Brit/pol/ - Whats for dinner lads? Edition

>Thirteen year-old sucks on black mamba every day

>UKIP calls for burka ban: Paul Nuttall says Britain is ready to bite back on migration

>EU unveils new Space Egg headquarters that symbolises "Joy at a time of populist uprising and anger"

>Notorious bender Peter Tachell and Syria protesters disrupt Corbyn speech

>Gina Miller will WIN Supreme Court Brexit ruling as Government advisers predict narrow victory for Parliament having to vote on A50

>EU negotiator rushes through deal for UK to pay for access to Single Market, migrants

>Turkey accused of ‘dissolving’ their migrant camps as scum floods Greece

>Peter Hitchens was right; "The Boris Effect" strikes again as Ed Balls's popularity soars after humiliating himself in public

>More proof that the SNP actually want England to be right-wing for the sake of their own political gain as figures show they spent less money during the EU Referendum than Wetherspoons

>Thread Theme

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what is that cupped bullshit on the right side?

wew lad

take a guess mong

We believe in Britain and the British people, their heritage and customs.
We believe in a sovereign self-governing Britain and withdrawal from the EU.
We reject all forms of foreign interference in our government.
We ask for an understanding and consciousness by all our people of their nation’s greatness, achievements, and glory.
We believe that the heterosexual family is the primary social unit.
We believe in authority.
We believe in the spiritual values of life and of the respect that is owing to man.
We believe in the obligation of labour and the rolling back of the welfare state.
We believe in virtue and the sacred nature of Christianity and our Established Church.
We believe that our country is best served by our indigenous customs & traditions, its time-honoured hereditary principle and our monarchy.
We are in favour of localism and local communities.
We support the small businessman and entrepeneur.
We support British industry & manufacturing.
We are opposed to internationalism and globalisation
We are opposed to communism, to socialism, to liberalism and to anarchism.
We are opposed to mass immigration and multiculturalism
We are opposed to the Class War.
We are opposed to Political Correctness and support the repeal of all cultural-Marxist legislation.
We are against the purely materialist conception of life.
We support the Great British Countryside and its conservation for future generations.
We are against all the great heresies of our age, because we have yet to be convinced that there is any part of the world where the liberty to propagate such heresies has been the cause of anything good.


>We are opposed to the Class War

Kill the upper middle class desu

I had M & S 2 can dine. Cottage Pie with rainbow carrots and chocolate & vanilla cheesecake for dessert.

Eighty years ago today:

"At long last I am able to say a few words of my own. I have never wanted to withhold anything, but until now it has not been constitutionally possible for me to speak.
A few hours ago I discharged my last duty as King and Emperor, and now that I have been succeeded by my brother, The Duke of York, my first words must be to declare my allegiance to him. This I do with all my heart.

You all know the reasons which have impelled me to renounce the Throne. But I want you to understand that in making up my mind I did not forget the country or the Empire which as Prince of Wales, and lately as King, I have for twenty-five years tried to serve. But you must believe me when I tell you that I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as King as I would wish to do without the help and support of the woman I love."

Reposting from last thread.

So you're saying that Paul Nuttall will uncuck UKIP and go on a crusade against the spreading cultural marxism? His articles seems pretty nice.
However, does he talk about repatriation of non European immigration? Can he by himself change the party into a better direction?

Would love her to take a big fat shit down my throat.

What happened to the prawns lad?

You never gone and done a......DOUBLE DINNER?

nth for Anglo-Japanese relations.

>what are you having for dinner

Degenerate eating habits the picture

Friendly reminder to go on holiday in your own country.

You're a lardass.

But it's better than eating alone.

kys ahmed al haggis

>tfw an American slag and Jew-bought Parliament managed to force the resignation of a based pro-peace-with-Nazi-Germany king

fuk of pedo


Lad are you memeing when you show us your meals? When you posted that picture of yourself you were fat, but not as fat as I'd expect considering your diet.


we need your tourism money

Can someone explain to me why pre-referendum Nige and others were saying that being more like Norway and Switzerland would be good. Yet after the referendum any implication of a Norway/Swiss deal is considered "rotten" and "awful".

Of course I know being in EEC changes little and pisses off both sides but do they really expect me to forget what was said beforehand?

I love how terribly things are going for Germany.
I just wish the rest of Europe would become more rightwing and isolate them.
Ultimately we need walls.
We need a wall around Italy, which brings in the migrants, and a wall around Greece which also brings in the migrants. And the rest of Europe should be demanding that all immigrants that have got further than Italy or Greece must stay in Germany, for it was Germany that called on them to enter Europe.
Alas, this is all just fantasy.


had a lentil + vegetable tagine with couscous desu lads

Every image i post has the current date and time.

The concept of us being like Norway or Switzerland when we're a giant country of over 60 million people was fucking retarded to begin with

Because is not norway/swiss deal but norway only. Norway pays EU for single market access, free movement and shit like that.

>3 puddings
You fat cunt.

We dont make watches
Or much of anything anymore, all we offer are services

shifting the overton windows or something idk

there was so much disinformation from both sides over whatever possibilities that yes the expectation will definitely be most people won't be able to remember and thus the narrative and positioning is still up for grabs

You can thank Labour and the Unions for that.

t. Tory mongoloid

Never forget

>Yet after the referendum any implication of a Norway/Swiss deal is considered "rotten" and "awful".
Because we have a large enough economy/military and alliances that we can get whatever deal we'd like. Taking anything other than a full brexit with proper trading deals negatively effects our power projection, which makes us look weak and sours all our future negotiations.


was 3 yoghurts really necessary

God damn Paul Joesph Watson you're fat as fuck.

My sides collapsed at freefall speed.

and the tories, bad management, short temist shareholders, technology, the chinese and general lack of state investment since the 80s

>the GDR existed only 26 years ago

Does this not blow anyone your mind? Germany, a core European country was split in two, the Eastern bit being nothing more than a Soviet satellite. Seriously. It really wasn't that long ago. Just really makes me think.

Go wash your dreadlocks you vegetarian bender.

Theyre mousses, not yoghurts.

really gets my synapses tingling

Ok. Octopus blood?

While he's a mong and Tories have a lot to answer for don't you think the genuine Marxist infiltration of the unions played it's part?

What a load of shit, Edward was a faggot who couldn't control his cock and gave up the throne for pussy.
How the fuck do you work out that he is based? You really do shit over brit/pol/.

Get's the ol' noggin jogging

Its a pudding

Uh oh last time i called them yogurts he had a melt down

>le Donald
Feel the difference

lentils have a decent amount of protein and count as one of your five a day, keep healthy lad

What blowsmy mind is for how 300 years brits were trying to keep europe divided and away from their machinations. What blows my mind is how brits prevented russian recapture of constantinople. What blows my mind is that rotherham rapists are still not punished.

What's that keyboard, lad?


I wasn't implying the Norway and Swiss deals were the same, only that they were often mentioned side by side in that context

eat at a table you fucking uncivilized monkey

Damn thats like around 4000 calories how fat are you?.

>Full fat coke

>he doesnt browse britpol whilst eating processed chocolate yoghurt pots

How has your Christmas parties gone? Anyone get political?

This is why you need to be more careful with OP pictures, you end up inviting Sup Forumsscum and Yanks who don't give a fuck about talking politics to the thread if you use a provocative image

They are asian
Fat asshole

What order?

Buttons before the flake, the flake ones are stronger so the buttons one will taste worse if you eat it last

you realise most unions kept marxists out and this was one of the biggest blocks on trot entryism into the labour party right?

of course there are examples where this wasnt the case (i'm looking at you NUM) and the unions were ridiculously powerful in the 70s in particular, but its worth knowing this, they put the kibosh on bevan ever being leader as an example

What's the name of the keyboard, user?


Fuck politics its nearly Christmas lets get festive

there are cucks itt that hate zeee Germans

I've never been to GB but I love british history and culture. Is it too late to visit?

yes fuck off, drawbridge is up, our moats are active with crocs



make sure you spend lots of money

Its too late if you want to visit the cities. The rest of the country is very much as it was.

Come home, Commonwealth man.

The Highlands of Scotland, York, the Lake District, the Welsh Valleys, Cornwall, Devon, Cambridge, Oxford, Bath and dare I say it, London are well worth your time.

Yes, go to australia, new zealand
You will find more britishness there than in actual Britain

>listening to Green Day

what year is it

lads, is last thursday's QT and TW worth a look on iplayer?

come to the isle of wight, user!

*snort snort*
heh, g-guys
*sniff sniff*
G-guys, don't you know
*Smug grin*
D-didn't anyone tell you
*heh eh heh heh heh*
Y-you d-don't know how to make threads like me

Stop lecturing people on "How to Brit/pol/" you insufferable tripcode using twat. Get a job faggot.

Cool G15. Had myself one for a few years but i never used the display and it was way too big so i sold it again.

Is that pasta frozen commercial shit or did you cook it yourself? Give recipe if the latter

Just been to Canterbury, was pretty nice

As if there's anywhere in the country worth visiting other than London.

Oxford is absolute shithole.

>welsh bantz

Seriously though, what's the brand / model of it.

The current year


Was listening to the smiths but felt my inner 14 year old emo me coming out.

Brit/pol/ is my eternal whipping boy and I'll do with it as I please, you know this is true; you're just lucky I'm so lenient

>Falling for the aspartame meme.


The Andrew Marr Show is easily the worst political TV show I have ever seen. It takes itself so seriously but has this wanky jazz soundtrack that would work better in an early-90s sitcom.

they do buy a lot of whiskey and are even having a go at making god nectar themselves, its supposed to be good too but shirley their plutonium infected water is no match for our water, shirley.

britfags what the fuck is up with the Brexit and article 50, you can't leave the EU now?