Alright Sup Forums - we need to mobilize against this. Twitter advocating interacial sex in Europe.
Alright Sup Forums - we need to mobilize against this. Twitter advocating interacial sex in Europe.
I reported it as hate speech.
That's some crazy shit
Thanks brothers - keep this thread bumping, this needs to be taken care of.
It is getting more open and disgusting day by day. The good thing is, it's wakeing some people up, if talked to people who have noticed it and started wondering about the reasons and plans behind it.
this looks like a pol troll
its probably some jewish guy running it with blacks and bots liking it
Why would anyone on Sup Forums do something this repulsive? the sheer amount of time it would take to admin something like this says otherwise
Bump once for whats left of europe
Sup Forums loves to false flag as much as the jews.
Don't you remember free bleeding and #endfathersday?
There are goverment founded organisations in Germany, who put out similar stuff, so i've little reason not to believe it, at least it very well could be true.
This is good. Why are you guys against interracial marriage. It's white woman who clearly have problems devolving themselves. You should be more concerned of making a more stable white male future.
>government founded organisations in Germany
Truth, and this is run out of Cypress, so you can be sure its either some Turkish rape baby or some scumbag click-clack migrant.
Reported as hate speech.
>You should be more concerned of making a more stable white male future
MGTOW numale - please feel free to end your life
Enjoy getting cucked because you value something that is gross and impulsive and can be physically measured you nigger chimp.
I just find it hilarious watching the "huwhite race" go to hell so quick. Motherfuckers should have listened to that one Austrian man some 80 years ago, now it's too late. Americans (and Europeans) are even too dull to even realize what's happening and how controlled their politicians are by le conspiring international capitalistic satanic Jews. Good riddance, this is what the world wants apparently, just establish the one world government already
>because you value something that is gross and impulsive
The future of my country, children and culture?
Truly spoken like a burger from the current year.
You sir, are a fucking coward - do you seriously plan on rolling over like that? Jesus man, that's pathetic... trust Swede t.ahmed to have a defeatist attitude.
It's futile when not only our enemies hate us, but our own people hate themselves even more. It's only rational and natural to have a defeatist attitude when you've already been defeated, false hope is misery
>It's futile when not only our enemies hate us, but our own people hate themselves even more
I completely agree with you, it is indeed a sad day. You've forgotten the power that one highly motivated individual can have - WW1 was started by an autistic Serb with a handgun, Kennedy, MLK etc... Instead of quietly watching my women get raped and my country destroyed I'll go out fighting - I advise you to do the same, stope being a coward and fight.