Where are my fellow emasculated men at? How has it affected you? Have you recovered at all?
Men Raised by Single Mothers
I mean I'm on Sup Forums so clearly I've never recovered.
Have a bump i'm interested in what you have to say.
>Where are my fellow emasculated men at?
Literally anyone on Sup Forums
why do you think they shill for Trump so hard? He talks about their cuck humiliation (see how he constantly talks about how people are "laughing at america") and he promises he's the only person who can make them men again
That's why you will never get anywhere by directly attacking Trump, the cucks here on Sup Forums associate him with their own masculinity too much and will instinctively lash out if you question their bull.
Right here.
I come from a broken home. My dad was very intense, masculine, yet distant. If only he was more engaged in raising me, I could have turned out better.
Never recovered. No sign of change.
Life's going nowhere.
All I have are memes.
I get extra points because I'm not only SM, but also miscigenated, overweight and look more black than white.
Im bassically like Fight Club. I have started fighting myself in the parking lot at night
>middle-class father impregnated mother at 20
>older brother was born out of wedlock
>despite an incredibly turbulent relationship, 6 years later I was conceived
>parents separated for good 2 months after my birth
>father was always present in my life but at intervals
>raised mostly by my mother
>weak father later tells me that the reason I rarely saw him was because "[your] mother wouldn't let you" or "you guys didn't want to see me" when in truth he was just a weak-willed man who never intervened when he should have
>later goes on to conceive 2 more children out of wedlock
>is 47 years old now and l i t e r a l l y cannot go more than one week without a female in his life
>literally went from mid-middle to upper-low due to his own retardation
>admits he failed his first two sons and is trying to make amends but I am literally so mentally fucked due to a single mother I don't even care
Sorry for the blogpost but moral of the story is, fuck me.
I got the gay
Work blue-collar though and I am respected by my collegues for my work and none know I am gay because I am closeted.
These are guys I have worked with for almost 10 years, so I'm pretty straight-acting
My mom was pretty awesome
When dad fell off the roof she tried to teach me everything he would.
She taught me to fish and hunt.
She put me in boyscouts and I became an Eagle.
She taught me to shoot and how to maintain a gun.
She would make fun of dindus on TV whenever we watched it.
She taught me how to garden and how to store food.
She taught me how to ride a horse.
She taught me to drive.
When she was dying she made sure I got the family house instead of my drunken younger brother.
Damn... I really miss her.
I was raised by a single father who shut my whore mother down time after time. Useless, uneducated, worthless, needy cunt she is. At 33 I've no interest in even speaking to her on the phone let alone spending time with her.
Single mothers abuse their sons. Whipping them around like peasant lackies whose sole purpose is to bolster/stabilize their poor choices in life...not just other men. They expect you to pat them on the back for their fuck ups and be a breathing rationalization that "all men aren't like this hurrdurr."
You've done women's work your entire lives while your mothers have whored around and been constant disappointments to everyone around them...but THEY'RE NOT THE PROBLEM EVERYONE ELSE ISSSSSS.
Faggota raised by single mothers are the type of person to hold a door for 20 people while standing there like a fucking idiot in the cold. The type to apologize when women fuck them over and certainly the type to BEG whores to come back like the sad sacks of shit you are.
I haven't seen my mother since I was 18. I'm a college graduate, own a business, am married and have 2 kids. My mother had never stepped foot around these things because she knows better. She's not welcome.
Just because decrepit whore squeezed you out of her crusty fuck hole doesn't mean she's a saint. She's just another worthless used up whore that wasn't good enough for your father. Everything she's ever told you about him is probably a lie.
>Have you recovered at all
HAHAHAHA, one never recovers from being raised by a single mother
Only kid I know without a dad is redpilled as fuck
I can't name a single thing my mother taught me.
Ever hear of helicopter parenting? She was a submarine parent.
My mom hated me until I started transitioning to become a girl. Now we're best friends so I've definitely recovered! :)
Which side of the fence are you speaking from?
i'm a small business owner at 19 despite quitting school in 2012.
Being part of a split family is my motivation for making money. If i try hard, i will find a good wife and have children as smart as i am if i'm lucky.
Mine would let me fail to learn. She would always step in if what I was going to do was going to severely hurt me.
But she would always help if I needed it while trying to make sure I became independent.
My mother died when I was 13; now I'm a bit of a misogynist and I don't trust any woman.
I fell for ((((their))) propaganda and became a tranny
could be worse, at least I am not alone anymore
19, man? That's great!
I'm 18 and have always been dead set on entrepreneurship. Where do I start? And granted too I graduated just this year.
Not her fault she died.
Same reason why I don't blame my dad for shit.
>tfw raised by single father
Feels alright I guess
I really don't know how it's affected me - Because i have no other life to compare it to really
But, i guess i survived it all a-okay?
>Single mothers abuse their sons. Whipping them around like peasant lackies whose sole purpose is to bolster/stabilize their poor choices in life...not just other men. They expect you to pat them on the back for their fuck ups and be a breathing rationalization that "all men aren't like this hurrdurr."
This seems to be the stereotype for single mothers but this wasn't the case with mine.
I can't recall a single time where my mother brought home a guy or was promiscuous.
She's fucked up in her own way, as a human being, just like her mother. Always has been a schizoid, anti-social, paranoid recluse with few friends and fewer lovers. I doubt she's been fucked by more than 5 guys in her life honestly. In the past 20 years I know for sure she's only fucked like 2.
Tried to use scouts and the military as a masculine guideline, came away with a strong distaste for the feminist teachings being ramrodded through every level of government.
being raised by one, never had a chance
I wonder why western society demonizes anti-social people so much. As if NOT getting involved with other people is going to somehow harm them. People are not oppressed if I don't want to talk to them.
I'm pretty much fucked but my brother is doing fine. White baby and everything. So I think I was just destined to be a fuck-up.
>Men Raised by Single Mothers
>has mental illness
>has kids with no regard for their lives
Hope you didn't pick any of that mental illness up.
Aunt Marge said it best: "You see it all the time in dogs, if there's something wrong with the bitch, there's something wrong with the pup."
Tell me about your love life user.
At 30, 'm recovering job wise after some tough times and socially also, but relationship wise I'm a complete mess.
The problem is that they should NOT be in charge of raising children. They'll turn out paranoid and OCD-stricken like me.
I feel I've had it worse than other children like me, as I naturally have my father's sociable and charismatic personality. That seems like bullshit but it's evident for me as I have two younger half-brothers who exhibit similar traits as me (even the negative one such as hyperactivity), so there's clearly something genetic there.
Do you know what it's like to WANT to talk to people and meet new people but having a mother who wouldn't let you? It's horrible. It's no wonder I knew I was fucked up from the start.
As a recently divorced after 8 years of marriage single mom... why do all of you think we're all the same? Yeah there's single moms raising little niglets out the ass all day being sluts working at Waffle House , but not all of us wtf.
Single mother'd adult here.
I have a wife and 2 children.
I think I turned out ok, I do hate niggers tho.
Is the slutty single mom meme true?
My mom was a true woman.
She married once.
Had sex for procreation only twice. First time resulted in me and the second my brother.
Dad died when I was young and she never looked for another man as she had already lay with one man.
Get over yourself and stop blaming other people you fucking pussy
Quebec? Wanna fight?
>mom got with a dude at work
>was 39
>had me when she was 40
>mom kicks him out because he was a no-life bum
>mom loses her job
>poor as fuck throughout life
>live in the ghetto
>move out of the ghetto when im 12
>move to rural hillbilly hell
>move out of there to a more city like environment my sophomore year
>mom gets stage IV cancer the next year
>miraculously survives
>mfw I'm not dead yet however
im 19 btw
>Had sex for procreation only twice.
How the fuck would you know that?
Basically story of my life.
It's not an inherent mental illness, that's the problem. My mother's not mentally ill in any way whatsoever, her personality is just inclined towards anti-socialness (maybe asocial is right in this context?).
People with personalities like that though naturally don't raise decent children. I however am indeed mentally ill, there's no doubt about that.
As for love life, nada. I barely have friends, and the ones I do have I ignore because I'm not in the proper state of mind to talk to anyone at the moment.
I'm doing fine to be honest.
White wife and baby, 4.0gpa in STEM, accepted into grad school
You are all the same, stereotypes exist for a reason as they're based in profound truths.
>i was raised by a single dad
>I ended up developing a heavy attraction to women that are older than me due to the lack of a mother figure
>tfw i literally have mommy issues and i can't help it.
Starting to reconnect with my dad lately, learning stuff about the step from college - employment and things that I should do before tying myself down.
Good stuff, think I'll turn out alright.
Perhaps. There's still exceptions, though.
So...you're living proof of everything I just stated then. Okay. Well, best of luck.
Mine wouldn't let me learn. Took about 3 months of busting my ass off and kissing up to go to a Library
>thread openly discusses the consequences of single motherhood
>user addresses this issue contextually
>"get over yourself pussy"
>1 post by this idea
No positive male role model master race checkin in
My dad became a drunk and left my mom.
She made sure I hung out with my uncles so I would have masculine role models.
I'm here.
>How has it affected you?
I feel cheated out of having a role model to aid in my development. My mother spent all her time out of the house away from me, either at work or a coffee shop with her friends, while I stayed at home with mine. She always negatively judged my hobbies and always criticized anything I did, but it was never anything constructive, just that what I like is stupid and what I've worked on isn't good enough, no suggested alternatives. Completely irrational and unreasonable, will quickly contradict herself just to take the side against me, doesn't care what's being discussed just which side she's on and that she wins an argument when it's meant to be a discussion.
It's completely robbed me of any self worth, confidence, trust, and motivation. I was also put on ADHD medication from I think 7 until I was 18 which ruined me physically and mentally. I feel like a complete retard who can't function properly without them but it still seems preferable to me to be off them, I can't afford them on my own anyway.
>Have you recovered at all?
I don't know. I've become content with my situation instead of worrying about it, but being a shut in leech is obviously not a good thing to be. I think I've wasted too much of my life at this point to actually be of any worth to anyone, I'm way too far behind. I figure I'll just continue on this way and then kill myself eventually.
Stereotypes come from truths, a kid need a mom and a dad for a healthy upbringing.
In every 10/10s life, no matter how perfect she may appear to be, is a long list of dudea shes pissed off and are tired of her emotional bullshit. Finding women like my wife is rare.
You're making external excuses for being a fucking pussy. You see your problem and do nothing to fix it. You want to talk to strangers and meet new people? Take responsibility for your life and fucking do something about it instead of bitching for once in your shit life.
Raised by my grandparents until my grandpa died in a car accident leaving just me and my grandma.
She was redpilled as fuck so I guess Im good. I never went through those liberal teenage years because of her.
checking in.
All things considered it wasnt too terrible. Would have preferred my father around way more, and not to have moved around and developed wanderlust.
>Had sex for procreation only twice. First time resulted in me and the second my brother
Oh look it's you. The other self-loathing fucking pussy.
Kek you even talk like a woman.
Having only one child is far more damaging, bordering on criminal.
I can see a functioning adult being possible if both of the parents are well-adjusted. But I can only speak to being the son of a turbobeta father and a christcuck mother. Shit does not work.
The projecting meme is trite but it's fitting for Internet tough guys such as yourself.
Being raised by a single mother is pure cancer for developing a masculine personality.
No play-killing each other, no forming the hands into a gun because violence is bad, no superheroes because they fight and that's bad.
It took a good amount of people stepping over me for being too nice and not being able to get a girlfriend for years (some girls even guessing that I was gay because of my passivity), a bunch of anxiety and depression but I managed, without drugs I might add.
For anyone like me, stay clear of weed in social situations. I didn't put myself out there as much and being quite honest with myself, used it as an excuse (it's okay that I didn't talk much, I was just really high lol). It takes participation to change and the more you do it the less spaghetti you'll experience.
My mom was great, not a slut. She was a great carrying and loving mother, she did what she could and I like her for everything.
Anyway, not having a father (or a really weak and distant one like me) is just so damaging for a kid, it should be forbidden.
No. I'm a freakish loner that works minimum wgae.
I was raised by a single mother and in part by a much older (20 years difference) brother.
Difference is though, we're all from Eastern Europe and migrated to Britain about 10 odd years ago. My mother beat me, worked excessively, never brought anyone she was seeing home and whilst she constantly fought with my father, they stopped when I said I had enough of their bullshit out loud. She never sued for alimony and child support was put into an account to pay for university. She rightfully called me a pathetic fat loser even if I got good grades at Secondary and Sixth Form, and suffice to say, because of her and my brother, I sought to improve myself, make myself independent and make both them and my nation proud.
She survived by herself when she was 15 in the Eastern Bloc, raised both me and my brother by herself (again, sans alimony in both cases, although she was much younger with my brother so he got the longer stick but he's now the single man I respect in this world since he is pure alpha) and participated in freedom marches in our country when we separated from the Soviet Union. She's also Red Army trained and was a cross-country runner.
The only downside is that I hold up all women I've ever been with to her standard and they've always disappointed. I find independence and self-respect in women admirable, but those women don't want a relationship or treat men as accessories outside of a few special snowflakes that don't seem to exist. She's also redpilled, thinks western society is retarded and that feminism is 'for mentals', supported Brexit and is fiercely patriotic.
Women like her don't exist in this generation. Whenever I did meet someone who met half the bill, they turned out to be another girl who just wants validation but gives nothing in return. She also taught to me to never trust women and that relationships don't survive without sex.
All in all, she was based and I'm proud to have been raised by her.
I have no long list. I've been with 2 people, one being my ex husband and that's it.
>You're making external excuses
Acknowldging causality =! "Making excuses"
Get over yourself before you speak for others.
I asked her when she gave me "the talk"
Exactly. Nothing wrong with coming from a tough background, taking responsibility for your future, and making the best of what you can.
Sure as fuck beats sitting back, taking it, and then bitching like you had absolutely no say in the situation.
Your family and friends are included in this list of course. Women lie about the amount of sexual partners they've had anyway. For some reason you seem to think it'll make you more desirable.
there you go again, blaming others and missing the point :^)
>wife and baby
>still in school
>doing fine
It's great. I didn't need any recovery. She is/was strong. Showed me both sides. The strongest woman I personally know. I love you, mother.
And that point is? Not a single one of my posts ITT have I formally made an excuse as to being unable to do something, but instead I have acknowledged why I am at this current stage of my life. I've not made a single complaint in regards to my inability to prove upon my circumstances
But please point out a time in which I have. I'd love to hear it.
Raised? School teachers and government money by proxy had more constructive effect on me. She pretty much just existed and as such let me exist locked in my room with a PlayStation
Now you're just being rude.
please be fake
honestly I fell into that hole and almost started taking estrogen
thank fuck I woke up from that. one of the few things that I can be proud of myself of is not transitioning. christ.
>mfw mom married a schizophrenic when I was 6
>mfw he tried to kill my dad with his care once
>mfw even after him and my mom split they still banged
>mfw he killed himself a month ago
>mfw he could've killed me and my mom if they never divorced
>mfw my mom still loves him
shit's fucked, man
>They'll turn out paranoid and OCD-stricken like me.
>I feel I've had it worse than other children like me
>That seems like bullshit but it's evident for me
>It's no wonder I knew I was fucked up from the start.
You poor poor poor flake of snow.
Your victim complex is sickening. My wifes whore of a sister talks like you. 3 kids by 3 different men. Equally as useless as the woman that raised you. You're a mess man. Either file for SSDI and check out of normal life spending your NEET buxx on retarded shit or get your ass into a tradeschool and learn how to take care of yourself.
Every single post you've made is a cry for attention and help.
>Dad dicked my mom when she was 18 and I popped out 9 months later
>he left when I was like 6, I asked if I could come with him (not knowing where he was going) and he said "not this time buddy"
>mom and I move in with her parents, she has a mental nervous breakdown and I stay with my grandparents while she goes to do whatever the fuck she did for years
>my grandparents were actually great but it was still a pretty lonely life not having any parents
>after a few years mom gets married to some accountant and she has me move in with them
>guy never laid a hand on me or my mom but Jesus he was a motherfucking douche
>e.g. I came home late from high school one day and went to the kitchen to get some cereal, he slowly walked into the kitchen and picked up the bowl, went over to the sink, slowly poured it out, smirked and said "cereal is a breakfast food, buddy"
>when I got the chance I left and never looked back
>I talk with my mom occasionally but how do you connect with someone who left you for years and then put you in a hostile home for years
I still don't trust accountants
Truth hurts. You've seen more than 2 dicks. Why lie to strangers on a Cambodian basket weaving circle?
Same, either they harden up or give up and be pussy boys.
not fake. I went fulltime in 2012, started E in 2013, got srs in 2014 and ffs in 2016
The worst is probably being a circumsized male raised by a single mother.
Your first life experience is intense sexual trauma, then you spend your formative years without a prototype to emulate.
Ever thought they may actually be to blame?
>mom divorced dad because she didnt like a man telling her to clean the house and cook.
>grew up the next 12 years living like a piece of shit.
>she washed clothes and general laundry MAYBE once a week.
>never ate good home cooked meals. She made those powder potatoes, spam, and some mornings when we didnt have milk shed mix Carnation canned milk with water.
>when I was a teenager she started smoking marijuana with me on a regular basis.
>she would complain to me a 13 year old about my dad and her current boyfriend situation.
>one day she decided to let the boyfriend move in.
>because he had a dog my mom decided to get rid of our two cats that we got for christmas a few years prior.
>my dads chikd support money went to her boyfriends daily rum addiction.
>they are fighting again. It gets physical.
>i run in the room and physically confront him. I get thrown to the ground and he kicked me in the gut
>i started packing my shit to move to my dads and my mom didn't even attempt to stop me.
>years later she dumped him and tried to gain forgiveness from me.
>i gave it to her because its not her fault she is a dumb lazy cunt. Most broads are.
How did I turn out? Surprisingly well with some bad sides.
>married with kids.
The bad
>explosive anger issues.
>dont have many friends.
>have trouble relating to average every day guys because I never had 'normal'.
>i get along better with sketchy characters and people with baggage because i can relate to them.
>because of this i have no one and am a bit lonely and have a 'guys' night maybe once or twice a year.
>High functional psychophat/HDP
>Criminal Energy
>Lot of resources
>No Moral code
Thanks mom
what's up hydewars drone
it's amazing seeing this shit go from a cult following of a new england comedy group to a full blown ideology
>>Not a single one of my posts ITT have I formally made an excuse as to being unable to do something
The second I claim I can't get a job or a girlfriend due to my mother, slap
my wrist. There's an excuse.
Thanks for the morale boost. It's going to take some dedication to unrut myself, but I'll push through to the best of my ability.
liar, post timestamped evidence
Not the same as touched,sucked, or fucked.
How many have you SEEN?