Were they wrong, Sup Forums?
Were they wrong, Sup Forums?
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/our store/
Victoria's Secret uses prison labor.
Someone make a joke out of that
good if enough of that happens maybe black people will start acting right
>black people acting right
In the wrong from a PR stand I guess.
Don't have enough information to know, but likely answer is 'no'
They all look the same, better kick them all out to be safe.
Is there anything that niggers don't steal?
I would end to know the circumstances. Is it a premo-ban ban on all black people or were all the blacks in the store at the time all together and they just kicked that group out?
Also, where the link at OP?
Well, I guess the headline is technically true, since there were only two black customers. The known shoplifter, and the women who walked in with her.
Fuck niggers. I've spent years working in retail loss prevention and getting in fights with these apes. They ALWAYS do this. They steal a shit ton of stuff and then turn around and go "I DINDU NUFFIN, WHY U FOLLOWIN ME CRACKA? U RAYCIZ!" and start shit. The girl filming probably had a bunch of shit in her purse, was being followed, chimped out and started recording to make herself look innocent.
willing to bet this was an obvious team of shoplifters working together, possibly even having worked together in the past and caught em on video. So this time they booted both of em even though one negro mammy was 'dindu nuffin' all over the place despite clearing 'du sumfining'.
Well did she?
This is clearly a hate crime and in violations of the civil rights act of 1964.
>mfw they were axed to leave
I honestly don't care one way or the other.
Did you listen to her video? She gives away the secret a little ways in: the shoplifter was kicked out and two other black girls that were nearby, who looked like they could be friends with the shoplifter, were the only ones kicked out.
I've only witnessed shoplifting twice and they were both groups of 3 or 5 black women who just grabbed shit and ran out of the store
Workboots. If you really want a laugh all to yourself, look up a few of the shoe stores they raided back in the riots.
>dirty little chinaman's liquor store up the road
>tiny little hole in the wall, very limited selection, ok prices
>sometimes his super cute granddaughters work the counter
>overall 6/10 local business, would help defend from roaming negro hordes
>in the little foyer there is one wall with a bunch of pictures printed on letter sized paper
>handwritten page above says "THIEFS"
I'll give you one guess what demographic group everyone on that wall falls in to.
Not defending black people but.
Can you ban niggers out stores?
I know people will shit on you but they will still buy from you, but it isn't against the law?
I was in Dearbon last week, you can figure what the owner was. I walked into a store, and an immediate argument broke out. Some lady was calling a very similar poster racist. By the look on the guy behind the counter, you could tell he deals with this shit often.
No, but you can give free coffee to cops
Always better safe than sorry.
I work at a normie store, Abercrombie & Fitch. I'm sure you can guess who are they only ones who steal, yes they work in groups.
They call people racist constantly because they want something or something didn't go their way.
I don't think liberals in University and in high paying jobs realize that people in regular positions doing normal things get called racist all the time by black people who throw the racist card around like they are fucking Gambit.
>kicked out all black customers
>kicked out two people
She came in at the same time as the thief for whatever reason. Deal with it.
Years ago, when my younger sister went through her wigger phase in the 90s...she hung around a group of blacks that were all involved in a shoplifting ring...those fuckers in VC, could have very well been working together.
Used to work at walmart as a kid and saw plenty of blacks get arrested for shoplifting on my smoke breaks.
Peurto Ricans too (i lived in florida)
Shit one dude had sweatpants filled.. overflowing even.. with dvds. He tried to run from the loss prevention people, left a trail of dvds and ended up falling down in the parking lot ending up in his capture.
if you've got bed bugs you don't just kick out the bug that bit you
>Were they wrong, Sup Forums?
They were wrong to let them in to begin with
worked there too
saw the same shit
Victoria's Secret is supposed to be about beauty mocking the less beauty so this fits right in with their beauty model. Exclusive Beauty.
Post or link me.
Niggers love Timberlands or any other yellow boot.
>allowing niggers in your stores
>kick out all black people
>over one nigger
Of course they were wrong, and no amount of Sup Forums memery can change that. Get your ethics straightened out.
The title uses "All Black People" intentionally mislead you.
A correct title would be "Store kicks out thief and other person they think was helping her."
So what we have here is some real fake news?
Where are all the black Victoria's Secret models?
(((technically))) it's not fake
did they actually think the other women were connected to the thief? iirc the article quoted her as saying something like "we weren't with her, i had never seen her before, they just kicked all of us out for being black"
Wrong again, Hans. Nogs love Timberland boots.
The steal jobs all the time with affirmative action
not those that normies like
All most people see is one side of the story. All you see is one black woman shouting day racist and sheeeit into her phone.
This is what news reporting has degenerated to.
Fuck it. Just be racist. I don't care anymore.
>Niggers love Timberlands or any other yellow boot.
"Baby Shit" yellow
T h i c c
Well they'll definitely make money now.
They were all together stealing shit. The other negroes were the decoys.
It's amazing to watch how the narrative is constructed. Yesterday, this story was "a shoplifter and her friend/accomplice are ejected for stealing". Today, it's "VICTORIAS SECRET DEY RACISS!"
What happens tomorrow? Does a white cop shoot a black person for walking into Victoria's Secret to pick something up for his mother and generally dinduing nuffin? Or maybe Trump will appoint the company's CEO to a cabinet post, because that's the new fake news meme.
At this point, I'm not sure ANYBODY was ever even kicked out of Victoria's Secret. The way it's evolved so quickly screams fake news/false flag to contribute to the race war.
They had some free book vending machines in Detroit where niggers broke them open and stole all the books. Burned them or tried to sell them.
They steal them to sell them.
>free book machine
>niggers break it open to steal the books
fucking amazing. they can't help themselves
Work uniforms
>blacks realizing that maybe they're the problem
top kek m8 call me when hell freezes over too
The Washington fucking Post. They're supposed to be a real news outlet but somehow they're even worse shills than HuffPo
Jail for shoplifting.
Good! We'll open up lingerie stores just for us. We'll call it Gorilla's Dirty Drawaz.
Don't be nignorant
I had to respond to a review on Tripadvisor today apologizing to a woman because she felt discriminated against and explain that not having any hotel rooms available because we were sold out on a particular night is not racism.