Why do white guys always assume that the White girl was a complete slut who have been with a multitude of men before settling with the Asian guy when ever they see a AMWF picture pop up? Why are you guys so insecure and salty about it? Asian guys aren't niggers, there's nothing to be threatened of, they're practically white.
Why do white guys always assume that the White girl was a complete slut who have been with a multitude of men before...
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey r/asianmasculinity I'm fucking a Japanese girl tomorrow night. Just thought I'd let you know
>white english teacher
good luck weeb
Hi Kyle, we're watching you ;)
My poor elsa
Got riced
I hate you changs
>before settling with the Asian guy
This forced meme is so rare I've hardly even considered it.
White girls are always sluts in their late teens/20s. They settle after slutting around.
I'm against race mixing, but if a white were to race mix an Asian would be ideal. I'd expect most races to feel the same about race mixing.. Its not about inferior races, its about keeping bloodlines not mutted out.
yeah "riced", great thread faggot
This is a bad meme. No wonder /r/Asian'masculinity' is unheard of whereas Sup Forums is never out of the media
Why are asian men so emasculated?
Much better than borderline 2girls1cup.
Why are all asians such pathetic cucks who worship white people and put them before their own people? White people don't care about you pan face fucks. That's why they get so angry when they see you with their women. Wake up you fucking gook.
Holy shit kek
>there is nothing to be threatened of
Because it's very rare and only 10/10 Asian males may find a white gf, the women are mostly 6/10 at the most.
White guys hate it when their white women dates non-white males, but strolling through some board you'll see white guys obsessed with asians.
Fucking hypocrites.
>taking the bait
what the fuck are you insecure retards doing?
We're not worried about Asians stealing muh women lol
Go to /r/asianmasculinity m8. That's how they actually think
Not politics related. Fuck off to r/asianmasculinity you stupid cunt.
Only are most beta cucks date Asians. They probably wouldn't breed if it weren't for them. In our technological future we need betas so good on them.
I don't care about our coal burners. They are basically our trash women and a lot of them end up alone with one kid or get killed.
We need more WM/AW couples. At least then there's less of a chance of a manlet being born.
Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy.
Some asian commercial that western media saw as racist
t. elliot
Why does pol fall for every bait thread?
Shoo shoo leaf. Take your roachpost with you.
>what did she mean by this?
>Why do white guys always assume that the White girl was a complete slut
Because they are.
She's gotten a little more than just riced brother
>Projecting this hard.
t. Chang
did you just get out of jail?
I haven't seen you post for a while.
It's a rip-off of this shit
I fuckin hate Jews now. Thank you, Sup Forums
>they're practically white
>a car is practically a motorcycle
>a balloon is practically a blimp
>eyeglasses are practically binoculars
>a shark is practically a goldfish
I'm seeing a lot more young amwf couples in public, which was pretty mich non-existence 10 years ago
Is something happening on a greater scale that's influencing this? China? Asian youtubers? Asian guys done with asian girls?
Economic collapse, Asian guys with STEM majors.
Why does r/asianmasculinity need to come here to vent their insecurity? Is it bait? It's a bad look
these threads are working lol
I feel like these threads are not directed at white guys, more so at asian guys to get the fuck off their asses and start dating white women.
again, it's working.
>he thinks there's a magical difference between WM/AF and AM/WF kids
There really isn't. They're both equally shit
>inb4 cherrypicking
did he die?
I see them at the mall in Houston, which is pretty diverse as it is. Tons of fit asian guys with hot nonasian gf (latinas as well)... this group is hot
And tons of asian gamer loser weakling with anime hair with fat weeaboo white girls.... this group is disgusting
Hello gook
>muh identity politics
Go join the SJW faggots and die
I don't. However I do see a load of buttmad rice dicks
Guess what burgers, you're next.
Source on that
Hello chink. Stop projecting your insecurity onto us and making these daily threads
Why is he clenching his fist? Is tit because he knows he failed his race?
Don't tell me what to do, cunt
You're one sad little chink.
>Why do white guys always assume that the >White girl was a complete slut who have been with a multitude of men before settling with the Asian guy when ever they see a AMWF picture pop up?
the real question is: why 90% of the time we are right?
Tbh English teachers in Japan get below-average girls. Not something to be proud of.
r/hapas is one of the main groups that spams here that flew under the radar with everybody thinking it's always r/asianmasculinity.
Forgot pic.
Im okay with asian guys and white girls, although the only ones ive seen were asian chads at the clubs and at work
well, atleast it's not as bad as greece
You really should get help.
That greek guy doesn't have a life
Really? Went to London last months and i've seen them a lot. Not to mention, that It was also the first time that i see a shit tons of indian guys-white girls
White women don't settle for an Asian man unless he's rich and she's a gold-digger, or she's failed at every other option.
qt katya
The Greek and the chink are both equally as pathetic.
greece has 11+ pages of shitposting
he's way worst, believe me
White Women love a Hard and Strong Boss.
Tender Sexuals...
Shut up Chang. You people are so pathetic.
No they're both fucking pathetic. The chink who makes threads obliviously has identity issues and strives for acceptance on Sup Forums while the Greek just wastes his time replying to the chink's threads.
seeing how autistic this greek neckbeard is
i'd honest just make these kinds of thread to fish out his replies
It's not insecurity You chink idiot. We're tired of our women falling for stupid propaganda of miscegenation. And then you other fags enabling it. Go back to slope land if you can't get that. Jesus thought you people were smart.