Qestion:How did we lose?Everything was going so good in 1941.....
You can post here only if your country fought for AXIS
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You threw everything into Russia for some reason
In a way we did. Jew gold doens't convert to cash itself.
10/10 thread, desu
>for some reason
>half of Europe enslaved by communism for 60 years afterwards
>'''''''''''''''''''''some reason''''''''''''''''''''
Dumb burger
14/88, Love from Sweden.
a e s t h e t i c
I'm an Istrian Italian, Do I count
Germanic inferiority
good going guys ya grandpas didnt fight hard enough and now we're all fucked
What about me?
>threw everything into Russia for some reason
Russian the home land of the jewish communist
uh, yes.
My country itself didn't fight for the axis.
But 10's of thousands of Flemish nationalists went to fight for Germany on the eastern front to hold back bolshevism, that was the real battle, the real danger.
Proud to be Flemish.
yeah and you got rekt by the commies m8 :)
We attacked the Soviets and the US attacked us. War on two fronts against two great powers was too much, especially with the Soviets having a fucking infinite number of troops.
yeah well what you going do
>We attacked the Soviets and the US attacked us
They did?
"We", as in the Axis. I'm not sure if Finland counts as part of the Axis, but we were allied with Germany.
I have no idea what my country was doing during the time.
But wasn't South America supportive of germans? I think we have always liked germans or maybe its just me.
The US attacked Germany after they purposefully got themselves involved by allying in a land war in china.
Hitler wasn't smart.
We're sorry for not helping enough, we were already cucked 1945.
I thought you meant the winter war and that America attacked you for some reason.
Does mine count? We had around 20k volunteers who fought on the eastern front.
4k died.
Pic related, its the memorial to danish SS soldiers who died on the eastern front. It got blown up by commies after the war.
>For the Axis, the Southern Cone nations of Argentina and Chile were where they found most of their support, and they utilized it to the fullest by interfering with internal affairs, conducting espionage, and distributing propaganda
Oh yes, we were Axis. Based southern cone.
Yeah and then they got blown up by blue on blue from the Spanish divisiĆ³n azul, top fucking kek.
God you balts try so hard it's pathetic.
hitler started to believe the deity myth of his own creation. turns out he was just a man.
STFU serbian TWAT!Go remove some kebbabs or kill some Austrian or Hungarian high level politicians.
germany is.
There is some incredible irony in a latvian being a naziboo. The nazis invaded your country and planned to exterminate your people.
And yet you side the the nazis. You desecrate the memory of red army soldiers who liberated your country from under the fascist boot, who put an end to the holocaust. Why are latvians such cucks?
>Rex thinks he's a big dog.
Like who important was doing irrelevant stuff?
Those Germafaggots occupied us and Anne Frank wrote a book about it.
>a leaf
why do you keep doing this to yourself?
>Doing well on the western front
>Decide to invade the largest country on earth because le jews
Hitler really was retarded.
Relax, Princip's hand was forced.
Look up how many volunteers you had, i bet it was quite alot.
losers lol
Come on. Everyone knows by know that the true holocaust was carried out by the communist jews on the christian Russia, Ukraine and all other countries the communist revolutions succeeded in.
>he thinks anne frank wrote that book
Hello guys. How are my ALLIES doing?
It's amazing to think these radical exterminations might have been serious state plans and not just documents made by powerfantasizing local Sup Forumsack.
Still not sure what to believe of them.
What the fuck did the latgales do
Good. Christian goyim must perish.
Considering the holocaust happened, there's no reason the nazis didn't also intend to carry out generalplan ost.
They existed.
>Declare self neutral
>Get invaded anyway
>and also a famine
Still, at least you got a world famous shitty book out of it.
>You desecrate the memory of red army soldiers who liberated your country from under the fascist boot
'Liberation' would require them being given freedom - which didn't happen, did it? You Commie apologist scum.
Instead they went from one form of foreign totalitarian government to a worse form of foreign totalitarian government.
55.000, only beaten by Latvia and surprisingly Romana only had 5.000 less.
Those Germans should've left us alone though, we could've enjoyed a nice post-war boom.
come on now
>why did we lose?
Same reason the Germans lost WW1: they do not have the ability to wage such a large war of attrition.
>tfw I am 1/2 Latgalian, 1/4 Ukranian, 1/4 Belarussian
>tfw most likely would have never been born
the only reason it didn't happen is because they lost the war. the holocaust was childs play compared to what they were planning.
My family got way more out of it, he got to kill some kikes, this is my Grandfather with Mussert.
They still ate bulbs and cut the wood from under the railroad tracks to make fire and not freeze to death though.
>all sources are from a book that came out in 2007
Jesuschrist you guys aren't even trying.
Sure was nice back then...
It wouldent have mattered. We would have ended up right where we are now anyway my friend.
>forget's his history.
Why the hell is the Satan of Furry Hell directing Luigi to murder Mario?
>tfw half Latvian, half Russian, half German.
I hope Adi wasn't serious about exterminating slavs hehe....
Seems pretty unrealistic plan to order your guys to execute half of your neighbour country's population when it's reported that even firing squads of prisoners were reluctant to kill.
If they really could occupy all those countries in stable way and Hitler or anyone else made that kind of order I'm quite sure many would have thought that's getting way too edgy for their liking.