Macedonia election thread

Results edition
SDSM 36%
Albanian parties 22%

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stranata e ebana

>Ne veleposlanstvo

Reposting from the old thread:

Still around 5% lead for VMRO after 34% processed polling stations. It's gonna be a tight one for sure and the albo parties will decide who will govern.

There will be a lot of cocksucking in the coming weeks. I think it's quite possible that DUI will stab VMRO in the back - after all they do what the american overlords tell them to. And we know which party all the embassies prefer.

Are you dijaspora?

what is macedonia

i thought it was like in greece or something

Based Skopje reporting

no one gives a fuck


You really think a German would give a fuck about our elections? :D

Daj nemoj sa hrvatskim meme rjecima koje samo postoje da nisu iste sa srbskim

>Ne kompjuter nego kompjutor

desnicata ili levicata pecheli?

Greece has a good chunk of our ethnic people on their territory, took it from war

za koj si ti?

So tell me who the fuck won and where each party stands.

nemame nie cista levica i desnica kako u zapad

Shut the fuck up Snæbjörn

i tyka e taka
"centralno levi i centralno desni" komunisti i mafioti
koi sa dvete vodesthi partii?

>voting for SDSM

you are literal traitor. Let me tell you why

I can understand why you would vote for Levica. They are young people, no corruption behind them.

I can understand why you would vote for Stojance, Ljube and Ljupco, they are somewhat patriotic, although they have their share of scandals behind them. Especially Ljube and Ljupcho.

If I didn't vote for VMRO-DPMNE as a Macedonian it would be more reasonable choice to give my vote for either of these parties.


Za nikoj najiskreno. Nitu jas nitu familijata vo MK glasashe. Poprvo bi se obesil otkolku da glasam komunjari, a ovie drugite iskradoa se sto mozea i seuste sme na ramniste so Moldavija kako posledna bljuvotina vo Evropa. Od druga strana ovie multikulti pederishta ne mozam organski da gi svaram.

repost me mrzi

what does this mean, can someone give a quick tl;dr ?
there is 0 news about your election in our country

zosto ne glasase za stojance togas? :/

Does the idea of nationalism exist in fyrom or is it all for the money, like what do your nationalists desire ?

it's all for the money, yunanistan.

>where more than 9 nations reside

Nope... Just the cash

хaхaхa cтpaнaтa ceyштe пaѓa

дoмeнчe зa иљaдapчe

Do you guys consider yourself as mecedonians, greeks, bulgarians or serbs?
I was in Ohrid this summer with my friend and we met 2 serb girls and macedonian guy. He told us that macedonians are just bulgarians in another country. The girls were in shock.

Na kraj i toj i site drugi ke se vo koalicija so golemite. Ne postoi politicar vo MK sto ne se zanimava so politika od licni interesi. Takov ni e genot, kriminalci i kradci vo dusa.Od gradinka do penzija se e so vrski, potkup, lizenje gazovi. Kako dete na rabotnicka klasa edinstvena opcija da ziveam kako normalno covecko bitie bez da poludam ili da pocnam da kradam kako ostanatite bese da ucam, diplomiram i da begam od MK. Sega si gledam seir :)

ne znam okolu kakvi luge si porasnal ama ne e taka za mene, politicarite mozebi kradat ama lugeto ne se takvi nzz za sto zboris

kek is that gif real

дeбили глyпи, cтpaшeн пpoпycт...

macedonians ofc, 99.9%
idk if u mean the people ITT tho

Mi zvucis kako placko se da ti ebam

Nisto cudno si u stranstvo a ne mlatis pari na net kako sef.

Cudno ne si glasal za sdsm

od kolku luge mislis crashna, 20,000?

>Albanian parties 22%
Fucking remove those subhumans

кoлкy и дa e, тpeбa дa бидaт cпpeмни нa вaкoв тип нa cooбpaќaј

They love to suck on the big fat albanian vote too much to ever let it go, especially VMRO.

Just came in here to say I love your flag, reminds me of my state's flag, and also McDonald's

Good luck

can't, NATO

and now I'm hungry

Kako narod sme podolu od izmet, najiskreno. Od ocenka do cekanje red vo bolnica, se e so vrski. Profesorot idel vo sredno so majka mu na Orce i Orce si ima 5ka. Ljuftim go znae doktorot posto mu e komsija i si vleguva preku red kaj nego ko polkovnik. Toa se mali sitnici sto iritiraat. Koga ke dojde vreme da baras rabota i gledas bez lepenje plakati moze samo narednite 30 godini kaj starite v kukja ili stan da zivees i nekako da prezivuvas, a glupiot ti drugar sto ne znae 2+2 da presmeta stanal profesor posto vujna mu e ti dojde se preku kur.

Problemot e sto ti si do tolku naviknat na ovoj sistem sto ne gi primetuvas ovie sitnici. Drzavnite firmi stanaa semejni firmi, si se vrabotuvaat do 5to koleno ko oni da ja izgradile drzavata. Dzabe objasnuvam, ti si del od toj sistem i ne ti smeta. Mene mi smetase i ambiciite mi bea pogolemi od toa da lepam plakati i da zivurkam vo taa vukojebina.

toa ne e specificno do nas sve na balkanot raboti u vrski, i mislam i u istocna evropa isto
sum bil u germanija i ne mi se sviga, osobeno lugeto retardirani se koga stanuva zbor za politika
begalci tamu im siluvaat zeni ovie uste glasaat za merkel i se "tolerantni", sve idioti


better to be corrupt than to be gay

How are you guys tracking results, website is down

news, sadly...

I ja ziveev u germanija nekolku meseci samo za lulz

Odlicna drzava e sve sovrseno

Samo sto ke mi e koga mozam da ja napravam Makedonija kako Germanija

Takov mi e mentalitetot

Toa ti e posebna prica, se slagam deka Germancite se naivni i glupi. Me cudi sto sekoj prijatel Germanec e protiv ovaa politika i protiv Merkel a na kraj pak ke pobedi.

Sepak, jas znam sto narod se begalcive i ne sum naiven ko Germancite. Si se drzam nastrana i se smeam koga istite sto im brisat gazovi po begalski centri na kraj ispagaat siluvani i mrtvi. Nemozam da pomognam nekomu komu mu fali osnoven instinkt za prezivuvanje.

Jas si go gledam mojot zivot, rabota. Si imam mir, spokoj i napredok i ne zavisam od nikogo, nitu Zaev nitu Grujo. Kur me boli koj tepa na izbori ovde.

>Besa is winning

Holy shit, what happened with the Albos?

кoлкy вpeмe cи тaмy?


>sve sovrseno
ama ne e taka
ja bev tamu i ne mi se dopagase, sakav doma
edinstveno dobro nesto sto imaat visoki plati
kaj ides tamu da zivees za nekolku meseci samo za lulz, so turisticka viza ili bugarski pasosh? lel

zivees megu stranci, nikogas nema da bides prifaten kako germanec tamu, ne mi se sviga diaspora zivot, ovde barem si megu svoi

3-4 godini. Zavrsiv faks i fativ magla.

There was an article in Yutarnji. Basically the artice was full negativity about Gruevski and VMRO. This means VMRO are the good guys.

explain your election please

>Albanian parties 22%
Good to hear. Maqedonia hopefully will be majority shqiptar within 20 years

Redpill me on shiptars

>Profesorot idel vo sredno so majka mu na Orce i Orce si ima 5ka

Kaj tebe u selo kaj mene srednoto imase standardi sigurno ne bi pominal dobro ti

>Ljuftim go znae doktorot posto mu e komsija i si vleguva preku red kaj nego ko polkovnik

Ne znam dali si bil u bolnica nekad ali mnogu lesno se gleda koj doaga koga i ne mozes da skokas red. Da ne te vnesuvaa tebe preku prozor?

>Toa se mali sitnici sto iritiraat

Toa se sitnici sto gi izmisluvas deka ne si predavnik i izvor na problemot samiot

>Koga ke dojde vreme da baras rabota

Ke najdes ne znam dali si educiran, ako ne dali imas vestina ili pari da otpocnes nesto. Sigurno e ovde polesno od Germanija

>Problemot e sto ti si do tolku naviknat na ovoj sistem sto ne gi primetuvas ovie sitnici

Ne seri gomnar celiot svet e selo mozam da dojdam kaj tebe za 1 saat razlikite ne se tolkavi

>tfw Erdogan will play Kingmaker



VMRO=based, nationalist and good
SDSM=pro-albanian and pro-EU cuckolds.

There is also a great posibility if SDSM wins that the balkanroute will be open and you will be floded by shitskins again.

When is your next population count, makkebros?

thanks user

When will macedonia deal with the albanian problem?

Redpilled, nationalist people that increase economic output yet maqedonians who have stagnated economically since forever hate Albanians and discriminate against them

Albanians: Sup Forums
maqedonians: SJWs

do not bother listening to maqedonians they are liars who have very hypocritical values

not quite tho, VMRO are in qualition with DUI terrorists and giving retarded 50 IQ shiptars position in government just to keep DUI in qualition
theyre pseudo-patriots, the real patriots will only get 3%~ of the vote

shqips keep blocking it, afraid they'll lose their huge rights if it doesnt go their way
as it stands being a shqip here is better than being a shqip in albania, here they get employed just because they're minority, due to ohrid agreement

If VMRO wins never.

-great ice cream
-don't want them in your country

stagnated economically since forever and still better than shitbania with sea access...... hm...... rly makes u think

>Greece has a good chunk of our ethnic people on their territory, took it from war
And this is why you guys are poor and Greek nationals are your largest investor, its pretty funny how they only invest in your christian parts too, like they know something.

>When will macedonia deal with the albanian problem?
You mean when will Albanians deal with the Macedonian problem.

Sekoj tret e so stranski koren ovde. Se dodeka se integriras nema da imas problemi. Zavisi i do sredinata i socijalnite krugovi niz koi se dvizis. Od moeto opkruzuvanje najmnogu se Germanci i Poljaci. Nemam dovolno zborovi da gi pofalam niv i nivniot odnos.

Sekoj ima razlicno iskustvo. Nedostasuva familijata i pobliskite, se drugo podobro sto e daleku od mene.

>still better
Albania is increasingly significantly in gdp, not long ago being communist like north korea

More like quasi-nationalist. They're all a bunch of frauds and phonies.

Fuck no, everyone's bad, and SDSM will be arguably as bad if we let them stay in power for 10 years, but it's definitely time to kick VMRO out.

fuck off inbred

sepak se stranci brat, plus mora da zboris na stranski jazik nasekade, u koj grad si?

ofc theyre increasing if they were north korea in 90s, we still BTFO them despite having a small war in 2001 and political crisis every 5 years, albanians are incompetent 50 IQ mutants

>real patriot

I don't trust anyone that's a mercenary for American goverment

Which party are you refering by 3%?

>american governemnt
so seres
u privatna kompanija e mercenary, zakon covek e, mozese da si otide tamu so site pari sto gi napravi i da ne se vrati ama sepak mu e gajle za makedonija, so svoj oci vide i se borese protiv UCK gomna AKA DUI

VMRO za makedonija, stojance is a real patriot, was a general in 2001 insurgency

Albo population is increasing while we're in the lowest in the world birth rates

real patriotic goverment would do something about that,all VMRO does is launder money trough ridicilous clownish monuments

Riječi kompjuter i kompjutor ne postoje u hrvatskom, a vjerujem ni srpskom jeziku, službeni izraz je računalo.

Soon macedonia will be taken over by muslims. what do you suggest should be done?

>maqedonians who have stagnated economically
Where is shqiperia

Do you have 4% growth too

I respect Stojance for his service and what he went through in 2001, but the man's ddfinitely not a good politician.

He got swindled by Ljubco, a pro-Bulgarian opportunist who's trying to rise out of obscuirity again.

Islam will conquer Maqedonia

Maqedonian women will be wearing hijabs inshallah

Albanians will rule

grujo actually tried once but his proposition quickly got shut down for being discriminatory
if we really want a patriot government then get one that'll completely remove ohrid agreement bullshit
btw were keeping up with birthrates more or less, since shqip birthrates dropped a bit as well

>ease of doing business

even then that's because of Albanians, who are more industrious than maqedonians who are lazy like greek

oh please,that's BS

oppsition wasn't even in parlament for most of his time,they did anything they wished

there was definitely a motion to increase child benefits in east, so yes he tried
grujo isnt completely retarded, hes corrupt scum but he knows about the shqip problem on some level, only he wouldnt do anything about it if it means losing DUI qualition so...

>even then that's because of Albanians, who are more industrious than maqedonians who are lazy like greek
Greeks lazy, largest merchant marine fleet in world, thriving tourism sector. God damn, inbreeding did a number on albanians, cut the shit out.

He's the greatest merc tho

He fucked up so many shqips in 2001

Macedon stronk

Točno. Bratić mojeg djeda se tamo oženio. Bio je u vojsci u MKD i tamo našao lokalnu djevojku.

racist fucks

Good write-up


the shiptar screams in pain as he stabs you

oh shit is sds actually leading?

>This guy slaps your girl's ass and calls you a tatar

What do you do?
