Is she, dare I say, our gal?
Katie Hopkins
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Tá sí go hiontach
Isn't this the dumb bitch that said people who name their kids after countries are idiots, and when asked what she named her child she named it Africa or some shit?
She can sometimes come across as a cunt but she says what most people only dare to think.
I like her.
bump she's our gal
Old, but one of her best moments:
She completely filets that muzzie.
Nope she's a contrarian. it's easy
she did trigger the other 2 people though. They made fools of themselves
not an argument
Being a hypocrite doesn't discredit an argument.
If a murderer says you shouldn't murder people they still have a point.
Her argument is when a kid has a stupid name you make presumptions the kids parents, which is true.
If i see a kid called jezzobell some some dumb shit I will presume the kid has had stupid parents and is stupid by proxy.
Doesn't mean you should discriminate but you do make the assumption about the kid.
I like our ID's btw.
>diK r8 dNB (dick rate drum&bass)
>60K pOL GF (60K Sup Forums Girlfriend)
are you autistic?
>They made fools of themselves
Tubridy is naturally a fool though. Nothing new here.
True, when a white Dutch kid has an English name 90% of the time they are low class.
Yes. Diagnosed sperglord.
are you comfy with your PJS XD
yea she is
>Katie Hopkins says specifically "the rise of the right is fantastic"
>headline says "Katie Hopkins thinks the rise of the far right is fantastic"
Jesus fucking Christ how obvious can you get Jews?
also lol at the fucking cunt host. "When I hear 'rise of the right' I think Germany in the 1930s"
Oh really? Why not the UK in 1951 when they elected the Conservative party into power? Or what about the US in 1980? Or the US in 1952? Or the US in 1898? You're equating everyone on the right with Nazis you fucking charlatan fuck
that is their creedo. anyone against the Jewish plans for europe is a nazi. it litterally makes my blood fucking boil and I prey every day somebody kills every jew and deports every muslim from europe. They call normal,traditional peoples nazis and that makes people like me who are anti-authority BECOME nazis
>Gets accused of being a nazi
>brushes it off completely with no hesitation
See guys? See? We don't care about being called nazis any more. Their nasty words don't hurt us. It doesn't frighten people, it just strikes people as a manipulation tactic, which it is.
The right literally cannot lose now. the ball is rolling and it wont stop until we are full blown 1488 mode.
Its been like 70 years since the fall of the Nazi. Calling people names worked in the past but nowadays it doesnt work. That is why they are flooding Europe with invaders. These muslims are there to fight the far right when it arises.
(((They))) are going to lose.
>but muh 1930's germony
You mean 0% employment, healthy nationalism, booming economy, strong families?
unemployment* obviously
Muslims hate jews so there is an opportunity to eradicate the Jew by working with the muslims. Right now the Jew is working with the muslims to eradicate the white. The intelligent muslims know jews are the ones opening the borders of europe to them, and they want infinitely more muslims to come so they can be around their culture and their people, and colonize Europe, so they are protecting the Jew from the white.
It ain't gonna check itself.
but muh dey killed joos
even better
yeah she's really smart
One of my favourite videos
You can fell the CNN's bitch about crying about her safe space
What happened?
She has epilepsy and face-planted.
*had epilepsy
She got brain surgery
what happened to her? lel
this fucking leddit meme needs to die and fast. It was never a Sup Forums thing, there is no 'our goy,' but for the closet fags here. We honestly need Turks back here to spam cp and just clean this place out of people who don't know how to clear caches. That was only way to keep you out. No other solution.
>Oh really? Why not the UK in 1951 when they elected the Conservative party into power? Or what about the US in 1980? Or the US in 1952? Or the US in 1898? You're equating everyone on the right with Nazis you fucking charlatan fuck
This. Do they think Winton Churchill was an SJW Tumblrina and Hitler was the incarnation of everything right wing
Lel she's a total brawler. Courageous as hell.
Fuck yeah she's our gal.
lol no shes just a shitstirrer, like a more manly Milo Yabbadabbadopolis