Is there really going to be a French/European civil war or is it just a meme?
European Civil War
2017 will be full of happenings. get comfy.
It's gonna happen, it's just obvious by this point.
I sure as fuck hope so. There's no fixing the current situation without war and violence.
Who writes this garbage? NO GO zones yes, but no civil war, like ever.
I hope turkey lets the flood gates open again.
it'll be anything but
It would certainly shake things up a bit, there wasn't a single happening here for months.
What will be the flashpoint in your opinion? Agree, sadly. Not even a far right politician can fix it without violence.
I still hope for habbenings, but I know it's not going to habben
>Cities become warzones
>Leftists take the brunt of the impact
Isis obviously slowed down because they saw the effect it was having on galvanizing people like Trump and other people on the right. Now that they know it's all or nothing things are going to heat up. Floodgates or no.
Stay unexploded Eurofriends.
mfw imminent race war
Doesn't really feel like anything would happen anytime soon.
Just a meme.
Police and Conservatives in France is still much stronger than any "resistance" (pretty much the most apathetic people in Europe) and le immigrants meme.
Last "riots" were the Police beating nu-males and hippies and college students.
I think right-wing media are just overreacting about it to further the police state agenda abroad.
>that pic
Civil war? Are you insane?
There will probably be civil unrest in the EU once we leave and the money runs out. The EU cannot keep funtioning as it has. More and more austerity coupled with mass immigration of subhumans will trigger riots.
The problem is that most people have too much to lose. They have jobs and mortgages so they don't want to get caught up in a conflict.
If they lose those jobs and lose their homes THEN we might see civil unrest.
OR, you're a few weeks away from dusting off the ol' justice makers.
We'll try to stay unexploded, at least you guys have Trump now.
2017 is the year of the Flaming Cock, of course major things will happen soon
the collapse will take much longer, there will be full scale civil war in at least germoney and france, sometime between 2030 and 2040 are the projections
fake news
We're gonna sit back, let it habben, then right before its over we whip out our dicks and kick ass and be #1 for another hundred years.
Any other burgers going over to volunteer?
I don't mind getting caught up in a conflict.
>tfw Portugal is too boring to have any happenings
feels bad
I wish we had a civil war or something
Northern Portugal(conservative) vs Southern Portugal(communist)
>What will be the flashpoint in your opinion?
once large enough muslim populations start blatantly flaunting the local laws and customs, implementing their own sharia and receive support from the leftist white genocide perpetrators, it will kick off.
if you are white, make sure you have a gun, lots of ammo and know how to shoot.
if it turns violent it will be EXTREMELY violent but only for a few short years.
>multiple catastrophic problems
>let in a bunch of retards and people are getting angry
>there's no way we could have predicted this
I'm going to enjoy getting cheap flights when they put a travel warning on Europe as a whole
>but no civil war, like ever.
How can you even say that? What's going to happen when NoGo zones get bigger and bigger and Sharia more ubiquitous? Alter, es wird Krieg geben.
Learning French now.
Might sign on with the French Foreign Legion with the stipulation that I'm allowed to remove kebab in the Motherland before removing kebab everywhere else.
That's probably because you're
>in your 20s
or any combination of the above. Normies wouldn't want conflict even if mohammed was banging on their door threatening to behead their family. You have to understand just how bluepilled most people are.
Not only that but then you've got the left-wing apologists who would probably be on the side of the immigrants.
Hope you can join us with Le Pen greatest ally.
What are they going to do, beat each other with sticks? they're not allowed to have guns lol
We already have that, sort of. Most suburbs of Brussels are pure (Muslim) immigrants. You might have heard of Molenbeek, where police is scared of going in the streets
Christ, I hope DB kicks the bucket and shits up the European economy so we'll go into a massive depression.
Belgium will be the first to fall I'm sure. Brussels was literally little Mogadishu even a decade ago when I visited that godforsaken hellhole.
Thats because your country is poor
Delete that image right now.
I'm not a neet. And I know a guy who just broke up with his gf so he's super salty and a guy who's a low key psychopath so I could quickly wring up a little crew.
I think it's further away than most of us think and it's avoidable but it depends on what happens next.
A lot of is tied to a mix of how bad the situation is in certain countries and if there's democratic options left. So long as there is far right and populists to vote for this won't escalate any further. But then the EU can't be trusted not to eventually take the bait to cling onto power and have a crackdown or ban on them.
If that happens though and all avenues for peaceful dissent become exhausted then yes, it'll be civil war. I'd expect the flashpoints to be France, Belgium, the Netherlands and parts of Germany, likely in the east and Bavaria. There's no knowing what'll happen in Sweden though given how quickly the proper far-right hardliners are growing and how quickly the police are losing authority over immigrant ghettos.
Eastern Europe depends what the EU does next. Eventually they'll push them too far and the whole V4 bloc will simply cede and form a new union. But if the EU acts against that then there's every chance it goes hot and becomes a major war against the EU and EU loyalists.
>civil war
No need
>tfw can't wait to join the partisans in the upcoming war
Nah I'm just ugly and bored with college.
i know, but every day these areas grow larger, at some point the white masses will awaken.
this growth is fueled by mudslime birth rates and immigration.
by sometime between 2030 and 2040 it will get to be too much and the conflicts will start off after being sparked in small areas like molenbeek.
of course things COULD happen sooner, if the 1500 ISIS sleeper agents start become more active then we could be looking at a much sooner start to the race war
if mudslime were smart they would just outbreed us but they cant, their religion wont let them just do that, htey have to be violent and it will be their downfall.
like i said, make sure your aim is true and your ammunition plentiful
Waterworld - The Reality Show. Coming to Netherlands in 2030.
In France yes. The question is how far it spreads.
will Sweden 'remain neutral' while its Muslim population travels to France to fight?
What will happen in London? In Germany?
Personally I think it will start in France and spread all over he continent, then we will see what murica dose, they might take the opportunity to expel the Mexicans. Christ it could turn into a world war then.
>tfw your country doesn't invade the sea
>no towel around head
>pro sharia-law
wew lad
>if mudslime were smart they would just outbreed us but they cant, their religion wont let them just do that, htey have to be violent and it will be their downfall.
That's actually a strategy of theirs.
Ohh, so that's why it's called 'Netherlands'.
Muslim immigration has been an infection into europe and the body that is europe is finially starting to fight back.
Yes, there were only sticks used in Bataclan theatre.
All i care about is the fact that it's gonna give me the chance to kill muslims.
Simple. The no go zones grow bigger and bigger, but they are contained, like Ghettos.
For a civil war you need two things:
A)widespread violence, as in all over the country in "safe zones".
B) A State that is to weak to bring order. But being reluctant to react doesnt mean being to weak to fight. European Goverments are still strong enough to keep cohesion between the parts of the country.
Face it, it will get worse, but it takes at least 20 Years till its worse enough for a civil war.
>was ist Taqqiya
>i know, but every day these areas grow larger, at some point the white masses will awaken.
This is just not true.
Do you seriously think that the normie, facebook using, starbucks drinking, TGIF, party every weekend, kind of of bluepilled normie is going to suddenly wake up like "wtf? i hate islam now"
You have no idea how many excuses these people will come up with and the mental gymnastics they'll go through to justify the actions of their pet mudslimes.
The war will be between the alt-right and the SJWs.
You're right, people are seeing it on too short of a scale. Once the sustained high birth rates kick in whites will have the feeling of being replaced.
2040 is a good estimate. By then we might be outnumbered actually, we'll see.
I might make myself a member of a gun club in the near future. Getting a weapon in Belgum is a pain in the ass though
more like the body that is Europe is finally starting to see symptoms indicating that they might be infected with a fatal parasite. the fighting back is still a long way away.
>but it takes at least 20 Years till its worse enough for a civil war.
Damit stimme ich net zu. Look how bad it has gotten in just 1 year! ONE! I think we are looking within a decade at least. It will be shorter than that before native German men of fighting age are actually in the minority.
i know but its not their only strategy and its their violent means that are awaking the white sleeping giant to what is going on in this situation.
the violence is the redpill that normies take, after that they get woke to the birth rate problems and its a long journey from that point to full on 1488.
just have faith in the continued mudslime attacks and keep pushing pol as far and wide as you can
sage slider threads
report "how cna white bois ever compete" threads
etc etc
do your part
its funny to see how many "mainstream"'ers have been outed as white nationalists
the sentiment is there and it is growing, thanks to leftists and shitskins
This is how it should look right now
In 2030 there will be no land on this map at all
Wish Ireland wasn't so peaceful. Think I might go to France and fight for them and return the favour for when they tried to free us from the Anglos.
2016 was the year of the redpill 2017 will be the year of the happenings
these No go zones are full of ISIS cells at this point
Don't anticipate it based on a clickbait article. It could only get that bad if we stay on this path for decades.
Like really, i know Malmö is pretty bad a day or night in Stockholm is really safe. Not even Malmö is even close to as bad as New york city in the 70s.
been hearing this for over a decade
Good luck, my European brothers and sisters. We love you. May you all survive the happenings. I hope Trump allows us to assist you. I would consider that a good reason for me to finally join the U.S. army.
I honestly think Sweden might try to be neutral whilst shipping in Muslim fighters to the conflict.
I'm not sure what will happen in London.
*If* the Anglo gets pissed off enough to fight he will go ballistic, there's no telling what could happen.
>2016 was a year of Revelation
>many things that were hidden from people were revealed
>2017 will be the year of Happenings
My body is ready
>these No go zones are full of ISIS cells at this point
AT LEAST 1500 battle hardened Tuscan raiders who have shown to be capable of BTFO everybody around them while instilling a fear unlike any seen. Real life Caesar's Legion.
>been hearing this for over a decade
Has only been getting more true, my dude.
>there will LITERALLY be right wing death squads soon
communists spread to every country like the plague
mudslime violence is one of the biggest and most easily digested red pills out there
130 dead cucks in france at the hands of 13 shitskins
90 dead cucks in southern france at the hands of 1 shitskin
if shitskins can maintain a ratio of somewhere between 10 and 90 to 1 kills per terrorist, the 1500+ isis agents in europe can kill anywhere between 10 000 and 100 000 europeans.
that will cause massive backlash
>By then we might be outnumbered actually, we'll see.
yes we will be outnumbered but thats not a problem if we are better trained and armed, most shitskins end up being women and children, do not take mercy on these scum or the vermin that putting us in this situation: jews
Why are the poor refugees in Malmo so cold that they have to burn cars to stay warm? They are just trying to stay warm since the evil white man isn't taking care of them properly.
>mfw I have 6 months of canned goods for the whole family stored
>water sources nearby
>2 guns
>6 grown up men in my immediate family
>several friends I can count on
Bring it on shitskins.
They should get it over with while Trump is in
He'd side with the native Europeans
furthermore the market is due to collapse any month now. if you lookup bluechip stocks on google you can see nearly every one is at a all-time high in history. glad we have trump instead of hillary to deal with it though.
Of course retarded Sup Forumsacks are pushing for it, but I don't believe it will happen anytime soon.
I have good faith we're smarter than going into civil war.
inb4 Germany gets destroyed by anglos and slavs while they try to destroy Europe yet again.
>import people from countries nearly uninhabitable by war
>nurture them and say it's their culture as they practice Sharia and other violent acts
>create no-go zones instead of making areas safe for everyone
>wonder how things got so bad
No, I'm not blaming everyday Europeans. I'm just sick of the shitty leaders purposely ignoring history and flooding the continent with invaders and then when these invaders start assaulting and raping and causing civil unrest they act all surprised. Like go fucking damnit I remember one of my first history classes as a kid in like elementary school or maybe Middle school, I specifically remember the teacher asking the class on like Day 1:
>So can anyone tell me why you're here? Why worry about stuff in the past that has already happened? Shouldn't we be looking into the present and future? Why are we wasting a whole class period every single day learning about things that we can't affect that happened in history?
Of course being kids we couldn't answer. We probably didn't care about it as kids. Just wanted to go to lunch probably. This is where those leaders are right now. Being little shit kids who don't know history is important.
Of course the teacher answered:
>so you can learn from history and make educated decisions. Learn from past mistakes, learn from past successes. Learn about how society functions. History is extremely important.
Fuck I hate people. As a side note history is one of my favorite subjects now. Hated it in school but god damn I'm glad I had to take it.
>I have good faith we're smarter than going into civil war.
It's not us who are pushing it per se, it's the simple fact that eventually the Muslims will become powerful enough to win, so the time for habbenings is sooner than later.
Why not just get it over with now? If civil war is inevitable why let them breed, rape and murder us for another 20 years?
We have to go full accelerationist for the greater good. Bring in as many mudshits & niggers as possible as fast as possible to Europe.
The same for chinks in Australia and Mexicans for the US.
Yeah, its gotten worse fast, but the pushback is already there. Trump is elected, Hofer almost made it in Austria, Italy's pro EU goverment is crumbling, and Le Pen might win in France early next year.
But lets go with the thought of civil war. As long as the military and police in Europe gets payed and remains in goverment service... Every unrest can be crushed. And if its an open one it will be crushed.
THe cold hard truth is that the Goverments in EUROPE dont do anything against these Ghettos is simple because it is more hassle than its worth.
They will change this "dont care policy" the moment it interferes with the industrial produktion, the taxcollecting ect.
Yeah and how many reprisals were there for what happened in Paris?
How many reprisals were there when hordes of mudslimes attacked and raped German women on NYE?
Even if they killed 100,000 people or even detonated a nuke, you know the cucks would still be making excuses for them.
One of Portugal communists spread recently as head of UN and tells everyone that politicans should not listen their voters.
2016, this year is not gone yet.
>I have good faith we're smarter than going into civil war.
Yeah - much like you're smarter than importing millions of hostile foreigners into your country.
I know how you feel. I do think things will finally come to ahead... people are starting to feel VERY distanced from their politicians, who basically live in mansions and never have to deal with the shit they inflict on us, all the while gradually removing our freedom as they also replace our populations with nigger and shitskin swarms.
My prediction is this: There will be a war, or war will be very close and our forces will be both too underfunded, but more important, too demoralised to fend off the attackers, be it Russia or Turkey or whoever.
Nationalism will start to take hold as the masses notice the unloyal 5th columns that have festered and are either opting out of serving or worse -clandestinely attack their host countries. I think only then will we remove them by the thousands and pile their heads on sticks, along with the lefty mobs that enabled them and our downfall. It may not happen in our lifetimes but I think it will happen eventually.
Win what?
Contrary to what people on this board believe, muslims are not here to conquer anything. They've been brought for economic reasons.
If we stop immigration right now and work out partnerships with African countries so some of them go back peacefuly, we can avoid civil war.
>Why not just get it over with now?
vast swathes of white normies still need to be redpilled first
give it 20 years of mudslime terror attacks, mass gang rapes and sharia law all sanctioned and promoted by jew propelled, maxist degeneracy
THEN you will see the cuck and shitskin blood flowing through the streets
You see it here already among the older generations, but it's how the younger ones react which is really what's key. The counties and satellite towns around London and Birmingham for example are now increasingly anti-immigration and right-wing with strong Leave, Tory or UKIP support, even though they're 95%+ white.
But a large part of those populations are from the waves of white flight from the major urban centres they're close to. It's a case of 'fooled me once, but not again' on immigration or multiculturalism so they resist it and hard now. But to truely push back we need a young generation to grow up with the same in mind.
We are also helped that the liberals are the ones ageing and not breeding. Conservative and traditionalist families on the other hand still are and if they teach the same experience to their children, then we've got hope, even if the demographics continue to slide.
As in the US, we can push back when the majority of whites start thinking and voting as one with their interests as a race put before anything else. We'll see the same in future elections there too, the white vote will become more monolithic as demographics slide and liberals fail to reproduce.
>I have good faith
Well your country's faith is going to be another in a few tears.
This picture legitimately makes me furious. I actually want to beat those people to death. Day of rope pls come
I meant the PEOPLE is smarter than that yeah. The elite are completely traitors but it's been a while already.
We are forced.
I've got high hopes. Also, fuck Britain.
>awaking the white sleeping giant
at last i truly see