
so they tried to infiltrate user?

Other urls found in this thread:


THEY DID in 2011, arrested a few of the OGs Nd took their place real quick to control narrative, LITERALLY JUST FOUND THIS

go read type Sup Forums and user, Russians into the search of hbgary emails


Trying to LOIC us. Who do these kids think they are, we demand some fucking respect!

What's being discussed here OP? I'm interested.

i typed Sup Forums into the Hbgary emails in wikileaks and started following some keywords, kept typing in the search query, learning how whoever these ppl are discovered us and infiltrated IRC is commonly used, im looking for its meaning.

sry about punctuation im bugged out, I think IRC is "us"

This please.

i have to read more

go to hbgary emails type IRC read a few of the "a special project" i think its called, heres a screencap of who they think we are.

this 1 has somethin about LoIC'n wikileaks

ITT: failed leftist infiltration attempting to make us "paranoid"

this shit is fucking ancient

do you faggots even know what LOIC is?

omg this is An user collabing with ppl in intelligence


dude they released emails im just goin tru em, i aint no leftist u idiot. im tryna show active collab. w/ intel agencies and expose their tactics. dah fuk


I feel as though we didn't touch on these emails enough

exactly why im posting, who are/is deeese ppl?


I read it. Confusing af, what's it all about?

email exchanges between intelorganizations, they refrence "user" and Sup Forums and have been infiltrated since 2011

My 7 year old is suffering PTSD ever since xir witnessed Drumpf get elected last month. Xir told me xir is in fear of xir life because Drumpf is a homophobe racist bigot. Xir was literally shaking and crying uncontrollably for 2 weeks. My therapist has finally gotten xir back to where xir can eat and sleep a little bit again. Thanks a lot drump voters. You caused this!

Hahaha wow

what if we are all being mislead, and have been for a while now, i think that we do indeed think of shit b4 agencies and pull shit off, but really anybody cld b cia, fbi, whatever, thyre talkin about OPEgypt, whatever intelco. that was, was certainly at times paying homage to the power of user. they give names in there and locations, shit yall would recognize.

Sup Forums has been a pawn in the dividing of this country

You can't even form a coherent sentence.

>unironically believing Sup Forums has any sort of influence on the world power structure