What does your average day look like?
What do you eat and do with your time?
Do you save any of your spare time for friends or do you come here?
What does your average day look like?
>tfw too intelligent for friends
>go to work
>go to school
>eat, have a couple beers, go to bed
Life is miserable. The little time I have to myself my friends beg me to hang out and act like angsty 15-year-olds when I just want to have some quiet.
Why is she vacuuming her face?
>too autistic to understand and read other people to make friends
Pls be b8
>go to college
>go home
>go to Sup Forums
>milk, sometimes cereal too
>lunch, anything really
>milk and bread at 6PM
>milk and bread again at 10PM before going to bed
repeat ad infinitum
it's a boy trying to maintain his girly image in a girl idol group
>wake up at 10-11
>lie around for a few minutes, stretch whilst making retard noises
>finally get up
>piss and brush teeth
>get a bowl of potato chips and soda, bring it into room
>go on PC
>leave room to get more chips and soda
>come back, go on PC
>leave to get more chips and soda
>come back, go on PC
>piss somewhere in here
>leave to get more chips and soda
>come back, go on PC
>shit these cans are piling up
>struggle to carry soda cans to recycle bucket
>come back, go on PC
>get tired around 1-2 AM
>brush teeth
>go to sleep
>shower and dress
>Go to work
>Go home
>wake up at 8am
>eat 3 eggs, some oats and yogurt with cinnamon
>go to class from 9-2pm
>Work out until 4pm
>Go home have chicken thighs asparagus, italian sauce
>Study at night, write poetry, read about mountain climbing, sailing across the Atlantic
>have some tea before bed and watch videos about roman military
Pretty much this desu
>5 o'clock shadow
"she"'s fucked.
>coffe, cig, read book
>brush teeth
>eat lunch
>more college
>sports with buddies or alone / date with gf
>eat dinner
>hangout home with gf, tea, podcasts, cigs
>brush teeth
wake up shitpost eat food maybe exercise go to bed
get up, eat something that requires minimal effort, get on my computer and play games or shit post for 10-12 hours, coerce my gf into making me dinner, coerce my gf into copulation, go to bed.
I'm 30 and I don't have a job.
recently :
>wake up
>shitpost on pol
>shitpost on pol
>study with frequent 5 minute break of shitpost on pol
>study with frequent 5 minute break of shitpost on pol
>shitpost on pol
>wake up
>Coffee, smoke
>Hard boiled eggs for breakfast
>Study for two hours
>Shit post on pol
>Shitty MMO Vidya for a few minutes
>Phone with friends back home
>Argue with cucked gf
>Light dinner at some point
I'm in a shitty town I recently moved to with my gf. No friends here. Desperately trying to find a job back home so I can break the chain.
I work as a graphic designer at a rural town for a big market chain. I usually browse Sup Forums while at work. I consider myself redpilled and often get into heated arguments, thus postponing my daily work so I could win the argument. Sounds pretty bad, but it's a thing of compulsion, and I should probably take it easy.
>wake up at 8
>Sup Forums
>go to work
>Sup Forums
>come home
>Sup Forums
>drink beer
>Sup Forums
>go to bed at midnight
>Sup Forums
>fall asleep
>brushing twice a day with that lifestyle
pics or i dont believe you
>wake up
>drink some more
>What does your average day look like?
Wake up at 7 to 8 AM. Record my dream. Get something to drink, take a shower/piss/whatever. Start working at 9 AM from home, software dev. Piss around and make some breakfast. Then work and make lunch. Then after that, I would spend my time online and talking to people I know online. Then get real paranoid while smoking and reading Sup Forums. Then shower, then some meditation, and bedtime.
>What do you eat and do with your time?
I try to eat low carb.
>Do you save any of your spare time for friends or do you come here?
Yeah, I think you are retarded to not hide your power level.
this but without the gf part
Go to school. Studying a lot at home. Meeting my gf or my friends. Being with family. Workout/box at evening few days in a week, during weekend - job, jogging and freely cruising in car and ending it with a sex on the backseat with gf. Sometimes make an autistic sync with others here
w-wat do you mean, Sven???
who do you coerce into sex and food m8
>wake up anywhere from 8:00 AM to 2:00PM
>go to work
>work efficiently, eat my first meal of the day there on company dime
>go home after around eight hours on average, cook something, play video games until 1-4 AM and pass out
Replace videogames with modeling/reading/infrequent musical sessions and you have every day of my life until I go back to school.
Got laid off a couple weeks ago
>wake up
>take dog out for a good walk/jog
>feed dog
>breakfast (rice, eggs, spam/bacon/sausage)
>spend a couple hours looking for another job
>play sven coop or some old game, browse internet
>lunch (usually cheese, crackers, cured meat/summer sausage, fruit) or sandwhich
>take dog out again, usually to a near by dog park, bullshit with people there
>go home
>cousin usually comes over and we work out at my home gym
>cook dinner (rice, vegetables, meat)
>read/play games/watch a movie/internet
Don't usually hang out with friends on the weekdays.
>Do you save any of your spare time for friends or do you come here?
You guys are my friends.
>This shit starts Monday 4:30
Shower, shit & eat
Sup Forums
>Work 6-14:30
>Store, buy shit
>15:00 home
Sup Forums
video games
>Sleep 22:00
Imbibe hard liquor and pretend to be someone I'm not just to put benis in worthless brainbleached springflower
>tfw redpilled man in a bluepilled world
Me irl
He's projecting. Its retarded to reveal your powerlevel in Sweden because you'll get dragged out of your home and killed but I doubt anybody could give less of a shit in the Baltic states.
>arguing about politics instead of doing work
you are mentally handicapped. if i was your boss i would fire you on the spot. god help you f your company is half liberal and catches wind that theres a nutcase disrupting their business
>wake up at 7
>brush teeth, get dressed, drink coffee, do snus
>walk to train
>get to work at 9:00
>get back home at 9:30
>walk dog
alternatively, on the weekends, i just shitpost
>wake up at 5:50am
>90 minutes train ride
>work 9 hours
>90 minutes train ride
>go back to home too tired to do anything
>browse Sup Forums
>"lmao spaniard no jobs"
>go back to bed
>start again
>for 950€
Some idiot needs to pay the benefits and welfare of the rest I guess
Please tell me you're putting some money away Juan
That's the same odd thing i noticed lel
>wake up
>eat pic related for breakfast
>go to work
>for 950€
In a week?
you forgot to disable your proxy america
950€ per month?
>eat a tasty döner after work
>go to gym
>drive to Nijmegen by bycycle and enjoy some weed
>950€ shitwage in the west to live amongst achmed
>3h wasted of your life daily on transport
baka desu senpai
why not
8 hours//standard days earn that shit
Last month 1237€ 8/5 with 12h over
>8 minute power walk, 13 min hung over
For a year?
I'm a uni student
my life is a perpetual struggle of fighting the urge to shitpost while studying basically
why is she shaving her beard with a squeegee
>eating meat
>not high fructose corn beef proxy
>wake up
>start pc
>watch youtube while eating
>play tera)
>go downstairs to smoke and browse pol)
>repeat ()
>go for a walk 20 to 30 mins
>either play more tera or watch youtube whilest browsing pol
>go smoke
>Go to sleep
>implying that America has a high standard of hygiene and residents can eat raw minced pork
this desu
American meat is actually cleaner than your Euro mystery horse meat
ha, monthly
Yes, this is how bad things are here.
"You dont like it? no problem, you are fired, there are 10000 like you with your college degree out there"
I could be a NEET but I chose to work because im an idiot who thinks that I will find my way with hard work after college and I dont want to like with my parents.
lol im a fucking idiot
>wake up
>start computer
>check twitter/Sup Forums
>go eat after 2 hours of that
>do some house chores
>anime/vidya/Sup Forums/computer
>parents/siblings get home in afternoon
>hang out with family members
>help make dinner
>back to computer
>more anime/vidya/Sup Forums
>sleep at 2am
21 years old and unlimited free time, I've had done much school/work for 5 years. Job will happen next year probably.
you should use those 180mins train rides to educate yourself, read some redpill books in your phone with new music as background, your soul will heal a lil bit
>thinking im not enought for you
>remember "we" exist
>feel good
Its like... like facism.
>wake up
>feed the cat
>shitpost on Sup Forums
>eat lunch
>shitpost on Sup Forums
>cook dinner
>shitpost on Sup Forums
>go to bed
Suuuure, even our cheapest discounters like LIDL offer a better quality than your luxury supermarkets sponsored by monsanto & co.
hey there,
you should go check out the wiki for mettbrötchen
Haha , sssyyyke GERMANY !!!
>Wake up at 6:50
>Eat, shower, get myself ready for school
>Walk to it
>8:00 to 17:45 with a 1 hour break for lunch
>Get home and study on and off until 21:30
>Go to sleep
>Rince and repeat
Christmas holidays can't come soon enough.
Are you me?
You basically live the sPAIN: hard mode?
>wake up
>make a checklist of shit I wanna get done
>attend class
>come home
>eat lunch (usually a sandwich)
>commence the checklist (homework, errands, etc.)
>spare time used to walk around town
>come home around 7:00PM
>drink my daily beer and relax (usually shitposting)
>bed at 9:30 PM
>wake up at 8:00 AM and start again
much better than being depressed and laying in bed all day.
are you a dutch farmer from the 1910s my fuck thats a lot of milk
that's actually disgusting if you consume that much chips and pop every day, i'd say kill yourself, but you're already doing it
No. You will find your way, you have what it needs but you probably need to do things you refused to. First, with a so terrible life, why didn't you try to move ?
good for you user.
>eating kebab
Everything is in place
no, living here feels post-apocalyptic, its like you have all this hard shit to do, but at the same time its kind of sunny and really nice day so you do your job with a beer and some bbq
its pretty good actually, if you don't have delusions of grandeur you can have an enjoyable life that kind of feels like perpetual vacations
Get out. This is an adult only boardu
>Wake up for about 9-10 AM
>Shower, eat breakfast on occasion
>Go to my shitty retail job for 8 hours filling the diary and ready meal isle's
>Finish at 8 and stay 30 minutes relaxing before going hom
>Arrive home at 9, make my self some dinner
>Browse something on Netflix/BBC Iplayer
>Browse youtube/reddit mainly, Sup Forums sometimes
>Have some Skype sex with gf
>Go to sleep
>skype sex
How does that work do you stick your dick into the disk drive?
>6am go to work
>5pm back home
>play games eat instant noodles and frozen shit for micrawave
>go to sleep
>Wake up at ~6:30
>Brush my teeth and grab something to eat from a fridge
>Leave home at 7:30
>Spend 10 minutes going to a bus stop
>Waste another 20 minutes waiting for the bus
>Bus is always chock-full with passengers because faggot drivers refuse to move unless the bus is filled up
>Have to stand up the whole ride
>Waste 50 minutes waiting in a traffic jam
>Finally reach university around 9:10 if I'm lucky
>Get yelled at for being late
>Uni usually lasts until 17:20
>Repeat the same shit with bus but vice-versa
>Get back home at about 19:00
>Start preparing for work because I also teach English to a 4th grader girl at 20:00 on Tuesdays and Saturdays
>Finally get some free time around 21:30
>Spend the rest of the day shitposting on Sup Forums
>Go to sleep around midnight
>tfw the tourettes make you say nigger in Asda and someone hears you
>Draw a girl shaving her face
>call it a boy
ok... wait
>wake up
>shit shower shave
>walk the dog
>fix a smoothie and a double espresso
>read the news
>finish work
>play vidya or hang with friends
>wake up (anywhere from 10AM - 7PM)
>crawl body into computer chair
>turn monitor on
>refresh page
>browse Sup Forums
>get bored of Sup Forums
>click address bar
>catch myself typing "boards.4c"
It's a vicious cycle.
>wake up at 7
>go to uni
>come back between 2 and 6pm
>I wil now study for at least 4hours!
>waste 2,5 of those 4 hours on Sup Forums
>call it a day
I wonder how far it will get me
Scumbag weed tourist GTFO.
>1 post by this ID
These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.
Do not fall for them.
>1 post by this ID
These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.
Do not fall for them.