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Tell me, fellow patriots, how do we fix this broken country of ours? How do we make Sweden great again?

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Genom att plocka fram helikoptrarna och gaskamrarna.

blanda upp

Where's that fence supposed to be?


Around Malmö.

have us nuke it from orbit

Kill everyone above 80
Kill everyone w/o light hair and blue eyes
Kill all politicians
Kill all bankers

Install total monarchy

try harder, amerifat

Kill off the cucks

and kill all those that have nipples that aint pink

problem and solution in pic related

This should be enough. It has the same properties as the Nagasaki nuke.


>alliance is going to run as a block again
I could never have guessed they'd be so stupid. SD has it in the bag. They're going to be number 1 for a loooong time.
M will bend the knee. S doesn't actually have any ideological basis for their outgroup preference. They'll come around in due time. Everyone who thought cutting immigration to 1/10ths was the end goal is in for a hell of a ride.



Ideally, we kick out all immigrants (second and third generation too), no exceptions. Then we leave the EU and start preparing for the end.

SD have cucked on a lot of things, but hopefully they are going to be more radical. If they don't do it themselves, we in the ethnonationalist opposition is going to make them do it.

Still doesn't mean that they can form a government.

Kick them out where? Forced sterilization seems to be the only solution

You must subtly try to redpill all your acquaintances.

Whenever MSM posts something which would insinuate Sweden is going to hell, share it, and ask things like "how did we get here", "how can we fix this" and so on. Pretend to just have discovered the problems and do NOT fully reveal your power level. Bait people into thinking about the problems without engaging in a hostile discussion.

Always save a lot of statistics. Follow Ivar Arpi, Hanif Bali, Alice Teodorescu and others who are great at providing arguments which will start to redpill normies.


Är detta /våran tjej/?

>9 år
>vet redan att Islam är kuk


There is room for a more radical party than SD, but it will have to wait until SD gets a place in the government. Do NOT divide and conquer your own cause.

That's a good thing. Trust lost is gone forever. They're going to keep growing as long as the betrayal keeps going. Forming a powerless government is the only thing that could stop or slow them down.

Vi använder mememagic för att svenska motståndsrörelsens parti skall vinna valet


This is a good site to keep track of opinion polls.

I have a better model myself though, which takes into account systemic bias of the different pollsters (measured at last election). It has SD as the second largest party.

I say this with support of scientific analysis of polls: do not be surprised if SD is the largest party very soon. That is the real situation and not wishful thinking. Some polls are not capturing this - it's simply because a lot of people are reluctant to state openly they are voting SD.

Det är bra att det verkar finnas några samhällsfunktioner som uppehålls så att folk börjar förstå vilka "kulturer" vi berikar landet med.

I think that there is room for a more radical party in 2018 and I think that old SDU is up to something. My guess is that they can enter the parlament where they would become a pull for the other parties to be harder on immigration.
SD might lose 5-10% of their votes but that would not make them get kicked out of the parlament. Two nationalist parties can coexist without any problems.

Kan knappt tänka mig nivån av "liberal butthurt" som skulle uppstå om NMR tog sig in i riksdagen. Förhoppningsvis har mängden PK-stollar dock eroderat mer fram tills dess.

I only believe in Sentio and Yougov.

I think there are 2 options - either someone not SD gets elected and we endure some more time of the current immigration cancer until people wake up
or SD gets elected and we slow the cancer down, potentionally waking people up in the process.

Either way, I think the only solution is basically civil war, pref. with the New Sweden based in the north.

It's great if they would actually be able to enter, but it's extremely dangerous to love up to 4 percentage points of SD votes if they fail to enter.

Currently, SD will gain massively from KD, F! and MP failing to enter parliament, with L standing on the edge. You should not waste that advantage.

Yeah, those are two pollsters best at getting the correct amount of SD voters (not surprising since they are web-based).

I think we need a new radical party, without obvious lines about goals, but rather as far-right radical as you get, with talk like "Build a wall" and that stuff, but in Sweden.
1: Even if we get them to over 4% they'll have a say in the Riksdag
2: If we get them in once, they'll remain, constantly get public attention et.c. and eventually either grow or at least wake some people up to The Cause.

Norra Sverige skulle helt klart kunna klara sig som ett oberoende land.

Nordisk Moståndsrörelsen är namnet, skriver du fel så gäller ej din röst.

>Sverige delas i två
>Alla märker att Norra Sverige klarar sig 250% bättre än södern
>tfw joining North Sweden Deathsquads

Basically all we need is to split our country in 2, thus creating one part that will go official as very rightwing. If the lefties have nothing to fear from that, surely they'll let us. :>)

I understand your point, but I think that such a party would have a high chance to enter. And I think that some voters could be gained directly from M if the party is more free on economics than SD, which SDU seems to be.

This. I have ignored swedish politics and not voted previously. Is SD the best option atm?

Back to the first EU country they entered or to their homeland

Enda lösningen är tyvärr totalt inbördeskrig och utrotning av rasfrämlingarna på svensk mark.

I think a better idea would be to kick out Stockholm and make Sweden a federation.

I hope we can deport as many as possible before shtf. EU and the Euro seems to be fucked and that could potentially fuck us over

Vi kan ju börja med "Propaganda" - ta upp smärre exempel på hur vänster-politik är dålig och lyft fram bättre höger-politiska exempel under konversationer et.c. och vill vi kan vi sprida meme-magi med affischer och skit.

SD is the best currently - if something even further rightwing appears they will get my vote 100%.
>tfw no NatSoc party

Tvinga ut alla rasfrämlingar, men visar någon motstånd är det arkebusering som gäller. Visar de gott samarbete et.c. kan de ju bli honorary svenskar/medarbetare.

We start with Northern Sweden and establish an army et.c. Once that is set up we start war on Southern Sweden and eventually conquer our way downwards.

Speaking of which, any of you in direct contact with ... well, any rightwing group at all? Where do I sign up? Are there chapters for different län, or how does it work?

Northern Sweden being right-wing is a meme. They are the ones who vote for S and V (Communists) in overwhelming numbers.


I wish it was true, but Northern Sweden is IRL a Communist cuckshed.

The region which votes most right-wing and SD is actually Scania.

They are literally the only option if you do not want Sweden do end either in genocide or in Islam.

Om jag ska skriva ut ett par affischer och sätta upp dem över stan, vilka ska jag ta?
Säger sig självt, men ingenting direkt rasistiskt, sexistiskt, hetsigt emot folkgrupp et.c. utan snarare "lätt redpillande".

I'll speak in English bc we had a Swede thread in Swedish the other day got pruned and mod/janitor said "this is an english board"

We need alternative media, if we look at US they got that completely covered during the election. Infowars is bigger than msm according to Jones. They might be controlled opposition, but it's still nationalistic.
Other than that they had 1000+ news channels on youtube and other webpages, blogs, twitter accounts who all hated the establishment and MSM.
We need that. What do we have? I only know of the Golden One.

>No natsoc party
Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen?

I prefer the north because of the geographic position, not because of the inhabitants.
>although I did thing the north was rightwing as well

Is Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen a legit party, which one is able to vote for? If so, why aren't we promoting it further, with flyers et.c.?

I frequent The Golden One and Northern Brothers - both are based imo.

Also, make sure to at least subscribe to Charlie Stark on Facebook - He shares rightwing news pretty much 24/7, I'm not sure if he even sleeps, lol

Do something which highlights the blackout of the media. The media refuses to report on Islam and on migrant crime, while we waste our money on giving refugees huge amounts of money.

Doing posters redpillling people about how much migrants can get in welfare is also great. Or about how Swedes are kicked out of their homes to give room for migrants.

Det är väl inte så konstigt med tanke på att de inte har så många invandrare? De som inte lever vid mångkulturen märker ju inte av det.

>Speaking of which, any of you in direct contact with ... well, any rightwing group at all? Where do I sign up? Are there chapters for different län, or how does it work?
I have been on a nationalist meetup once, but I don't hang around a lot online outside of Sup Forums.
There are meetups being organized at Motgift Forum. Otherwise there is NMR, they have local organizations ("nästen") based on regions. There is also Nordisk ungdom, but I don't know much about them.

skit i sverige. dra därifrån NU. Sverige är nära kollaps polisiärt, detta kan innebära en god kedjereaktion mot ((())), media, vänsterfolk och politiker.

Ta er talang, pengar och genetik och dra, sedan återvänd om ni vill. Låt det brinna först bland storbritanien, frankrike och tyskland.

Ni kan stanna och slåss men 1900-talets överklass sålde ut oss, låt deras barnbarn baila och var sedan närvarande i ruinerna om ni vill. Sverige är 99% dött för mig iallafall.

Something like mentions/ a list of how the government are giving handouts to refugees, and a parallell list with good things taken from regular swedes?
>the left will say that's a good price to pay for the refugees' comfort and safety

That's utterly true.

I'm looking to find out more, but I'm too lazy/busy to actually put time into it/looking up local groups.

Det egna option är ju HeRaKr

En krig mot bolshevismen, judendom kulturmarxismen och muslimer.

>The region which votes most right-wing and SD is actually Scania.
>the only right wing region in the entire country is danish
holy kek

Yes it's a legit party

>Charlie Stark
Thanks for the tip, followed

Here's an album of NMR memes for anyone who wants to spread it


>We need alternative media
We already have a lot of that. Fria tider has 1,4 million unique readers each month and are shared as much as SVT. Then there is Avpixlat, Nyheter Idag and Nordfront which also does news reporting, plus all the countless blogs and social media people on our side.

Not really true. Stockholm has a lot of migrants but still does not vote SD to a great extent.

The point was that you are not going to sell a civil war to a place where S+V get over 50%.

Mee too. But I will try to get more active IRL after christmas.

Of course, I forgot about them.
Can you name more blogs and social media people?

Sen så löser allting sig

Central Stockholm and many of the suburbs have until recently been free of any diversity related problems. That's how a lot of them can believe the lies.

>galen jävla ursvensk barbar

I'll be active when I have energy, that's how I work - I'm considering having a workout session at a local gym on Christmas eve with 2 other guys, where we basically dress in Santa Hats, but that's the most active activity I have planned, kek

A question to my fellow Swedes: what percentage of the Swedish population is redpilled, and what percentage can be redpilled?

>NMR-uniformer och armbindlar när?

I have no idea, but basically everyone I know from school is bluepilled af, with slight episodes where they show signs of being able to be redpilled, like nodding/agreeing when I say something rightwing.

Vi behöver en jävla Karl XII att resa upp från sin grav för att städa upp allt skit vi har importerat. Plus alla i Norrland är kommunister, en jävla meme är vad dem är.

>tfw I die if you launch that nuke

Om bara folket insåg.. Hjärndöda får, men dom följer bara varandra och vad median ger dem. Spamma så mycket ni kan om judiskt välde under anonymitet online, det måste bli känt.

SPAM about jews online in games, comments, forums and whatnot. It needs to be public knowledge for the online world and be cool for the children.


It is exactly now that you should stay, band together, and have a plan when things go FUBAR. Those who remain will get to set the rules for what comes next. Those who leave like scurrying rats fleeing off the sinking ship are deserters, nothing more. But if you live in Denmark to protect your kids or something it's OK, that is so close anyway ;)

BTW, while the police are bad at keeping order, there is still nothing which could stand against the police and the army in civil war conditions.

Is it because they're scared or because they're stupid?

Slingar detta youtube.com/watch?v=FoITLdVj0XI
Han har en riktig hög energi

Hardly anyone. People are shy to even speak of politics in general. I don't think we're getting out of this shitty state until someone radical comes to power.

I'm not going to suffer the irony of being a god damned refugee!

Those interested in freeing Sweden must

- Learn how to survive without the need of the government
- Form a tribe (and then cooperate with other tribes)
- Acquire hunting license
- Learn how to do some basic agriculture
- Learn how to preserve food
- Move away from the cities
- Embrace racialism

så kanske vår (sub-)ras och norröna kultur överlever SHTF och fortsätter att frodas på vår skandinaviska halvö. :-)

Mostly scared, with a dash of indoctrination from school et.c...


>tfw you will never start a tribe in the middle of the woods and eventually have more and more people join your growing community until you have a large medieval society

Glädjande att motståndsrörelsen växer.

Charles XII just ruined the perfect military machine that his industrious father had built up. Gustavus Adolphus was the true Swedish military genius.

Very hard to say. Things have changed a lot recently. 10 years back I would probably literally have laughed at the idea of SD being Sweden's largest party. Now it will probably happen within a few months. As such I don't really think there is any upper limit. Currently redpilled: about 25%.

I usually don't read a lot of different blogs and follow social media people and mostly keep myself at the news sites. But these are some sites that you can check out:

Nya tider
Ingrid och Conrad
Den kokta grodan
Granskning Sverige
Jan Millds blogg

And here is some libertarian sites that are on our side on a lot of issues:
I fablernas land

The people that runs these sited probably all have different social media accounts.

That sounds wonderful
I recently signed up for GMU, will later aquire hunting license, then I'm going to check with my relatives who owns a farm almost like pic related, find a wife make some kids and get fucking ready

I might return after I'm done with my current project but I struggle constantly with your viewpoint. It's right but I feel it's strategically wrong for whites.
I'm unsure about it all.

If sweden collapses I'll join up to keep muds under control but I don't want to pump any money into the mess right now.

I don't disagree with you, but I at least will remain scandinavian.. Who knows, I hope we cam save it.

As soon as I move back I might be in police trouble too.. I hope that doesn't out me. Fuck our leaders.

Vad betyder RaHeKr?

Every time I see positive rightwing news I write "DO YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE SING" and tag friends I'm trying to redpill.

Who here /SDU/?


1. Learn to the degree that is possible everything about surviving in SHTF conditions.
2. Obtain tools for living in SHTF conditions.
3. Do A LOT of networking. Get to know as many like-minded as you can. Join all relevant right-wing organizations and groups. Get a plan for what you should do when SHTF.

With violence


Thats why they send us mohameds to turn this place a leftisist shithole

"I Poltava blev jag tillfångatagen. Detta, var en död för mig, men jag blev fri. Idag är jag hängiven. Jag är hängiven turkarna. De har bundit mig som havet, elden och vattnet inte kunnat göra. Jag har inga kedjor på mina fötter. Jag är inte tillfångatagen. Jag är fri här och gör det jag vill. Men jag är hängiven deras medlidande, adel och artighet. Turkarna omgav mig lik en diamant-linda.”

-Karl XII

How do you know I'm not already doing that? What makes you think I want it to grow into a large medieval society?

Sounds good mate! I'm acquiring my hunting license this spring, guns are expensive though.

>Hardly anyone.
Honestly, the situation is more or less the same here, not to mention the rest of Europe. The reason I come here is to talk with people who share my ideas, knowing that not one of my friends is redpilled. But the situation is improving drastically.

>Mostly scared
Really makes you think

> it will probably happen within a few months. As such I don't really think there is any upper limit.

Let's hope. I think if we keep up the good work, we will make it through the next century and win again.

Thank you! That's just what I've been looking for.
Saved them all

Pic related

Enjoy your ban you fucking idiot.

That's the very last option. Central Stockholm is very beautiful and have a lot of our history. Too bad most of those who live there is full of communist shit.

That's a good idea. I heard that some patriots have established a society in Dalarna where they agree to buy services from each other, but more can be done.


Släpp lös barbariet.

>Society in Dalarna
Do you know what they're called or if one could get in contact with them?

Perfect! Everyone should do GMU.

It's OK, I misunderstood you a bit. I would still consider anyone a traitor and a deserter who permanently left Sweden with no intention of coming back. But if you stay in Denmark only to deprive the current regime of tax money, and if you are ready to get back here when SHTF then it is of course OK!

I want MY fantasy wood-society to grow into a medieval community, I said nothing about your hypotethical wood-society, Kamerade.
If non-hypothetical - pics?

I figured something like that. Neat, kek

[>tfw you will never intensifies]
I'm also very interested in that.


You are welcome. And they will refer you to other sites. Too bad Sup Forums won't allow me to post links to them without them thinking it's spam, but I think you will find all of them on Google.

Here is two nationalist publishing houses as a bonus:

Logik förlag



vet inte malmö är kört tror jag

Pär Öberg mentioned it once on Radio Nordfront. I think he said it's in Ludvika. But I don't know more about it.

Flere Nordfront demonstrasjoner og nuke Malmo


Är det verkligen så dåligt hos er? Jag bor i Södermalm och det är inte så farligt här. Men när jag läser andra kommentarer från svenskar på Sup Forums så låter det som värsta Afghanistan. Hur farligt är det där ute?