Every pipeline protester ever
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Pipeline protesters are complete fucking retards, they cause environmental damage, the less oil traveling on trucks, ships and trains the better, pipelines are the safest means of oil transport.
Are they safer than not transporting oil?
haha I really like this image
mind if I save it?
Trucks and trains have humans within a few hundred feet at all times, who can act immediately and call in for help. Pipelines may have nobody around for miles, relying on computer systems to (hopefully) alert workers to fix leaks. Most likely, the first we'll know about a leak is that the pipeline at the refinery runs dry and an aquifer is destroyed.
All yours
Sorry Sup Forums must be broken. I can only see the first word of your answer.
Because canada loves the trans
Oh yes, all those refineries running dry and aquifer's being destroyed certainly happen every day with pipelines.
They can detect incredibly minor leaks within pipelines right away. Oil companies care a lot about making money off their incredibly expensive to produce product afterall.
bikes and blankets for everyone
There was a town in Quebec which got demolished a few years ago because a train carrying crude derailed in the center of the town and exploded.
Good thing so many people were around to stop the disaster.
Is MadMax /ourguy/ Leafbros?
Trudeau's popularity is dropping! Conservatives don't even have a leader and their only 8 points behind the Liberals.
Raine seems like a pretty cool guy.
greens/hippies are fucking stupid and very hypocritical.
They all complain about consumerism, but rarely will they give up their chique coffee or fancy shopping bags. Most of the time they don't even want to give up their personal car or any other consumer product.
They just don't like things that *feel* predatory to them. Basically just hide the bad side of it, place a leaf sticker on it and they are happy.
Do these people actually think that when they block oil pipelines, all of the oil that would have been transported has been substituted with wind and solar energy?
they are that stupid
You're retarded. Pipelines are inherently safer.
>t. guy who does pipeline risk assessments for a living
People using petroleum products to protest an oil platform. They are this retarded.
>Trucks and trains have humans within a few hundred feet at all times
>so they will quickly be burned if the stuff ever explodes
that is BAD.
>Trying to lend basic logic to tree niggers and edgy millennials.
fucking forgot pic
>Fuck the capitalists maan
oh god I can't even anymore with these retards
its hard to talk to these retards. they should go to china and see how great it is when people stop caring about the environment
>2016 and still think pipelines are are good idea
Fucking brainwashed big oil shill
i doubt trump gives a fuck about a bunch of deers birds and fishes nobody can eat and a bunch of annoying ugly randomly placed trees you cant cut down.
In order to be an effective argument, you'd need to compare those figures with equivalent ones from energy transportation via rail and truck.
Those statistics don't mean shit when you put them into perspective. Hundreds of thousands of people work in oil all around the world, 400 deaths is a fraction of a percent of the workforce. Billions of gallons of oil have been transported safely, generating trillions of dollars.
considering the amount of pipelines in the US alone, those are pretty great numbers. Don't be an uninformed retard.
trans is hard work
7 million gallons is nothing
Yes, not transporting oil would lead to war.
money >>>> lives
You do realize most pipeline spills are not caused by failure of the pipe itself but rather people damaging it or ignoring safety protocols while maintaining it.
>implying the oil wars haven't already started
Pipelines are really susceptible to people tapping into them to steal from them, causing spillage and a lot of environmental damage in the process.
Take Mexico for example:
let's hope not.
A fraction of a percent of people who are injured/die because of not working safely is worth the trillions of dollars that oil generates.
Sorry Sup Forums must be broken. I can only see a bad post.
Weren't the most recent pipeline protests about white guilt and not pollution?
itt: people mocking protestors who dont want a pipeline built on their land even though they would react exactly the same if someone tried to lay a giant pipe in their yard without permission
It's not on their land. It curves around their territory and now they made up some convenient excuse to oppose even that because "muh sacred burial grounds" "muh water table"
>muh injun territory
it doesnt even go through it, just near it
anybody got any good videos of the idiots?
per capita, the pipelines have spilled as much oil as is in this spray container
when will we put a stop to it?
"The gov cant build the wall because there's a turtle in the way, some old tree in the way. Not with me folks. When i'm president we're going to change that."
The best thing about being redpilled to the max like Trump is that you stop caring about useless things like nature. Like robots, you get rid of things that's useless to mankind. Just look at the chinese and see how many fucks they give about nature and how successful they are as human beings.
Can't wait until Trump turn the US into mainland China with his redpills.
protesting a pipeline is a good idea if the result will be higher fuel costs for Americans
>pipelines are the safest means of oil transport.
yeah but once the fuel gets to the coast it can be sold overseas, which will raise fuel costs for working Americans
I don't get why they're stopping trans-Canadians from doing as they please. That's transphobic!
>Pipeline protesters
Everyone has to make a living.
Every year this is put back (((people))) make billions of dollars running private train lines.
You'd have to be retarded to not realize this fake outrage is paid for.
Wow a third world hellhole with tons of poor beaners has crime problems... Ugh oh America
>useless things like nature.
nature produces the oxygen you need to survive though, but yeah fuck turtles, kick those little shits
Why the fuck would you measure pipeline spills per capita?
why are you posting about underground pipelines when the keystone is above ground?
Exactly, Syria won't let Qatar's pipe be built so we have war.
>stopping the safest method of transportation
pretty accurate
>Gangs that run the country are stealing from pipelines
Most pipelines are underground in the US and the last time it was stolen in US from a pipeline that I'm aware of was in the 80s
>Source: Counter Current News
I'm pretty sure your problem there is
Between the breakaway autonomous commie state, and the default narco state it's a shithole.
because I don't know many people only using services / products abstaining from oil
>2.8 billion in damages
I choked up laughing when when I read this. Oh no! 2.8 billion in damages in the fucking oil industry!
Because it's a good way to put all this retarded shit in perspective. But it's also a false equivalent.
>protesting a pipeline is a good idea if the result will be higher fuel costs for Americans
Was this picture made by someone on acid?
>nature produces the oxygen you need to survive though
that's just another jewish plot
no, in order to be an effective argument he would have to cite his sources, THEN compare them to alternate methods of transport.
but that would require actual effort, while copy/pasting some bullshit from some jackass's blog is a much easier way to signal your virtue
wow. i cant wait till i become a teenager and can feel ways about things....
Given how it defies gravity and physics...Yes?
The protesters need to keep oil on BNSF trains, so kike Warren Buffet can still profit in the billions. This is the real reason why that kike is pushing this so hard.
knowing the ways of those hippies, most likely
LOL the left is silent on nuclear power and fukushima, that should tell you all you need to know. Goats are told what to protest
Oil floats on water and is relatively easy to clean up... and is easy to see if it is leaking.
The production zones have miles and miles of production water (brine) pipelines going to disposals. This is where all your environmental contamination happens. These pipes are made from fiberglass. They crack and leak and nobody knows or cares. The more one leaks the less they have to pay for disposal fees. This is also the number one way benzene contamination happens... the danger is not the oil.... it's in the waste....
everyone in this thread
ride that Exxon cock harder
are there some documentaries or reports on this? How can you learn more about this and become redpilled
Shouldn't it be much smaller? I know they're using the water faster than it can be replenished.
That whole part of the country is in for a rude awakening in a few years.
go on
lol saudis are blacked
>muh corporations are ebil!
We were told by Continental Resources in North Dakota to always call it "saltwater" and not production water or brine. Most fracked oil wells produce 4 to 8 barrels of brines to 1 bbl of oil. The oil is stored in the steel tanks. The saltwater is in the fiberglass resin tanks. You can see there are more resin tanks than metal ones. (Metal tanks are the smooth ones)...
Everyone talks about fracking hurting the water table etc... the real damage is from injecting the production water at 5-10k psi from the surface back into the ground. The conduit for this transfer is cement... concrete.... the apply high pressure and it perferates and all the water is supposed to inject below the water table. Problem is that after a while the perfs clog up and the water gets injected higher and higher up the casing and eventually contaminates too high in the ground.
I remember this. Was Seattle, drove by the port to see the rig.
Local news was always talking about it. Most of the comments were saying how stupid and hypocritical these protesters were. I can't figure out why if there's so many that hate this shit, why this state stays blue.
>. I can't figure out why if there's so many that hate this shit, why this state stays blue.
Some people are just beyond help
actually makes me sad
It was about protecting the local environment and water supply from potential spills. It was not about completely stopping the transportation of oil.
oh thank god they stopped the pipeline...
They can call for help once the truck rolls into the ditch or the train derails and both are moving at high speed increasing the chance of an explosion. Meanwhile pipelines are monitored remotely for flow rates and they have airplanes, helicopters and drones constantly patrolling them looking for leaks and many of them are carrying thermal imaging equipment to detect weak spots and cracks in the line. Not only that most pipelines are in butt fuck nowhere away from humans. Anyone shilling for rail over pipeline is a useful idiot. Warren buffet bought BNSF for 34 billion and is making an absolute killing moving crude by rail and it's pretty obvious why none of these hippies are blocking off rail yards.
Those Indians in North Dakota were offered 30 million to have that line built on their land and they wouldn't play ball with the oil company so now they're protesting the reroute on land they don't own because they'd lose their gibs and they harnessed the power of white guilt to assemble an army of unwashed degenerates to help them.
Isn't the EPA already pretty much gutted anyway? Iirc their funding is at an all time low
pretty much, yeah. There just isn't broad conscience about environment.
Its a shame, if the retards werent obsessed with climate change they could actually get shit done in places where the environment really is under threat
Remember that time a train carrying liquefied natural gas derailed in Quebec and blew up an entire town?
They have to start somewhere, no? Should they give up on stopping pipelines because there are already pipelines?
I'd let Raine cum on my face
No they should give up stopping pipelines because thats retarded.
>what is risk management
>lng is the same as oil
MBOE stands for One Thousand Barrels of Oil Equivalents
>What is fighting to make a difference?
For individuals who would like to see a fossil fuel free society sometime in their children's or grandchild's future, what the hell are they supposed to do today? Wait for it all to run out and watch society crumble?
>Wait for it all to run out and watch society crumble?
No but just halting current development without a working alternative is dumb. Want to have a fossil fuel free society? Push forward with research and development of new fuels, don't shit on the present because its easier.
Whenever I see people protesting about some grave injustice, I think, do the people running this want some money?
99.9% of the time the answer is yes.
No need for a $100k education in critical theory, just watch goodfellas.
For being an antisemitic board Sup Forums certainly loves to suck the oil jews cock.