Why nordcucks think they are better than south Europeans?
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at least the nords wore pants
Remember when we cucked your shitty empire? Thats why.
>oh look, it's another D&C thread
r/communism pls go
>be retarded beta loser with no friends
>have an unwarranted superiority complex
>go on Sup Forums and start taking edgy nazi jokes seriously
>start worshipping Hitler and his nordbooism
thats all it is really. Just newfag teenagers from Sup Forums and legit stormfront shitposters
Probably because they have been in recent history, they also manage to ride the coattails of Anglos effectively, and thus appear more succesful than they actually are. In any case theit culture is pretty based
Nords and Meds are two sides of the same coin. The true centers of Europe are London, Belgium, Paris, and Switzerland.
>being this butthurt
No, you didnt. The mongols cucked your country
>tfw World War 2 ended up being between the two new Romes
>Germany and US
Ah, yes. Let's all take a moment to remember the time when the mighty Finnish kingdom conquered Rome.
>Belgium, switzerland
Otherwise their balls would freeze.
Daily reminder that we italians invented civilization while y'all celts an germanics wuz still in caves
>he doesnt know
>belgium and switzerland
>picking netherlands light over the actual netherlands
They generally look better than us, taller lots of red and blonde phenotype.
This lead them to feel different, thus superior, to the rest of the world, and it is true for all of them. Especially the cucks...the thing that swedish are trying to do : civilize and integrate non-whites in their own culture is the result of a racist attitude mixed with a messiah complex.
Literally all shit except Italy.
Why is this retarded "debate" breaking out on Sup Forums? Is it disinfo agents trying to stir arguments between white people?
I don't care for the Nordic people but there's no reason for these retarded arguments to break out.
Because they are
Because while we have built modern society, the southfucks still goes on about muh aqueducts.
The only reason Italy was relevant after 1850 was because France used them as target practice for their new rifles in preparation for their war with Prussia.
Which France lost. That's how much Italy matters the last 150 years.
Romans used to be Nordic, though. All of the emperors had blonde hair and blue eyes.
>We build moderna society
Citation needed. Italy, Spain, France and Britain molded modern society. Germans perfected it. You just adopted it.
Who won?
this makes me fully erect
what if im south european, but look nordic?
Romans were Nordic. FACT.
i've never heard of the mediterranians
are they like the armeneans?
Man, Spaniards were real G's.
Nordics are Nigger tier tbqh
>Because while we have built modern society
>we have built modern society
>modern society
How you dare saying this. First time Europeans heard about nordics was when you begin rapeing, burnig, killing fellow Europeans.
>Germans perfected it
>rushed into two headlong wars that crippled the most successful european societies as well as their own
Germans are little better than ants.
Maghrebi detected and confirmed
Yeah. Maybe i went a bit far with that. Let's just say that mainland Europe molded modern society and call it a day.
>Romans were Nordic
you're as bad as wewuzian niggers
Italy was still culturally relevant in that period, many tried to conquer the many city states it was composed of but ultimately they always failed
while norway on the other hand is relevant for various reasons, such as:
I would've much preferred to be a Germanic tribesman living relatively free on my own farmstead in the north than an average Roman citizen weighed down by taxation and subject to the whim of whatever crazy fuck happened to be Emperor at the time.
>s-stop bullying me REEEE!
They raped your many great grandmother.
hurr durr stupid burger behind french proxy. associating roman empire and europoo with/as nationalism.
just kill yourself mindless drone
A fucking leaf
Same reason you think you are better than a Negroid.
t. Salomon Cohen
Why is Romania in this meme?
God you gullible fucks are so easy to divide and conquer. We're all on the same team here folks. Doesn't matter if your Nordic or Mediterranean as long as your European and not some savage 3rd world nigger.
Look all this blonde Emperors
Actual romanians are pretty much okay even if they have huge slavic influences and were most of their history completely irrelevant and poor
They are a meme because the only romanians we actually see in Europe are gypsies, thieves and shitskins people
study this, medcucks. study it long and hard. this is the measure of civilised society.
>d-divide and conquer
go fuck yourself newfag
"look guys, we did some shit 2000 years ago!"
Literally WE WUZ tier
Shame that their colonies turned very badly
I think because they use a romance language.
your countries greatest accomplishment is fucking legos, who are you to talk?
its not wewuz tier because they actually wuz. wewuzing is trying to APPROPRIATE the historical achievements of others.
Put the 'southern europe' soldier in Norway and see what happens.
Why? Because I don't want White people fighting each other under the threat of foreign invasions? Southern European people are fucking white dude it's just warmer so they have tans. Southern Europeans literally built the foundation of Europe so we should thank them just as much as Northern Europeans deserve thanks for providing new forms of agricultural advancement and New formations of Troops.
>Sup Forums in a nutshell
Okay look. Finns are out of this debate. You guys had a big ass empire. We can compete with that.
>Germans perfected it
Are you retard? After Alexander the Great, Byzantine Empire, Holy Roman Empire building an awesome Europe we have the Germans and Anglos destroying it twice. But is not enought. Lets fill it with third world savges.
Oh and they are in this meme because they speak a romance language
Completely impossible to understand for like almost every romance native speaker in the world, apparently italians can understand some parts of their language, don't know if it's true
You mean apart from being one of the richest (per capita), safest and most developed countries in the world? I dunno, we created Skype too, I guess.
no, because you are an obvious newfag getting butthurt at shit thats been going on since Sup Forums started with your gay stormfag shit.
Why do frogs always end up taking the side of the meds in these threads? You are just Latinized Gauls and Franks. Embrace your Celtic and Germanic heritage.
First off, I'm not a "stormfag" or whatever that shit is. 2nd, your retarded if you actually believe Sup Forums belongs to you goy u don't own nothin goyim!!!!' Sup Forums is a diverse board
Based Rome
> Implying half of France isn't med
> Implying France culture isn't a romance culture
> Implying the romans didn't built most of french cities
Northern Europeans' high GDP is sustained by ridiculously high household and corporate debts, southern Europeans are much more responsible and have tiny household debts which is bad for their economy and forces their governments to get into debt.
The only exception is Germany which destroyed or bought the manufacturing competition of all other European countries(e.g. VW with Seat and Skoda) and made them dependent on their products, so they make all the rest of Europe pay for their GDP.
By that logic Rome didn't create societal advancement just because they got beat by the Goths in the end.
medcucks have to go.
m-my ancestors. magnificent!
This is now a ancient warrior thread.
> pick related
> Some snow niggers seeing the sun for the first time
> Think it's some kind of a god
Nords: from figurative niggers to literal niggers
>white nationalist (lol)
>tryhard jew jokes
stormfag detected
>shitty meme
You do realize that people (specifically Nords) have evolved out of barbaric ways. Nig nogs have not evolved very much.
That is "byzantine" though and depicts Justinian. Very late roman empire, and it's the eastern empire so there's lots of greek/eastern influence.
You canĀ“t be serious.
You are clearly unfamiliar with Roman history.