If China and America went to war in the next 4 years...who would win?
Would Americans on Sup Forums join the army?
If China and America went to war in the next 4 years...who would win?
Would Americans on Sup Forums join the army?
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Its a fucking joke. Chinese have like 50 nuclear warheads.
There is no way that china can land on mainland USA.
The jew.
China and the U.S. aren't going to war, mutually assured destruction is still a thing.
we could literally carpetbomb their entire country with nukes. they have like 40 and one aircraft carrier?
Literally no one can invade the US.
What about the US?
Except mexicans, am I right?
>chinks go to war
>get crushed on the seas because their navy is tiny compared to the US navy
>all chink ports are now blockaded
>economic sanctions from the US and most of the world as well
>starvation gets even worse due to no fishing
>huge embarrassment for the chink government
>the population starts to revolt due to starvation
I dont see it going very well
the us air force has the 2nd largest navy in the world, beat only by the US Navy.... plus americas tech is leagues ahead of chinas so eats easy american win assuming we go free for all with open rules of engagement
i would, but the only thing left of china by then would be a sheet of radioactive glass
Stupid fucking thread
There is nothing mutual about it when they have only couple of nukes.
The would both just nuke each other.
Realistically, the amount of aircraft carriers would be the deciding factor, and the US has all of them. People do not realize that aircraft carriers are like little cities. The US surrounds the coast of China and completely negates the naval factor.
The US would take heavy losses, but would force an unconditional PRC surrender in less than 2 years.
>what's a 50Megatons Dong Feng ICBM
Chinks would all be btfo
Check em
Aircraft carriers are outdated. They're good for killing people who can't fight back. Pretty much all Americans have ever done. No one else builds them because they're a waste of time and money.
Israel could probably beat China in a war. Their training is terrible and if I'm not mistaken they don't even have joint command. From what I understand, the Chinese military is basically built for putting on shows and parades.
US would win.
All the more reason to use nuclear weapons, which is bad for everybody
The US, easily. Provided it didn't take place near China.
>But China is superior in numbers in some places.
Numbers aren't everything, the US is better trained, better equipped, better supplied and has more experience. Provided that it didn't take place actually in China, I'd put my money on the US.
We would establish complete air superiority in the first week and starve them to a few hundred million to death
Easy win
Russia would be even easier
Also fuck all non American posters
The majority of China's weapons are shitty copies of russian tech that was obsolete 40 years ago. The rest is shittier copies of western tech that was obsolete 10 years ago.
Literally the Soviet army and they still won WW2
We also have the best allies in the world. Looking at you, U.K. and Israel.
America would crush the chinks. Every democracy in the world would side with them, their equipment and training is leagues ahead of the Chinese.
Consider the fact that everything remotely important in China is on the coast, and that against the U.S. navy they wouldn't have a hope of controlling that coast.
Now, also include the fact that they're Chinese
You have a shitty mind and your thoughts on combat as a whole are pathetic
A war between the US and China will be a limited one fought with air and sea power.
I can't wait for it to happen, hopefully you lads leave a few Chinese ships for us to sink.
America has approximately 40x as many nuclear warheads as China. China would be vaporized
Notice the lack of aircraft carriers, hard to make it seem like a fair fight if you include those.
Artillery pieces arent relevant when you have air superiority due to their stationary nature.
Same idea applies to basically all ground vehicles, tanks included (BRRRRT)
And as for the naval forces, notice that japan and korea are not mentioned
Muh infantry tho, too bad those require food, and supply lines can be cut by air force
ITT: people who think modern warfare is the same as WWII or even korea.
It would be like desert storm 2.0 return of the chink
America would WRECK any country in a war, but it doesn't matter since such wars would turn to nuclear war eventually. The vast majority of people would die from the nuclear fallout and all the survivors would die in approximately 10 years from the radiation and the mutants that result from said radiation.
We can argue manpower vs technology until we're blue in the face but at the end of the day China loses because their command structure is trash.
China would lose to much weaker countries than the US in a sustained conflict. The only wars they could win are sudden invasions of very close neighbors.
This would essentially be a Nazi Germany vs USSR situation, only Germany wouldn't have any other fronts to worry about and it's not winter.
China use glorious Avtomat Kalashnikova design from Mikhail himself for assaulting rifles. Much superior to mediocre American decadent assault "rifle" that jam after sandstorm. Chinese Mk.AK shoot even when filled with coke from backyard iron forge. All Beijing have to do is airdrop sand on Capitalist pig-dogs and walk in while they clean guns for two hours.
Which is why it won't happen. No one wants to be nuked and we all know what nuking someone else will do. So we all will talk it out like good boys or have a shitty ground war that no one wants.
Yeah, people like China.
F35s would be constantly bombing and refueling while destroying every major Chinese manufacturing center while blockading the entire country.
If you seriously believe aircraft carriers are useless and the US doesn't own the entire world because of them, you're completely ignorant.
China's gear is shittier and high (maybe top) military offices are bought or given to relatives and connections
There is a fucking ocean between them and both have sufficiently advanced weapons that neither can invade the other over water, and even if they could it would go nuclear
Maybe US has already developed the capability to shoot nukes out of the sky but do you really want to take the chance that even just one gets through?
The most that can happen is a proxy war or special forces coming into contact (like in Syria)
I've actually asked my dad about this who was a pilot for the air force. Told me the chinese would get absolutey get BTFO in the air. Americans have an slight advantage in jet tech. But a YUGE advantage in training, skills, and just straight time in the air. The US air force is unrivaled.
Would it save Australia and NZ from being yellowed?
>such wars would turn to nuclear war eventually
No they wouldn't. China does not have the delivery systems to ensure MAD and as such would not start a nuclear conflict with a nation that does.
The whole reason they want to control the South China Sea is that it is deep enough to get nuclear subs into the Pacific without detection in order to obtain that guaranteed second strike capability.
I think you mean "The U.S. Navy has the second largest air force in the world, beat only by the U.S. Air Force."
Think about it.
The US (and the whole of the Western World) are too pussy to invade North Korea because they have nukes.
Beijing can nuke many American States and the US can nuke many parts of China. Both countries would literally be finished due to radioactivity.
Nukes are no joke.
China has no power projection.
China has no bases staggered throughout the world to stage and launch invasions.
USA controls the seas and the air. If you can't land your troops or tanks then you've lost.
China will just put some of their warheads on good ol' Kimmy's rockets. That's why their rocket program has gone on so long - China is outsourcing its ICBM development to DPRK so that they can have plausible deniability. Sure, maybe they can only go a few thousand miles, but when launched from northern China they should be able to go over the poles and hit NYC.
Binkoff is good but he doesn't touch well enough on the problem of the massively corrupt Chinese leadership. Their military leaders a given rank by favors not merit. There army would be in massive disarray even by the time we got there in force.
i workout 6 days a week and run 3 days a week. if they declared war i would join tomorrow even though i enjoy working in machine shop and having comfy couch and comfy schedule
>US invades China in a conventional war
Massive destruction in China, but massive losses to US troops, US would leave after massive protests at home and huge amounts of casulties
>China Invades US in a conventional war
Chinas army gets utterly destroyed, possibly big damages in USA
>USA and China start nuking each other
China gets utterly destroyed, probably big destruction in some cities in USA
USA will suffer big time from the loss of chinese imports, which are vital for the economy, but can recover after several years.
Whatever west coast city the chinese managed to nuke will be fucked for decades though
Did I miss someting?
thats what they said about trump wining presidency, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Germany wasn't fighting just the Soviets though.
Not sure where you're getting those numbers but they're 100% incorrect, the US has over 8000 Abrams tanks alone, the Army basically begged the pentagon to stop making them back in 2015 lol. US has over 12,000 planes when you combine the Marine corps, Navy, and Air Force, etc, yea not sure where these numbers come from but it's complete bullshit lol.
That does not matter. Landing a few nukes is not MAD. China absolutely cannot hit every American population centre whereas you can easily obliterate everyone of theirs.
That is why they would not start throwing nukes, they could kill tens of millions maybe at best whereas they stand to lose all 1.3 billion.
>If China and America went to war in the next 4 years...who would win?
China is just a client state. They are all client states.
>Would Americans on Sup Forums join the army?
Asthma, obesity, and diabetes are disqualifying for joining the military.
Not to mention lack of battlefield experience.
>forgetting we've recently allied with India and they would sink every chinese vessel with Brahma missiles before they realized missiles had even been launched
Chinese future fags are the stupidest motherfuckers out there. If even 5 years ago you thought that shit you're probably a dipshit with no grasp of international relations, politics, economics, or military powers.
>Would Americans on Sup Forums join the army?
I will send my gf
>thinking you need to occupy a country and kill opponents to win a war.
Who won the cold war? Was a bullet fired between the USSR and US?
Dont forget everything China makes is by default shittier. Including the people.
True story. We should all listen to Ireland, world-renowned military super power and master of warfare.
May as well have been. US and UK were fucking around in France, raping the women and drinking the wine for four years. Meanwhile, Stalin and the Red Army pushed from Moscow, through Poland, through Prussia, all the way into and through Berlin, in an even shorter amount of time. We're supposed to believe that America won WWII because of, I don't know, jingoism or something, while you can see from any history book that Stalin was the one knocking down the chain of command and rolling his tanks down the streets of the capital. I didn't see any American flags hanging from the Reichstag.
How about your wife's son?
So pretty much you're a fucking retard who doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about.
No, Australia, NZ and Canada will have more Chinese migrants.
Trump's strategy did not involve shipping millions of gooks across the largest ocean on earth against a force who has a superior navy to yours. Then having to cross a desert filled with militia and guerrilla forces along with the regulars.
Those numbers are wrong, you forgot to add the Russian side along with the Americans.
Just like the good old days.
Cool, will the Chinese have a manufacturing powerhouse providing them with all the materials needed to fight a war like we did for the Soviets?
Russia would probably back China. Although the UK would back US. So the entire world population apart from NZ could be destroyed.
Russia can easily nuke the US if it wanted to.
MAD now is not at all about population centers. America is a plutocratic oligarchy, and most of the oligarchs live in New York City, or at least have their income-generation centers there. All any nation has to do is threaten NYC or LA and we will leave them alone. Fuck Minnesota, who cares if that gets flattened, as long as you leave Fifth Avenue or Ventura Boulevard alone.
Can't believe out of all these posts i'm the only one to make a post noticing those numbers on the chart OP posted are 100% incorrect lol.
oh shit my bad lol. thats even better
The stats in OP's pic is bullshit.
The U.S has around triple the fighter jets than China does.
Was the Cold War actually a war, or was it a series of scrimmages using proxy forces to better train, fund, and prepare the MIC in both countries? In sporting terms, was the Cold War the championship game, or was it exhibition matches?
germany made the same mistake as you're making.
the odds might look evenish but we have 10x the manufacturing that they do with much higher quality if needed.
chinks can barely make a hoverboard that doesnt catch fire.
No they wouldn't. Why would Russia do that? They would provide diplomatic support to China and maybe sell them shit for cheap but they would not enter a war, let alone a nuclear one for them.
>america blockades china
>forces them to take southwest california
best outcome
US would ship nukes to Taiwan, Japan and South Korea in secret during the talks between the two countries and would neutralize China without them even knowing it.
I've literally bicycled across into the U.S. without anyone knowing. Checkmate.
You need to project power, which China doesn't. Your country, for example, projects orders of magnitude more power than China despite being substantially weaker from a number of standpoints.
The Cold War was lost due to the superiority of capitalism. Its obese tendrils infiltrated the soviet bloc causing instability which frequently had to be crushed with tanks.
The USSR couldn't compete in a closed economy with the technological innovations of the west. It's not even about the bankruptcy.
The USSR lost the Cold War when they accepted democracy and entrepreneurship.
Are you equating China with a superior economic model?
And thisThe only winners of wars are the kikes
only that?
and not the fucking ground forces which is incorrect
chinese soldiers would give up and surrender to US as soon as they crossed the border because even living in american prisons would be more humane than working in china.
The US
China has no viable means of taking the war to the Continental US
Ergo, the front will always be determined by the limited capacity of China to project force
You really believe the fake news about how bad China is, don't you? You probably think there were death camps in Poland as well.
Literally none of that matters, because China CANNOT afford a war, they don't have the food supplies to sustain a war, because they are overly reliant on ground troops. Their strength is their greatest weakness.
>You really believe the fake news about how bad China is, don't you?
last time I checked it was (((fake news))) telling us that china is fixing their environment and paying its workers fairly.
good try shekelstein.
they have enough nukes to fuck up america badly. Imagine all major cities totally annihilated
China and the US tie for 1st on GDP ranks. How is China not influential?
Binkoff is my sockpuppet husbando
That would be Suicide.
Calling someone with different opinions than you bad names is the foundation of fake news. What, am I going to be racist next? Sexist? A fucking white male? Try again with your not-an-argument shit.
No I am saying that the US got btfo by North Vietnam. The idea that the US could invade and occupy China is stupid.
>only 1 lonely mick shilling for China
is Sup Forums improving?