>I want help poor kids in africa
t. white women
>I want help poor kids in africa
t. white women
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Why do you think women were treated as children in the past?
How is helping your fellow human not "red pill"?
>Helping a continent that's always been primitive
>Even thinking that we haven't tried helping them before
>Not just letting them roll around in their own filth
Amy Biehl is the only proof you need of that concept OP
what happened 10 mins later?
Ficki Ficki
Cultural enrichment.
An attention whore overdosing on attention.
What a stupid cunt
Gap year bitch who wants to save them all, they are perfectly happy and don't need these jumped up tarts going there, just to say to mummy and daddy how much they care about the world and when they get to Uni and boast about muh caring, muh aids kids, muh it was amazing
Seen plane loads of these cunts, getting paid by the UK Govt. to go to Uganda and live in a mud hut to help these dindus. Africa does not need foreign aid anymore it's change shit loads in the last 20 years.
>she should be helping me instead. it's not fair!
kill yourself you fucking reddit cuck. fck this place rly since elections its full of you cunts. FUCK NIGGERS, GENOCIDE THEM ALL
He didn't say or even imply that.
>t. white women
t. virgin chink that never leaves his room
My quints are beautiful, OP confirmed for chink.
I'm not a women, I forgot greetext also nice quints
They have to help themselves first.
kys, you obviously only know trashy white women if you think they all are like that.
What else would be the motive for getting mad at someone for trying to help someone else?
53% of white women voted Trump my dude. Don't let the media kike you into hating women. Yeah a lot of them are fucked in the head but there's a lot of based ones.
Same with niggers and faggots.
It's the opposite, (((educated))) women are bluepilled, trashy white women are 'in da club' and don't give a fuck about that.
>53% of white women WHO VETED, voted Trump my dude
Wow two guys with the same last name
(((educated))) white woman here, I'm more redpilled than you are.
And so are all the (((educated))) women i know.
>being this fucking retarded
There's help and then there modern facebook post """""Help™"""""
They're not helping in any meaningful way to make those people's lives better. They go to these shithole countries for a month, take fuckloads of pictures then come back to their comfortable first world countries when they can talk about how great they are.
If we really want to help them we need to set up military cities in their shithole countries where innovators and entrepreneurs can actually do work without worrying about getting murdered by the local warlord.
Still, if at the worst that's 25% or 1 in 4.
I went through my edgy fuck women phase when I was young too my dudes. It gets a lot better as you grow. Just make sure you make tons of money and have aristocratic tastes. Do that and the bullshit women disappear because they're not sophisticated enough to be in your reality anymore.
>(((educated))) women in france are more redpilled than non educated ones
Because there are people suffering in America right now but she would rather help people that are much farther away and not her countrymen/women
>African niggers.
Lol ok
reciprocity isn't even a redpill but more of a biological adaptation
we wouldn't have survived as a species without it
Clearly the women that choose not to vote are redpilled enough not to fall for the "first woman president of history!" canard. Assuming the worst makes no sense.
As a black man this was not unlike my experience in the elementary school classroom. She has weird hair and the kids want to touch it.
And Hofer lost Austrian elections because Austrian women.
Non educated ones are awful. But then again I've seen 10/10 blond blue eyed educated women go with 0/10 arabs scums.
>in the past
I don't mean the next google CEO is sitting in a mud hut right now or some shit.
I'm just talking about the people that desire something better in every culture.
Right now is some chimp decides to even start something like farming there's a huge risk that it could all be taken at any time.
A huge reason nothing has developed in africa is because every time something DOES develop the average nigger comes along and destroys it.
Think "white people building in modern detroit"
Not an answer
So you're not mad at her for helping, you're mad at her for only *pretending* to help? That sounds fine with me
So my greentext above applies to you? Literally gib-me-dat mentality.
We push africa full of development aid and they don't learn (as if they ever will) to take care of themselves. We put food into their continent, their birth rates skyrocket literally without any benefit, it just produces more niggers, more poverty, more starving people etc.
Helping them is completely useless. At least the help we are giving them. We'd need to colonize it again, rule it for 100 years so that we can educate 2-3 full generation of these retards so that they stop being shit. But the help we are currently giving, especially women like in the OP, is completely useless and is just done to satisfy liberal feefees.
As others pointed out, you are a fucking retard.
Maybe but uneducated ones are traditionalist/housewives, vote for the FN or pure trash who are clueless. Students are ''allez la go gauche'' No?
>So you're not mad at her for helping, you're mad at her for only *pretending* to help? That sounds fine with me
More than that I'm mad that we in the west apparently have no fucking clue how to help a society grow anymore.
Sending bottles of water and shoes has never helped any society ever. It just makes them dependent for the sake of virtue signalling.
If we actually want them to grow we need to set up a space for them to figure it out themselves.
shes not helping at all.
if she wanted to help africa she would find some kind of employment office there and donate to it, paying them to fund building projects employing africans to build their own infrastructure.
this "missionary" type shit is useless garbage to fluff her own resume so it gets to the top of the affirmative action pile at some medium sized dead end desk job.
That's his grandson.
wow you're right i'm not gonna look anymore into this, haha cnn was right all along
t. Entire country is run by women
t. Country with a femdom culture
The only housewives are the arabs kek
But yeah students are like that
If it werent for women, right wing parties would win literally every election
whats happening here?
a husky, balding frenchman has finally had enough of tyrone's shit
>That smiling little nigga pushing away people bothering her.
Don't worry, you're right. Even if 20% of black people are worth saving we have a duty as human being to help them. Understand though that there are real niggers over there otherwise they wouldn't need our help as badly as they do.
He did well to get his shoe back on.
I don't want her help. If she is going to help anyone it should be her countrymen.
It doesn't matter if over 50% voted for Trump. Less white women voted for Trump than white men, and that proves that as a conglomerate, women are prone to making worse decisions for the tribe than men.
Giving women political power in a nation is a death sentence.
>africa literally been a shithole since forever
>"give a man a fish instead of teaching him how to fish" logic liberals generally have
with his arm out the window,lmao
some are not able to get redpilled even after they are attacked and/or raped by nogs
its still white peoples fault
I forgot to mention I also would be fine with her not helping anybody. Going that far out of their way is just virtue signaling when there are people suffering right down the road.
First comes hair touching then comes rape.
Manlet uprising
It's impossible to help Africa. All resources are spend producing more africans worsening the problem, because niggers are stupid and unable to run a civilisation. If you really want to help africans you'd reinstate apartheid and colonialism.
Think about that, though.
Their thought process is basically: "We are so God damn smarter, better, wiser, more responsible and everything else than these negros, we should have prevented this in some way."
Maybe that's their form of red pill.
>Uganda is worried about the number of Chinese men marrying their women
lol, they are stupid or what?
It's funny that nigs always say that white people want to touch their hair, but then there's this video. It's like they're projecting.
More broadly, nigs are more guilty of many of the stereotypes that they have for white people.
Incest? Inbreeding? More common in the black community. Mass shootings? Blacks are over-represented relative to their population; whites are not. Etc, etc...
They literally think that Africa is the way it is because racism/oppression/colonialism/etc.
I used to think this was a noble thing to arrive for as a kid, not as much anymore. I mean still a little part of me thinks it could do lot of good, it's just that I didn't want to believe as a kid that most of their troubles are their own doing, and that they have to be the one s that dig themselves out of the home they dug or there's no point.
I also thought I'd be rich when I grew up and could use my health to change the world but nope, poor as fuck and still living with parents, that's what you get for being an idealist and not worrying about yourself first.
Nice Digits
Not our fault that Cucknadian's women are brainwashed :^)
>monkeys and naive white women
like chlorine and ammonia
>Mass shootings? Blacks are over-represented relative to their population
They also say things like 'white people are a disease on humanity'. I know of no other way to describe blacks' effect on cities like Detroit/Chicago/Milwaukee/DC than disease-like. Everywhere they settle in large numbers, civilization decays and dies.
>and or a way to improve it I'd she gets impeached
what will these dumbass white girls think of next? it's like saying europe is the way it is because of jewish racism/oppression/colonialism/etc.
That's what they say. That doesn't really fit how they behave. They behave like they are children who just can't help it. That they are subhumans who need help and support from the adults.
That's why they can't bring themselves to blame them for anything.
Literally all the women going to Africa are coalburners.
Fuck them. We'd be better off if they'd just get shot by the people they want to "help".
>gooks come in their shithole for business
>niggers complain because they date few nigeresses
So you are really (((educated)))?
Figures that you are (((educated))).
anyone got sauce?
Stop blaming women you manchild pussies. A woman has the intellectual temperament of the environment she grows and lives in: if the men are degenerate so will the women, if the men are virtuous so will the women.
Medicine (((educated)))
Stop lie on internet Vanessa.
What is the basic bibliography about women pol recommends? Thanks
>manchild pussies
Toastie Roastie detected.
Kys pasta negro.
>99% women are unredpillable
More like over a 100 %. LITERARY
t. Sven
That's the only reason i responded to your thread, because I felt concerned. (My mother once told me to do médecins sans frontières to help little niggers)