Corporate Lawyer
Redpill level: 3 (out of 10)
Name your profession and whether it is redpilled or not
Male Prostitute
Red pill level 10/10
>Payroll Clerk. 6/10.
Remember OP. If you can image a Jew working in that buisness, it's redpilled. I'm in accounting which is buisness, but it's pretty low on the list.
your picture is more interesting than your post
is her name Bokko?
Software Engineer
Redpill level: Ignorance is bliss
unemployed w/ welfare
redpill level: fuck you/10
Law Student
Redpill level: 0
I dont know if it's redpilled.
Head Chef of Wendy's
Red Pill level 8/10
Financial advisor relations for very large investment firm.
Oy vey!/10
Red pill Level: 8/10
Red Pill Level: 11/10
nm she's a fucking Roastie
Former Journalist, now unemployed
Redpill level: 3 (out of 10)
RP level : 9000
Internship (medicine)
Redpill Level : 4/20
Not gonna reply in dataming thread/10
Yeah, Hege Bokko
Professional dog walker
Redpill level 1
McDonalds manager.
Pretty fucking redpilled job I would say
The people who participate in cs are invariably blue pulled commies
juvenile judge
corporate paralegal
redpill: 2 out of 10
It's a pretty bluepilled thing to do really
I have to deal with people from all races and classes. Wanna be racist? Simply spend time around them.
Me: Professional female model foot rubber
RedPill Level: 10/10 (patrician)
>not knowing that intellligence agencies are farming your data
road traffic and bridge engineering
Full time construction wokrer
Part time MILF fucker
Redpill level: 912/10
>tfw can literally see the matrix
>tfw literally too redpilled to get a job
The rabbit hole should be changed to ''black hole'', cause once you're in there's no way you're getting out.
>10/10 red pill
Please tell me you're a female
Retail 0/10
investment broker, 10/10 economics is always redpilled unless you're just a talking head and don't put your money where ur bum is m8.
>juvenile judge
Bullshit. All juvenile judges are bluepilled, they let off the kids with a slap on the wrist. Not to mention that there are no lawyers on pol.
Paramedic here.
Fuck people.
tumblrfuck artist living off scraps
redpill: 1/10, still better than min wage jobs
>Part time MILF fucker
Teach me please. How to get milf pussy?
Computer scientist
Redpill Level: 7
How is NEET life in the US?
Redpill level: ∞/10
Bankruptcy Attorney 0/10, literally me and 50 Jews in the bar.
me: autismbux
redpill level: filled complain against both psychiatrist and psychologist and almost made them lose their jobs, both were forced to apologize and then replaced. Regularly leave propaganda and fringe political articles in the suggestion box of the hospital. I'm basically in guerrilla warfare against them and they hate me because they can't do shit
generic manual labor
>inherent red pill level
>Professional dog walker
How the fuck is that professional? All you do is take a dog on a walk, pick up its shit, and watch it piss and bark at strangers.
Investment banking analyst
red pill level: 8.5/10
Redpilled: 2-10
>Factory worker
Redpill level: 11 out of 10
You're not red pilled until you make good cash as the "working poor" while insincere socialists fighting for (((your rights))) want people to give THEM money.
>Assistant breeder with a major berry company
9/10 honestly most people are really based even the laborers
Project manager
Red pill level: 5/10
There are surprisingly many educated people willing to discuss the immigration problem..
Syrian refugee too i see.
>Investment banking
>Can't spell for shit
Checks out
You can write in Hebrew too if you want Schlomo.
I'm not getting this. You live in a psych ward?
>data mining thread
Just lie like everybody else
>Bankruptcy Attorney 0/10, literally me and 50 Jews in the bar.
I started out in bankruptcy in NYC many years ago. I still don't understand why it is 80% Jews in bankruptcy. How come? I always assumed it is because of Friday afternoon - no courts opened and they wanna go home.
Do you make 250k a year and have a 9 inch penis?
Professional Martial Artist Fighter\Guru
Redpill Level: 9001/10
Actuarial Sciences Student
Angel Investor
Redpill level: jew-tier
American military intelligence
Redpill level: [REDACTED] (out of 10)
Redpill 10/10
Not bad. But I'm afraid Trump is going to cut off my neetbux. I wish Hillary won desu.
Graphic Designer
Redpill level: Can see the Matrix (11/10)
staff sergeant
will be 8/8 when i get into "peacekeeping"
Where do I sign up user? I'm NEET for the first time in my life and I have mouths to feed
Graphic Designer
Repill Level: -500/10
I was the only one happy when Trump won. And if I told those people I voted for the right wing candidate in our presidential vote they probably would stop talking to me. And what I've seen the whole industry is like that.
Good thing I'm not planning on doing that forever.
Design Engineer
Redpill: 10/10
Redpill level: 9001/10 (Gas the humans!)
Level: no idea; self-employed, so I guess that's ok; it's a job that's always in demand
Man don't you know,he's doing some wicked tricks and shieet!
He's got billion dollar contracts with Pedigree.
>Angel Investor
>Redpill level: jew-tier
India... typical investment is 50 bucks. Typical investment is a curry chicken booth.
Truly the redpill,
Elementary Teacher
Redpilling ability 10/10
>public official
do you celebrate diversity?
Red pill manufacturing CEO
Do negroes actually learn? I thought they just sleep all teh time?
I'm black. I don't have a job, because my blackness is my profession. I profess negritude. For that, I receive gibs from the gubment, which supports my profession through money taken from taxpayers.
Given that I understand myself and my profession perfectly, my redpill level is a solid ten out of ten.
Diesel mechanic
coworkers are 95 percent right wing white males
Gotta be young
I'm 25
Gotta be in decent shape
Gotta be able to fuck 8 times a day
If you can't try super male vitality
Go for 35-50 Something clicks around 35 and women want to fuck like rabbits. But don't want kids or serious bs.
Look for the ones who dress like they are younger. But there are some that act mature and independent yada yada but are total subs in the sack. Like hair pulling, choking, ass/face slapped hard, skull fucking ect.. (this is what the current one I am fucking is like)
Some like the young dumb and full of cum attitude.
Get on POF and OKC if you can't find any in real life.
There's alot on there.
You spend enough time on there you will learn to spot them.
>I have mouths to feed
You're not redpilled then.
kek negro-4
nope, go every week for psychologist chat hour and every 4 weeks for psychiatrist, which is useless since I refuse to take any meds. It's not a ward, no staying patients, simply a floor dedicated to the crazy. Like 90% females, some quite hot like my psychologist. They have a suggestion mail box in a corner that has become my personal anonymouse communication channel with the management
Real estate investor
Make Quebec Great Again
Civil Engineer, permit reviewer:
Redpill level: 7 / 10
Emergency services
Redpill level 10/10 in so many ways
High school teacher.
Redpill level: 9/10
The school is half black and half Hispanic. Every single teacher turned into a racist within a year of starting.
What's with everyone being a poor fag in Sup Forums?
>India... typical investment is 50 bucks.
Because if i stay in here, i can only invest my money here, eh? i have invested mostly in beady eyed anglo start-ups.
Block plant and block yard owner.
Tell me, how hard is it to get accepted to study Law in German Unis? Like do you need to take the SAT's like we do in Israel or only good high school grades are enough?
It's freaking hard to study Law here in Israel because everybody wants to study it.
Chemical engineer/programmer
My salary forces redpills on me daily.
My nigga
Taco Bell employee
red pill level 4/10
super tough and conservative, but they all smoke weed and sell drugs and also vote democrat
Mason 9/10
Redpill Level: Varies between 0 and Uncle Hitler
Everything I spelled was correct you stupid nigger
Hello pajeet
>Taco Bell employee
red pill level 4/10
More like -4/10