Health Care: Sanders vs Paul

Should people have a right to healthcare?

People should have the right to access (wide array of choices) of healthcare, but not to use other people's money to use it.

Obongocare is miles worse than the healthcare I had 10 years ago.

>Rand Paul says that if everyone had the right to healthcare services then Doctors would be slaves
>Bernie Sanders responds by asking Doctors in a country where healthcare is not a right if they feel like slaves


Do you support me being shot?


Am I being detained?

Bernie with the classic Jew argument.
Ignores what his opponent is saying for few quips.

If bearing arms is a right, then people will just break into armories and gun stores and steal guns since having them is a right.

>not dismissing all libertarians as genuine retards on sight

rights cant be granted

you dont have a right to healthcare

t. i dont know the difference between negative and positive rights

>here's your medical doctorate
>you now have no rights of your own because healthcare is a right
>thinking this makes sense

Are you mentally retarded? Right to bear arms doesn't imply the right to steal them from someone else; it implies the right to legally purchase them.

lol rand paul is a literal retard

God, I love Rand Paul.

It's not about the right to healthcare, people had that before. It's about whether, by virtue of merely being alive, you should be forced to give money to a select number of corporations who channelled money into the pockets of the instigating politicians to make them one of the chosen few.

Essentially, Obamacare combines the worst of fully private and nationalised healthcare: insurance companies take a huge slice of the action and every citizen is forced to pay up.


You think the government stops you from purchasing healthcare?
You already have a right to purchase healthcare

Love that gif


Even though I agree with Rand, he is a really shitty debater.

Americans should because we are wealthy enough to support it, but not if we continue to import third worlders

you still dont understand the difference between positive and negative rights

No. There is nothing natural, or innate about the presumption that another person is bonded to another simply because they have in demand skills.

Rights are not basic amenities of daily life. RIGHTS are actions that all humans of a right aught to be free to pursue and maintain if we are to live in a free society. These rights do not by nature have protections. We are committed to protecting those rights, not GIVING them to you.

The only sensible argument for "healthcare" as a right, is the right to practice medicine. You have a right to keep your family & friends healthy without being forced to seek out government appointed practitioners.

The current healthcare system tramples these rights, and we continuously and prominently endure the cost in doing so.
