Serious Question: Why do people and organizations Raid /Pol?

It seems like they come here to blue pill us, but they instead wind up redpilled. For example, look at the FBI. They have been completely redpilled except for a few stragglers. What are these blue pill dispensers thinking?

They exist in their own bubble before Sup Forums

Interesting. What if we raided them? i.e. attach some strands back to their lugey?

>What if we raided them?
I've been trying to do this almost on my own to local NPR station and personalities on Twitter. I realized about a year ago they had zero push back on anything they claimed.

I've been unfollowing Trump Tweeters since the election, its becoming a horrible echo chamber. I try to talk to these people about outrageous things the left actually says and they agree but they are more interested in eating processed dribble from Alex Jones.

remember the communists who were making like 7 threads at a time a week or two ago? They think they can influence us but most of them really don't understand "Sup Forums culture" and quit because it really can't work.

/leftypol/ BLFO
They didn't get our abstract level memes

I think if possible we should work on infiltrating them. Pretend to be them and tow the line for awhile then slowly and subtly inject some retardation that would alienate most people into the movement. Also being on the inside is good because you can learn from them how they try to subvert groups.

Since the lefts media and social networks are so insular its really easy to know what they will all be thinking next week by listening to NPR or even more hard core progressive radio from the Midwest.

Yeah I think divide and conquer like the jews do would be an interesting move. On one hand we could encourage the BLM SJW blue hair pro choice types to double down on hating whitey and killing their own infants in public. On the other hand we could gently redpill the limp writsted Bernie types who just want the rust belt to not get fucked over and rationally hate the WTO. It's the Hegelian dialectic to destroy leftism in America.

Nobody really knows you exist.
Fuck, I bet not even a quarter of reddit knows Sup Forums exists despite all those retarded crossposters. You gained notoriety for this pizzagate shit and that were your 5 minutes of fame. Not even Trump knows you shills exist. You didn't change anything.

I also meant to say in the first part of that statement that encouraging BLM to chimp out and leftists to go crazy helps us because it make them look like the lunatics (which they are) to the moderate supermajority.

Stay mad, loser. Kek. We've only been mentioned in pretty much every broadcast of the MSM for every day for the past 2 months.

exactly. Where do these people congregate anyway?

Yes, as the deplorables Hillary described you as.

pretty sure the people who come on here are the exact people she was calling deplorable. Pretty funny she lacked the social know-how not to make it instead seem like she was calling all Trump supporters deplorable. What an utter retard!


Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, MSM

>Why do people and organizations Raid /Pol?

This board to some extent embodies right-wing shift among youth in various countries - a similar process that radical left underwent in 50s and 60s. Various leftoids recognize us as a new counter-culture and it appeals to them on some level so they try to subvert Sup Forums with their stale memes.

>No one knows we exist


I agree to some extent, but many of the organized movements, like say the TRS forum guys who tried to push that homo Richard Spencer the past few weeks have become either disheartened or actually redpilled themselves to recognize he was controlled opposition. It keeps happening. Look even at our Candidate redpilling all the Bernie supporters in the Rust belt. Every time they come in contact with us (in all our manifestations, not only the actual board) the more they realize we embody the redpill truth.

random guessing here, but FBI has been here longer than you and the others thats why they at least pretend to give almost half a damn about this place dispite the doomsayers saying this place is going to get blocked or shut down but id rather have them overlooking this place than the other agencies to be honest desu.

they're jealous of our freedom

The problem is the way they operate on the places they talk online is banning anyone who dissents

Read this though:
Don't you think we could take places like that and actually infiltrate and make them MORE insane. Like convince them to carry banners that say KILL ALL COPS BECAUSE THEY RAYCIS PIGS, and loot and shit, and convince womens groups to say things like "not looking at me is literally rape, I'm shaking." and shit. It's good to out them as crazy people. Meanwhile we work with the reasonable ones on a personal level...say like Trump going to that Union boss and telling him how it is (meanwhile saving all those jobs at the Carrier factory), to gently redpill those ones. Carrots and sticks...

Raiding Sup Forums is and will always be incredibly effective because mods refuse to do anything about the constant fucking spam. At any given moment in time the catalog will consist of at least 50% legitimate shill and ironic shill threads. How many times have you seen "I need an assault rifle to fight the governmen-" today? How many Occupy Democrats screenshots? How many "POL BTFO" "Explain this, Sup Forums" "*sips tea* threads have you scrolled past? Mods are fucking trash.

And yet despite this, those are largely tuned out, and pol remains hardcore redpilled, the most hardcore on the internet. Maybe in part because we AREN'T an echo chamber--It's always confused me how people say /pol is an echo chamber when clearly the presence of all these shills throwing bad press our way, and blue-pilled agitprop our way demonstrates it's not an echo chamber at all.

That is just Sup Forums trolling /pol
They are trying to bring up a stupid liberal argument to rile the rest of us against it

Pretty much the only thing that can get you banned on Sup Forums is starting threads that are 100% off-topic or breaking the site's global rules. Otherwise everyone from commie faggots to monarchists are welcome here.

>those are largely tuned out
This is false. These threads get hundreds upon hundreds of replies that could have been put towards a non-shitpost thread.

Well in a sense, yes, but what I mean by tuned out is that they have no traction, they have no impact on the opinions of the /pol userbase. And like , I agree that it's probably a price we have to pay in order to secure freer discourse and exchange of ideas. We might laugh at the blue-pill propaganda, but keep in mind it's what they actually spout to the normies on MSM, laughable though it may be. It's good to be able to come up with concise responses for such bullshit ahead of time, instead of being shocked by the retardedness.

I agree user. Well played.

They come from places where opinions can be dispensed by authority whereas our authority comes from truly open debate.

We always win since there is no social power here.

+1 Awarded Reddit Gold, non-anonymous Known user, feel good the society approves!

Can I get reddit silver? If not that must mean I'm a loser and this post is bad and I should feel bad. Oh look my inbox is filled with hate mail. Oh look I've been censored and doxxed. Feelsbadman.

Who is this autist qt?

Man if even half the shit FBIanon posted is true things behind the scenes must be fucking crazy right now

Sup Forums doesn't get raided. A majority of the "raiders" are just LARPing Sup Forums faggots trying to get (You)s. If you actually think Sup Forums is anything besides a place to shitpost then you might actually be autistic.

Is there any actual proof that anybody actually came here to shill or raid on Sup Forums? People disagreeing with you and your hurt fee fees don't count as proof.


yeah. We sometimes go into their forums and see how they plan it out and say shit like ready set GO. TRS is a good example. They you have faggot organizations like CTR that partially exist for the purpose of raiding /pol

They don't. It's just autistic weeabo neckbeards who imagine they do.

You can go to their forums and see them planning raids. Like the /leftypol/ shit going on lately. And groups like CTR exist explicitly to raid Sup Forums and other sites.

>t. Jew faggot CTR Raider fuck.
>do you have proof I exist?


our memes are too strong for them traveller, they would kill a horse, let alone a man

>Raiding Sup Forums is and will always be incredibly effective because mods refuse to do anything about the constant fucking spam. At any given moment in time the catalog will consist of at least 50% legitimate shill and ironic shill threads.
and yet redpills are dispensed in these threads regularly, and these are probably the threads which are most nufag friendly

Indeed. Read this whole thread.

Again, that's not actual proof you little autistic basement dwelling retard. Kill yourself.

/leftypol/ is an infinitechan board, and I've never seen any evidence that CTR raids here.

TRS raided here as a way to get people to visit their site. They want some of Sup Forums's userbase, a lot of them think the same as the people here.

>and I've never seen any evidence that CTR raids here.

Go kill yourself you autistic teenager. Your parents are ashamed of you.

Loser stay mad
stay mad Loser
Stay mad
