You must claim a nation and declare war on atleast one adjacent nation (doesnt have to be claimed) to join.
/risk/ - Sloppy Rules Edition
>declare war on russia
I claim Portugal
>declare war on Germany
>I claim Portugal
And I declare war on Spain
Claim Sweden
Slav alliance?
claim Russia
attack ukraine
I claim Russia
I declare war on Ukraine.
UK attack Ireland
Britannia, and I declare war on Ireland.
>Declare war on Turkey
Nevermind, kebabs and attack Cyprus.
also pls help kill russia
i'll help you if you need it
remember russia isn't much stronger than you in this map.
Claim Spain, Attack Portugal
attack the red shit, i mean albania next to greece
Changing name, target is now Greece since they declared on me too.
Ok, are open borders a thing?
ok, we're allies
>declare war on Hungary
I propose an alliance.
fuckin backstabber
I claim Srbija!
Declare war on Kosovo
>open borders
You are too far away mate.
Why do you keep deleting your posts?
I'll get there
That desperate to avoid hia inevitable death
Ok, Deal.
it is russian though, not for long that is
I'll join as Russia. If not Russia, Belarus.
I think declare war on Ukraine.
You would too if you were surrounded by water and cucks
I guess I'm Belarus.
I declare war on Ukraine.
OP, when are we starting?
I will allow incomplete join because must attack spain.
Nuke granted
Miss anyone?
that's a 5d pali OP, that's 20+10 = 30 right?
Why was I incomplete join? (first timer)
Attack Scandanavia
Keep attacking Turkey.
continue to attack ukraine
Attack Poland full bore!
Take back Constantinople, attack Greece.
Attack UK
you can't fucking reroll
i will avenge you with my dank digits
Of course. Can you attack Poland via Kaliningrad oblast for me?
that is help m8, belarus is attacking you
roll to sink spain
I didn't.
Srbija > Romania
>Emperor Ash of The Serbs and The Bulgarians
made my move this turn on Ukraine will do soon
>Top kek
you fucking sure about that? Here's your first roll:
and here's your second roll
That's a globalist lie.
OP Belarus deletes his rolls and rerolls, Cede his nation immediately. I am not going to play in a game with such fags.
Can I join as Austria?
I played with you last night you qweef. I was the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth. OP this guy rage cedes and he ruined the entire game last night. Kick him out.
Why not everyone rape belarus
Because you're incapable of it.
>Still mad because I didn't cede him any of my soil.
Top kek. Nobody else had problem with that. You are the one that threatened to rage quit after that. I just left to go sleep.
>Allying to the most t powerful nation that will later betray you when he's big enough
Spain and you stalemated.
You are dead
Kill Germany, spill Russia
OP confirmed for being a faggot. I'm reporting this thread for being off topic. This is a POLITICAL board.
Kill Turkey!
attack Poland
What? 20-5= 15 for Spain.
Anyways, rolling for conquest of Portugal
Attack UK
no one cares fag
Hahaha. Oh please no don't report! Hahahaha
Get out of here fag.
Gallicia is mine, the Atlantic is now my swimming pool
You can't make me.
Kill Scandanavia
Invade Switzerland
If spillover invade france
>Been this autistic
I had my suspicions, thanks for clarifying.
This is not over
Keep attacking Greece.
Why are you such a faggot?
Mhm and what makes you think I'm autistic
Why am i so autistic?
Wanna NAP?
GTFO here. I was supporting you until you were autistic enough to report becuase you lost