Trump indicates he will not take the daily intelligence briefing

>He also indicated that as president, he would not take the daily intelligence briefing that President Obama and his predecessors have received. Mr. Trump, who has received the briefing sparingly as president-elect, said that it was often repetitive and that he would take it “when I need it.” He said his vice president, Mike Pence, would receive the daily briefing.

>“You know, I’m, like, a smart person,” he said. “I don’t have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years,” he said.

>He added that he had instructed the officials who give the briefing: “‘If something should change from this point, immediately call me. I’m available on a one-minute’s notice.’”

Dear Electoral College,

If this isn't an indication that Drumpf is unfit to and does not want to fulfil the role of President of the United States then I do not know what is.

We all know what happened the last time a President declined intelligence briefings.

On behalf of all Americans, I implore you to not let this running joke into the White House.

An American overseas

Other urls found in this thread:

>hehe, let's elect clinton so we can go straight to the war before she dies of a heart attack :^)

>Trump being sensible and practical


>Not taking intelligence briefings

You are so fucking far gone. I feel sorry for you.

Considering most of the "intelligence briefings" are literally just headlines from the fake media du jour, doesn't surprise me.

I wouldn't be surprised if he had more intel than those briefing him.

Why would Trump need to hear redundant information?

Daily (((intelligence briefings)))

Trump's only daily briefings will be with Bannon. Kikes btfo.

>hehe lets elect Trump because he is bff with Putin and who cares our schoolchildren are gonna learn russian
what is wrong with you?

>>He added that he had instructed the officials who give the briefing: “‘If something should change from this point, immediately call me. I’m available on a one-minute’s notice.’”

Uhm, sounds reasonable... What's wrong with this?

>next eight years

Ohhhh boy here we go.

I'd rather learn Russian than arabic

If they say the same shit every single fucking day, what's the point?

Corporate America is full of this shit and it wastes literally hundreds of millions of work hours a year. Retards shceduling meetings where they just repeat themselves.

Obama doesn't go to all of his either for the same fucking reason.

That seems pretty reasonable, especially if Pence is going to be getting them daily.

I understand the world much better than you.

A blessing and a curse.

>NY TImes
>saged and hidden


Because he's Trump.

That's literally it.


Isn't the CIA behind intelligence?

Why would he listen to them? They've made their allegiences clear.

BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief

I love Trump.

They're getting downsized, so they're literally shaking right now.

Writing's on the wall, spooks.

>step into a briefing every morning
>for 8 years

>"sir we have evidence that Russia has hacked our cheese supplies again"

>"sir Russia have weaponised white people"

>"sir new information suggests Russia has launched an asteroid at the earth via hacking"

>"sir we believe Russia has hacked 50% of our dietary calorific intake"

How is it shilling, if it is true?

>still believing anything the MSM has to say

People voted for this retard.

Simply amazing how infallible this man is to his supporters.

By the way, did anyone care to update the Pepe multiverse theory now that he became President in this timeline?

why not post a >to intelligent wojak aswell
oh so if a president cant work with fbi its bad but if a president cant work with cia its aok

>what is wrong with you?

He should just send Bannon to those for real.

"You know, I’m, like, a smart person,”

'Smart' is a relative word but Bannon is smarter than Trump, that's a relative fact.

He is sending a message to the people that they no longer need to be told things by straight white males. Its empowering

>Dear electoral college

Do you think they are on here reading your post op?

>We all know what happened the last time a President declined intelligence briefings
what happend? who was it?

1. stay the fuck in your own country. no-one cares what you think outside of your borders.
2. attending repetitive meetings sounds good to you? Is that all you got CTR?

youve never sat in on a briefing then. It is literally the same thing every fucking week. I cant imagine doing it every single day

>We all know what happened the last time a President declined intelligence briefings.

What happened last time?

Seriously, I don't get why these shills are defending someone mansplaining all morning.

What did he do wrong?

How ironic that the far-left makes fun of Trump's name when all we heard from the far-left for the last eight years was that it was racist to use Barack Obama's actual middle name of Hussein.

"If anything changes, call me right away"
>wanting to hear only the new stuff is stupid

I thought you were good again brits.


You know he's on tape saying it right?

The irony is lost on them. Irony is a concept that does not exist to them actually.

>youve never sat in on a briefing then. It is literally the same thing every fucking week.

>literally talks like he ever attended them

Oh no, Trump won't get the daily:

I would love to know what they brief him on DAILY.

If you only wanted to hear new stuff, why did Hillary's emails matter at all this year?
Last update on them was in 2013 when you could read all 60k.
Yep, FBI hid 5k emails during their investigation.

Neither does obongo

why is it wise to attend repetitive briefings? Obama missed tons of them and nobody cared.

During his first 1,225 days in office, Obama attended his PDB just 536 times — or 43.8 percent of the time. During 2011 and the first half of 2012, his attendance became even less frequent — falling to just over 38 percent. By contrast, Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush almost never missed his daily intelligence meeting.

Your daily reminder that you're a whiny faggot liberal and that no one gives a fuck what you have to say.

>Sage goes in all fields.

Alright, this is starting to get suspicious. It's almost like he's intentionally avoiding American intelligence agencies.

This isn't even a strawman. I think you are literally retarded. You lack basic reading and comprehension skills.

Shh don't say that, it makes drumpft look stoopid lol!!!

New developments, success of wetworks teams, changes in other governments.
Its not the same stuff day by day except when its not.
Each day is new stuff, and things to sign off on or not.

IE, Trump is going to the briefings and going to get powerpoint poisoning.
You can't escape it.

Nah, you're just a Romantic language.

>Republicans unironically believe Hillary Clinton is a modern incarnation of the War God

The CIA is an anti-American globalist organization, not really the same thing as the based FBI.

CIA spooks belong in gas chambers, and God willing it'll happen.

Holy fuck, do you know anything about briefings? They're repetitive as fuck, in fact that's the point.

The MSM are going after anything to try hurt Trump, they are in full assblast mode.

Gawd I hate all of the cucked frenchies on chan, but you sir seem different, and I am in total agreement with you on this one. Please take your country back ASAP.

>Obama missed tons of them and nobody cared.
Why lie so obviously? It was Trump himself who criticized Obama for "missing" them. Moreover, what Obama did was prefer reading them instead of getting an in person briefing, and only asking for one if he wanted to discuss something in it. Trump will not get briefings, and will not read prepared materials either.

If these "intelligence briefings" are coming from the CIA, he's definitely smart to ignore them.

>We all know what happened the last time a President declined intelligence briefings.
fuck off bong, you know we're the last people to ask about American history; what happened??

>this is a shill post
>sage all shill threads

Thx senpai. We're trying.

Every single time a see a bait thread I remember that Trump is actually going to be the president and you silly fags can only cry about it. Every single time you make my day a little nicer. Feels good, bong.

Sup Forums you are so fucking far gone. Start learning Russian now because Trump's gonna kill US intel and hand us over.


Cry harder

To be fair Obama couldn't even trust Biden around little kids, certainly not with security briefings.

Trust me, the PDB is almost always completely shit and a waste of time.

>t. IC employee


seriously, every other president has just sat there and wasted and hour every fucking day, just to be told the same stuff over and over?!

True...I don't think many folks are ilstening to the media any more. I don't even know where to turn for true I come here. That may not be the wisest thing...but muh alternatives.

>building your office as you see fit instead of falling into patterns trap of previous bureaucracy

ah, the NYT, more fake news to read.

he literally said that he's not going to sit there for an hour a day to hear the same things he heard yesterday, because he's available within 60 seconds at any time and left them orders to contact him within 60 seconds of the situation changing in any way.

this is smart. under budget, ahead of schedule.

>more fake news
It is a report on a taped and broadcast interview that Trump gave, a link of which has already been provided. What exactly is "fake"?

is there anything funny or punny about drumpf? in German it sounds like some 3yo invented that word

I'm not lying...I only see what they show me on the news that I watch...which i coincidentally choose because it fits my way of thinking.

Eventually you might wake up and realize that half the country is seeing different news than the other half. Are you surprised that so many seem so misinformed? You don't even know IF you know the truth. You only know what someone with an agenda told you.

Wake the fuck up America...both sides are against you.

implying niggers can read

>On behald of all Americans
>Living in Bongland
Let's hope you fuckin' stay there. We don't need or want you cucks here anymore. You're the UK's problem now.

Fuck off

"it is not profitable for me, so its fake"

wow a photoshopped video
who cares

>cheese supply

Lmao for pizza

Pretty sure that's official government/media stance on fake news this days

That was my favorite part too.

Is he to busy to spend an hour or two a day reading a briefing or talking with an agent so he can make effective foreign policy decisions.

Its just not the same shit every day, situations are fluid and the briefing is the update. He is turning down the chance to be the most informed man in the world for what reason? So he can make decisions out of ignorance?

>We all know what happened the last time a President declined intelligence briefings
what happend? who was it? >We all know what happened the last time a President declined intelligence briefings
what happend? who was it? >We all know what happened the last time a President declined intelligence briefings
what happend? who was it? >We all know what happened the last time a President declined intelligence briefings
what happend? who was it? >We all know what happened the last time a President declined intelligence briefings
what happend? who was it?

Sounds like fake need to me.

>You don't even know IF you know the truth.
So you're saying this is not a tweet by Donald Trump (which, like many tweets by Donald Trump, contains a lie)?

Does that mean the same thing in British as it does in American English? I will withhold my utter contempt until you write back. I hope it means something cool, like throwing another shrimp on the barbie.

They come in PINTS!!!???

Randy pls fuck off no one cares what you have to say.

t. PermaNEET

what a fucking hypocrite

saved for future shitposting

Nah, that looks real to me. But I was referring to the news in general. Fox slants the news one way, CNN the other. BOTH have been caught lying through their teeth. I don't care if he attends every briefing...not sure why you do.

He didn't criticize him for not doing it daily, he criticized Obama for not doing period kek. Even if we assume he's lying and Obama did get his briefings daily like a good boy it sure as shit didn't make him a good president.

Dragging America into illegally invading a nation to help rebels in a civil war, real good leader.

Liberals are fucking stupid niggers

How did you know my name you britcuck? Are you a part of the british fbi?

If you've ever worked a day in your life you know how pointless 90% of meetings are.

>If this isn't an indication that Drumpf is unfit to and does not want to fulfil the role of President of the United States then I do not know what is.

Keep up the name calling that will surely work.