What does Sup Forums think of Walmart? How often do you shop there?
What does Sup Forums think of Walmart? How often do you shop there?
Convenient. I'd rather have a local hardware store with higher quality products, but alas they are all gone and wallyworld is closer than lowes.
Worthless place as a grocer though. All the products suck. Acme or Giant Eagle for that, Marcs for cheap good produce, Heinens for expensive good produce, Kriegers for best produce.
I rarely go to normal giant "everything with bitch of a parking lot" style Walmart. But Walmart Neighborhood Market which is closer to me and very comfy is a decent enough grocery/pharmacy (4 dollars for meds CVS wants 20 for) that I go to a lot of times.
I work there, get treated like shit by customers. feelsreallybadman
I could never work real retail, the closest to it that I've done was some volunteering at a Habitat for Humanity Restore (helping with job experience) and god damn can it drive you crazy with regards to trying to deal with customers. I'm just not the kind of person that can keep up the fakeness of customer service. "No I'm just a volunteer I don't know anything about that random stove in the back or why they don't have other stoves right now"
A few times a year I'll use it as a public rest room. Sometimes it's a freak show.
Generally don't do any business there unless I'm in a pinch or am having trouble finding just what I need -- same with Target.
I exclusively shop at Whole Foods, so I'm ambivalent
I've lived in MD and MA and there are no Walmarts close to me. I was probably stuck in a white suburban bubble where all we have is Target and Cosco.
Whenever I was up around around NH there wasn't much for walmart either.
Shaws and Market Basket are pretty great though.
I try to avoid Walmart.
Workers are usually being cocks because they've had to deal with shitty customers all day. Not to fucking mention that they close the self check at night (I'm assuming because some retard has a hard time watching it to prevent theft) so I have to wait 4 deep in a line to buy a pack of smokes and a frozen pizza.
I'm a vendor for those stores and Walmart is the worst when it comes to costumers.
Ours drops to two fucking registers at night, takes 20 mins to buy a single item.
Of course we also have a security guard at the giant eagle because nigs and wigs steal shit.
Some real white trash around here.
Wont lie, almost everytime, they have some of the best prices here and a big supply of american products, i love ocean spray juices
liar detected
you can't buy cigarettes through the self checkout
t. tesco worker
Where you at, like East Pittsburgh or something?
I use the East Liberty geagle a lot and they have a security guard but I've never seen anything go down there beyond him saying waddup to his niggas.
Walmart = Mart Law
enjoy your hfcs
dairy costs less at walmart. meat costs less at walmart. clothing costs less at walmart. household cleaners cost less at walmart.
theres really no choice NOT to shop there if you dont make much money. and i dont. so i shop there.
Winco is better
i drink the light ones
Pretty trashy, so I avoid it at all costs. It attracts the wrong kind of people
>1 post by this ID
These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.
Do not fall for them.
I buy something from them about once every five years when no one else is open. Fuck'em
do you have autism, or are you just very lonely?
Wallmart here is for rich people
Wallmart in the US is for trasy people
Really makes you think
Nobody cares about your faggy LARP.
Get a real hobby, mongoloid.
oh, enjoy your sucralose then. . .
They're open 24 hours most of the time, so they're convenient as I'm a night owl. Their customers are terrible, though.
im not poor so if i need to go to get something i go to target.
i put sucralose in everything
There aren't any Walmart 'stores' in New York City, so I wouldn't know. I've never been to one.
Wal Mart is everythig wrong with capitalism today.
People get paid shit wages, get mobed on their workplace and there are thousands of cases where Wal Mart was caught doing shit to their workers like:
>Cuting their holidays because "reasons"
>Forcing longer work with no pay
One of the most famous stories showing how fucking greedy that company is when the butcher in texas finally agreed to join the butcher-union.
They wanted better wages and what did Wal Mart do? Instead raising wages they just shut off the entire meat-cutting operations in a fucking month.
I celebrated when they tried to go to Germany and failed miserably and lost few million bucks
There are
1. better competetors who gives their workers better wages, more holidays
2. offer better products
Costco,Trader Joe’s,Kroger,Winco
McDonald's is an rich once in a while restaurant in most Asian countries
I don't anymore, our household shops at Meijer, it's cleaner.
I use as little as possible, mainly just stuff to clean the car with. Hardware or groceries I get from smaller dedicated stores. When I do go to walmart, I never use a cart or basket though, otherwise I end up buying a bunch of stuff I didn't know I needed.
I wouldn't be bragging.
NYC is the Walmart of cities.
>ive never left my bubble
arrogant uncultured swine
dont shop there, the local market/deli in my town is really popular so i go there
I love Walmart! 10/10, would shart in.
Why cant my fucking country have these shit ass malls? Only german malls bringing some spice here
I Only go in one of those places if I am shoplifting. Though lately I have been stealing freight off of there trucks
Absolutely never, plus the 24/7 nigger commercials made sure I never go back
Kriegers? Do you mean Kroger or is Kriegers a real thing?
t, 314 here, Kroger left and we miss it, Kriegers is an Applebee's type bar/girl
I dont shop there ever if I can help it.
I hate being surrounded by niggers.
I don't like going there but it's good for a few things in a pinch. Best local place to get cheap range ammo.
It's also saved my ass a few times. If you ever need hardware in the middle of the night for emergency repairs it's pretty much the only option. They don't have much but I wasn't complaining when I needed emergency plumbing supplies at 3am.
t. cletus
I work there.
He's right though. Anybody who doesn't regularly escape the bubble around the city is living in a bubble.
Surprisingly enough Walmart doesn't exist in Sweden.
But I did go when I was in Canada and it seemed fine. But it was extremely huge.
Wal-mart drained all the life out of my hometown. once it upgraded to a "super" wal-mart in the mid nineties all the businesses downtown died off. Couple the low prices with a growing drug problem, the downtown area fell on hard times.
It's only now starting to pick up, partly because of an award winning restaurant bringing out of towners to the city, and party because said restaurant has been preaching the "buy local" thing for the past 10 years.
Buying local goods directly from the supplier is more costly, but if you can afford it you'll help out the local area way more.
also to answer the question, I havent bought anything at a wal-mart in three years. I do still shop at fred meyer tho, which is p. much the same thing lol.
That's alright banter for a New Yorker.
You can here if you bundle it with alcohol. They have to release that anyway so you ask for a pack of camels, or whatever your poison is
Ikeas are pretty damn big to be quite honest. Most stores don't devote an entire sprawling top story to one big Engligsh garden of a laberynth of a showroom just to have another entire rat maze layer where you can buy stuff and then a big warehouse for bulky items on top of that.
Maybe they don't build them American-sized in Sweden.
poorfag detected.
Crappy products.
Cheap? sure, but low value because it'll have to be replaced soon.
NE Ohio in a not major city area.
>New Yorker can't into deals
Figures. A lot of stuff is buy one get one free.
i got nothing desu, i like oceanspray too i was just being edgey.
It's good for a quick run in when your on the road.
I go by one near the highway to get cheap food and drink when I'm on roadtrips.
Otherwise they are normally terrible. Ass selection and cheap plastic shit.
I don't think a Walmart would even really fit in well with NYC unless they tried to do the 2 story style that Target does?
How many of you actually know that the Clintons own Wal-Mart?
If they really wanted people to prosper why don't they give them better wages?
Let me answer that for you: They're the Clintons.
Those Targets are pretty neat actually. But wal*mart would need like 5 stories and 10 elevators to have enough room for the mobility scooters to navigate.
Yeah those cart escalator things are a nice touch. Don't think they make those for mobility scooters. Would have to use a bunch of elevators.
Terrible store, wish they'd fuck off and die already.