Original redpill website?

Any oldfags remember rotten.com when it was awesome?

Celebrity dead pool, rate my poo, I loved it all. The rotten library is still available and I still read it here and there, it's awesome and funny and very well written. If you've never been to rotten.com/library/ do yourself a favour and check it out.

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IMO it was a path to redpill by showing you things that society hide, but not a redpill on itself.

Still good though

is it a shock site? i remember hearing about it way back in the day but its name put me off as intended

Rotton was where I rotted my brain as a young child prior to the chants. I still remember there was a picture of some guy that had died in a bathtub with the hot water running and it basically made a human soup and all of his... meat just kinda slipped right off of all of his bones. Reminded me of a French onion soup w a layer of cheese on top

'Awesome' is a stretch although it was undeniably a spring board into the depths of human depravity.

It had gore pics all over it but the library was a good entryway to redpill, at least for myself

Yea it's kind of a shock site, lots of gore and creepy shit. But I think shock sites are sites you go to on accident - this one was pretty popular with regular readers

Rotten was my internet red pill. I even once got a headline submitted for the news section. I tried my best to get one and when I did I felt to achieved.

Loved the history section.

And what the hell are you people talking about the site "redpilling" you? Jesus y'all use that term for everything. Looking at ripped apart bodies doesn't redpill you, it's just gross.

Thanks for being gay.

>tfw People don't know what this is
Damn, I really am older than the internet.

It's showing you raw, unfiltered, reality. Fags like you choose to avoid such things as it makes you uncomfortable.

i see, i did my time with shocksites in the 2000's and wasnt about to be recommended 'rotten'.com back then. is the library just text stuff?

This is some nostalgic shit.

First real introduction to gore
I remember putting a blanket over my old ass computer so it didn't wake my grandparents up during dial-up

Totse is the original pill

was just about to say this

I just remember going there to look at the gore, did it cover political issues too?

Me & my gang got into so much trouble somewhere 2000-2002 when our buddies mom saw all the computer history.

That was a major mustard gas bomb that went off & fucked up our troop for awhile.
God it was awful. All the parents that were not ghetto were so pissed. Anti gang task force from the parents started to try to break us up after that.
The black parents started playing race card on the white kids.
Fucking hell

we were middle school @ the time

Total redpill material.

The rotten library had some pretty good information about a wide range of edgy stuff that was difficult to come by.

Here is a great example


Its like ED but written much better.

Black Sheep

I miss the old net.

OP here, yes the gore pictures weren't anything really special, although for a lot of youngsters it was their first real "shock site" exposure.

It has always reminded me of Sup Forums in some ways. Whenever it was mentioned in the mainstream media, Rotten.com was painted out to be a confederation of degenerates, hackers, and anarchists.

The library is truly excellent, have a look if you never have. Mostly text articles, but insightful, funny, very well written, informative and a genuine hidden gem of the internet.

is there shock pictures on the library?

why is the Right so aspergers

Redpill is literally about seeing reality as it is. If you don't expose yourself to the cruel reality (that includes murder, torture, blood and gore), then you cannot call yourself redpilled.

You're also not redpilled if you deny evolution, or if you're a christcuck.

Yeah, the library is full of political stuff. There are incredible articles about terrorists and organizations post 9/11. Some of it is getting dated, but the library is a repository of information which the mainstream media either ignored or glossed over pretty regularly. Hence my use of "redpill", the site made a concerted effort to be more than just a gore site. The site was openly supportive of free speech. It regularly basted the Republican government of George W. for its hypocrisy, ignoring the constitution, eroding the rights and privacy of citizens, its corruption and connection to big money, etc.. Great articles on historical figures, scam artists, criminals, pornographers, pop culture phenomena, religious nuts and terrorists, you name it.

i remember going on it once in awhile when my parents would leave the house, I remember seeing some fucked up gore pics, disgusting porn and nightmare material shit.

Very little gore in the library. There's some, but that's not the focus. The library isn't about "shock". It's some of the best and most interesting reading on the 'net, still, as far as I'm concerned.