Why dont States just have their own Rules?

Why dont States just have their own Rules?

Or Cities..

If big cities want to be Multikulti and vote Blue/Left, why dont their Immigration rules just apply to them?

Why should the whole country suffer for the desires of the few cities that are packed as fuck..

Why dont Country People just govern their own areas and Cities can manage their own?

What do we need from the Big Cities?

We make the food... We grow and cut the wood.. We mine the stone..

We work the land. They work the concrete..

Why should they decide what we must suffer?

Case in point.. Austrias 2016 Election.

America 2016..

It sounds like what Liberals would be interested in, so you have to consider why that isn't the case

I think it has to do with coercing a global government. By decentralizing power, you reduce the influence of global elites
It's pretty easy to put a moral spin on it too, just make some vague olatitudes about poor shitskins and wa la, brainless liberals will flock to your cause

What is the unity of the country?

>It sounds like what Liberals would be interested in
No because they know they will fail
They are full aware the the trickle of business fleeing from California to Texas would turn into a flood

Who cares? If your "Countrymen" would betray you, and vote against your interests.. Why should we support them?

Fuck them.. If they want to be a part of our world, Move here..

If they Stay, they obviously don't care.


Austria needs an electoral college.



And of course Germany voted overwhelmingly for the party that got them in this mess..

"Muh states rights" is literally just code for "I unironically wish to destroy the nation, while claiming I'm a patriot."

But it wouldnt be your country anymore..

You would have your own economy to take care off..

You would be left to fend for yourselves.. You want food? We can make a deal I'm sure..
I dont want to be held to your standards and rules, and you dont want to be held to mine.

>You would have your own economy to take care off
Yes, which you could wreck at your leisure, which is LITERALLY what happens every single time a republican gets into office, then they somehow create this fucking myth that it's libbbbruls that destroy the economy. I mean fuck, republicans destroyed the entire state of Kansas. That's just ONE example.

Yeah because James Madison wanted to destroy the country with the 10th Amendment and A1: S8&9. People in rural Wyoming do not share the same interests as city folk in L.A, get a grip

And? How would that affect you?

We wouldnt be a part of your economy..

You have enough room and technology to handle your own food... You could continue stock trading for shekels, and making movies, and being run by Jews.. Thats fine..

We will live in our area.. Away from your gross fingers.. Its independence..

Apparently, he did. The founding fathers made MANY mistakes that are fatal to the country.

Because trump is president and the republicans are acting like they finally cracked open the goodie cabinet?

>Why dont States just have their own Rules?

They do when you're not in the EU.

How do states rights cause fatal harm to the country? This is why we have the electoral college, and states in general, so they can align their laws with the interests of their inhabitants. The federal government should be as small as possible

Because the sort of people who want "states' rights" don't actually want states' rights. That's just a code. What they want is despotic rule and people who think like that often misrule the people. And since red areas are the ones always calling for this and they're below average IQ anyway...

Well put despotism by idiots into practice and you tell me what's wrong with it? It's no surprise that whenever a state actually ACTS on muh states' rights, it immediately passes fucking retarded legislation, like oh I don't know, you have to give funerals for aborted fetuses? Or you have to accept [my] religion into public schools.

Look at how the Greek city states turned out lads. SPQR fucked em up.

>Why dont States just have their own Rules?
We are supposed to with a minimalist federal government. 10th ammendment to the constitution sums up "If we didnt specifically say it here the state gets to decide"

In practice they just make excuses like states arent allowed to regulate interstate commerce and other bullshit..

>If they want to be a part of our world, Move here..
Now your thinking like an American. We speak with our wallets and vote with our feet... or we were supposed too..

Look at Berlin.

It would be a Mad Max kind of city if they wouldn't leech money from other parts of Germany.

>republicans destroyed the entire state of Kansas
Kansan here. That is BULLSHIT. There are more hiring sign than i've seen in years. Brownback is terrible with the media. He did a Ron Paul. Got into office. Cut the budget and told the liberals to cry. And crying loudly they are. It is glorious here.

Eat shit pissy liberal. The schools are holding 11 million hostage becaus they want to "expand administration" which we havnt done in 4 years. The kids dont have classroom money because the LIBERALS are holding it hostage so they can cry to the media about how "Brownback dosnt care and is just so mean and evil!"

I hate you so much.


You didnt even respond to anything in my comment.

Your response is not an arguement. Its not even related to my comment.

Would that bother you friend?

Let them kill each other.. Anyone that is important would abandon and come to us (With extreme scrutiny)

He wants them (you)s

or is part of /leftypol/

The human scum will come too.

That's why socialists don't want borders. More people to rob.

Yeah tell that to the people you're LITERALLY trying to bribe into your state by giving them free land if they go through the trouble of moving to your state (which people won't).

(You)s are tasty.

no they wont..

And where exactly are they going to go?

There is no Refugee help here. We voted against it.. If you dont at least have family, then you dont come.

Sure, a lot of Germans will leave, but how many shitskins will leave? How many people that live and work in those states will want to willingly import the very problem they oppose..

When a bunch of Mudslimes try and come here, let all the state police kick them out..

In anycase, by the time that they need to abandon their failed economic lefty state we will have already been able to setup and defend ourselves.

0 2 5 0 5 9 1 0 no you for you. Work harder.

>LITERALLY trying to bribe into your state by giving them free land
Obamas gay farmer program isnt from us... That is federal.. And no one here wants it.

Nice argument too. Just call me irrelevant because you cant argue politics with a local.

Now is the part where I get to smugly laugh at you and your inferiority.


Wouldn't it be funny if Pence was killed by being electrocuted when we guillotine the plutocrats?