Weekly Sunday reminder that Sup Forums is still a Christian board.
How was Church today?
Weekly Sunday reminder that Sup Forums is still a Christian board.
How was Church today?
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Still not attending mass until the pope stops making concessions with the muslim brotherhood
Did you enjoy a sin filled weekend you hypocritical Christian?
It was fun, thanks for asking.
We have old nanies and lebian priests, its not good desu.
I found one Sverige demokrat, old Moderat we talked about Apartheid. Pretty good.
>Sup Forums is a/an _____ board
top shelf kekkage
I been avoiding it, do they still pass out lemonade and donuts?
My church is full of old people, mental people and then there's me, another oddball I guess. Who am I to judge though?
I just wish my priest was a bit more serious, he's a real nice guy and it always across, I dunno, not everyone can be depressed as me I suppose.
I was 15 minutes fucking late and missed half of the sermon. I was so fucking mad. I sinned today. Angery reacts only
i left to go to church for the first time this morning but my car was gone because there was some temporary no parking signs becuase of some charity run or something
i managed to find out about an hour and a half later that they had literally just moved it a block and I still could have gone
i was really excited and got trolled hard
should be meeting with the priest durign the next week though atleast
really excited for my first divine liturgy
I didn't go. I should though...
good, made love with my wife in holy matrimony
Noice. Really need that weekly, if not daily, Eucharist to keep one's balance in this crazy world.
It's Gaudete Sunday, so it was all rosy
It's not.
Get rekt, christcuck
>tfw heretic
You have no power here, Christ-chan.
i wont go until current faggot pope dies.
Fuck off, ya superstitious retard.
get the fuck off the internet. science created this realm. your fake god didn't.
you have to go back christcuck
>preferring previous pedo pope or pompous Paul
t. fringe christfag
How was chruch in you tin shed OP
Sup Forums is a Mormon board.
I sleep all day because I spend saturday's night pumping a hot blonde girl full of my semen
>Sup Forums is still a Christian board.
I'll attend mass when you let me attend your ass, Christ-chan
>preferring a cuckold who kisses muslim feet, and defends pedos from pizza gate.
das rite brotha!
What anime is this
Christianity is literally the religion of the white man. And yet you stupid cucks shit on your ancestors grave and give into the others who still have the dignity to not throw away their morals
It was great. Sermon was on the magnitude of Christ's incarnation based off of Philippians 2. Very impactful.
I can't have morals in a word that could give two less fucks.
Good one.
> tfw waiting for christian death squads
Their morals are cuck shit that caused the mess we are in right now
Won't happen, especially because modern Christians actually follow the Bible.
This. Former sedevacantist here Christ is overrated. Old Gods > New God
What ever happened to christfag on /r9k/? Is she still around?
Tripfags should be gassed
Sup Forums is an atheist board.
>tfw no redpilled christian gf
It was good. Was a little disappointed that the priest was Nigerian though. The Catholic Church can't find a white person to preside over a 95% white congregation (there were a few token Chinese).
Why do you guys have hard on for muslim brotherhood? Do you even know who they are?
Stop posting that gooks "art" and maybe he will go away.
>car broke down
>church is miles away
I meant everyone else who hasn't done it. They believe what they do is right and thus it is justified and may God have mercy on them. They are the devil sent upon us by God, they challenge the very way we live
I don't know about murica christians but a good protestant knows how Christ would've wanted them to act
It was fine. Thanks for asking. I got bored during the sermon and snuck out. I went to the pastor's office and jerked off to his porn collection.
>Tfw this is the same cucked Finn who appears in these threads
>He thinks muh Deus Vult didn't come from a pagan tradition
You do realize that in medieval ages the knights and peasants still loosely practices paganistic rituals, right? Dues Vult came from church law, not the Bible.
I thought Sup Forums was a political board.
And who is the cutie in the picture?
>1 post by this ID
These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.
Do not fall for them.
> I'll start going to mass when I like the Pope
> Thinks Catholics go to mass to please the Pope
Religious illiteracy is most dangerous illiteracy.
Have more Gaudete-themed things youtube.com
kys, brotherhood shill
Catholic here, it was great
>hot blonde in argentina
Brotherhood are not something that can be avoided. They first happened after caliphate was abolished, they will remain until that is restored.
This brit gets it
It's a political board with a majority of Christians
It's christ-chan in the pic
Did I ever say she was argentinian?
Jesus loves you anyway user, he just wishes you weren't such a faggot
Actually straw-polls have shown that less than half of this board is actually christian.
>Hot blonde anywhere near argentina
>Everybody participates in straw-polls
I reached back with the christian family I met last year when I wanted to convert to christianity.
I'm meeting with a priest this week, they told me I could get baptized during this year's Eastern.
Welcome back to The Church (assuming you're being baptised into the Catholic Church) eldest-daugher-of-the-Church (how France is known) bro
My city has more international visitors than Brazil and around 20% of argentinians have light hair anyways, nice memeing.
Daily reminder that if you're catholic and don't go to a latin mass you're going to the wrong mass
Worked from 10am to 7pm.
I rebel against the Jews by breaking their laws, especially working on the Sabbath.
Don't. The Catholic Church isn't worth joining anymore.
I bet crist chan has a massive bush yum.
Yes it's the catholic church, not that I'm really into the institution much but it's also my family/country tradition so it wouldn't make sense for me to go to a protestant church or anything.
I'm a bit stressed out and happy at the same time about getting baptized.
I hope your country gets glassed.
I want to shit on the corpse of Jesus Christ.
I hate God, if it exists.
I want to fuck Jesus Christ's corpse after I piss on it. But don't worry, I wouldn't defecate on it until I'm done.
I echo . Do try to find a latin mass if you can. Also, get a book of sermons written by a saint (here's 75 by The Cure of Ars theworkofgod.org
The Church began long before modernism, and will be around a long after modernism has died
Anybody inclined to respond to them would most likely be in the threads they are posted in anyway.
Besides, it is the best way we have to gauge the theological position on Sup Forums.
woah there swede, I know you guys were cucked to oblivion but there's no need to resort to edgy posts
it's not, there are many different strawpolls with different results, quit posting as if you speak for the whole board
>agree with us or you're edgy
take a look at this swede
this isn't edgy?
I don't, but the majority of the polls have shown a christian minority, that's simply the way things have been in these threads for quite some time.
You don't judge the actions of a group on the basis of the mentally fucked few, especially because atheist doctrine doesn't tell them to say shit like that. (Because they have no doctrine.)
1/53 posters are genuinely edgy. whoa
When I was a teenager I burned the only bible we had in our house. It was bretty fun. And hey I'm still alive and well. Amazing
If anything we should relate more to Jesus Christ because of the suffering his asshole "divine" father put him through. Fuck god, empathy for christ
Christ got put through all that shit by his asshole father and still preached for him.
What a cuck, can you say Stockholm Syndrome?
Yeah, I don't want any of gods shitty ass backwards 'love' if that's what it's like. God is immensely evil
It's not like he didn't want to save the people
Welcome frater.
Even HE didn't want to see them on the bad side of God
Didnt go had work
You mean "week." Calling us hypocrites is the oldest trick in the book. You are not our Judge; our Savior is. Go away.
That meme girl looks so disgusting. I bet she doesn't wash either, since it would be a sin.
I have comfort knowing Christ-chan is always there to guide me
that's not even remotely close to the truth