You won your freedom, do something fucking useful with it.
There's literally nothing wrong with Ireland and Britain being buddies, and I would dream to see a day when an uncucked Ireland lives alongside the anglos with a France-England buddy cop kind of relationship.
>There's literally nothing wrong with Ireland and Britain being buddies
This, honestly. I don't mind.
>Remember that without Britain you'd still be rolling in bogs.
how so?
ebin masder deelings :--DD
this is now a binland bread
No it's about 95, as you will see in Richard Lynn's recent book with Vanhanen . He also has a book called the 'Irish Brain Drain' which deals with the consequences of having nearly 50% of your population (yes 3 millino people emigrated during and directly after the famine) emigrate.
can we eh... make them come back :(....?
Not likely as the biggest period of migration was 1850 to 1920. So while they love to come here and tell us about their great great granddaddy I'm not quite sure they would make the leap.
If you shill hard you could probably get a few million Americans to come over to you. They might not be *completely* Irish but...
Import more Brits!
if the average number has a difference of 5 it shouldnt be noticeable to anybody
And we can trust your opinion since you have the highest IQs.
Put a breathalyzer test on the test room's doors.
I'm half Irish and half ethiopian. I'm moving to Ireland to become a druid.
improve financial prospects for living in ireland
right now if you want any kind of decent living, you get a degree and get out
why don't you move to ethiopia and become a corpse instead
tfw my state has a higher IQ than all of Europe.
Because I have lots of money and I'm ready to retire. Being a druid seems like fun and I can get in touch with my Irish roots.
I like how alboroaches drag down the IQ of everyone around them.
Based on this map alone, you can see where their infestation is the highest.
>95 iq
Haha, fucking inbred royals.
(((PISA))) takes into account every shit-skin in every nation, invalid map.
Are you kidding me? Ireland's HDI is one of the highest in Europe. Are you trying to say Dublin and Cork are not great places to live? If its so terrible why is there over a hundred thousand poles here?
Are albanians really as dumb as african americans?
>Are you trying to say Dublin [is] not great places to live
Dublin is a hellhole.
>If its so terrible why is there over a hundred thousand poles here?
for work
Smartest and most capable fled during the potato famine. Also Anglos tried to make you into a race of peasant slaves for a long period of time so that probably had a lasting effect.
You guys did well in the recent pisa tests so I wouldn't be too worried. You're in a better position than the rest of NW Europe with your white population and birthrate.
Mainly because national averages include the low intelligence regions, while the low intelligence regions in the us are in a different state from yours.
Dublin's not a hellhole. It's actually ahead of a shit ton of cities in terms of crime,disposable income,air quality, and housing. It only falls behind in traffic congestion. Cities its higher than are London,Boston,Brisbane,Paris,Barcelona, and Lyon
Cork is, Dublin isn't.
If it wasn't for the majority of public spending being siphoned towards providing Dublin with services not found anywhere else in the country (eg. DART, Luas) there would be no benefit to living there
Dublin is indeed a hellhole. No city in the country can come close to it where crime is concerned.
As a corkonian, I am shocked and horrified about the stories my Dublin friends tell me about the crime experienced there.
A gun was fired in cork a few weeks ago and it was news for days. The same story wouldn't even register in a lot of areas of Dublin
I fucking LOVE Ireland guys.
I've lived in Dublin and Limerick
Dublin is a crime-riddled multiculti hellhole
lol, this is true.
I visited a friend in Lucan last week. And while I was there i heard a helicopter, sounded like it must be a police helicopter. Later I read that some guy had been shot and killed in the park just across the road while I was there. We talked about how shit dublin was for a while and how dodgy shit like this wasn't at all a surprise for lucan.
The problem with Dublin is that every part of it is a pure shithole.
The entire city centre is a shithole. The only places that are not are extremely pricey locations that are slightly off the main streets like baggot street, and those are expensive as fuck.
There's no nice places to live in Dublin, like 90% of it is dangerous shithole, and the rest is expensive as fuck and usually far away from the city itself.
Cork by comparison is lovely. I lived there for awhile. There are "rough" areas, but you don't feel in danger being there.
I don't know how a study was done that ever show London and Brisbane are worse than Dublin, because I've been to both and they are lovely. Maybe they have dangerous areas, but the main city centre areas where you actually want to be are lovely.
Dublin and Limerick are the two Irish cities that just need a nuking. It will be easier to start over.
Limerick's not that bad at all. I was expecting it to be like a worse Dublin when I moved here but it's surprisingly fine.
>not as dangerous as Dublin
>not as leftist as Galway
>not as dirty as Cork
>not as irrelevant as Waterford
A proposal lads: Dublin is awful so what if we were to give the pale back to the sassanach scumbags and swap it for the north and gas the loyalists. we would be objectively better off.
so' potato' muh' leniam' kil'th ang'lo
Isn't that nearly retarded?
hmm. I guess it;s improved in recent years?
I passed through it on the bus a lot. It always seems dilapidated as fuck.
It's poor as fuck but that's the worst I can say about it.
Great to finally see an Irish general.
It's pretty bad, yeah. The country got emptied of the smart people over the last 150 years.
Now Ireland is the most unequal country in Europe before tax because we have a small core of competent people making all the money and about 5 times as many with IQs in the 80s sitting around supported through taxes on the smart people working for banks, Facebook, Microsoft and the likes.
Also, in Ireland; how do we overcome the Antifa/Sinn Fein plague and make the alt-right/real nationalism a current?
Anyone that's not a fuckin thick knows to get out of this shit hole ASAP. The result is all the mongos are left here.
We start by never saying alt-right ever again.
The alt-right is not radical enough for me. I am a man who envisions the beliefs of Pearse; for every foreigner and traitor to get the rope. I'm not some edgy kid who says "Milo xDDD"
Start by stoking up anti-immigrant sentiment. Most Sinn Fein voters are republicans and nationalists, however these are also the people most opposed to immigrants and shit. Start poking holes in Sinn Feins multiculti policies.
Working class is the greatest voting block also, so make sure to spread the fact that immigration hurts the working class the most. The interests of the working class are closed borders and little to no unskilled immigrants.
This is what you need to push, Irish people are by and large racist in some respect, we need to get logic behind that racism/anti-immigrant vibe to give the movement legitimacy.
I feel sorry for all fellow nationalists in both scotland and ireland, as both our main "Nationalist" parties are anything but.
Most common and ordinary Irish people I see on facebook, usually on articles about the homeless/refugees do oppose the influx of refugees. Others are just downright embarassing SJW's. "Lovin' Dublin" and "" are the worst.
Too many smart Irishmen moved overseas, the dumber ones stayed in bogland. Sorry about that.
>We must accustom ourselves to the thought of arms, the sight of arms, the use of arms. We may make mistakes in the beginning and shoot the wrong people; but bloodshed is a cleansing and a sanctifying act, and the nation which regards it as the final horror has lost its manhood
doing a mighty thinkerino
why is luxembourg retarded?
nobody will publicly share anti-immigrant sentiments on facebook or other social media, the stigma alone would kill you.
many people have these views, they just keep them to themselves.
If you were paying attention to social media for gay marriage ref, you would think it would pass 98-2, the reality was a split 60-40 or something IIRC? And a lot of people even then were shamed into voting yes even though they disagreed completely.
Irish people are easily shamed into submission, probably a relic of catholic society.
Still, it's something the counter-culture movement could exploit.
>nobody will publicly share anti-immigrant sentiments on facebook or other social media, the stigma alone would kill you.
I do. I've lost about 120 friends since the start of the year but fuck it, no point staying silent anymore.
a few generations of refraining from becoming professional alcoholics might help, lads.
>t. irish-german american
Even if; let's say the right wing does rise; we just can't deport every shitskin in the country. It's disgusting knowing Nigerians bear Irish passports
Taigs shouldn't be embarrassed with 95, that's perfectly reasonable fenian intelligence
long term: slash welfare, spend money on infrastructure instead
Any parasites who refuse to work are free to leave to any other country that'll take them.
Worst come to worst, we can say we are "persecuting" the leechs/welfare class and they can go claim asylum in Germany and get their neetbux.
Lower IQ = Less Jews
IQ is just a Jewish trick to make goyim believe that
>"those intelligrent Swede's and German's got it right!"
Notice how Portugal both has the lowest IQ in western Europe, but also is the least cucked. Notice how KEKED Sweden and Germany have the highest IQs.
They're even dumber
Because Lynn used a pretty flawed methodology and very low sample sizes. Norway and Denmark are also suspiciously low.
If Catholicism is the reason of Irish cuckness why does Poland and other eastern/central catholic countries are so right wing?
Not a bad idea m8
That guy works in northern ireland btw, ulster university.
>Should we import loads of east asians and produce a mixed breed irish-east asian master race?
You're already doing that.
You're letting like 10k chinks soulless, unhuman chinks in a year, thinking their economic benefit is worth their shitty culture.
We've done it, and are still doing it, and I can tell you it's not worth it.
Also worth noting that his methodology relies on estimations based on PISA and TIMSS scoring.
Ireland has consistently scored above average in PISA rankings and has had a very sporadic participation in TIMSS.
From reading the paper, it appears he pulled all of the countries "average IQs" out of his ass.
They are the way they are bc of life under communism and Stalin's Iron Curtain.
We in ireland were a bunch of newly free western farmers who somehow adopted catholicism as an identity (probably just to oppose british protestantism)
The result was that Ireland was used as a giant child sex trafficking operation for the catholic church, we all know about the kiddy diddling, but also documented is the fact that illegitimate children were taken from their mothers in catholic dominated ireland.
We were told that they were "adopted" by middle class Americans and the like, however in hindsight it was clearly a child trafficking operation, similar things went on in Argentina, Africa, all over the place.
The catholic church is a disgusting hive of corruption.
Has George Hook become the Irish Donald Trump?
I'm not a fan but he's been triggered the libtards pretty hard ever since Trump won
>How do we fix this?
By starting a real Nationalist party. Most people fucking hate our politicians and vote half-heartedly. If a Nationalist party gets off the ground I'm confident they would be able to win. Irish Nationalism hasn't been completely cucked out of existence.
>If a Nationalist party gets off the ground I'm confident they would be able to win.
With the current system? Doubtful. Only FF/FG/SF can stand enough candidates to form a government.
>we need to get logic behind that racism/anti-immigrant vibe to give the movement legitimacy.
Irish fought a battle to stop the foreigners coming into Ireland a thousand years ago. Nothings changed. It's not illogical to not want foreigners in your country. Especially when you only have a population of 4 million.
This is retarded. Estonia has very few jews and has no diversity/refugee welcome shit, by your logic we should be extremely low, yet are one of the highest.
You have the same amount of Jews as Ireland despite having only 1/4 of our population.
It's Luxembourg, you inbred swine.
>ireland is a country of near-retards not even speaking their language
really fires up dem neurons
t. a country invented in 1992
Looks like a correlation between Catholic countries and lower (not hugely) IQ
>According to the 2011 census, there were 509 Jews living in Croatia
That's 0.001% of the population. How do you explain that?
>literally being cucked to the point of willingly speaking your former opressor's language
Meant to say 0,01%, but the point stands.
That was my point. It doesn't matter how many jews there are, burger made a retarded post.
Says the country one of who's national languages is English.
>South Europe
Can we just nuke the whole place and replace the current population with "real" white people? Thank you.
Holy shit, are most Albanians literally retarded?
could always play the role the PDs used to, be the 5-10 seats that gets the bigger party over the line
>Progressive Democrats
>conservative as fuck
listen to the abo
>replace the slavs
When the next Roman Empire comes about we can just invade Ukraine and settle them all on plots of land there. Give Hungary the best part since they are bros.
Kill off every Dub born north of the Liffey and every culchie born west of Longford
croatia can help you with the iq problem by impregnating your women my irish friend
You only got your IQ because of Austrian men impregnating your women you fucking Croat lmao
It's slavs coming here and doing menial labour that makes our IQ so low so no thanks.