Is eastern germany uncucked?
Is eastern germany uncucked?
Yeah. They suffered communism.
Is this a map of mosques? Or refugee sites?
Eastern Germans are Slavs, which means that they are uncucked because of their genes.
>tfw Poland will have to invade Germany, but not to exact revenge, but to save it
Confusing timeline bros.
Not for long
No mosques in Austria? Absolute BS!
East Germany is also more atheist.
It takes someone who understands religion is BS to know the dangers of it.
>suffered communism
As much as I hate communism (and I do, believe me), it is actually responsinble for eastern germans not being self hating cucks, or atleast less than the western ones. And it's not in reaction to communism - it literally is thanks to it.
Where western germans were taught that it was them, common people that were responsible for the horrors of WW2 and Holocaust. And they taught the same to their kids.
Meanwhile eastern germans were taught that common people had nothing to do with it. It was the capitalist elites that were responsible for WW2 and all the related horrors. Common people were victims as well.
Basically western germans were taught to hate themselves and were imprinted with immense guilt. Communists decided not to do that and blamed the capitalist elites instead
Exsocblock countries dont suffer from western desease
They already invade Germany, but only to break into our homes or steal our luxury cars and construction vehicels. Educate yourself fatty if you think they are better than Muslims.
It has to do with the "Gastarbeiter" (guestworker) which were shipped to Germany to "rebuilt" our society and then go home again.
At this times the DDR was still a thing, hence no "guestworkers" for them.
I am pretty confident to say if they had done the same thing equal amounts of mosques would appear there as well.
The East Germans also had Gastarbeiter
Vietnamese are okay people
t. East German
Looks like the wall worked.
t. Ahmed bin Salid bin Hasan bin al-Bani
Yeah from other communist countries, idiot. Not Turkey.
Butthurt polish vermin
>d-don't question my 1-dimensional world view
lel no fuck them
hope muslims and niggers fuck them all to death, and the rest of western europe too
In English, Mo', not this barbarian language.
>oh noes, those fucking poles stealing a couple of hundred cars per year in the border regions
>they are worse than muslims who invade this here country by the millions each year!
Fucking neck yourself.
The GDR was the last true German state
Did he specify Turkey? No he didn't, he said no Gastarbeiter. So you are the idiot, cheeseworm. They had Gastarbeiter from many different socialist countries, treated them literally as guest workers rather than migrants, and ended up with a bunch of Vietnamese restaurants. They did something right at least.
Naw senpai it the map of husbands looking for bulls
Eastern germans are welcome in our slav paradise, muslims and cucks not allowed
>somehow thinks Poles are worse than Muslims
Only vermin here is you.
Go fuck yourself, Mateusz
But Eastern Germans are already living on Slavic ground, just occupied by Germany.
Go fuck yourself, Malte-Sören
This thread is about mosques and whether former east-germany is 'uncucked' or not.
Remove yourself, Mehmet.
> t. Mehmet al-Almani
West had the JewSA influence, East didn't.
Say thank to papa Russia that made you a real man.
But suffer from being a poor shithole instead, gee thanks a lot.
who is that sweety woman on the bottom there?
yes, eastern germany best germany
t. NRW
How do we bring DDR back?
When did the Soviet union stop being a Jew ran enterprise? The initial bolshevik party was like a Yeshiva, by the 70s it was fairly normal.
Although the NVA was the last german army, the GDR was not the last german state... it was just a puppet just like the BRD.
I want all germans to die painfully
ur mum)))000
>born too late to participate in ww2
>born to early to bomb German space colonies
>born just in time to watch Deutschland burn
What a beautiful life.
More like by the end of 30s after a bit of clean up by comrade Stalin. The real reason why he is so demonized.
A poor country can get rich, a country infested with foreign hordes and cultural marxism will have a very hard time cleansing itself (if it is even possible). Some day, Jakub, you will thank us for protecting you from western degeneracy
Stalin cleaned house
t. kike
>A poor country can get rich
What is USA South Korea and Finland
simple: not at all
t- east german
> The real reason why he is so demonized.
i thought the reason behind his demonizing in russia, is the fact, that he killed almost half of the russian population.
>Where western germans were taught that it was them, common people that were responsible for the horrors of WW2 and Holocaust. And they taught the same to their kids.
Meanwhile eastern germans were taught that common people had nothing to do with it. It was the capitalist elites that were responsible for WW2 and all the related horrors. Common people were victims as well.
;______; it's TRUE!!! IT'S TRUE
But most people like him here despite him killing all of the Russian people personally.
Eastern Germany is uncucked because Hitler built the Berlin wall.
stay butthurt german cocksucker
>The GDR existed only 26 years ago
Germany, a core European nation was split in two, half of which was nothing more than a Soviet satellite. It really wasn't that long ago. It just shows how radically the political landscape can change in a relatively short amount of time.
its not surprising really
A lot of communist regimes were heavily nationalistic/patriotic (despite the pretense of transnational socialism and shit)
A lot of references to panslavism and slavic culture in geberal were made by our politicians back in the days when we were soviet sattelite
>germans vote for Hitler
>hurr it's not germans who gave him power but le ebil capitalists durr!!1!!11!
laughing everytime at Sup Forumsacks and their mental gymnastics
When will Sup Forums take the true red pill and understand the evil guys won the cold war. DDR was the true german state
Are you really so dumb or just pretending?
suck that german dick baby
Not here tho, lot of government propaganda was centered around patriotism and defending our republic against foreign invaders and so on.
Most "mosques" in europe are actually not Mosque buildings.
Mudslims usually rent a place that has a random conference room and use it to pray in, they just call these rooms "mosques". So one of those marks on the map can just be a conference room.
more like undercucked
Fun fact:
Hitler declared Slavs the new master race after Red Army approached Berlin.
awful bait
From 0:25.
At first hitler was like
>The Slavs are a mass of born slaves, who feel the need of a master. The Russian space is our India! Like the English, we shall rule this empire with a handful of men. It would be a mistake to claim to educate the natives.. The Slav people are not destined to live a cleanly life.. It's better not to teach them to read. Even to give them a locomotive to drive would be a mistake.. We'll supply the Ukrainians with scarves, glass beads, and everything colonials like."
Later he was like(To speer in 1945):
This fate is inevitable. There is no necessity to take into consideration the basis which the people will need to continue even a most primitive existence. On the contrary, it will be better to destroy these things ourselves, because this nation will have proved to be the weaker one and the future will belong solely to the stronger eastern nation. Besides, those who will remain after the battle are only the inferior ones, for the good ones have all been killed.
They can. At least they have future.
Degenerates will die in agony.
Shut the fuck up you dumb polak.
R1a is a broad haplogroup and it doesn't mean you're Slavic if you have it.
Slavs are not superior. They're stupid and have contributed very little to scientific advancement compared to the rest of Europeans.
Also your women are whores. Slavic women make up the plurality of prostitutes, strippers, and pornstars in Europe.
>This fate is inevitable. There is no necessity to take into consideration the basis which the people will need to continue even a most primitive existence. On the contrary, it will be better to destroy these things ourselves, because this nation will have proved to be the weaker one and the future will belong solely to the stronger eastern nation. Besides, those who will remain after the battle are only the inferior ones, for the good ones have all been killed.
Is this some copy-pasta or are you that salty that slavs beat you to space?
you don't quite understand haplogroups do you?
No, I normally don't give a shit about Slavs except when they start trying to claim they're superior when in fact they're most definitely not.
can some one try to over lay the two photos in Photoshop or something like that, could be a good meme
they're all furries
In case of Eastern Germany and Prussia, the R1a subclades are mostly Slavic and Baltic Z280, M458 and CTS1211
>contributed very little to scientific advancement
>who was tesla, łukasiewicz, mendelyev
why the fuck should I care about who are our women? western women are also sluts, but they are better at hiding it
He's from a Slavic country so you can assume he's a retard.
I've met Slavs trying to claim Scots are a long lost Slavic tribe using their poor knowledge of genetics and history.
Boy have I been waiting for this moment
This post alone shows you're a fucking RETARD and you don't know what you're talking about.
Tesla? He was a Serb. They're not genetically Slavic. You don't even know who your own people are.
>Also your women are whores. Slavic women make up the plurality of prostitutes, strippers, and pornstars in Europe.
im not surprised by that, the diaspora are the most cancerous shits imaginable and should be instagassed
>no Czochralski process
Hey look, it's another retarded Slav putting together another bullshit list of people who are not even ethnically Slavic like Copernicus and Tesla.
Fun fact: Most of Poland's Nobel prize winners were Jewish. That's right. The Jewish minority in Poland has won more Nobel prizes than the Slavic majority.
That's how fucking retarded they are.
Please stop crying, nigger.
>tesla had non-slav ancestry
>most of poland's nobel prize winners were jewish
Also if you take organic chemistry and physical chemistry you would learn that Slavs basically wrote those fields
Superior to who? He said that slavs are less likely to be cucks, which we are considering we aren't self hating faggots like whites are.
Anyway slavs contributed to world far more than americans did anyway.
>implying poor country can't get rich
Just look at Finland and Estonia which are basically one country.
After communism imploded Estonia starts out poor, autistic and socialist and Finland is rich, smart and capitalist.
Then over the years Finns start electing post-communist retards while Estonians make laws simpler, taxes lower and invest in technology.
Today the gap is way smaller and if the current trend continues then within a few decades we can expect Finland to end up autistic and poor while Estonia is smart and rich.
Moral is that you shouldn't keep your businessmen like Roman Kluska down
>He was a Serb. They're not genetically Slavic.
They are Slavs because of the language they speak. According to your logic, the British are not Germanic.
Like Marie Curie amirite?
Totally a Jew...
Slavs went into space first with superior rockets than that the USA could have made.
The Soviet Union didn't even have a V2 reference to start with while the US had the rocket, the blue prints, and the designer.
Western Europeans are pathetic
Serbs speak a Slavic language but they're not ethnically Slavic just like most South "Slavs."
You are a RETARD!
Also, here's a list of Poland's Nobel prize winners.
Winner Field
1903 Maria Sklodowska Curie Physics
1905 Henryk Sienkiewicz Literature
1907 Albert A. Michelson Physics
1911 Maria Sklodowska Curie (2nd time) Chemistry
1924 Władysław Reymont Literature
1944 Isidor Isaac Rabi Physics
1950 Tadeusz Reichstein Medicine
1977 Andrew Schally Medicine
1978 Menachem Begin Peace
Isaac Bashevis Singer Literature
1980 Czesław Miłosz Literature
1981 Roald Hoffmann Chemistry
1983 Lech Wałęsa Peace
1992 Georges Charpak Physics
1994 Shimon Peres Peace
1995 Joseph Rotblat Peace
1996 Wisława Szymborska Literature
2007 Leonid Hurwicz
Most of them are Jews.
>germanboo cant deal with his inferiority complex : the post