What happens here?
What happens here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Moderate Muslim kind of shit
May Allah forgive me.
stop pushing this forced meme
We helped them and bombed serbia
Kosovo Support Rallies
Bunkers for Enver.
Millions of them.
What do you categorize the father of the Chelsea bomber who reported his son for suspected terrorism as?
Skanderbeg rolls over in his grave.
Organized crime
Constant scheming to realize greater Albania
>Rahimi's father Mohammad had tried to contact the FBI about his son around August 2014, but two months later, Rahimi was cleared by the FBI. One reason cited was that Mohammad had stated that he was merely angry over the August domestic incident when he reported his son, so he had denied his previous statement.[13][77] In an interview with The New York Times, Mohammad claimed that he had seen his son watching videos made by al-Qaeda and the Taliban and asked him to stop. However, the FBI later said Mohammad never informed them of what he had seen.[41][66]
i'd categorize him as a liar and a radical muslim just like his son
And why I've never seen any albanians on Sup Forums?
Because you're a newfag.
Yes I am, but that doesn't answer my question
literally chechnya 97
Yes it does. I see Albanian posts every day.
They have the coolest flag in the world
Adult men hiding in their bunker while women are working the fields.
A bunker nation with no honor.
Who cares?
What happens is that the mighty Illyrian eagle has awoken and us,snownigger must go back to Carphetian mountains.Expect Croats,they where Aryans and shiet.
Wanna be Italians.
This is where they breed the biggest douchebags that inevitably get to Italy and then to the US.
The women are usually hot but fucking pretentious like they are Iranian,Lebanese or Armenian.