Why is helping Refugees bad?
Because they're not refugees, they're political migrants
They will never help us to the extent we help them. Who is profiting off their journeys? They are people being trafficked and smuggled into Europe for financial gain by the elite while a bought and paid controlled media spins it at a humanitarian angle.
Give them a hand and they take a foot.
If you STILL don't know why taking immigrants are bad, you deserve a bullet to the head because you are part of the problem.
You should help your own tribe instead of the enemy tribe.
They aren't bad.
They are bad people
Nothing wrong helping a small amount of refugees,but nobody wants milllions of them flooding into your homeland.
thanks styx
Based hungary
Helping is alright. Like I put a bird back in its nest, but don't offer them citizenship. They are incompatible to our already thin layer of culture.
Parasites who will end up consuming our social capital. It wasn't easy making our Countries a nice place to live.
Because they stop being refugees long before they get to Germany or Sweden for their generous gibs.
Theyre economic migrants.
it's fine if you do it with reason and perspective, otherwise you're just ruining two nations instead of one.
Because they aren't (((refugees))) but economic migrants like earlier user said. These people just want gibs, because if they were refugees, would women and children not also be amongst the hordes? They are literally all men, and not just men but young, frustrated, fighting-age males who should be fighting for their own countries. Instead they flee, leaving the women and children to their own fates... ask yourself if those are really the sort of 'people' who should be taken with, even if they didn't have ulterior motives. Come on, use that brain box a little.
The weak deserve their fate.
Why is protecting your loved ones bad?
because there are plenty of citizens already in our own country that need that help and a nations responsibility is its own citizenry not some western hating muslim faggots
who is the second guy? I bet he is white, what a loser!
It's not. It's easing Europe into a further healthy, high-tech multicultural society of the future.
1. There are too many of them
2. They cause problems when they arrive
3. Fake refugees
Because we won't see them die this way.
He didn't float so good.
Guess it's true that toddlers can drown in just a few inches of water.
What if you happen to become refugees one day? What if they treat you just like you're treating them right now?
Seeing how things are in France and Austria now, there will be european refugees.
It's not, but letting them become permanent residents of your country is.
the picture is of a child whom left from turkey with his father to take the hand outs, that were being offered at the time (in europe). they were not refugees.
You actually think it's refugees coming into Europe and not economic migrants, how naive.
Refugees, by definition, are people seeking safe refuge from a conflict. That means going to the nearest place of safety. There are plenty of places of safety they can go to that don't include traveling 1500 miles to Western Europe
refugees to where you faggot. you think arabs would treat you with kindness and respect in their country?
this. they are traveling great distances for the money and handouts of europes cucked liberals
Excellent point.
The only way we will become refugees is if we continue to import a bunch of muslim shitskins to fuck up our countries.
Why is using taxpayer's money importing millions of hostile economic migrants, while lying about them being 'refugees', to settle in poor working class areas where they will proceed to attack and rape local natives simply so that upper-middle class progressive scum can virtue signal good?
You want to help 'refugees'? Ok do one of the following:
>Send them your own money
>Get on a fucking plane, fly to their country, and help them in person
Propose anything else and you're just a piece of shit trying to force other people to pay for/suffer for your supposed principles and bleeding heart empathy.
That's what I said
No, you fucking faggot, you stay and fight for your fucking country.
what most people get, but don't mention is that there is nothing wrong with helping refugees.
Which is why our opinion is never taken seriously, or rather labeled as right wing, fascist/racist- and then discarded.
Here's why. To help in some way legit refugee is something we should do.
its not necessarily a solution to let them in and on the welfare check. neither are most of the people arriving now real refugees,
People from muslims countries are not refugees, in fact they are the soldiers of " The Hijrah"
Pic related
I wouldn't become one though.
I'd stay and fight to make my country a better place.
You, being a mongrel monkey, can't understand, so I pity you.
do you actually believe the mongrel hordes of Shitskins will be as kind to whites as whites were to them?
These savages will laugh in our face if we ever become displaced.
They aren't refugees. The actual refugees are displaced in Syria or nearby countries.
many people in this thread gets it though
Nigger, I would just kill myself.
Helping refugees is not bad. But letting them March in with citizenship rather than provide temporary asylum is something entirely different. Since it is a problem affecting Europe, European nations should take action to stabilize Syria and work with Syrian refugees on rebuilding the homes they were driven out of.
is that nigger """rearly""" sleepin in tha sand ??
what an untermensch, i hope he dies.
If you were to help a wild animal out of a mire knowing that it would tear you to shreds the moment it was free would that make you a good person or an incredibly stupid person?
We no longer care about their children. They have brought the world's hatred upon them.
>No war
>No war
>No war
thats funny pls post more
They are invaders using g their children as shields.
All must go. No one will escape the loyalist sweep. Harboring these families should land you in jail.
It's like sticking a knife into someone's arm and then saying "I'm sorry!! Let me put a bandaid on that.."
Just stop.
Your meme is shit.
>27% Children
It all depend of your definition of "child".
Would you guys die for your country?
Then you have no right to judge the refugees.
>Would you guys die for your country?
>I swear im this old
>can you prove it?
>what are you? Racist. Do you not think im under 18 because of my race?
>no, its because you have a full beard.
>gets attack for being a racist bigot and not just accepting what they say.
>Would you guys die for your country?
Are you retarded or is the average BR just that stupid?
In any case, I'd much prefer to kill for it than die.
But if it ever came to that, where my death would guarantee an actual better future for my country and my people? Yes, in a heartbeat.
Thankfully I come from a non-shithole country where it's easy to run background checks, you stupid hue.
Because some people are terrified of their neighbours being of a different skin complexion from them.
>hate muslims
>oh god muslims are fucking my country!
>better run away to a Muslim country
This is what Refugees actually believe
Because the 5 wealthiest countries in that area don't take in a single one, and countries that do often get people looking for gibs as the actual Christian refugees are slaughtered